Pfizer Safety Data Released, And It's Not Good

John Drake:
You wrote:

A rube with no knowledge outside of the MSM experience possibly wouldn't want to get into a discussion here if they feel intimidated by the answers given to others asking similar questions.
I fully agree with that. I try - in my own answers - not to act in a manner which is demeaning. That is not always easy since these topics have inflamed the passions of many - including myself. And a "knowledge base" is a great idea. Maybe with the new site revisions here that will be a possibility.  


One has to hope that they are paid for their efforts as it would be sad indeed if they spend their free time trying to start arguments with strangers on the internet.
It is clear they are motivated. I see three options: 1) paid trolls - whose only goal is to distract. As you say, hope they're paid well. "Mommy, what did you do during the great war?" "Sweetie, I was a concentration camp guard, because I was too afraid to go to the Russian Front." 2) self-doubt. While pretending to try to to Save Grandma and Assist Public Health, they are really addressing their own internal conflict. After all, the shots really don't work, and neither do masks. It has all been a big, embarrassing lie by the power structure, which we all bought in to a greater or lesser extent, and the larger the ego, the more this hurts. So they strike out at those who are now calling out the lies in order to relieve their own internal conflict. "It can't be true! There really were WMD in Iraq! Colin Powell said so!" I remember going through that internal conflict back then. This time it was much easier. "People in power - they lie - in order to get more power." 3) Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Hard to tell which one from this distance. [edit] FWIW I agree that being "overly emotional" (something I'm certainly guilty of) might be a turn-off to some new members. Ideally being in a place of neutrality provides the most clear-headed and rational response. I am, unfortunately, not there. All that planned death makes me upset. I don't like the gaslighting either. Maybe if I could release all that, maybe my posts would be more effective. Food for thought.

No need to be cool about deliberate murder.
Never regret your passion, nor withhold your judgment.

...what's your strategy for making sure you don't pass the virus around if you get it? Especially if you don't know you have it?
Yoxa's central premises for argumentation:
  • Viruses serve no useful purpose in our biosphere and should be circumvented, subjugated, and/or eradicated from existence.
  • Spreading viruses, knowingly or unknowingly, serves no useful purpose in our biosphere and should be prevented or eradicated.
This is human supremacism. I think it's humanity's duty to naturally spread naturally-originating viruses. Anything else would be like applying Right-Libertarianism to biology and ecology. Such insane, psychopathic notions that humans exist outside of nature just reminds me of the insidious economic term "externality". It's pure fantasy. It's like watching a toddler freak out after getting dirt on their hands.
Another factor in the US/Canada difference, maybe the biggest: in our medical system, decisions about our health care needs are made by medical professionals, not by insurance company bureaucrats. Our health care isn't tied to our employment status and we're not jerked around by predatory insurance companies. We have little incentive to delay seeking treatment when a need arises. Those who preach about the benefits of early treatment will see the value there.
While that may have been true in the past, the Canadian healthcare system is rapidly being usurped by the same systems in place in the USA, with insurance company fingerprints all over the plan. Ever heard of an "Intensivist", Yoxa? If not, and if you think that doctors in Canada are still making their own decisions with respect to patient care, then you had better wake up fast! Have a watch:
Video is in 4 parts; Part 1: My takedown of “Trusted Voice” of the Pandemic, Michael Warner. Part 2: What is an Intensivist and how have they ruined Hospitals? Part 3: The history of Critical Care – some shady characters emerge in the wake of WW2. Part 4: Who benefits from this? Who forced the hiring of Intensivists in thousands of hospitals? Is this part of a darker agenda of population control and eugenics?
Spoiler alert: where Intensivists are in place, which is a rapidly growing phenomena in Canada, the doctors are NOT the lead decision makers for patient care, even in the ICU. That responsibility is delegated to the Intensivists, whose primary motivations are not patient care, but on cost management. Sorry, but patient care takes a back seat to effective and efficient hospital governance. It is far easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled. As a fellow Canadian, as a caring human being, I urge you in the strongest possible terms to open your mind to the possibility that you have been captured by the highly scripted narrative. Now you might say what you believe is your business. It absolutely is! What you do with your life is totally your business!! But when the decisions you make, the policies, practices & decisions authorities make and you support & vote for affect my life - are a direct danger and threat to me, my way of living, and that of my loved ones, then I have a seriously major problem with that.... As do many others! Thus the strong push back. And we will not stop pushing back - there is far too much at stake. Please wake up!!!! If you and the captured majority continue to support this medical tyranny, the Canada we know and love will be forever lost to us. We will become serfs under the neo-feudal technocratic authoritarianism that is rapidly descending upon is. This is not a joke. It is very real and happening right now. It is time for you to wake up! ??  

I didn’t mean to admonish emotional responses to these issues, in fact at this stage I think it is nigh on impossible to not be exasperated with those who spout blatant lies (knowingly or not). Sorry if I sounded like I was trying to come across as a pillar of emotional fortitude - I certainly ain’t that!
I guess I am just jaded now to the point of not wanting to have to defend my position to the cult members, and definitely not to the pee takers. When I started out on this journey of discovery I felt that it was my responsibility to share what I had found with those I love to try to protect them. But when they came back with ‘oh, the bbc debunked that’ or ‘well, I read about a man who was 41 who was really ill and wishes he got the vaccine’ I started to lose my desire to help. Now I would never bring up the subject with anyone apart from my wife because it is such hard work if the conversation goes in the wrong direction.


It inspired me to do some research and I discovered some things, for example about masks and CO2. This is all in response to a comment from Yoxa:

Some days the comments are a swamp of misinformation. One simple example was a recent comment about carbon dioxide building up behind a mask. That's false. CO2 passes in and out of a mask just the same as all the other gases in the air you're breathing. If it didn't, you would die in short order.
Yoxa conveniently forgets about the dead air space behind a mask. Depending on how tightly the mask fits, only some of the CO2 exhaled from the last breath is replaced by fresh air before the next inhale begins. This dead air space comprise a significant volume of a typical inhale. And the resort to extremes ("die in short order") ignores the range of possibilities including chronic exposure to moderately elevated CO2 levels in those who wear masks daily for long periods (kids in school and unfortunately out of school even out of doors). First, CO2 is present at a bit over 400 parts per million (ppm) in inhaled air and 3.8% or 38,000 ppm in exhaled air. Link 1 Link 2 Second, my rough estimate for the amount of air trapped between a mask and your face: surgical mask: 10cm high x 15 cm wide x 1.67 cm deep = 250 cubic cm (cc). KN95 is deeper, so let's say 350 cc. Third, typical volume of a breath is 500 cc (look at tidal volume in the table). Given that, and assuming no mixing between air trapped against the face and outside air in the 1 second or so between the end of the exhale and the beginning of the inhale, we get an upper limit of possible CO2 concentrations in inhaled air:
  • cloth or surgical mask: 250 cc of trapped mask air and 250 cc of fresh air gives us 0.5 * 38000 ppm + 0.5 * 400 ppm = 19200 ppm. Of course there will be some mixing of mask air with fresh air, so the actual number will be considerably lower, depending mostly on how tight the mask fits the face.
  • KN95: 350 cc of mask air, 150 cc of fresh air 350/500 * 38,000 ppm + 150/500 * 400 ppm = 26,720 ppm. If the KN95 fits well, there will be very little mixing and the actual value will not be much lower.
Now on to some studies: The first study says this in the abstract:
In this study, the carbon dioxide concentration in the breathing zone was measured while wearing a surgical mask, a KN95 and a cloth mask. For the surgical mask, the concentration was determined under different conditions (office work, slow walking, and fast walking). Measurements were made using a modified indoor air quality meter equipped with a nondispersive infrared (NDIR) CO2 sensor. Detected carbon dioxide concentrations ranged from 2150 ± 192 to 2875 ± 323 ppm. The concentrations of carbon dioxide while not wearing a face mask varied from 500–900 ppm. Doing office work and standing still on the treadmill each resulted in carbon dioxide concentrations of around 2200 ppm. A small increase could be observed when walking at a speed of 3 km h–1 (leisurely walking pace). Walking at a speed of 5 km h–1, which corresponds to medium activity with breathing through the mouth, resulted in an average carbon dioxide concentration of 2875 ppm. No differences were observed among the three types of face masks tested. According to the literature, these concentrations have no toxicological effect. However, concentrations in the detected range can cause undesirable symptoms, such as fatigue, headache, and loss of concentration.
And the main summary figure: Levels of CO2 were in the 2000-3000 PPM range. The bolded text, however suggests that symptoms are present for many. I argue that these point to possible long-term problems of frequent and prolonged mask wearing. Now for the second study: The black line shows no-mask values. Blue is for a powered respirator. Red is for a KN95. Black is for a valved respirator (I assume a reusable rubber face mask or an N95 with an exhalation valve). These values are in percent and are much larger. The KN95 value is 2.6% or 26,000 ppm, nearly identical to my rough calculation. Note that the value exceeds the NIOSH 8 hour exposure limit by a large margin and is not far below the 15 minute exposure limit. This suggests that KN95 masks should not be worn for longer than 15 or at most 30 minutes. Of course there is the question of the difference between the two studies. But I think we've all experienced the breathlessness that comes from wearing an N95 or KN95 and even a surgical or cloth mask. Finally, I'll link to this study which is a review of many, many mask studies on many different aspects of mask wearing. I skimmed through it in about 10 minutes, but I think it's worth reading thoroughly. It does suggest that I overestimated dead air space significantly, but also failed to account for the dead air space in the respiratory tract. And here is one more that is worth the read, more of an opinion piece, but with links to real studies. So lots of downside, so those masks better work, but even the CDC's data (not from randomized controlled trials) shows only a smallish reduction. None of the RCTs done to date show any meaningful impact of mask wearing. A few more corrections, once again, Yoxa:
If you lived in a cold climate you could see your breath and know that your little cloud is always there even when you're breathing quietly. That cloud is much smaller with a mask. Yes, I've tested that.
But that cloud is condensation that happens after air leaves your mouth and mixes with cold ambient air. The condensation occurs on condensation nuclei which include the droplets you do exhale all the time as well as dust and, of course, viral particles. When wearing a mask, the air behind the mask is warm and condensation will not occur until the air leaves the mask or encounters the colder outer layers of the mask in which case the condensation is onto the mask. Finally, (once again Yoxa), you keep introducing the fact that the Pfizer dose for children is smaller as if that somehow suggests or proves that this makes the vaccine safe for children. Only high quality real world data of actual impacts on children can prove that. I think others have addressed your issues about the unvaccinated protecting themselves. We on this forum obviously do that.

Excellent technical discussion regarding masks. I learned a lot from this discussion. Quercus said;

But that cloud is condensation that happens after air leaves your mouth and mixes with cold ambient air. The condensation occurs on condensation nuclei which include the droplets you do exhale all the time as well as dust and, of course, viral particles. When wearing a mask, the air behind the mask is warm and condensation will not occur until the air leaves the mask or encounters the colder outer layers of the mask in which case the condensation is onto the mask.
I had not previously put 2 + 2 together, but this is exactly right. In fact the phenomenon of condensation nucleation has been used in analytical instruments to make the smallest particles visible by growing their effective size such that they scatter (more) light and can be detected;  

This article by Julius Ruechel points to the importance of getting infected by rapidly evolving respiratory viruses every few years in order to keep the infections mild or asymptomatic. If you protect yourself too well, your next infection might be in 10 years at which point the virus has evolved enough to more fully evade your immune system and cause a more severe infection.
I think this just happened to me. I had a cold for the first time in probably 5 years or more (although there were probably some asymptomatic or very mild ones mixed in. It was moderate - causing a sore throat and body aches for 2 days along with a copiously runny nose. This is probably my worst cold in 10 years even with all of the immune boosting supplements/diet/activity. I suspect it is due to the fact that I was not exposed for over a year during the pandemic.


My meteorological training was good for something!


that even viruses and bacteria and microbes have essential roles to play in life.
In the case of that story, it was the only thing that saved humanity from extinction.



You mean that he actually said this:

Dr. Fauci opens up the possibility that the COVID-19 vaccine could be making people more likely to be infected by the virus.
That is astonishing. He wouldn't say that unless he has reason to say that. And what does he think? Does he think that he can just say "my bad" and everything is okay? We have people dead, disabled, paralyzed in untold numbers and he thinks he is going to say "my bad" and be done with it? Are you kidding me?

That is astonishing. He wouldn’t say that unless he has reason to say that.
And what does he think? Does he think that he can just say “my bad” and everything is okay?
We have people dead, disabled, paralyzed and he is going to say “my bad” and be done with it?
Are you kidding me?"
This is why I see some disjunctive event – internet down, general economic collapse, war, or a new (more nasty) bioweapon – coming in before too long. They won’t just be able to walk away from the shitshow, they’ll need something major to occupy everybody’s attention and time…
Just one guy’s opinion, natch… May Fortune smile upon us!..


Is this just some random clip they found from when Trump was still in office?

Of course he’s lying about it having been proven safe in the early stages but can’t expect him to be honest about everything all at once.


The video shows a conversation with Mark Zuckerberg.

An intensivist is a board-certified physician who provides special care for critically ill patients. Also known as a critical care physician, the intensivist has advanced training and experience in treating this complex type of patient.

Kathy, there is no date. But I can’t imagine him saying this before the vaccine rollout.
Imagine Fauci publicly saying that this vaccine might backfire and might make things worse - while intimating that the government should mandate a vaccination for every man, woman and child in the nation.
I can’t imagine that he would have said this early on.
It would run completely counter to everything he has done to date.

Right before the election and before we had the Pfizer trial data which oddly came out the day after the election.

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