Pfizer Safety Data Released, And It's Not Good

Gaslighting attacks (extremist labelling), service disruptions, trolls, maybe more people are questioning the narrative after all(?) and the Pharma cabal is pulling out whatever tricks it can.


To shut down any reasonable and rational debate and discussion.
Logical fallacies are how the “Cabal” protects its “false narratives”.
Without such censorship and trickery, the actual facts and the truth would be a strong wind that would completely destroy their carefully crafted but fragile “House of Cards”.

pgp said:
Clearly a whole world of medical professionals must be conspiring to be wrong and PP is the soothsayer
No, I think the majority of medical professionals are just lazy and repeat what they're fed... "safe and effective" "go home and come back when you're ready for a ventilator" "Brawndo has what plants crave. It's got electrolytes"
I watched a video clip of young woman maybe 30. I wish I would have copied the link now. She was stating how angry she would be after she read "conspiracy theory" this and that on social media , and thought why are such idiots so ignorant. ( again, there is no gain for these "conspiracy theorists" except to wake people up) Then she learned the hard way through experience with her husband being vaccine injured with heart damage. She stated , at first, all the doctors told her it was from the vaccine, but it was all backed peddled and showed not to be on all the records. She found a good doctor who admitted that it was from the vaccine and really wanted to help her. All she wanted was a medical exemption for the second shot - as her husband's heart was destroyed with just the first. But the doctor politely told her how he knew it was the vaccine and how he so wanted to help her, but he could not because if he wrote an exemption, he would be investigated and likely could lose his license. So, doctors do not put the patient's health first, even when the know its criminal. they still worry about their pockets. This is the true reality of what is happening.

One does not need to REASON with doctors, and convince each one, to withhold drugs, withhold treatments, and to withhold the Truth, from their ignorant patients.
All one needs to do is to give financial incentives for those, who do as you wish, and for those, who set medical policy and pay the doctors. Then, provide financial incentives to punish those, who ignore the bribes and dare attempt to tell the Truth.
You bribe the person, who has the power to make policy, and make it stick, then demand the policy be rigidly followed, under the threat of direct punishment for failing to do so.
Then, watch how fast most people will “follow orders” and take the money, which goes a long way to soothing their “feelings,” as they watch the suffering of their patients by their hand. After all, they didn’t become a doctor because they like to hear the moaning and watch people in suffering pain…or, out of some Altruistic notion…but, out of a desire to make good money, while enjoying the social prestige.
If the Hospital tells them not to treat suspected COVID19 patients until they become chronic, or, the only treatment they are permitted to provide is a 5 day regimen of Rendesivir, and to place their patients on a respirator, just as soon as they can…they will, with the full knowledge of what they are doing…is WRONG.
It is a rare person, who cannot be bought, or who is impervious to social pressure and the threat of professional and financial punishment, who will do the RIGHT THING…never-the-less.
Note: If a hospital will fire all those who refuse to be vaxxed, that hospital shall shortly be staffed ONLY by those, who were stupid enough to accept the toxic jab, and who have swallowed the fictional narratives printed on their glossy medical flyers.


You Want People To Do Bad Things? Pay Them, Or Pay Who Pays Them. Simple.

And this applies to anything and everything. Gov, with it's unlimited access to fiat "money" via the Fed can print and fund any and everything they want w/o input from the voters. This is an end run around representative democracy and rule of law. TPTB control the money and until that ends, I don't see how they are defeated.
"This vaccine for children has a smaller dose than the vaccine for those 12 years of age and older."
Does that prove it's safe for children in the absence of real world data? Even with all of the suppression and the very real threats of loss of income for reporting vaccine injuries, I've already seen at least a dozen cases of myocarditis reported in children. And check this out: compiled from mandatory emails from my school regarding cases of covid in each school: The elementary school case rate relative to county-wide case rates surged the week of November 8 (weekly chart not shown). While the middle and high school cases went up by a smaller amount starting the week of November 24. Hmmm, what started happening to elementary school kids the week of November 1? Could it be .... vaccinations? It certainly would support the data from Israel which shows a surge or 4 to 5x in cases in the weeks following dose one. This chart was inspired by a written report from a person in another state about a similar phenomenon in their local school district. My notes on things I need to research:
  1. Are Elementary school cases recently vaccinated (from dose 1 to one week after dose 2)?
  2. Are late November and December middle and high school cases close contacts of Elementary school cases (perhaps family members/siblings)?
  3. Have there been any changes in background testing rates over time?
  4. Are there differences in background testing rates between schools?
  5. Could high school cases be close contacts of undetected elementary school cases?
I also intend to contact people I know with children in other districts. For those of you with Children in a public school system, I suggest you compile a similar data set from any emails you might have received.
You aren't into sacrificing children to save grandma.
False dichotomy. Dave, understand this: I did not express an opinion one way or another. Stop making stuff up. When you attribute things to me that I did not say, and indulge in conjecture which is sometimes true, sometimes flat wrong, that makes makes me wonder what else you say has been slanted and twisted to suit your own narrative.
Really glad that - unlike other Canadian officials - you aren't in favor
That wording makes it sound as if you think I'm some sort of official. I'm not.
a few choice words away from becoming an extremist organization
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Masks create separation and social isolation. They make it more difficult to understand speech and nearly impossible to interpret facial expression. This is a problem for all of us, but especially for children who are still learning the skill of face-to-face communication. The social and psychological costs of this pandemic are, as best I can tell, huge, will impact us for decades to come and are mostly ignored.
I think this could be really frightening. Could it lead to many or the majority of people completely lacking empathy? I.e. a very high rate of sociopathy?
Three months after the vaccine, I developed telogen effluvium and quickly lost about 25% of my hair.
I've heard this from several women, in addition to irregular periods.

Rothschild said “give me control of the money and I care not who writes the laws.”


Because “Their” own actulal “Golden Rule” is that he who owns the gold can pervert and make any laws they ever need to rule and call all the tunes, most especially, with todays “Fiat” currency just made out of thin air!
What a deal!
All since Waterloo, the “Cabal” has had the means to implement their plan of Dominion.


@ nordijack
please find the video, crawl through your browser history if you can remember approximately when you have seen it. I am sure many of us here would like to have that video.

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You of course are more than welcome to say what you are in favor of. That would put a screeching halt to all my guessing.
If you don’t, I’m going to keep on ascribing positions to you, you will refute some of them (the shock! the horror!), and not others, and by process of elimination I’ll be able to figure out what you really think.
Its a bit more efficient for you to just say what you think. Then we can have an honest discussion.
For instance, Les states what he thinks. He’s very forthright about it. I respect him for that. Even if I don’t agree with him on some things - that’s ok. I don’t mind. He’s honest about it.
Perhaps it takes a certain amount of bravery to say what you really think. Especially if you know already that others don’t agree. Not everyone is this brave.


Yoxa, The stuff you keep cutting is all from MSM! It’s shit. It’s all propaganda bullshit. Please save yourself and stop.
honestly, put back on your mask and booster up and enjoy your life. This is probably a crowd you don’t wanna hang around. Unfortunately for you horses have already left the barn!



Many thanks MD,
I have to admit that I get slowly tired of all the ignorance around me, but I still like to collect the stuff as it comes. Just to have some evidences… and in case some overzealous admin pushes the block/delete button.


Like, for example, Yoxa, you keep mentioning a smaller dose for children without giving any other details. What are you implying? Could it be “Of course it’s safe for children because it’s a SMALLER dose. No need to gather real world data to determine it’s ACTUAL effects.”? I hope not, but I can’t think of any other reason for your statement. We all know it’s the real world impacts that matter and nobody really understands dosing and adverse events for these vaccines for adults, much less for kids for which there is much less data.


A short one-minute clip of the real Bonnie Henry, the top doc in BC, blatantly lying. Are you sure this is where you want to continue to place your trust?!?
Bonnie vs. Bonnie
Time to wake up to the reality that your government lies, cheats and deceives.

Yoxa, you keep mentioning a smaller dose
I can't think of any other reason for your statement.
I mentioned it once to report a fact, in response to someone else's comments. Two facts, actually: the one being that Canada is not (at the time of writing) mandating vaccines for kids, and the other being that if they do get it the dose is smaller. Make of that what you will, it's our situation at the moment.
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Jan, I’d want to see the complete contexts that those clips were taken from before I passed judgement. It’s impossible to tell from that video whether they are being presented fairly or not.
Note that reserving judgement about that video does not mean that I believe our government consists only of saints.

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