Politicized "Medicine"

The vaccine, developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates, used an experimental MRNA technology that the two men hoped would allow rapid deployment to meet President Trump’s ambitions “warp speed” time line. Dr Fauci was so confident of his shot’s safety that he waved ferret and primate studies (Moderna suspiciously reported no health data from its mouse studies.) That appears to have been a mistake. Three of the 15 human guinea pigs in the high dose cohort (250 mcg)suffered a “serious adverse event” within 43 days of receiving Moderna’s jab. Moderna did not release its clinical trial study or raw data, but its press release, which was freighted with inconsistencies acknowledged that three volunteers developed Grade 3 systemic events defined by the FDA as “Preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention.” Moderna allowed only exceptionally healthy volunteers to participate in the study. A vaccine with those reaction rates could cause grave injuries in 1.5 billion humans if administered to “every person on earth”. That is the threshold that Gates has established for ending the global lockdown. Moderna did not explain why it reported positive antibody tests for only eight participants. These outcomes are particularly disappointing because the most hazardous hurdle for the inoculation is still ahead; challenging participants with wild COVID infection. Past attempts at developing COVID vaccines have always faltered at this stage as both humans and animals achieved robust antibody response then sickened and died when exposed to the wild virus.

Didn’t he steal windows from Apple? Never got convicted, though.

Stanford Professor and Nobel Prize Winner Michael Levitt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHOoqdkj4Zs&t=579s

Too bad he is unaware of the antidote power of HCQ. That would make his side of view stronger.

In my view we have a government “by corporate America for corporate America.” When I was young and dumb, I was patriotic. Now I see that 99% of America is view as little more than coal to make the 1% richer. A government run by business men is a government that doesn’t care about the people, truth or democracy. Money comes before everything in this country. I teach my kids that the corporate government will kill you if it turns a profit. This includes the man at the top of the government. He will sacrifice any number of people as long has the precious stock market goes up. A real revolution is needed.

Gates, along with his friends, discovered a wonderful operating system, which used windows instead of characters, while visiting Xerox. The Xerox controllers did not see any reason why they shouldn’t let Gates have it, even though the Xerox developers tried to tell their bosses of its potential value.

Chris points out a great training film showing what every company is obliged to do in China, to stay on top of this virus. Spot on with every point. However, I did wonder about the mask that the narrator was wearing. It was an exercise mask and had something which I assume was a valve on it. Aren’t these the worst kind of masks for reducing transmission, as they don’t inhibit the exhale much?
The other point was Chris’s mention of his belief that a better world is coming out of this. As far as I know, he hasn’t presented any data for having such a belief. It would be great to hear what he thinks will change and why he thinks those changes will happen. Personally, I can’t see any reason for optimism on that front (at least not for those alive today).

What could possibly go wrong with a fast-tracked vaccine?

Moderna COVID Vaccine Trial Sees 20% “Serious” Injury Rate as U.S. Invests BILLIONS More on Experimental COVID Vaccines

The vaccine, developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates, used an experimental mRNA technology that the two men hoped would allow rapid deployment to meet President Trump’s ambitious “warp speed” time line. Dr. Fauci was so confident of his shot’s safety that he waived ferret and primate studies (Moderna suspiciously reported no specific health data from its mouse studies). That appears to have been a mistake. Moderna did not release its clinical trial study or raw data, but its press release, which was freighted with inconsistencies acknowledged that three volunteers developed Grade 3 systemic events defined by the FDA as “Preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention.” Moderna allowed only exceptionally healthy volunteers to participate in the study. A vaccine with those reaction rates could cause grave injuries in 1.5 billion humans if administered to “every person on earth”. That is the threshold that Gates has established for ending the global lockdown. Moderna did not explain why it reported positive antibody tests for only eight participants. These outcomes are particularly disappointing because the most hazardous hurdle for the inoculation is still ahead; challenging participants with wild COVID infection. Past attempts at developing COVID vaccines have always faltered at this stage as both humans and animals achieved robust antibody response then sickened and died when exposed to the wild virus.

Saw this in my news feed this morning.
As fate would have it. My order for HCQ (along with others here) got cancelled by River pharmacy because India locked down before it could be shipped. Yesterday I called my local pharmacy and they said they had plenty but they would not sell it unless you alre
ady had a scrip for it. I called my insurance company to find out what their policy was. I have a drug plan with them and they have their own pharmacy.
My insurance company assured me they have plenty of HCQ. I just need to have a scrip from my doc saying why he is prescribing it. They will sell a 14 day supply for $6. Yep $6. I asked what the dose was and what was a 14 day supply. The dose is 200mg. And 14 day supply could be 1 a day or 14. or if the doc prescribes 2 a day 28. so it was $6 for 28 pills. If you were ordering for the first time that was their policy. Then you had to wait 180 days to reorder.
Bottom line it is cheap and plentiful. The lame stream media is not only scaring people about how dangerous it is but that people with lupus and arthritis will go w/o. We are being fed a steady diet of manure. It is enough manure to fertilize the entire plant forever.
BTW checked with other Canadian pharmacies and they have plenty.

Don’t know if this has been posted but just found this today.
It is much better than Worldometer for the US.

Aloha! First make sure your links on vaccines are not written by “anti-vaccine” political groups led by a Kennedy. After that then clear out the other profit biases like Bill Gates and Fauci. Never in history has big pharma opted for a $1 cure when they have $100 cures stacked up in their warehouses!

I look at the revolutionaries, the social justice warriors, the Antifas and I respect them. For whatever reason they lost out on going through the system and getting to make their mark. They look at rich kids and the kids of rich kids and they see weakness, kids who never paid their dues for the advantages they have. The radicals believe they are exercising their rightful power. When you come down to it, isn’t it always going to be survival of the fittest?

I was at a technical conference many years ago when a presenter was using a windows system on an Apple computer and she was marveling at how powerful it was to be able to link to inbedded and overriding screens. (There was nothing like this available on the PC.) To my knowledge Gates never sued Apple for violating a patent he had based on talking to Xerox people.

I am not sure I can comprehend what the average person thinks… I cant imagine living life with an IQ of 100 - and half the people have less than this.

( "Think about how dumb the average person is - half the people you meet every day are dumber than that" - George Carlin )
Anyway, drug safe for non-fatal illnesses like lupus and arthritis. But not safe for potentially fatal illness for 4 days of treatment. I cannot wrap my brain around this logic - mind all the evidence used for malaria. I was just checking the weather and media still posting fake news.. What is worse the that weather.com publishes it as coronavirus myth or fact - like their facts are close to correct. Myth: there are no home remedies to treat the coronavirus - fact - there is no approved treatment for the disease. ( well the myth its not a myth - we treat all kinds of illness even the flu with home remedies- fluids, sleep are a home remedy. So vague and not accurate. You can treat a virus at home for sure. They say it like fact that no treatments at home work .. and that is the fact.. ) are they approved ? Yes, no one will tell you not take/drink extra fluid when you are sick - is it a home treatment? how about sleep and rest? I don't even need to go into evidence of nutrition etc here to disprove this. Next myth: can you get coronavirus from packages in the mail? etc.. , well I am absolutely sure that this virus has been proven to last longer on surfaces than the flu - so wrong.. its not a myth its a fact. ( their fact - the cdc says that virus is not very survivable on packaging - and risk is very very low - this CDC statement is absolute fiction ) Myth 3: You can get coronavirus from a pet. CDC - Pets are not a source of transmission and spread of the Coronavirus.. - again absolute fiction.. SO, their cheap little slide show is nothing but fake news - purposed as actual separation of fact from fiction.. like those facts are absolutes. Garbage journalism - I cant believe there are people who will publish such fake news.

Main Stream Media are fully controlled now and will only report the propaganda spin and anyone who contradicts them can be simply dismissed as an “anti-vaxxer” or crazy conspiracy theorist. See how that works?
Robert F Kennedy JR is a hero in my opinion. There are very few people with the courage to stand up to Pharma. If you visit his Children’s Health Defense site you will find article after article based on scientific research and factual information. The blatant campaign against Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t even hold a candle to the fraud and misconduct Pharma has committed on the vaccine issue.

ALL news today is Fiction. I don’t think there is anything written objectively, honest, or unbiased today. I would pretty much say all media “media news” today qualifies as “fake news.”

Lots of charts and data- Some of it is off just a bit - but good attempt to compile a lot. Need to trash that black background to be taken seriously.

Hi You All,
The Pacifica Network is a good place to start to ween yourselves off of MSM.
I am a listener/supporter of one of their 5 major radio stations (there are a bunch of affiliates too) KPFK in Los Angeles. Some of their show host’s viewpoints are in support of vaccines and some aren’t. Some say the virus has natural origins and some say origins are from a lab. Some think they are pro-science when they really aren’t.
The point is, that the alternate voices are allowed to be heard as hosts or guests brought onto the shows and they get to speak their ideas and viewpoints for 20 minutes or more unlike the sound bit interviews a person will hear somewhere else or on MSM. Critical and skeptical thinking is supported and encouraged. You’ll hardly ever, as close to never as you can get, hear that on MSM. Look for a Pacific station in your area and give it a listen.
Peace for Real,

Yeah, Dr shiva came off way wrong. He even said some numbers that were not correct… starting off with 16m (flu infections/ yr ) moving to 300k deaths ( in the world ) back to 18k in the US. Also, he makes it sound as if its not anything different than the flu. Its immunocompromized that suffer. not immunocompetent. But he is of philosophy about ( non-traditional medical ) boosting and making the immune system do what it was designed to do. not about medicine , not about vaccines. He does not differentiate between the flu and coronavirus here… nor any other disease/ He is partially correct. There is a lot we can do to make sure our immune system are functioning as they should… “enough vitamin d, zinc, C. etc. very hard in today’s world of commercialized food” We also have to take additional things that from nature, with 1000s of years of empirical evidence, work…

The are tons of studies that prove that vaccines increase your risk of novel virus. I am pretty sure this was not to be argued as the data was already accepted as factual. Meaning enough studies , and varying study designs , all confirmatory.
So, I take it as a matter of fact, that any vaxxing causes dysfunction of the immune system. How long do you cry wolf, or call the in the troops every time the tornado storm is just a drizzling rain, before you do not know what a real storm even smells , looks , sounds or tastes like? Basically vaxxing is like training your immune system chances are you will over-train ( react way too strong ) or under-train ( not -react - its just a drizzle again).
If you were to follow the pediatric vaccination schedule plus flu shots , you will sound the fire alarm about 2 times a month for the first 60 mos of your life… basically your immune system is in 100% alarm. You think this is healthy? and productive for the immune system?