Pfizer Safety Data Released, And It's Not Good

How about you summarize for us what the risk reduction for infection is for a:

  1. a cloth mask
  2. a surgical mask
  3. an N95 mask
  4. an N99 mask
    Also - if you are COVID-positive, but aren’t sneezing and coughing, what’s the risk reduction to others if you wear a mask? [All 4 types]
    Details matter. Fauci demands a “Gold Standard Randomized Clinical Trial” for Ivermectin. All things being equal, the same thing should apply to masks too. All four types of masks. If cloth masks don’t work, we shouldn’t be mandating them.
    I am eagerly awaiting your response.

All of you that advocate that children wear masks, please listen to this interview of a child psychiatrist describes the horrible impacts this practice is having on our youth.
The whole segment is worth watching, but the child mask segment starts at about 9 mins.


Masks it seems, are still very much a hotbed issue based on comments here. My point of others who aren’t blessed with so vigorous and active immune systems, which is a statistic higher in number than you may think - i.e., according to Robert F. Kennedy in his book The Real Doctor Fauci, approximately 54% of children now have chronic disease. And there are nearly as many adults, especially as they age. “Health” is an ever changing state throughout one’s lifetime, and it is affected by environmental factors, genetic factors, economics, lifestyle, and others.
“For people who have less than perfect health like having asthma, or diabetes, or immunity issues, this creates more disease for them, more time off work, more doctor bills, pharmacy bills, and for those dealing with lung issues, it leaves scarring, and guarantees additional future difficulties with their health. These are all very real consequences for millions of people, which existed well before any Covid-19 issues.” And this is my main point. It’s how we impact others as we pass them by
without noticing them when out in the world. For those living with a less than perfect body, I guarantee they have to notice you.
As someone, who has had to be constantly aware and take full responsibility every day for my health because my immune system is not 100%, being around others who have no need to pay attention to or be aware or concerned with their health, or anyone else’s, because they are fortunate to have good health, places a lot of extra effort on those who do have to be concerned for what others are doing around them. And this has been continuously happening everywhere all throughout time for people who do have to worry about flu, or Covid or any other infectious disease because it can kill them.
As someone who has had to mitigate other’s behaviors for the sake of keeping what health I have, I can relate to people who aren’t perfect. I personally don’t see it as a you vs. me issue. It’s really a question of do we as a society want any kind of “we,” which seems to be so lacking in discourses today? How each of us interacts with the world does have a direct impact on what kind of world we make together.
I personally choose to extend to others respect and regard when I can.
And lastly, while the human species has survived to the present, it did so with the average life-span being rather short - about 36 years for most of the last 4 million years. Surviving the world was hard won, and greatly helped by advances in hygiene and better nutrition, according to research. They are esteemed as the two main differences responsible for extending life-spans, as discussed in RFK’s new book.


I’m glad I live in Florida. For those who think a person driving in a car wearing a mask is an idiot, please don’t jump to conclusions. I recently drove an elderly neighbor to the store. She just had cataract surgery. In defference/respect for her wishes I too wore a mask. First time in months. There are times a mask is appropriate.


Dave, I shared an article with some stats about death rates in vaxxed vs unvaxxed covid cases after someone questioned whether such data exists. I said nothing either for or against vaccines for children.
Six months? Based on family history my financial planners tell me I should plan for forty more years.

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In Canada vaccines are not mandated for kids, and if they do get it it's a smaller dose than for adults.
Please provide credible, verifiable data to back up that assertion.
Six months? Based on family history my financial planners tell me I should plan for forty more years.
I am happy you managed to "find time" to respond. I am perplexed why you are so enthusiastic to force-vaccinate children, who have nigh-upon-zero risk of dying from COVID19. I was forced to dig deep to find a rationale for you to engage in such thinking. I admit it - I was wrong. You aren't a granny. Now I must confess - I'm on empty. If your motive is not a selfish one, I'm totally lost. Why would a rational, thinking, moral person force a vaccine on a nation of children who are at near-zero-risk for said disease? Especially since said vaccine "works" for at best six months? Before another injury-inducing series of shots must be again imposed to provide ephemeral protection to the at-risk-granny population? A culture that sacrifices their children is a very sick culture. I just can't understand the thinking, so I start grasping at straws to explain it. It is just so utterly immoral. Old Testament. Exodus 20, verse 13: "Thou Shalt Not Kill." And in many other cultures and places around the world. Same precept. Modified by me: "Thou shalt not kill children." I really just don't get it. [EDIT] Steve Kirsch: we'll kill 117 children to "save one life" from COVID. "Vaccinating" children harms children. Who aren't at risk from COVID19.
I invite you to ponder some of the plagues of centuries past. In Europe the Black Plague killed 40% of the population. In North America, the death rate from diseases introduced by European invaders was twice that.
The plague was caused by flea bites from infected rats. It went away but there's still rats around. Same with most all of the other deadly historical diseases, they all went away mostly because of increased general hygeine. We are left with malaria, rabies and a few other tropical diseases / parasites that aren't controlled by hygeine. The cloth masks make little if any impact against Covid spread; the droplets are too small. They are being used as a social oppression tool to force people to not forget about this deadly plandemic circling the globe, which most people would forget about like they do with the flu, if it weren't for the masks since it is so deadly. [/sarc] The reason surgeons wear face diapers is because they are directly overtop open woulds and the larger spit particles they make when speaking would go straight into the wound. Those particles are too large to spread between average people walking past each other in the store, even maskless. The social impacts and other health problems from mandatory face diapers are far worse than any benefit they may provide. Instead there are much more effective ways to address Covid that we all talk about here, but that aren't being instituted for obvious reasons -- because they work. If some new Covid variant shows up with lower than 99.9% survival rate of the current virus, then maybe we can split hairs about the purported benefit of forced mask wearing. Until then, whatev's.
I am perplexed why you are so enthusiastic to force-vaccinate children
I am perplexed why you project things on to me that I did not say. This isn't the first time you've done that. Some links for Jan: "This vaccine for children has a smaller dose than the vaccine for those 12 years of age and older."    
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Just like Bonnie Henry earlier this year told us there was no way the vaccine would be mandatory. Once we reach 80% vaccination we’d get to herd immunity, then the virus would go away and we’d get back to normal.
How’d that work out? That’s how they do it. They start off softly so as to not alarm people. Then people get used to whatever dictate they are contemplating. Then they inject some fear porn and use that as an opportunity to ratchet up the controls and affronts to freedom. Like a frog boiling in the pot.
Now Bonnie doesn’t make any mention of herd immunity. Now instead they are talking about perpetual 6 month boosters, which essentially are mandatory since you can’t have a successful career without it.

A culture that sacrifices their children is a very sick culture.
Very, very sick, indeed, and here in the USA, we've been doing nigh on 50 years now. JP II named it the "culture of death". We really shouldn't be surprised at the atrocities that are being committed today and are yet to come. We've had 50 years of practice.

Or a way for us folks who know that nothing short of a well fitted N95 makes any meaningful difference to avoid someone hassling us with minimal interference with our breathing.
Yoxa, that moisture is probably mostly condensation from your warm, moist breath encountering the somewhat cooler mask.
In deciding whether or not to wear or require masks, we need to consider the following:

  1. There are no well-conducted studies demonstrating that cloth or surgical masks reduce transmission by any meaningful amount.
  2. N95 masks do work but wearing for any length of time is both painful, makes the face sore and decreases blood O2 and increases blood CO2 levels.
  3. The blood gas issues are there to a lesser degree with cloth and surgical masks.
  4. Masks create separation and social isolation. They make it more difficult to understand speech and nearly impossible to interpret facial expression. This is a problem for all of us, but especially for children who are still learning the skill of face-to-face communication. The social and psychological costs of this pandemic are, as best I can tell, huge, will impact us for decades to come and are mostly ignored.
  5. Masks increase the risks of bacterial respiratory vaccinations.
  6. Masks cause acne (my 16 year old daughter clearly demonstrates this).
  7. There are complexities to mask physics. For example, they redirect airflow to the side. Both the turbulence caused by the mask and the interaction of larger drops impacting the mask fibers can in some situations break up larger droplets into smaller ones that then exit the mask. While larger droplets would fall to the ground within a meter or two, smaller ones may stay suspended for minutes.

Thank you for the links, Yoxa. I am disappointed that all you can do is provide links to MSM reports. CTV and Global News have proven time and again to be nothing but narrative pushers. And Health Canada is not much better… Surely you can expand your research horizons?!?
How about the following for starters:
I could furnish significant numbers of more links… the point being made is that I have learned the hard way that I (we) can no longer trust what the MSM, Health Canada, CDC, FDA or WHO are telling us. We therefore have to do our own due diligence, largely in the independent media, which is not captured or beholden to the medical industrial complex for its existence. Research takes time and effort, something that I find many people are unwilling to do, to their detriment. I know that many of us on this site, me included, have spent thousands of hours doing research re the pandemic, which turned out to be a plandemic/scamdemic - choose your fav descriptor.
This is not a game. These injections have clearly been shown to kill and disable. I do not gamble with my life. I should not be required by my government to gamble with my life. Our Charter of Rights protects me (us) from such overreach. Where there is risk their must be choice, and above all, informed consent. And the only way we can make good choices it by having access to ALL the data on both sides of the story so that we can weigh the risks and benefits for ourselves and loved ones based on each unique risk profile. There is no one size fits all when it comes to the jabs.
I really would like to see you (and others, like Les and Doug) to do better job of giving us credible info to back up the things that you say. PP is often accused of being an echo chamber, which I do not believe to be true at all. The problem is that those who tend to lob those kind of accusations do not provide sufficient data-backed counter arguments when participating in discussions. And when asked for data they do not respond or keep arguing based on their deeply held belief system. They typically do not supply us with asked for data that would serve to refute information that has been presented.
I think it is safe to say that, at least as far as SARS CoV-2, Covid-19 and the jabs are concerned, we very much want to be wrong about all that we have discovered in the past 20 months. We want the jabs to be safe and effective, to protect us from this virus! We want to be able to trust what our governments and health authorities are telling us. But we can’t… there have been too many lies, too much deceit, too many moved goal posts. And there is too much evidence to back all of that up.
So please, if you want to get more traction here, bring the data with your comments.


I highly recommend y’all take a look at Dr. David Healy talking about the analogy between how Pfizer and others tested and reported trials of SSRIs for treating depression, and how vaccine trials are being reported. He reviews a number of tricks of the trade and shows specific examples of where those tricks have been used in the vaccine trials. I have read a lot about the trials but this was a bunch of new info for me.

I am perplexed why you project things on to me that I did not say. This isn't the first time you've done that.
Well that's a relief. So you are against forced vaccination of children for COVID19. You aren't into sacrificing children to save grandma. You don't agree with Fauci on this matter. That's really nice to hear. Others in Canada - in what appears to be the Official Narrative - are not nearly as humane and science-driven:

There is clear consensus in the medical community that any COVID-19 vaccine approved for children under 12 in Canada would be safe and effective, but some officials have advocated for delaying making inoculation a condition of going to school.

One of the most high-profile votes of confidence in childhood vaccine mandates came in September, when Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health, Eileen de Villa, said COVID-19 vaccines should be added to Ontario’s list of required immunizations for school. Although she does not have jurisdiction over provincial health matters, her words reverberated throughout the province.

Proposing to sacrifice children - to use them as some sort of "shield" for others - is just horrific. Really glad that - unlike other Canadian officials - you aren't in favor of forced vaccinations for children for COVID19.

I think PP must be reading the reports upside down. If you look at all institutional (yes institutional data) from Australia, USA, Europe there is NO evidence that the data is “not good”. But I guess it’s good click-bait to say so. Clearly a whole world of medical professionals must be conspiring to be wrong and PP is the soothsayer - hooray for blind ignorance.
Shame on you PP - you are a few choice words away from becoming an extremist organization.

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Shame on you PP - you are a few choice words away from becoming an extremist organization.
Wow, that is quite an astounding statement to make. One that is wildly unfounded and without merit, as well. Nothing to see here folks, other than an attempt to stir things up. Don't bite. It is not worth the time or effort to engage, IMHO. I'd rather give my time and energy to more productive discussions.....

pgp said:

Clearly a whole world of medical professionals must be conspiring to be wrong and PP is the soothsayer
No, I think the majority of medical professionals are just lazy and repeat what they're fed... "safe and effective" "go home and come back when you're ready for a ventilator" "Brawndo has what plants crave. It's got electrolytes"

Clearly you haven’t watched the video. The data is directly from Pfizer. Nice try though.

Shame on you PP - you are a few choice words away from becoming an extremist organization.
Parent that don’t want their daughters raped in school bathrooms by boys in skirts are now considered extremists. Heck, people who believe businesses shouldn’t be able to dictate medical treatments are extremists. Guess I am an extremist. Good that I have lots of company, which maybe indicates that my ideas aren’t all that extreme and the term extremism, like racism, is being used as a cudgel to shut down free speech. Kathy