Peter McCullough Tells All

This thread has been hijacked… It is supposed to focus on the things discussed between Chris and Dr. McCullough.
There have been many forums created to discuss the bigger picture things related to the ‘who’ behind all of this, no matter the name to identify ‘them’. I would like to suggest those who are interested in pursuing those discussions to take a tour through the forums list to find one that is more suitable, instead of taking discussions off course, as has happened here.
Discussions being hijacked is a significant issue here at PP. The detrimental effect is that is makes it really hard to keep topical info and comments together, and for good discussions to ensue. That is one thing that differentiates PP from other sites - great, long running discussion forums.
It would be great if commentators can try to stick to the discussion topic at hand, and post unrelated comments on threads that are more in keeping with the subject matter. For sure there are challenges finding those forums on this platform, but hopefully the new website will make that easier.
If we all do a better job re where we post things, search-ability will improve and discussions will be more meaningful, IMHO.


I’m definitely part of the problem. So let’s transition to talk about what you guys want to talk about - the Chris-McCullough interview. I’m a huge fan of Dr McCullough. I watch most of what he does. I’m on his telegram feed. He’s amazing for sure.
So what do you want to talk about that comes from this interview? Maybe - what was the “new thing” you took away from the discussion from your viewpoint?


It occurs to me that with the onset of northern hemisphere winter, that we should compare the medical ramifications of the cost of heating gas to that of Omicron.
We might be obsessing about the lesser of two evils.


Just got a Christmas call from and old friend, very connected to the medical establishment. I did not bring up covid. All the following was volunteered by my friend.
Ivermectin works, deaths were unnecessary, CDC is being overwhelmed with doctor complaints about the vaccines.


That made my day!!! ??


Hot f*ckin DAMN!


It is about a organized crime family “Cabal” that’s behind these lies and censorship.


I wish you would let it go. I suspect many other members feel the same. You have made your point.


I agree with Jim H.
Please just let it go.


I am not the one calling and protesting for the censorship.
Truth is not a popularity contest.


Here’s throwing “a sliced cucumber at you”, while your just giving the “Cabal” all of the grapes!

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Somebody tell me the new website is gonna have an “ignore” button…
GBruno, you have proven that one person, sufficiently motivated and with enough free time, can take the level of constructive discourse on this site down close to zero. Your handlers must be proud…


Yes, the rabbit hole goes deep.
You have been deceived about almost everything from the start.
It isn’t an accident and the truth behind the lies is horrifying but explains where we are headed and why and for whose actual benefit:
Not yours!

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You are not the first new person to show up at PP and proceed to make a memorable entrance. Well done! You have made quite the first impression, and that is not a compliment.
You are also not the first poster to think that whoever posts the most wins! 227 posts since Sept 6th is, shall we say, a tad enthusiastic, all the more so given that you are not adding much of value, and some of it is potentially detrimental to the reputation of the site. There is a concept called quality over quantity - you might want to consider it.
Joining a large group and becoming a respected member of that group takes time. You remind me of new manager who rushes in and makes all kind of changes in the first few weeks or months on the job, upsetting the apple cart, while thinking you are doing a great job!
Then you get called into the bosses office… it seems that your zeal is alienating all those who you need to help you succeed. The boss is not happy, your staff are not happy, your clients are not happy. And then you become not happy because you are getting your butt kicked and told that you are on thin ice.
If you want to be respected here, you have to earn it. That also includes paying heed to feedback given and moderator requests. If you cannot do that, then no doubt you will find out that the ice you are standing on is a lot thinner than you thought it was.


It seems like nothing makes sense and it is an unsolvable problem until you add “absolute evil” into the equation. Once your mind can accept that and fit that into the puzzle it all make sense.


GBruno is either a) a sincere Nazi apologist (“there were no gas chambers!”), or b) someone trying to deliberately bring discredit upon the site.
Either way…we have enough fish to fry in the modern Medical Fascist era. I don’t have the time or energy to lay out the Facts and Data of what actually happened in 1933-1945 to either an (a) sincere Nazi apologist, or (b) a shill. I studied the period extensively. I could block out a week to lay out the case. But - why bother? Neither (a) or (b) will be convinced by any Facts or Data that I come up with. Backfire Effect.
And more importantly - “we have much bigger fish to fry.” Our lives are at risk, here, today.
GBruno - you’re toast here. Nobody will listen to anything you say. Third rail = “there were no gas chambers.” Bzzzzt. Except Arthur, of course, who usually manages to focus mostly on the Overmother and her Handmaidens. And occasionally the Bugs. Which I find interesting.
So GBruno - some advice. Your profile really is dead. You will have zero influence from here on out.


When it comes to TPTB and what I perceive to be their agenda, their pre-emptive controlled collapse I don’t know if “Pure Evil” is the correct adjective. When we consider that we are in overshoot and our trajectory is a bumpy steep descent that we ought to have some semblance of a cohesive plan for but don’t. Ideally as adults we could have a sobering conversation in how to ride this bumpy slope, but it has been my experience that the majority of the general folk I’ve spoken and brought forth the 3 E’s message to have returned a blank stare a shrug and a prompt wall of cognitive dissonance has been erected. Even myself actively perusing a more resilient and permaculturally based existence have still used WAY more of my global share of resources. So what am I rambling about right? It’s something I haven’t found an agreeable answer to, If I was in their shoes (TPTB) what would I do? Let this world ride it out on its own and see what happens? Get in there and covertly and overtly push an agenda? We have no way of knowing what ultimately will be worse? A free ride down the slope where we steer our own rides or we get on a big bus and hope the driver is a good one. I’m personally all for freedom and personal responsibility. But maybe the rest of the world subconsciously want the bus ride?


Maybe he’s been reading this thread.

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Karl, maybe you can explain why covid is not treated until a patient requires hospitalization?

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Excellent questions that deserve some serious reflection from all of us.