Pfizer Safety Data Released, And It's Not Good

Its a bit more efficient for you to just say what you think.
How about this? No one is a slower learner than the man who thinks he already knows it all. Here's one thing that I think: there's a lot of Koolaid sloshing around this forum. A different flavour than mine, but Koolaid nonetheless. Some days the comments are a swamp of misinformation. One simple example was a recent comment about carbon dioxide building up behind a mask. That's false. CO2 passes in and out of a mask just the same as all the other gases in the air you're breathing. If it didn't, you would die in short order.
Les states what he thinks
Yes, and too often the response he gets is a tsunami of sarcasm and ad hominem attacks instead of fair discussion of the points he raises. That's not the way to discern truth.
I guarantee you my mask aka fashion accessory is more likely to be a reservoir of bacterial and viral microorganisms than anything protective.
I recommend the ancient ritual called "laundry".

When I post my early treatment (ivermectin) stuff on the facebook emergency physicians page I’m often met with a tsunami of insulting, derogatory ad hominum attacks. (Of course the personal attacks are often couched in “facts” and “Science!”) It is painful and very discouraging. Clearly it has the effect of stifling discussion.
When Yoxa, Doug and Less post something outside of the PP members typical belief package, they are often barraged with the same kind of hostility. Lots of emotional energy directed at them.
Please let them just have their own viewpoint. Let them be different.
We don’t have to fix them or drag them into our box. They can be PP renegades, thinking in their own way, and remain valuable friends.
In the months to come, who knows when we may need to borrow a cup of sugar or a chain saw from them. We need them in our tribe even with different belief structures.


I am the one who owns crazy corner, not you. ?
Speak your mind, fellow. (Would you like a little lemonade?)


I think part of the problem is that when the MSM and the gang in charge gaslight us for two years - with said gaslighting resulting in actual injury and death for millions around the globe - when someone comes along and continues in the role of the abusers: “there are no treatments for COVID19”, or perhaps “the vaccines are safe and effective” while ignoring all data to the contrary, the serially gaslit people who now know they have been gaslit for two years solid (and maybe have had friends or family members killed or injured by this same gaslighting) - they react poorly to … yet more gaslighting.
Same would happen if a former POW was then tortured by someone after their captivity ended. They would “react poorly” to yet more torture.
If someone wants to come here and just channel the gaslighters - I will respond poorly to being gaslit yet again. The gaslighters use persuasion, coercion, and repetition. They want to beat you into submission. They never bring actual data. (And of course, they get richer if you end up going along - so they are hopelessly conflicted too).
Of course if there is data I’ve overlooked, then bring it. If you really want to play fair, and not use the MSM gaslighting techniques, I’ll be happy to listen. If there’s a trial out there that shows an all cause mortality benefit from “vaccination” - then - show me. So far I haven’t seen it. In fact, I’ve seen the opposite.
About masks: if I can smell cooking food with my mask on when I walk by, I’m going to hazard a guess that the (smaller) viral particles will pass even more easily - in both directions - through this “effective” mask I’m required to wear. Even though I have no symptoms at all.
I conclude that the mandatory mask rules have been put in place by the gaslighters to remind us we’re in the middle of a deadly pandemic. Otherwise, we might forget and start living normal lives. And that would be bad - for the gaslighters. The world might start to look a whole lot like Florida. Where life goes on, and (somehow - miraculously) the bodies are not piling up outside the hospitals.
Finally, Yoxa - I must admit to being curious. If we’re all such horrid people, with so much “Koolaid” in our forums, why do you come here? Sincere question.


It reveals the cockroaches of “false narratives” that then quickly scatter for censored dark hiding spaces.
Darkness just can’t stand the light of truth!
Recognizing the betrayals of all “false authority” is the first step towards Freedom.
2 + 2 = 4, and not just whatever the “Cabal” is inculcating in you with false narratives!


How about “human and child sacrifices” to Moloch?
Only the N-95 and higher masks are effective in preventing the spread of infection.
The other masks are just “ritual conformity” to a false narrative of virtue-signaling.
When harms outweigh the benefits, you then should ask yourself, whom really benefits from such superstitious “rituals”?
The factual answer is the “Cabal” that invented them all to control and profit off of you.
That “Cabal” is far more “ancient” even than is “laundry”.

I'm going to hazard a guess that the (smaller) viral particles will pass even more easily
Don't miss the point that virus particles travel on the droplets in our breath which are big enough to be captured by a mask. That's not the only way the virus gets around but it's a big one. Every droplet captured by a mask is a droplet not floating in the air for someone else to breathe in. If there's covid in the room, but everyone has a mask on (worn properly and sized well), the virus is less likely to get into a new set of lungs. How is reducing the R0 not a good thing? I cannot quote you a percentage on how much risk reduction masks might create in a given setting. I would, however, caution you about the fallacy of false precision. Don't assume that droplets won't spread just because one isn't coughing or sneezing. If you lived in a cold climate you could see your breath and know that your little cloud is always there even when you're breathing quietly. That cloud is much smaller with a mask. Yes, I've tested that. Something else to keep in mind is the compounding value of partial protections. Protective actions can be worth taking even if they're not perfect. If a single individual does something that is, say, 20% effective, the value of that will be small. If the whole population does that thing, it's huge. If something reduces risk by 50%, and something else reduces it by 50%, together they reduce the risk to 25%. Add more things to the mix that are partially protective and you can make the total risk very small. Not zero, but small. That takes collaboration, though. I gotta say that it puzzles me how some people who prefer not to be vaccinated don't get their act together to protect themselves in other ways. In my province there's a strong correlation between the areas of highest ICU cases and lowest vaccination rates. A few days ago 96% of the covid cases in our ICUs were unvaccinated, even though those folks constitute less than 20% of the vax-eligible population. I could say a lot about how badly that disrupts health care for other conditions but I'll stop now.
why do you come here? Sincere question.
I ask myself that sometimes.
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Dave’s points are so bang on…
It might have been 2 years ago that I might have actually had the patience to listen to what you had to say Yoxa but think about where we’re at as a society… sacrificing our children in the name of Granny… That one is the one that has me just mad! No I don’t have patience, no playtime and tolerance is over. I used to be a nice guy and now I’m not. You’re busy debating whether droplets bypass mask or not… It’s really irrelevant. We are at war and you’re late. There are too many of us passed the point of pissed.


Chain link fences may stop the odd mosquito, but having helped train people in the use and application of N95 masks, I have yet to see anyone outside of an isolation ward using masks in a way that might be effective (eg Danish mask study). Yoxa’s moral certitude credentials may better better attached to a political party than a nation.


I’m Canadian. Lots of PPers are Canadian. Let’s not stick stickers on people.



I gotta say that it puzzles me how some people who prefer not to be vaccinated don't get their act together to protect themselves in other ways.
But we do, just not in a way you would approve. Here's my list:
  1. I no longer fear a virus with a ~99.96% recovery rate for my age group
  2. I stopped listening to the pharma-sponsored media outlets
  3. I stopped listening to most elected officials
  4. I eat very well and have lost weight
  5. I try to exercise more - work in progress
  6. I have a 60+ ng/ml 25-hydroxy Vitamin D level
  7. I supplement my body with vitamins and minerals
  8. I sleep well every night
  9. I get sick every now and then - whole family had a cold 2 weeks ago from the kids
  10. I recover from getting sick every now and then - and feel great afterwards
  11. I have a closet full of "unapproved" treatments
  12. I'm not wearing a wet diaper across my face - EVER AGAIN
  I'm also a COVID layoff casualty who can't find a decent job anymore because almost all (~90%) of the companies I apply to are illegally requiring an experimental potion be injected into me in order to be employed by them. I eagerly await some employment discrimination lawsuits to present themselves, but I'm not holding my breath anymore.   I've lost patience for you people who accept or believe all this BS because someone with a little bigger earnings than you or a government job title says "wear a mask" or "take this EUA shot". In my eyes, ANYONE who continues to abide or perpetuate with these BS rules is now the enemy. I don't care that "I need my job to feed my family", I do too. But I didn't give up my bodily autonomy or morals and I am paying a price that is far too much and beyond my control. BECAUSE MASKS AND JABS AERN'T WORKING. Freedom is not free, and it's getting more expensive every day all you douchebags keep rolling over and taking it up the rectum. As for the actively vocal mask/jab cheerleaders - we won't forget how you cheered me off into financial ruin because you were so afraid to be human and get sick once in awhile. You are noted and will be remembered.

Hi all, I put out a very long and data rich post in response to numerous claims by Yoxa, but it’s lost somewhere in the PP spam post reservoir now. I have a request in to the admins to resurrect it. For now, I’ll say that there are some studies that show that rebreathed air behind a KN95 and even surgical and cloth masks approaches NIOSH 8 hour CO2 exposure limits. One study using KN95 masks even shows it well exceeding this limit and approaching the 15 minute exposure limit. Both studies admit headaches and other issues from long term mask wearing, suggesting the multihour per day for many, many days limit should be significantly lower than the 8 hour limit. I hope the admins can resurrect it for me.


… from a small town in Manitoba.

Yoxa's moral certitude
I make no apology for that and I would challenge you to think carefully about what's moral. The US's covid-deaths-per-capita rate is three times worse than Canada's rate, after all. Reasons for the difference are complex but too easily swallowing misinformation and sloppy logic is a big one.
We are at war and you're late.
All I can say about that is to make very, very, very sure that the reasons you're ready for war are actually true. From here it doesn't always look that way.
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But we do, just not in a way you would approve. Here's my list:
I would have major respect for your list if it included a clear strategy for making sure you don't pass the virus around if you catch it. Especially if you don't know you have it. Also, many places report that they have disproportionate numbers of unvaxxed in their ICUs. What do you think is responsible for the difference?

We need to pull this back to be a data-based conversation. I looked on Worldometer and indeed the numbers there suggest a lower death rate in Canada (2450 per million population, vs 783). My guess is that the main reason for this is how things are counted, and the disgusting incentives that were handed to US hospitals and associated entities in labelling everything and anything as Covid-19.
In the final analysis, it’s all complete BS since this data is mostly in the absence of early treatment. Early treatment with an effective anti-viral and supportive supplement cocktail would have negated the vast, vast majority of deaths in all cases.
We know this because it’s still working in Uttar Pradesh, where the latest figures show only 134 active Covid-19 cases across a population of 230 million people. We are at war… but as Dr. Malone stated yesterday in his Unityproject podcast from Puerto Rico, we need to maintain compassion for those who are trapped in the mass formation of fear. Rather than focusing on moral certainty, I focus on data certainty, and we have that in spades;

In my province there's a strong correlation between the areas of highest ICU cases and lowest vaccination rates. A few days ago 96% of the covid cases in our ICUs were unvaccinated, even though those folks constitute less than 20% of the vax-eligible population.
Are you certain of that? Do you have a reference? There's lots of anecdotal reports that the vaxxed are being falsely classified as unvaxxed, or because they fall within the 2 week post jab window to be classified as "fully vaxxed". So vax injuries are then wrongly classified as unvaxxed. There's strange things happening in the UK data where the overall unvaxxed population mysteriously experiences a surge in deaths right around when vax campaigns start...
I gotta say that it puzzles me how some people who prefer not to be vaccinated don't get their act together to protect themselves in other ways.
Yoxa, you are easily puzzled. As with Pappy, I protect myself in "other ways." Ways that appear to work. At least in my life anyway. I have lived all during this pandemic with a nurse who - at least part of the time - takes care of COVID patients. First phase of the pandemic - it all went fairly smoothly. Second phase: all the staff at the hospital got vaccinated. Three times. Then they all got COVID. Nobody died (of course) because they were all < 40. My nurse did not get infected. (Guess why?) Neither did I. Turns out, things other than "vaccination" really do work. (Who knew?) Maybe it was masks? Oh wait. They all wore masks. (Nurses: required to wear masks. Who knew?). So it wasn't masks. So what could it have been? I know. Luck. Its just luck. The particles somehow missed the nurse I lived with, and infected literally all the other nurses in the group. Amazing luck. [n.b. I have a pretty good idea why I've dodged the bullet, along with the nurse. But that's a story for another time. It had to do with...oops. A story for another time.] So - why do you come here, again? Let me answer first: why do I come here? To find out how to survive - and thrive - 2 years into a lab-leak pandemic while not following the rest of the cows into the now-every-three-months vaccination-subscription program. And I get to live my life. That's why. This seems to have worked. For me. For my family. And some of my friends. Once more: why do you come here again? I'm not chasing you away. I am sincerely puzzled as to what possible value us "koolaid" people could possibly add to your life. I'd really like to know. After all, you have: Shots! Boosters! Masks! Orders to hide in the basement! Remdesivir, and 6 mg dexamethasone once you get hospitalized with your breakthrough infection. Which you will never get because you're boosted! Every three months! [Boosters required because the shots work just that well!] It just doesn't get any better than the mainstream narrative. Amirite?

When did it become my responsibility to prevent you from catching a virus or bacterium that I may or may not have caught myself? It’s not.
I have no responsibility to upend my entire existence to prevent you from getting sick. None. This is a completely new way of thinking about living that didn’t exist two years ago.
It is not my fault if I catch a cold or the flu and then spread it to others. Why is it now my fault if I catch SARS-CoV2 and then pass it on?
IT IS JUST BIOLOGY. Living creatures exist, they catch bugs and spread them.
Now you wish to impose a moral responsibility upon me for you catching COVID or the flu?
How about you just stay inside, put on three masks, get your fifth booster and leave me alone. I’m not buying into your guilt trip for interacting with the biological universe.
Just as an aside, to show how far down the idiot-preventative rabbit hole we’ve fallen, about four years ago I tried to stay home from work because of a fever, coughing and sneezing. My customer was not at all happy that a reschedule would be needed, my salesman was unhappy he would eat travel costs due to my illness, and most of all - I felt like crap and didn’t want to work until I got better.
Guess what? NOBODY GAVE A SHIT! My manager told me to suck it up and get it done, then rest when the job was over.
My task that week was to design wireless coverage for a residential elderly facility where I had to enter all rooms at least three times over the course of several days. About 80 elderly residents in those rooms, many very old and sick. Not to mention all the people in the airport and the planes I flew in that week.
I ended up traveling and working and probably infecting every person I breathed by.
My how times have changed…

As with Pappy, I protect myself in "other ways."
I'm sure you do. I'll ask you the same thing that I asked Pappy ... what's your strategy for making sure you don't pass the virus around if you get it? Especially if you don't know you have it? Someone who ends up in ICU from covid has clearly missed something in how they protect themselves. That's the part that puzzles me, why they would let their guard down.
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