Politicized "Medicine"

I have yet to finish watching a Dr Shiva video. I tried 2x but he started ranting about HRC and that’s when I stopped watching.

Well, ditching taxes may happen organically with this new leg down! Somehow that does not seem to matter. I think they are going to print more money than what would come back in tax revenues - the way the Fed is printing.

Mike from Jersey, Me too, however I was forced. I recall telling a judge that my business is way down, but my quality of life is way up.

OliveOilGuy, this one takes the cake. NEVER once thought about where my masks were made!!!

If you sashay on over to FDA.gov/drug shortages what you will find on that list is Hydroxy.In fact out of the 163 drugs listed,100 are short. The reporter of the USA Today piece is Dian Zhang, her job is data.Since 2008 newspapers have shed half of their newsrooms.Median income,40 grand.They were the people who let you know children were hungry,homes were being foreclosed and the selectmen were ripping off town money.Thanks to private equity stripping the model for parts and lost advertising we will never know those stories.Why not call her and give her your source?I have no doubt she would relay that to those who were suffering with lupus…That is her job.She is not some batshit basement blogger hustling colloidal siver or vitamins…

Anyway, drug safe for non-fatal illnesses like lupus and arthritis. But not safe for potentially fatal illness for 4 days of treatment. I cannot wrap my brain around this logic - mind all the evidence used for malaria.
Nordickak, I think you are missing a huge point. Just because a drug is ‘safe’ in Scenario A, you can’t assume it’s safe in Scenario B, especially when B is the HB virus which has serious and poorly understood effects on multiple organs and systems. We know that HB has cardiovascular effects, so it makes sense to be cautious with a combination of drugs, both of which are known to have heart impacts. Think back to previous discussions about ibuprofen. This site warned people off using ibuprofen due to early speculation/evidence that this normally safe drug was causing significant problems in the context of HB. Was that idiot logic? I would say not. Rather, Chris’s advice reflected a sensible adoption of the precautionary principle in the face of an uncertainty regarding an empirical question that could only be settled by further research. The recent lancet study gives us an indication that there might be reasons to be cautious about HCQ/AZ. It may be a false reading, or may be about the timings, but it needs to be studied further.

America’s strengths are great most of the time. In a pandemic they become an actual liability. A very insightful article on this is below-

"Is America too libertarian to deal with the coronavirus?" - Link below-


Regarding the supposed testing of HCQ, it’s possible to use a large number of “rats” to receive a placebo but where will a scientist get a large number of sick people to take a placebo and also be responsible for the outcome? Some will die. Will they volunteer? I wouldn’t. But I suppose there are many who would.
Worldwide results, facts, are good enough for me. Costa Rica has had 10 deaths.

Those masks are being made in India. They will not be shipped to the US. India is on lockdown. The surgical masks sold here, or that used to be sold here are made in China.
Not that the conditions are guaranteed to be any better. They might be made by prison labor

I don’t think I will be sashaying anywhere. I don’t consider checking FDA stats Pulitzer prize winning journalism. Based on the track record of media and the government I think I will trust info from my insurance company, my pharmacy, several Canadian pharmacies, and three of my doctors. The reporting on HCQ has been suspect in the least, and propaganda at the worst.
The article does not pass my eye test

Drug companies provide shortage information to the FDA.