Pfizer Safety Data Released, And It's Not Good

Yes, it started yesterday morning. I posted a comment under yesterday’s post immediately. It still does it occasionally, but does not ask for username and password like yesterday morning.


Not too impressed with the study, maybe the title was a bit too click-baity. 1200 deaths is a lot, however not if it relates to a global jab campaign with 100s of million shots. Still inexcusable that the signal was not investigated further. But we already knew this.
We can explore all the data we want, clarify and promote it. We need to accept the reality, the governments are in a total grid lock.
In the beginning there was an emergency and they were forced to do something, based on the underwhelming accurate, apocalyptic models of the junior NIH data engineers (interns?) they decided to sign up for shots for all. The competition between countries worldwide led them to accept ridiculous terms (waiving liability!? Rushed pre-approvals, oversubscription). Most countries bought in advance to make sure that if needed they would have more than enough supply, after being shamed on the mask scarcity disaster.
Basically the Pfizers and Modernas have our governments by the balls, they signed up for binding purchasing contracts signed with blood and must execute clauses. Even when there are other treatments or even if the virus is gone, the shots needs to be bought and will be delivered and paid for. It’s evil by all means and it comes with tax evasion tactics as well, so no government is benefitting from the forced purchases.
Bailing out is not an option, by now we understand and can proof easily the narrative is wrong, but they can’t go back. Well, Bret Weinstein said in a very early episode of the dark horse podcast before the jab season was started that we should decide for a massive jab bailout and just pay the Big Pharma c**ks##kers off, a dollar to the dollar on their contracts and let them shove their jabs. It would take 100s of billions (on the global multiyear contracts) but then we could stop the jab madness immediately. Powell should be able to print a little extra by doing some overtime easily, but believing this is called dreaming.
Anyway, we are between a rock and a hard place. The jabs are a fallacy especially for the sub 50, the governments are bought and paid for by BF with their own printed money so hell yes, let’s hope omicron might be our saviour and makes stopping all the non-sense inevitable.
Currently the governments just try to pushing a fitting narrative to their BF commitments they can’t escape from.
Mandates, immunity pass (stop calling it vaxx pass, it’s not) and jabs (stop calling them vaccines, they are not) could still be part of a larger theme/agenda. However the current behaviour is easier to explain.
Although this is on unprecedented scale, this intertwining of government and pharma is nothing new, suppressing too much clarity neither:


Yes, I keep getting that message too


Is THIS the data we need to call for a complete halt?

  • An investigation using official data from NHS and the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that deaths among teenagers increased 47% since they started getting COVID-19 shots.
  • Deaths from COVID-19 also went up among 15- to 19-year-olds after the shots were rolled out for this age group.
Is THIS the data we need to call for a complete halt?
  • In the week ending November 12, 2021, the U.K. reported 2,047 more deaths than occurred during the same period between 2015 and 2019; heart disease and strokes appear to be behind many of the excess deaths. [recall 62% positive d-Dimer]
  • In the last 13 weeks alone, about 107,700 seniors died above the normal rate, despite a 98.7% injection rate
  • In Vermont, where the majority are also injected, excess deaths are the highest they’ve been since before the pandemic
  • Even with mass injections and some receiving two and even three shots in their arm, excess deaths are rising

The eugenicists and malthusians made the virus, then used the media to scare the world into taking their “safe and effect” injection (not a vaccine.) Two to 12 weeks later, the injection causes recipients to die of “natural causes.” Except, kids don’t have heart attacks or strokes. What am I missing here? Oh, they’re making billions off of killing us.


Chris, I know you are reviewing Pfizer data, but want to provide some historical perspective regarding vaccination data. The VAERS system and the vaccine act of 1986 came about because of the activism of DPT parents (Dissatisfied Parents Together) which became the National Vaccine Information Center. At that time from the very beginning of the use of the whole-cell (vs accellular) DPT vaccine, children were being killed and severely damaged. Connought, Wyeth, Lederle and others were manufacturing the most acutely reactive vaccine. It had the highest FDA rejection rates because the manufacturing of the DPT vaccination had serious issues. The DPT had over 3,000 antigen units compared to the accelular which has 3 as I recall.
Market Share: Sometime in the middle 90’s the FDA was interviewed on camera about all the injuries which were now coming to light from NVIC printing the DPT VAERS data. The FDA said “we only know the numerator” and the vaccine manufacturers control the denominator. The public is never allowed to see the denominator because its considered proprietary and might reveal “market share”. So what good is a numerator without a denominator. The last thing the FDA, CDC, vaccine manufacturers i.e Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi, Glaxo Smith Kline and whomever I am forgetting want parents to know is “what are the true rates of reaction for a highly reactive vaccine.” Every act of concealment for the true extent of injuries, long term effects of vaccination was learned from the DPT vaccination.
The FDA, CDC, Vaccine Manufacturers have only gotten better at concealment.
Chris and others if you want to really understand vaccination evil pick up a copy of “A Shot in the Dark” by Barbara Loe Fisher and Harris Coulter. Go to page 142 and begin reading about a cluster of 11 SIDS cases, from one lot, Wyeth #64201, in Tennessee. It was parents talking to parents that led to this discovery that one lot killed 11 infants. What a coincidence from a highly reactive vaccine known to have serious manufacturing issues. Just read the rest for yourself, but what did the FDA, CDC, Vaccine manufacturers learn from this: The last thing they want is parents talking to one another about vaccinations. So to prevent a clustering of vaccine reactions from being discovered by parents was make sure that vaccine lots were divided by size and time and sprinkled all over the country so that a parent seeing a devastating vaccine reaction in Indiana, would not know about the same thing happening in California, from the same lot from the same thing happening in Texas. You cannot have parents putting 2 + 2 =4.
You also might want to look for “Vaccination Social Violence and Criminality”–The Medical Assault on the American Brain by Harris Coulter.
No, 1 in 44 children with autism is not the result of better diagnosis. Its the ingredients and a bloated untested vaccination schedule, but keep parents misinformed drinking Kool-Aid.


CEO of BioNTech came out today saying that the jab for the Omiron variant would be a 3 jab treatment. That is 6 jabs total with the original Pfizer COVID jab +1 booster.


How about the indisputable fact that this genocide is ONLY in the West?
The deliberate and malicious elimination of ONLY the Western peoples.
By a “Cabal” of liars, narrative-spinners, hypocrites, Banksters, Mass Media Masters, or the eternally-vile materialistic “money-changers” of modern times: “They” are “Legion”.


my theory: TPTB feel like they can do anything they want to people in poor countries (because they mostly gotten away with it in the past), and the only ones who truly stand in their way are Westerners, especially the armed ones.


These are what Dr. Wakefield was warning everyone about that was causing these neurological diseases.
All he got for his whistleblowing was demonization by the “Cabal” and their “captured” Mass Media.


And only the Western People’s, both can and might, stand in their way of Global Dominion.
Kill them slowly, silently, and cooperatively with “false narratives” to just “suicide themselves”.
Just like “Epstein”, who just really didn’t kill himself either!


This is not an endorsement and I have no connection to Dr. Haider.


Wakefield had to be destroyed. And he had to serve as an example to anyone else who might speak up, to let them know they would be destroyed as well.
He didn’t start out as a whistleblower. His mistake was answering a question at a press conference, following release of the Lancet article where he was one of about a dozen authors on a paper discussing an unusual GI condition that potentially was associated somehow with the MMR vaccine, that until more was known maybe it would be a good idea to do the MMR vaccines separately, one at a time. Because at that time, Wakefield was (still) pro-vax. Big Pharma in Britain was apoplectic at that idea because they were getting rid of the single vaccines, and the last thing they wanted was for parents to decide to give their children only 1 or 2 of them, not all three.
None of the adjuvants have been properly studied. Zero effort by .gov or Big Pharma to study the combination of vaccines. Highly toxic amounts of aluminum in some of them (it isn’t excreted), compounded by additional vaccines with aluminum.


And a lab rat or Guinea pig?
Make the “Cabal” rich while they exterminate you by destroying your immune system?
Thanks but no thanks!


The Ashkenazi were harmless steppe goatherders.
The magic catalyst that has propelled the Ashkenazi before us for our inspection is Abrahamism.
Yet one more reason to abandon the Abrahamic cults. Were we not better served by the evolved wisdom of our Folk religions?
I know that mine, that of Freya, clears my eyes. The Very Essence of Our religion is Freedom.


BTW: both mercury and aluminum are neurotoxic.
War and Healthcare/Big Pharma are Profitable Rackets.
The “Cabal” controls all of “the narratives” through fiat currency.


I have three Autistic grandchildren, when No autism existed in my day, the exception proving the rule.
My dear and beautiful daughter-in-law expressed, unbidden, the belief that these injuries had nothing to do the injections.
“Unbidden” because these thoughts were topmost in her mind.


Two days ago I passed by a public school, PS 6, Madison Ave/81-82, and outside on Madison was parked a long, jolly-colored bus, outside of which were a couple white canvas tents and ropes to guide parents and children to the sidewalk vaccination booth.
About 10 or so masked parents stood within the ropes with their masked children (very small kids, maybe 2nd or 3rd graders…); the side of the bus displays happy diverse cartoon children and the panel (depicted in photo) of eager upraised hands: “All in favor of a COVID-19 vaccine, raise your arm” … and all arms are raised … no dissenting arms … ALLLL ABOOOOAAARD !

As a highly visible traveling billboard, that bit of cartoonish propaganda has three impacts: (1) normalizing and cheerleading the vaccination of children; (2) influencing kids into bullying groupthink (i.e., show of upraised hands); (3) creating the absurd illusion of meaningful consent ("Hey, the kids raised their hands … they were in favor of the vaccines … umm … 8 years before they reached the age of majority…).
So, if the shots prove themselves to be dangerous in continually unfolding ways, it appears that the symbol of this generation’s undeserved suffering will not be soot-stained cattle cars, but rather these gaily-colored propaganda buses … (though from what I could tell, they’re not necessarily for transporting children, but rather the vaccination staff and portable equipment.)
The sight of the eager parents and innocent kids underscored the point made by Mattias Desmet that the sleepwalkers of mass formation hypnosis must make ritual sacrifices to demonstrate fealty to the crusade.
So … on Madison Ave, so many Isaacs, but no clement God to stay the hand of all the obedient Abrahams.


I have posted this before on PP but it is worth revisiting. Canada (this city in Ontario) is normalizing strokes in kids. It is just so mind boggling and disconcerting ?‍♀️??
I cannot believe that parents are not up in arms about this… which tells me the mass psychosis is far deeper than thought.


Where can I read the report?