Preparing For A Post COVID Vaccine World

No matter if you decide to get the COVID vaccine or not, there is no doubt that the post-vaccine world is going to be different.

My husband and I were some of the people watching what was going on in China well before anything hit the mainstream news. As the situation continued to unfold, we started making sure we were prepared to stay at home for an extended time just in case. On January 31, 2020, I went into the grocery store, and I have not returned since.

Perhaps our reaction was early and more extreme than some, but at the time, everyone knew very little, and a lot of conflicting information was being spread. Just like now, it is hard to know what is true and what is not. We are responsible for my father’s care, a Vietnam Veteran in his 70s suffering from a range of health issues related to shrapnel and Agent Orange. He is also an amputee. We did not want to bring an illness with what at the time looked like a very high fatality rate home to him.

Around this time, we started watching Chris’s daily COVID update videos. He seemed to be the only person gathering a lot of information and analyzing it without turning it into a political circus.

I believe COVID-19 started out being more contagious and lethal than it is now. That is how viruses work, especially if the virus is not naturally occurring. While no one has 100% confirmed that COVID came from a lab, there is mounting evidence that it did. Any virus with too high of a fatality rate will burn itself out eventually. It is not in the best interest of a virus to be so fatal that it kills its host before the host can spread the virus more.

Spanish Flu never really went away either; it just became less lethal as people developed natural immunity, better treatments, and the virus mutated to survive better within the population.

I think that a lot of people are still in denial about the changes that have occurred. There are still a lot of people that believe we can get back to normal. Well, it is impossible to go back. We have to move forward and learn to properly and thrive in a post-COVID vaccine world.

Strauss and Howe and the 4th Turning

I think it is safe to say we are in a 4th Turning. The good news is that it doesn’t last forever. The bad news is that we probably have ten years before things start to look up a lot. That doesn’t mean it is all going to be miserable. There will be winners and losers like any age. It is just going to be harder to win, and people may have to reduce their expectations and standards of living more than they would like.

Are you going to get vaccinated? Is it worth it to you to give up some freedoms to remain unvaccinated?

With vaccine passports already a reality, those who have not been vaccinated will have to make a very serious decision. Are we willing to give up travel? What about going to sporting or music events? Just how much are you ready to give up?

The lifestyle my husband and I lead is different. Both of us work from home. We do not travel because we have a small farm that we are constantly making improvements on. With a child on the way, we have a house addition to build. Even before COVID-19, we didn’t enjoy shopping. We have saved a ton of time and frustration by ordering Instacart or via online retailers. It allows us to get more work done and provides a job for someone else.

We do not plan on taking any vaccine. At the time of this writing, I am currently 28 weeks pregnant with my first child. I have no desire to get a vaccine that has not been adequately tested, especially on pregnant women. There has not been nearly enough time for scientists to say what the long-term effects on a baby will be. It will be many years before we know that. As a healthy 38 years old, even if I get COVID, the chances of a good recovery are high. I trust that more than a vaccine that was developed and tested in less than a year and never adequately tested on pregnant women.

I hope that things do not progress to the point where you cannot do basic things without a vaccine passport, but there are plenty of people who think that you should not even be allowed to grocery shop if you don’t take the vaccine when it becomes available to you.

At the moment employers cannot legally mandate the vaccine because it is not yet FDA approved.

Plenty of people either do not know or they ignore the fact that COVID-19 vaccines are still considered experimental. They are not FDA-approved because they have not gone through the testing protocols that are necessary for approval. It is way too soon.

Some employers are offering financial incentives to get vaccinated.

While $100 is not much, it is what some employers are offering to employees that agree to get vaccinated. A local nursing home offered this "bonus". A close relative that works at a large regional brick and mortar chain store in the Pacific Northwest was offered $100. I have to wonder where the money for these bribes is coming from. $100 per employee adds up fast at bigger companies. Is some other benefactor helping finance these "bonuses"?

Prepare for potentially even more isolation, especially if you are not vaccinated, and vaccine passports are required.

A lot of people don’t do well when forced to isolate themselves. Single people, in particular, suffered a lot during the pandemic. Marriages also suffered, particularly those who were already having problems or used to lead somewhat separate lives or have a little more space.

Supply Chain Issues

Sporadic shortages are the new normal.

Our society is used to being able to get practically anything and specific brands with no problem at all. Before COVID, the only rationing and shortages remembered by most Americans was the gas crisis during the Carter Administration era.

During toilet paper shortages, I noticed that people were often upset because they couldn’t find “their brand.” The level of brand loyalty in the US is remarkable. Advertising sure works. There were plenty of “empty shelf” photos where people were complaining about not being able to get things even when there was an option left on the shelf. It just wasn’t what they wanted.

Be prepared to be more responsible for your well-being and security. The safety net is stretched and breaking. This is hard for many to see with so much money being printed and sent out to the American people. 22% of the circulating USD was printed in 2020 based on figures that are accurate as of December 19, 2020.

The M1 Chart above is a measure of the most-liquid assets in the U.S. money supply: cash, checking accounts, traveler’s checks, demand deposits, and other checkable deposits. Notice how dramatic the rise was in 2020 and how it continues to go up astronomically in 2021. Source: FRED

First Things To Stock Up On

Preparedness articles that include lists of supplies can seem overwhelming. I have attempted to create a list to help you prioritize the things you need to stock up on.


The cost of food is going up, and with inflation and supply changes stretched, it is just going to get worse.

Water Filter

Bottled water is a rip-off. A good family-style water filter should be considered a household essential even if you don’t stock up on many other things.

Medical Supplies including Prescription Meds

While some medications are limited to a 30 day supply per refill, there are a lot more that allows for a 90 day supply to be dispensed. You can ask your doctor for larger refills. Unless there is a specific medical reason, they will usually grant your request.

Pet Food

During the pandemic, pet food factories were not receiving products to process into pet foods. Fewer employees due to either a positive COVID test or social distancing restrictions also affected production. In the future, shipping and packaging costs could make the price of pet foods rise, and food distribution may be affected.

Remember that pet food production is tied to the meat and butchering industries. Major grain production also plays a role. Any lack of output at meat processors or a bad year for corn, wheat, soy, or rice will affect pet foods.

Hygiene Supplies

Personal protective gear such as gloves and masks are going for a premium already. If cases start to rise, the cost will go up, or supplies may not be available.

During any crisis, it is essential to maintain personal hygiene to prevent major diseases and minor health issues as well—stock up on toothbrushes and paste, soap, razors, etc.


Most of the clothing in the USA is created using foreign labor. While it may seem like there is a ton of inexpensive clothing now, that could change quickly. We like to keep some extra basics on hand that everyone can wear.

  • Packs of athletic socks that stretch to accommodate different sizes
  • Inexpensive packs of cotton t-shirts
  • A few extra pairs of new jeans for each family member
It didn't cost much to put together a kit of these basics at the pandemic's beginning. My husband and I know that these are items that we will definitely use one day as well. Living on a farm means we are hard on clothes.


A good emergency radio offers some ability to get news and weather forecasts if the internet is not available. Walkie Talkie style radios, short wave, and HAM radios are other options.

Batteries and Emergency Power Supplies

Rechargeable batteries and a solar-powered method to keep them charged are good investments for getting through events of varying severity. A quick online search will show you a ton of inexpensive options.

Consider investing in a more robust backup power system, such as a power center, if you have the budget for it. We have a few Jackery power centers on hand that we use often.

Something for Entertainment

Everyone needs something to take their mind off things. I turn to books, music, and writing. Make sure that everyone in your home has something that they can do to stay entertained at home.

The Order of Shortages or Increased Prices

Some items are more likely to become unavailable or go up dramatically in price. How important they are to you will vary based on how willing you are to make substitutions. Convenience is something that a lot of us are used to.

Paper Products

Recently Scott announced that starting in June, they would be increasing the cost of their products in the range of the mid to high single digits due to rising costs in raw materials and shipping. This means that toilet paper, diapers, baby wipes, paper plates, etc., are all going to increase in price. All other major manufacturers will be forced to increase their prices since they are exposed to the same rising costs of production.


Anything that is made from or packaged in plastic is likely to go up in price. The Texas deep freeze led to a decrease in oil production. Plastic is a petroleum byproduct. Plastic wrapping covers the majority of products, including paper products that are going up in cost. Get ready for more than single-digit increases in paper products’ cost if plastic goes up more than what is expected.

It is not easy to switch from one type of packaging to another.

Large manufacturing facilities are set up to package products a certain way. For example, switching from paper packaging to plastic would require a huge investment on a company’s part. It is easier to pass on higher packaging costs to the customer while using existing equipment. The hope, of course, is that costs will go down. I wouldn’t bet on the costs to the consumer ever going down even if commodity prices improve.


COVID protective measures increased the cost of growing and processing food. Fewer workers were allowed in facilities as well.

Less migrant labor also adds to the cost. Unfortunately, if food prices were to remain low, a steady supply of migrant workers willing to work hard for less pay than others was required, and it just didn’t happen. Although it is often overlooked, the United States has always had a poorer migrant class that took on the low-paying and less pleasant jobs. Before Mexican migrants, it was the Irish. When I worked in a fish processing facility in Ketchikan, AK, laborers were brought over from Eastern Europe, the Philippines, and Mexico. It was tough work, and the starting pay was low, but as my friend from Romania said, she could live very well back home on $500 per month, so working in the US for six months meant she had a higher standard of living when she returned.

COVID infection rates were very high among migrant workers too. These workers often live in highly tense situations. Employer subsidized housing is often not well maintained, and shared heating and cooling systems mean everyone is breathing the sale air.


Many of you know that the microchip shortage is causing issues for a variety of manufacturers. The price of computers is on the rise, with many people turning to repair shops rather than replacing them. Not long ago, unless you had a high-end machine, it was often cheaper to throw away your comp and get a new one.

With more people than ever working from home, it is important to have a good backup computer option. If you are on a budget, a refurbished desktop is a good option. At the moment, you can get a fast desktop for under $300 without a keyboard, monitor, and mouse.

Medical Supplies and Prescription Meds

The cost of nitrile and latex gloves has tripled in the last year, if you can find them at all. Good quality N-95 masks are still hard to find. Most people are forced to turn to the Chinese version, KN95. I bought a few of these to use when I have to go to prenatal appointments, and I will tell you that they do not seem as well made. There are places on the mask that are not as thick and do not stay on.

Some prescription medications are sparse. The US relies heavily on overseas manufacturing for many medications.

Fuel and shipping costs will continue to go up.

There is no reason to assume that fuel and transportation costs will go down anytime soon. The signs point to them going up.

US Retail Diesel Prices November 2020-April 12, 2021. Source: YCharts

Labor Shortages

It is increasingly hard for some employers to find qualified people that are willing to work. Even if you don't employ people yourself, labor shortages are going to affect your life. Getting the services and products you need will start to take more time and cost more. Tensions with China and higher shipping costs to get products from foreign manufacturers mean that we cannot rely on foreign labor to ease the stresses of a labor shortage in the USA.

There are a lot of reasons for labor shortages. Some factors may affect some parts of the USA more than others.

Inability to pass a drug test and crippling addictions

Opioid addiction is rampant, and there are plenty of people that while they are functioning on some level, cannot pass the drug screen that is so often required for insurance purposes. Some can pass even when they have a major problem because some substances leave the body faster than others. Smoking pot on the weekend two weeks ago may show up, while the cocaine from a week ago is long gone. The hard drug user passes while the marijuana user doesn’t get the job. In some cases, this can lead to hiring someone only to realize that you hired an addict. In some cases, the employer has to jump through many hoops to rid themselves of that employee.

A feeling that it is not worth it to work. It is more lucrative to draw unemployment.

In some cases, jobs do not pay enough to motivate people to go back to work. If you are collecting $600 a week in unemployment and the jobs available to you pay $700 or $800 and require a commute and the associated fuel costs and wear and tear on your car, it is hard for some to get motivated to return to the job market. Add in the fact that many people don’t have to pay childcare costs when at home; this means that going back to work could cost some a significant amount of money.

Skills, training, or physical ability

Some of the available jobs require training and education that take significant amounts of time to get. Even lower-paying health care jobs mean getting a 6-month certificate. Some people may not want to dedicate that much time towards earning credentials in a world where they are not confident that a job will be available when they finish.

Some have plenty of skills, but they are not the right ones for the current economy. For example, if you had a job in mining or the oil industry, you cannot just switch to installing solar panels or doing another job that is in high demand but requires specialized skills.

Americans are notoriously out of shape. Jobs that require standing for long periods, heavy lifting, and continuous physical activity are not realistic for many. While employers are technically not allowed to discriminate, chances are you are not going to get hired if they look at you and know that you cannot physically do a job well enough for it to be a good financial decision for them.

People do not want to work food service jobs, including those that have been in the industry for years.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people lost their jobs in the foodservice industry. Those that stayed often reported crazy accounts of abuse from customers. Gone were the days when people were nice and just glad to get out of the house. Now food workers had to try to enforce mask rules and deal with people on edge more than ever. Capacity restrictions meant serving fewer people. Doing take-out or delivery only resulted in fewer tips for servers, meaning they were not making enough money to meet basic needs.

Let’s not forget the riots and protests that led to restaurant customers and staff getting abused and harassed, too—plenty of customers left without paying when trying to get away from the violence.

Eventually, even more, workers were laid off, and many found other jobs. Plenty of them remember all too well how they were treated and refuse to go back to their old occupation.

Aging baby boomers retiring.

Fewer baby boomers are working than in the past, and those numbers will keep going up. Baby boomers leaving will open up some higher-level management jobs as well as retail and customer service positions. Employers could experience difficulties filling these positions for many of the reasons previously discussed in this article.

The Take-Away

We are in for a bumpy ride for a while, but you can do plenty of things to help make it a little easier.
  1. Stock up on essentials as your budget allows. Check out my article featuring tips for fighting household inflation for more details.
  2. Arrange for services and order supplies sooner rather than later. Things are likely to take more time, so you need to get used to planning for that.
  3. Find something to keep yourself and your family entertained that doesn't rely on spending a ton of money or going far from home.
  4. Realize that some convenience items may become too expensive or not available. You may have to take time to do dishes and cook more often.
  5. Try to be more patient with yourself and others. People are on edge.
  6. Take steps to secure your home and property. During hard economic times, burglary and other acts of desperation become more common.
Never forget that plenty of people learn how to thrive and prosper during difficult times. The key is the ability to adapt and not get too caught up in the idea of a past returning that is impossible to achieve. There is no going back.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

This is a good article above. Below is a frame-work that I think would compliment this article well. When referring to prepping we probably want be specific which stages of collapse we are targeting, as the different stages can have completely preparations. Let me explain here.
People will prep and prepare for all sorts of future events, including hurricanes, market collapse, flooding, and even the inevitable zombie apocalypse. But often people have completely different ideas in what type of environment they are preparing for. Are you prepared to run out of gas for a few days, a few weeks, or forever. Those are completely different scenarios to prepare for. This of course can complicate conversation when two people are talking about completely different things.
Thus, here I would like to propose new terminology when discussing stages of collapse.
Stage One - Let’s define Stage One as normal business at usual future state. The following bullets detail features we can expect.

  • We all need to play within the system. The herd doesn't like people who stray too far. So you decide to go off grid and live as a hermit, well, they are still going to want your land taxes paid in dollars every year. Inspectors will still show up to mandate a proper septic system, etc...
  • The central banks will continue to do everything possible to keep things going as "normal".
  • Price discovery is completely broken and nothing makes sense from a resource or ecological perspective.
  • Gold and silver will barely keep up with inflation.
  • The store shelves will get refilled every day.
  • Government services function as planned and then some.
  • Common utilities are widely available (water, electricity, natural gas, fuel oils)
  • Police and fire services are widely available and often show up within minutes.
  • Prepping for this stage involving playing within the system, owning the right stocks, pretending at your day jobs, etc
State Two - Stage two is where things are starting to break down and becoming intermittent.
  • There are simply not enough resources to go around.
  • Food and store shelves can go bare, but are often restocked within the same week.
  • Replacement items can become intermittent.
  • True price discovery can return to the markets with a vengeance.
  • Gold and silver suddenly become go to assets.
  • Not all Government services can be maintained. Services will need prioritized.
  • Utilities can become intermittent. The electricity may go out several times a day or week.
  • Gas lines and fuel disruptions are likely. Prices are likely to spike.
  • We can have boil water alerts. Water pressure can fluctuate. Water rationing may be ordered.
  • Policing is often overwhelmed, possibly by riots, emergency preparedness (maybe a hurricane), or large event management (food distribution). Crime may spike by 3-5 times normal rates. The police will still show up, but possibly a day late.
  • Protests and riots are commonplace.
  • The central banks will be in emergency mode. Stage Two can include both deflationary depression or hyperinflation scenarios.
  • Gold and silver will be considered safe haven investments, and will do very well.
  • Stocks are likely to fall 90% from peaks.
  • The Government will find it hard to fund all services.
  • The economy will likely be in a recession or depression.
  • Note, depending on the situation, Stage Two could last a decade, or more. We have no idea.
  • Hospitals are overwhelmed, rationing, but still available.
Stage Three - We can define this stage as the Mad Max stage.
  • There is no larger economy. Small micro economies may exist.
  • It's lawless survival time with every man and woman out for themselves, or hopefully you have a great group of people to hunker down with.
  • Gold and silver, there is no larger economy and you can't eat them. If they were perceived as valuable in stage two, someone may trade them in stage thee for critical supplies.
  • Store shelves are completely bare and most businesses have been looted and abandoned.
  • Looting is widespread.
  • Electric utilities are all down.
  • Water systems have failed.
  • Fuel oil is only what a few people have saved up, and that will go quick.
  • The Government has dissolved, or has pulled back from many regions.
  • Hospitals are abandoned.
  • Police and fire stations are abandoned.
Stage Four - Now we get to rebuild
  • Human populations are now substantially smaller.
  • Humans are once again living within their means.
  • Without inputs, our environments are able to provide adequate firewood, food for hunting, productive field crops, and food from gardening.
  • Gold and silver could be the basis for a new money system. You might do very well to have a few of these in your pocket to start with.
  • A Government will need reformed.
  • An economy will need rebuilt from scratch.
  • Policing and new legal systems will need formed. New laws will need created from scratch.
  • "Bring out your dead" - Oh I totally want to name the new apothecary in town.
As you can see, each of these Stages has completely different preparation requirements. That $40,000 tractor and $9000 saw mill are awesome for stages one and two, but would be worthless for stages 3 and 4. As where a team of draft horses is quite costly in stages 1 and 2, but worth every penny for stages 3 and 4. I wonder if any of those tractors and sawmills can run on moonshine? Gold and silver are losing investments in stage 1, great investments in stage 2, a liability in stage 3, and could make you a king in stage 4. Who knows? Another example might be water preparations. Stage 1 water preps might include an some filters and a few cases of water bottles. A stage 1 water outage might include your well pump failing or a water break in the city. Stage 2, you have to be prepared for those filters might get really expensive to replace. It's likely clean water sources could become intermittent, or that you need to pick up and flee if things become unsafe. Stage 3 basically requires a hand pump well, a clean stream nearby, or passive water collections systems. In Stage 4 the community may end up repairing the old water treatment plant. In 2020 during the covid lock downs, Stage Two took hold in a number of regions. During the 2020 riots a few areas became no go zones and dropped into Stage Three for short periods. Therefore, an important concept here is that you can have multiple stages at the same time in different areas. If everyone has to flee because wildfires are sweeping through, that could also be stage 2 or 3. Well, hopefully I sparked some ideas how to think about this topic. Cheers... -Travis  

In our household models of the Purpose of this fracas are floated and fire raucous broadsides at each other.
She says that various malevolent entities are afoot for fun and profit.
I reply that we are a prison planet and are about to be released upon the cosmos. The release of consciousnesses such as ours; being a distillation of every irredeemably non-conformist from the past Empire, needs careful consideration.
The issue is Control. The technology involved in these magnetic “vaccines” and the hysterical propaganda with which they are forced upon us is of an order not available to the prison population. (Accumulation of knowledge is/was forbidden, hence the memory-scrub between incarnations.) Hint: Don’t go “Towards the light”; it is a trap.
How would You release a population such as ours into polite society?
Ref: Matilda and Is-be’s conversations.
Dr. David Jacob’s mantids.

Just did a quick read - will do more in depth later.
In addition to a water filter I recommend mapping local water sources - hotel/condo waterscapte, park ponds etc. A filter is useless if you don’t know where the water is!

The medical field is sometimes quick to get on the bandwagon of vaccinations. But many of us simply will not. We can let our employers know that we want to work but do not feel that the vaccine has been clearly demonstrated safe enough for us to take it.
We may need to shift to other work environments, like small offices where we write our own rules.
Restaurants, trains and airlines might get more selective. I might be driving alone more. I will quietly let the restaurant owner know that I would love to eat there and ask him to find a way to include me (and benefit from my business). I expect some accommodations will be made.

Sand puppy,
let us know if you get into telemed. I am sure there are some potential patients here.

A well-written and wide-ranging article, thanks.
It’s a bit off-topic, but on the computer front, please know that roughly 95% of computer problems are software-based. So next time someone tells you your PC needs replacing, please reconsider. Maybe do more research. Get a second opinion.
I run a lot of equipment that is considered obsolete, but works very very well for me. And it’s not slow either.

While it is never a bad time to become more resilient and self-reliant in the manor described in Samantha’s article, I’m kinda wondering (hoping, as weak a strategy as that is…) if it may overlook the possible reversal of some of the recent madness. With the recent “revelations” and slight change of course in the MSM wrt IVM, etc., I’m wondering if we may be on the cusp of a Righteous Reset. A general revealing and correction of some or all of the burdens that have been placed upon humanity in the last 18 months. As DaveF states: there are few of “them”, and many of us. Keep thinking and acting positively folks! Prep on! Aloha, Steve.

Great write-up, interesting to read the part about extra sets of jeans. We take these things too much for granted - expecting clothes always available. I would add footwear to this list - it’s something I cannot (yet) make!
A sewing machine is very handy and can breathe new life into old jeans: I’ve patched the back pockets lower down to cover worn seats. And I have a hand-powered straight stitch in storage if things get really bad.

Travis, very extensive addition to a great article from Samantha. Thanks to you both!
I also admire the people on this platform that seem to be perfectly prepared and made prepping into an art !
Few thoughts on a philosophical note.

  • Life happens to you when you are busy making plans. – There is no way you can plan ahead for everything, be mindful, if you believe you are prepared for anything you are probably prepared for nothing.
  • Everybody has a plan, until they get hit in the face. – Not sure if this was originally from boxing legend Mike Tyson, but it has some merit for sure. Expect the unexpected.
  • No matter how well protected you believe you are, if you are best prepared and stocked up on essentials and not within a community of sorts or living very remote, the not-haves will find and loot your place once stressed enough (stage 2+).
  • Community is key for the long run, a short lockdown of sorts is fairly easy to go through, for an extended period of time you can not survive on your own. Besides the heroic Rambo style fairytales.
  • Ego is increasingly the worst feature going forward.
    Having said this, forgive me I settle well in the role of Devil’s advocate, all you wrote was useful, thanks again !

What do you all recommend? I have a Big Berky that I use at the house that could very well be used with outdoor water. (We have a few streams by our house.) And I have a bunch of LifeStraws in our bugout bags.
What should I be adding that I haven’t?

>>> It’s a bit off-topic, but on the computer front, please know that roughly 95% of computer problems are software-based. So next time someone tells you your PC needs replacing, please reconsider.
I still consider Windows XP to be the High Point of Microsoft Software.

Based on Travis’ definitions, I’d say we are moving out of stage 1 and into stage 2 currently. Its impossible to predict how long stage 2 could last but I would guess, for a country as big, wealthy and powerful as the US…stage 2 could last many years.

Stevie Smith - 1902-1971
Nobody heard him, the dead man,
But still he lay moaning:
I was much further out than you thought
And not waving but drowning.
Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he’s dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
They said.
Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.

We have a handful of Lifestraws. They are nice to toss into a backpack and could help in a pinch.
Also we have a 4.5 gal Berky with a number of extra filters, and we bought it years ago before prices went sky high. The Berky drains very slow, almost too slow. I’m wondering is something is wrong with the filters we got. Note, I believe you can partially clean the filters in boiling water.
Next we have an MSR pump filter. It works, but gain is very slow and takes a lot of pumping. I’m concerned the plastic pump will crack and break under heavy use. I would not want to depend on this long term.
The number one method we use is boiling water. We have a large pot on the camp fire and simply keep it with hot water all day.

Ive used my Berkey for years. Whenever it gets slow, I take the flat part of a knife and scrape away the top surface of the carbon, as it gets plugged over time.

We wouldn’t need vaccines or vaccine passports if everyone would just mask up. Mask efficacy is pretty high if you use n95s. If you don’t want to do either, we’ve been delivering virtually everything to our house including groceries. We liked not having to waste time driving so much that we’re probably going to stick with this, and just use the extra time for the parks and hiking.

I’d be up for a telemed relationship as well. Let us know if you go that path.

Cloud based concierge medicine?