Private Profits Vs Public Health

wow, so much for nuance in your comment. I live in Canada (i have all of my life save for 1 year in France) where we have universal healthcare. To my knowledge, doctors are free to go work wherever they like (they are considered free entrepreneurs). They can even switch provinces shoud they want to. Patients are free to choose their doctor. Our cost per citizen are half of what they are in the US (and some countries like France, Italy, Sweden, etc do even better cost wise and I would argue quality wise then we do). Our death rate due to Covid is lower than the US. Our average lifespan is indeed greater an the US all considered. Not bad for a ‘‘socialized’’ (the word that shall not be uttered in the US) system.

Oh, and I should add that here in Quebec (each province runs its own healthcare system) family doctors make an average of 250k a year, specialist an average of 400K. Some, as much as 1.5 million/year. Talk about exploited cheap labor. I couldn’t bear it myself.

Do you still have the entire video? If you do can you upload it onto other file hosters or video streaming platforms?

So I had watched this video earlier, then wanted to review it but realized it became banned. Not a surprise at all. What I want to know is did any of you download the video earlier? If possible maybe it can be re-sharef on to different platforms altogether or shared in file lockers.
Most importantly, do any of you have a screen capture of all of the sources and references from this banned video?
I only remember seeing this source:

David, the thing that got me about Stratil’s post was that it was almost entirely reliant on a BBC article. He acted as if the BBC was universally accepted as being credible and definitive.
Of course, a lot of people don’t see things that way anymore. For instance, I treat all New York Times’ articles as “presumptively suspect” and certainly not “presumptively credible or definitive.” I feel the same way about the BBC.
And when someone treats the Times or the BBC as being “conclusive” on an issue, I actually feel sorry for them. It is dangerous for a person to be so completely lost in the modern world.

Canada vs US vs Scandinavian healthcare is a perfect example of why people need to drop the labels and look at things through a lens of what works.
Canada ignoring things like HCQ and Ivermectin would fit with the top down, socialism narrative, but then why aren’t these offered by at least a few major players in America’s “for profit” healthcare system as a competitive advantage?
Neither Canadians nor Americans get very good Covid treatment, but at least the Canadian’s surviving relatives get to keep the house.
Canada being “socialist” bugs me on an ideological level. It bugged me when I couldn’t get a vitamin D test in Alberta without jumping through a lot of special hoops. Then I read on PP that Americans can’t get their insurance providers to pay for a vitamin D test either, so whats the point?

Kathy, you wrote:

Maybe we could try blocking healthcare workers and doctors from ever leaving their state and mandating that they work for $15/hour.
I just finished a book on the fall of the Roman Empire. As the Empire started to fall farmers started to leave their lands to get away. They simply couldn't make a living anymore. The Empire did exactly what you suggested. They made it illegal to leave. Sooooo, don't be suprised if ...

Since I started posting again several days ago I was sent three private messages. When I go to read them I receive a message that says I do not have permission to access them. My polite requests have not been acknowledged or answered. Perhaps you are working on a big project or it could be I am still in the doghouse. I know I am a curmudgeonly pain in the ass but do believe that those of us who do not fall in the main cohort or largest demographic can be valuable contributors.
Please advise. Thanks you.

Mike - thanks for posting the link for the EMA petition. I’m living in Europe and I signed it. The information in the article, as well as the petition itself and 2 exhibits, is quite alarming…

Released on 12/3/20
The data is 100% in agreement: All studies show a clinical benefit for use of Ivermectin. It works as a pre-exposure prophylaxis, post exposure prophylaxis, and when given to both early and late hospitalized patients. As importantly, one study shows a profound improvement in the symptoms for the “long haul” Covid sufferers, for which no other treatments seem to have worked. If you think you’ve been exposed, or have been exposed, or work in a high risk situation, or you have Covid symptoms, or you are a long haul suffere, the data is clear: take Ivermectin immediately. The sooner the better. As is always true of an antiviral. Or antibiotic. That should be crystal clear to everyone except the designers of the tragic RECOVERY trial in the UK, and various W.H.O. study designers. They seem to be a bit dense on the topic for *cough$$$*cough some unknown reason$. If your health provider won’t provide Ivermectin, then go elsewhere. You have a quack, or a slow learner on your hands, not an up-to-date doc.
Links: Ivermectin Meta Data

Meta Review of Ivermectin (Pre-Print) – This is MEGA IMPORTANT!
Ivermectin in Mexico
Ivermectin in Romania

FDA regulators noted a "numerical imbalance" in cases of Bell's palsy, a condition that temporarily weakens face muscles: There were four cases of Bell's palsy among the 20,000-plus people who got Pfizer's vaccine, compared with no cases in the placebo group. But the FDA said this frequency of Bell's palsy cases among those who got Pfizer's shot was not any higher than what would be expected for the general population.
none in placebo group.. but same as in general population? what is wrong with the placebo group? you mean that the its a life-time chance of bell palsy not the 60 days of the trial. that is why the placebo there was no cases. SO, we have overt neurological damage from the vaccine.. I guess that is an acceptable risk.. What about things that make take years to show? MS? other autoimmune neuro diseases?

The income of docs in Canada (and Quebec) is misrepresented; Those figure are gross provincial payments, out of which docs pay salaries of staff, overhead, liscencing costs, usually 40-70% overhead (depending on specialty & practice), with no pension or fringe benefits. Lots of docs would rather take a nurse’s salary terms if it was offered; nurses can easily out earn a gp by working similar hours. If you want to look at systems that work, the europeans (France, Italy Germany…) deliver better outcomes and service at lower costs than Canadian or American systems.

And two people are now reported dead after taking the vaccine.
There are also warnings of "frequently seen" severe adverse reactions.

Pondering mortality rates at the CDC site and wondering how “math works”.
Hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia: Diagnosis, management, and prevention
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: Getting to Zero…and Staying There

Dang it! Your video has been removed from YouTube. Dr. Chris Martenson, please start directing people to this website for your podcasts. You speak too much truth and upset the corporate interested in vaccine promotion. YouTube deplatformed Del Bigtree of thehighwire. com. You’ll be next.

  1. Through your reporting I came to find the FLCCC doctors' press conference at detailing the effective treatment of COVID 19 with ivermectin. Obviously boycotted by the MSM. I could find only one news outlet outside of PP reporting it. It's pretty clear that mass vaccination, the damage it is sure to bestow on humanity, and the lining of big pharmas pockets is the end game.

though illegally to promote the over-throw the US govt by force is a federal offence. I wonder if taking back the US govt by force is? I am sure they will make it so… never the less no force methods are all in play. But I know in the end they will not work. its time to at least start somewhere. I am planning now. ( not force part , YET !! )

In one of my last cases before I retired, I happened to be defending a charge of sedition. Here is the definition of sedition:

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
But here is the important part. If the Feds want to put you in jail - you will end up in jail. It just isn't that hard for them to engineer it.

Mike, It looks like 2 in pfizers and one in moderna - so 3 all together . And yes ‘frequent" "severe adverse events’ after second dose is pretty alarming. but we saw that in very early data Dr Martenson presented a couple months ago.

I believe its the only reason that we have not seen revolution in this country yet. We live in the most corrupt country in the world. The Federal govt much more so than local government. The Feds out-right act above the law in every regard daily, with zero regard for the constitution and law including local law. I have experienced my own share of crap from the Feds… BUT , I am no longer scared of them… I have something for them… if they mess with me or my family.

New York State Assembly Bill A11179 was just introduced into the New York Legislature to make the Covid vaccine mandatory.
They want to make the mass experiment of injecting genetically modified mRNA into New Yorkers mandatory as a matter of law.
The country has gone totally crazy.