Pfizer Safety Data Released, And It's Not Good

It also seems important to Yoxa that everyone wears masks, perhaps because it indicates they are following instructions. But there was an earlier push to allow the vaxxed to go mask free, which undermines that signal.
Now many are wearing masks regardless of the directives, as the waning vaccine effectiveness is becoming known.
So what is one to think upon seeing another with a mask - extra careful vaxxed, or dirty infectious unvaxxed? Best hurry on and not think about it.
Maybe that was the plan all along?


I can forgive honest mistakes. When I see reluctance to accept facts challenging the accepted narrative, I can even forgive that to an extent, as some take longer than others to shake off the wrong theory.
But nobody paying attention at this point can honestly be mistaken. There are many who support the narrative by default because they aren’t paying attention. They parrot the line “follow the science” but have no clue what science is: always follow the data, and challenge any theory that doesn’t agree.
But I can never forget or forgive those purported experts who clearly have evaded facts for a long time. Regardless of which aspects of the pandemic are planned and accidental, they are not being honest or scientific. They are taking away our liberty and causing major medical, economic, psychological, and sociological damage.
Damn them all.

perhaps because it indicates they are following instructions.
My, aren't we supercilious! Some people ... myself among them ... wear masks because it's a way to increase the safety of our communities. Why? Because wearing a mask reduces the virus one would spread if one happened to have the virus without knowing it. At the moment that could be any of us. Wearing a mask is a way to care for others around us.

Masks really aren’t helpful. Especially the typical cloth or unfitted mask. There are no good studies showing benefit. If we are concerned then we need to avoid extended indoor exposure with other people. Also, there are very affective antiseptic mouth washes/nasal rinses that can greatly cut down the viral load in your upper respiratory tract. (Ingredients like cetylpyridinium, povidone-iodine, and iota-carageenan) If we are concerned about others we should do that every time we’re about to congregate.

Clearly Yoxa didn't want to respond to my point about risk stratification.
Dave, I am constrained by time more than desire. In Canada vaccines are not mandated for kids, and if they do get it it's a smaller dose than for adults.
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I guarantee you my mask aka fashion accessory is more likely to be a reservoir of bacterial and viral microorganisms than anything protective. And mine is clean compared to the second grader that lives next door. Hers is probably also filled with fungus because she forgot to take it off her chin before she went out stopping mushrooms a month ago.
Hey but let’s keep the fear going and block social emotional development,

Masks really aren't helpful. Especially the typical cloth or unfitted mask.
The fact that a mask becomes damp from being worn shows that it's capturing droplets from the person's breathing. More droplets on masks and fewer in the air is a good thing. Do your nasal rinse or whatever if you want but do it in addition to a mask, not instead of.
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Surgeons wear masks and they have for many decades. They also scrub their arms and hands for 20 minutes with a firm brush and wear gloves during surgery to prevent contamination of the patient.
Hygiene is a real thing. We proved it last year when the flu season failed to manifest because everyone was masking, social distancing and washing hands and using hand sanitizer. They have done plenty of research regarding N95 masks and they do protect one against spreading airborne vectors and as well, they protect one from inhaling material from others. There are plenty of videos documenting these finer particles as they exit while someone is talking, sneezing or breathing.
It is illogical that mask wearing has become an either/or issue. Very young children and college froshmen have been heavily researched for their propensity to breed a lot of flu and other serious diseases when they are grouped together, especially living together in dorms. It has been noted that both groups have poor hygiene.
They have also done a lot of research on common public surfaces, like in restaurants and they found staph, feces, urine, semen, viruses, and other vectors. Many people do not wash their hands after using the restroom. And this translates across everything they touch.
For people who have less than perfect health like having asthma, or diabetes, or immunity issues, this creates more disease for them, more time off work, more doctor bills, pharmacy bills, and for those dealing with lung issues, it leaves scarring, and guarantees additional future difficulties with their health. These are all very real consequences for millions of people, which existed well before any Covid-19 issues.
It was considered a public menace and worthy of pubic scorn should one go out of the house sick because there were no treatments such as penicillin. Spreading disease was a serious social violation and considered worthy of banishment if the illness was serious enough.
Wearing a mask inside a closed store, or car, with people you don’t know, who may have the virus makes sense in a common sense and basic way. And it shows respect for others. I personally do not want to be responsible for making someone else sick. Because there has been no streamlined public health policy regarding Covid-19, and because it has become inappropriately politicized, the practical health concerns are paved over and under by a lot of mixed opinion, many of which are not based in any scientific fact.
With regards to children, though it is not ideal for them to have to wear masks, thankfully they can stop wearing them once they leave school environments. Six hours per day is a burden, but without early treatment and preventative therapies like Ivermectin, and good public health policies millions are forced to use primitive means to try and self control infection rates and mitigate for corrupt political agendas which have absolutely nothing to do with health.


Wearing a mask inside a closed store, or car, with people you don't know, who may have the virus makes sense in a common sense and basic way. And it shows respect for others. I personally do not want to be responsible for making someone else sick.
Cars are too confined. Your mask is not keeping viral particles from passing through, and very likely you're wearing a mask where they are just shooting out from the side of the mask. N95 might be fine but that isn't what people are wearing. Chris is very clear we should stay out of confined spaces like cars if someone else in the car could be infected.

mirredname said:
“We proved it last year when the flu season failed to manifest because everyone was masking, social distancing and washing hands and using hand sanitizer. They have done plenty of research regarding N95 masks and they do protect one against spreading airborne vectors and as well, they protect one from inhaling material from others.”

  1. I contend that the flue numbers were down because they were reclassified as COVID cases.
  2. Out of all the people you see wearing masks, how many are are wearing properly fitted N-95 masks? In my experience, I’d say less than 1%. Cloth masks (the vast majority) are merely a talisman or perhaps a virtue signaling device.

Had the original covid and got over it just fine. Now I just walk around unmasked to give my immune system practice. Haven’t been able to catch it again even after prolonged exposure in a small office for someone with the dreaded delta variant. Not even a sniffle.


So if I don’t wear a mask, I don’t care about others? Talk about virtue screaming, geez…
For anyone who says “wearing a mask shows you care about others”, I respond with “go pound sand, idiot.
I wonder how we have luckily survived for the last 10,000+ years as societal humans without our cloth or paper masks. I truly do. Or how the primates survived and evolved into humans without a two-layered cloth mask.
Must have been the biggest, luckiest fluke in evolutionary mammalian biology that germs spread from unmasked primate and human faces via respiration hasn’t wiped us all out. Thank god we beat those odds for so many millennia and are just now waking up.
And how cavalier and degenerate of me for not realizing that masks are how I show I care about our fellow humans. I suppose I should be stoned to death for not constantly hiding my face behind an ill-fitting piece of paper with ear loops.
We are supposed to spread germs to each other, not rebreathe in our exhaled CO2 and keep a moist bacteria laden cloth over our airholes for hours on end.
Our immune systems, particularly the children and young adults, are supposed to get hammered with all sorts of pathogens. That’s how a robust and species-wide adapted immunity develops. We are actually in symbiosis with pathogens, we give them life, they train our bodies to defend and adapt to the existence of one another.
It’s a profoundly beautiful thing to harbor bacteria, flora and viruses within our bodies. To fight off the really bad strains and allow them to evolve and become less damaging and virulent so we may live together in harmony.
Hell, some of them might actually stick around and, I don’t know, aid us with digestion in the alimentary canal. But I could be just an uncaring person who appreciates the complex and nuanced existence of all life working together to exist.



My wife is required to wear a mask for her employment. She developed recurring bacterial infections in her eyes. She has since found ways to isolate and remove her mask for limited periods during the work day. The infections have subsided.
Masks also have been proven to negatively affect psychological and intellectual development in children, even when only worn by the parents and teachers. The inability to see others facial expressions profoundly impacts emotional development. We are creating a generation of emotionally stunted children with lasting impacts on our society at large.


An interesting preprint using English data showing how data is manipulated and that there is no apparent mortality benefit from the vaccines (excluding the initial mortality effects)

wonder how we have luckily survived for the last 10,000+ years as societal humans without our cloth or paper masks.
I invite you to ponder some of the plagues of centuries past. In Europe the Black Plague killed 40% of the population. In North America, the death rate from diseases introduced by European invaders was twice that.
So if I don't wear a mask, I don't care about others? Talk about virtue screaming, geez...
It would depend on the context but sorry, sometimes that's exactly what I think. Not wearing a mask outdoors on the street, likely not a problem. Refuse to wear a mask when you're in the grocery store picking up supplies or running in to the post office to get your mail? You're a jerk.

…I prefer asshole to jerk.
I’ll reserve the words I have to describe you as remaining within my inner dialogue.

Dave, I am constrained by time more than desire.
Really? This is imperfectly-supported by your response to 4 other people within the last 12 hours. But that's ok. No response is actually a response. In this case, your non-response confirms that Yoxa = a high risk group. "Babies need to take the shot to save me personally." Fear does strange things to people. It makes people willing to inflict lifetime damage on a substantial number of 5 year olds so that a granny with maybe 5-10 years left will be able to dodge the Plague for (best case) another six months. Did I post the key chart from that country-wide study on VE from Sweden? Sorry granny. You'll sacrifice a bunch of children, and it will buy you maybe six months. Best case.

Pappy, here’s a few nuggets for your reading pleasure:
Do face masks work? Here are 49 scientific studies that explain why they do
Effectiveness of Mask Wearing to Control Community Spread of SARS-CoV-2
An evidence review of face masks against COVID-19
Large Study Confirms Masks Work to Limit COVID-19 Spread