Pfizer Safety Data Released, And It's Not Good

Thanks for reposting that pic Westcoastjan–I recall seeing that before. Incredible. Strokes 4 Kidz.
Re your question about why parents are not “up in arms” about this madness, some are, but most are not in the way we’d usually think: in the hypno-world of “mass fealty,” up in arms now means hands up in surrender, sleeves rolled up for the jab, or cartoon arms up in the air as if to say, “Oh oh oh, pick me me me!”


I woke up sweating w/ chest pain. I later found my sister had similar symptoms. We both saw heart Drs. I asked that a VAERS report be filed. They refused.


Good God this makes me sick…when I was a kid I would never say …yah…give me a shot…my parents had to drag me there…how things have changed


Things have changed, now it looks as though you will need 6 shots in 18 months.


If you have read any of my posts you will know I am not totally pro vax or anti vax.
I do however concur with a halt to vaccination of all our youngsters, this is turning out to be a crime against our youth. They do not have the ability to look through science papers or even look at the discussions appearing here or other similar sites. They are far more reliant on adults for information and even if they did not agree with the ‘do your bit for others in the community’ propaganda they would not have the real debating skills to counter those in authority (parents/guardians or teachers). I am disgusted that we are expecting our youth to protect those of us who can appraise the evidence from severe or even mild disease.
I think it was a Swansea University studies that uncovered the reason for the Astra Zeneca blood clotting problem ( leakage into the blood stream) which is affecting particularly young people and very soon after the jab. I still beat my aspiration drum. It could at least have mitigated the numbers.
I would argue this is certainly a factor with all ‘vaccines’ I would further argue that what can harm our young could eventually harm older people with a far slower metabolism. Further to this the elderly have very little muscle mass or much fat and but would still have veins and arteries present to either pierce or nick. The same length of needle will go deeper into a little arm (young or old).
As I have said before I have watched my younger sister has had her life decimated by long covid for over a year. I am worried for her long term health, once recovered, as all that inflammation must have done a huge amount of damage. On the flip side my brother - in- law is now on blood thinners for some months to come after a emergency trip to hospital to discover bilateral pulmonary embolisms and thrombi in his legs - He had 2 of the Astra Zeneca jabs. He had no underlying problems that would suggest this outcome.
Data is cold data without digging deeper as in my previous post on this latest podcast.


So, 1200 deaths and 150,000 adverse reactions, with no clear follow up on how many reported incidents were completely vaccine related.
As I understand it, that includes all the Pfizer doses administered worldwide over a three month period of time.
One piece of information not heavily discussed is, how many of the people vaccinated during this time, were saved from death or serious covid illnesses by receiving the vaccine?
Worldwide covid reported deaths are approaching 5.3 million people. I’m struggling with seeing the vaccine as an issues of comparable magnitude.
With everything else going on worldwide, the vaccine row seems to be a very bad case of tunnel vision.


There has to be nuance, risk-benefit analysis and context. The data from the trials showed the NNT (number need to treat) to prevent one COVID case was around 120. This was during the trial period before vaccine effectiveness waned.
We really don’t know how many lives have been saved. There were actually more deaths in the treatment group in the trials. We can’t really know from real-world data yet because the data is a mess. Hospitals under report the vaccinated, PCR cycle thresholds are different for vaccinated vs. unvaccinated, etc. So the data is not reliable at all.
We also have the issue of why is all cause mortality higher, and why are COVID cases higher after mass vaccination?
So we need to look at the risk for different groups of both the COVID or vaccine injuries, then we can determine that one size does not fit all. Medicine should never be a one size fits all because everyone’s risk/benefit is different.
So, for a frail, nursing home patient, the risk-benefit makes more sense.
For a healthy, teenage boy who has already had COVID, the risk benefit is very different because there is a risk of myocarditis and little benefit from vaccination.
We also have to account for the fact that vaccinated can still be infected and transmit (perhaps unknowingly without symptoms), so the benefit to others through vaccination is unknown.
We also need to account for early treatment options in this benefit analysis, which has NOT been done in western countries at all.
Bottom line-
Each person needs to make an informed decision with their doctor looking at their individual risk-benefit and we can’t give blanket mandates for the public without causing harm to some with little-no benefit for non-high risk groups.


I just came across a create creative piece on Covid posted on The Automatic Earth. Here’s an excerpt:

And after these things I saw another variant come down from heaven, having benign symptoms; and the earth was lightened with its glory. And one cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Covid the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the disease of administrations, and the contagion of every foul agency, and a malady of every unclean and hateful bureaucrat. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of their lockdowns and distancings and mandates, and the kings of the earth have become dictators through her, and the pharma corporations of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of their therapies.

In your privileged world, how many deaths are acceptable? How many adverse events?
Please do tell us - I really, seriously want to know, want you to reply, just how you are able to rationalize this. As a caring human being.

One piece of information not heavily discussed is, how many of the people vaccinated during this time, were saved from death or serious covid illnesses by receiving the vaccine?
Exactly. Why do you assume that there were any? It seems to me the data (on VX safety and efficiency) suggests that people survived despite getting the jab rather than due to getting it. If there was any good data showing the jabs save lives, I'm sure we would see it on all TV channels instead of simple assertions
If there was any good data showing the jabs save lives, I'm sure we would see it on all TV channels instead of simple assertions
In my part of the world we DO see it on the media. Here's an article with some stats and graphs from the US, UK, Switzerland and Chile that show clear differences in death rates with or without the vaccine. How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?
TL/DR: death rates among the unvaccinated are significantly higher

“The diagnostic test to diagnose myocarditis is a cardiac MRI…”
MRI is too slow to get a good image of a beating heart [or other organs that move a lot, like small intestines]. That’s why CT is used instead, like the cardiac CT calcium score test


And this is the data that my medical friends point to, also.
These deaths are from COVID, without early treatment, comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated (without clarifying how long since full vaccination–an issue as the vaccine efficacy fades, and strains mutate to escape the vaccine induced immunity reducing its effectiveness over weeks).
But this is true. The unvaccinated who get sick with COVID, and who are NOT treated with meds, die of COVID at a higher rate than the unvaccinated.
Does not include vaccine injuries or the effects of early treatments.


And, because that ubiquitous chart does NOT include the variable of early treatment, it makes that data less convincing to me. I would be really curious to see if the results of early treatment were actually better than the vaccines…alas, we may never know, because the standard of care seemed to be “stay home and do nothing until you can’t breathe” ?
It’s also intriguing to me that the rates of change are roughly the same. If you change the layout of the data from linear to logarithmic, you see that the curves parallel each other. If the vaccines were truly as effective as claimed, I would think their curve would be much flatter…

TL/DR: death rates among the unvaccinated are significantly higher
Perhaps Yoxa isn't aware of the actual data on COVID infection fatality rates. Yoxa, did you know that the chance of a 10 year old dying from COVID is hard to measure (with Alpha, it was 1:100,000), while the risk of an 85+ dying from covid is about 1:10. So Yoxa. Who should get the shot? Everyone? One size fits all? Or should we apply a risk-benefit analysis? I'll do "all cause mortality" next.

So I’m just going put out a few phrases in response to Yoxa (and Les).
Early treatments
supplements, exercise and other ways to minimize risk.
All cause mortality (as opposed to covid mortality).
Misclassifying deaths and other statistical tricks for example:

  • covid deaths from covid acquired shortly after dose one to "unvaccinated".
  • vaccine injury deaths classified as covid deaths.
  • death with covid as opposed to from covid
putting the young at risk with vaccines to protect the old. Half of all deaths 80+, vast majority are 65+, perhaps 15-30% were on deaths doorstep., Covid just happened to be what killed them. Les, you never change. You come into a forum every so often with the same old un-nuanced perspective that ignores the above-mentioned (and some unmentioned) very important and game changing factors. You are best ignored. I will do so until your posts show some value.
Early treatments
Usually a good idea, for just about any disease or condition. Prevention is even better.
supplements, exercise and other ways to minimize risk.
Usually a good idea. You forgot masks.
All cause mortality (as opposed to covid mortality).
Some interesting reading here:
Misclassifying deaths and other statistical tricks for example:
  • covid deaths from covid acquired shortly after dose one to "unvaccinated".
In Manitoba we call those folks partially vaccinated.
  • vaccine injury deaths classified as covid deaths.
If that's true and widespread (I'm not convinced) it would inflate the number of (apparent) covid deaths among vaccinated folks and not affect the unvaccinated. Even if true it's not enough to narrow the gaps in the charts in the article I shared. Percentage-wise, the death rate is higher among unvaccinated folks.
  • death with covid as opposed to from covid
Either way, death comes early.
putting the young at risk with vaccines to protect the old.
It's clear we disagree on the relative risks of the virus vs the vax.
Half of all deaths 80+, vast majority are 65+, perhaps 15-30% were on deaths doorstep., Covid just happened to be what killed them
Ahhh, the "sorry, granny" philosophy of public health.
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Clearly Yoxa didn’t want to respond to my point about risk stratification.
I’m going to go out on a limb here. Is it possible that Yoxa is in the “granny” risk area, with a high IFR, and as a result, she would prefer that the children - who are at vanishingly small risk themselves - be forced to take the shot in an attempt to save her?
Of course if she knew the shots worked, she wouldn’t be worried. All she would have to do is get the shot herself - along with all the rest of the grannies - and all would be well.
Because - risk stratification.

Take the shot to Save Grandma! Even though - of course - it won’t.
But it sure will help Pfizer’s quarterly income statement.
Yoxa! Pfizer Shareholders Thank You!


I’ve been doing weekly commutes for work and instead of listening to whatever music I like, I just tune into the local stations that I pass through. I noticed two recurring commercials over the last couple months.
So what are they selling? Nothing directly.
In fact, the commercials come across as lame public service announcements. So what are they advocating? Well, you could be experiencing ____, which can lead to more serious conditions, so talk to your doctor.

  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis
Never in my life have I heard a public campaign against blood clot-related health maladies. Now it's a thing because they made it a thing. Don't worry. They care about your health. Disclosing Pfizer vaccine data ‘may take until 2096’ When you've been anticipating collapse for over twenty years and have the knowledge capital of Peak Prosperity for over ten years, there is very little emotional "shell shock" to experience as we stumble down the draw-down staircase. All the ostriches with their heads buried in the sand, unable to make the connections, mired in the quicksand of denial, are not so lucky. I sympathize, but do not empathize their condition. They are the ones still holding on. Still trying to perform resuscitation on a corpse. I encourage you to leave them be. Let go of the shore, push-off into the river, and celebrate who is there with you.

Yoxa, Les, really all of us, are forgetting that the vaccines were never necessary. Uttar Pradesh proved you can stop the plandemic with Ivermectin and basic public health measures to put it in the hands of everyone that’s been exposed.
Vaccines are not the answer.
We’ve been gaslighted to the point that we’re arguing about the flavor of the kool-aid.