Private Profits Vs Public Health

This gets an “A” for creativity, IMO.

Covid vaccine in exchange for a $1,500 stimulus check? How one bold proposal would work Americans are eager for more one-time stimulus checks, while the U.S. government is working to get Covid-19 vaccinations to the American public. Now, one proposal from former congressman John Delaney aims to help both sides by providing stimulus checks in exchange for getting vaccinated. The goal: to reach a 75% vaccination rate faster, which could save both lives and the U.S. economy.
Forget the cost of checks and the SS# requirement (and to keep dead people from showing up to get vaccinated). Just keep a pallet of crispy Benjamins handy at each vacinnation site, ready to dole out to the great unwashed and the "voluntary" clinical trial participants. Free money for (or) your life.

The probability of false results just went from 1:2,000,000 to 1:8,000,000. Ivermectin is the real thing. A friend who works at Mayo Rochester criticized me for jumping on any new treatment that comes along. Well… what can I say? Follow the science and learn as new data becomes available.

" A friend who works at Mayo Rochester…"
I’m not convinced anymore that Ivm will ever be acknowledged as being helpful for covid. There is too much invested in current narrative and the press so far is clear that Ivm isn’t just “unproven” but there is unequivocally zero supporting evidence of any kind for it.
But if the west ever does find that they have no choice but to “scientifically discover” Ivm, what do you think the odds are that your friend will never speak to you again for knowing more than he did sooner?
Back in the 2005/2006 housing bubble I really got into it online with people who pulled the “I’m an expert, who the hell are you?” routine. Because it was the internet I ended up attacking them personally at least as much as they did me. I reveled in knowing that I would crush their self esteem in the end for attacking me for starting out offering simple evidence. It wasn’t a good scene, but at least these weren’t people I knew in real life.

Last year Dr. Jordan Peterson started a free speech platform called Thinkspot, to promote intelligent discourse on any topic, as an alternative to the other social media sites, most of which are engaging in various forms of censorship. Paid and free memberships are available, but users must register (with email, password, username).

  • Republicans 50%, Democrats 75%, Independents 61%
  • Men: 66%, Women 60%
  • No College: 61%, College 68%
  • White: 67%, non-white: 53%
  • 18-44: 68%, 45-64: 52%, 65+: 74%
If vaccination were such a good deal, people would be begging to get vaccinated. There would be fights, bribery, corruption, back-room deals. Politicians would be vaccinated on the sly by special teams. Willingness to get vaccinated has increased with the winter wave. Fauci's utter failure to provide any approved treatments for 10 long months is almost certainly helping increase adoption rates.

I thank god i do live in that crazy ass state… Even with the other new vaccine mandates.
But as to the stimulus payment requires vaccination… You could make this 50k. and i still wont get it. But that type of extortion is clearly unconstitutional any way… But I am sure its coming anyway… since when does the fed care about the constitution ?

I have relayed all the science to my brother - who gets the science he has some doubts about the safety. But he is seeing so many people drop where he is at, and has great exposure in his work, that he wants to get it. It does not make sense to me - because he knows about the ADE, but when you are staring at death daily, it looks like a better evil. Its about your personal risk reward. So, it seems some of these people seem messed up to take this… I can sort understand my brother. I can sit at my home and work there mostly. he has to work around tons of people , and different people each day. He watches and hears about one colleague or family of a colleague , drop dead daily, and he not free of heart issues, and and pulmonary, endocrine, immune issues and is nearing 60 … so yes I can understand how this is scary for him. So when you look at that acceptance - its a combo of what people experience and what the media is saying … its fear… They are not putting the disease in correct context… Not saying people are not harmed from this nasty disease , which you do not want. But I would not fear it at all… if we had ivermectin available. But I also fear the vaccine far worse than the disease… Because I am in the KNOW.

I think this looks like verbatim from NIH Covid-19 treatment guidelines.
Might I suggest you send him this.

See this post for the alt-tech sites to which we should be uploading our videos and cross-posting from FB and Twitter.

In his autobiography, around 1787, Mr. Franklin summarizes what he has observed about politics:

“That the great affairs of the world, the wars, revolutions, etc., are carried on and affected by parties.
“That the view of these parties is their present general interest, or what they take to be such. “That the different views of these different parties occasion all confusion.
“That while a party is carrying on a general design, each man has his particular private interest in view.
“That as soon as a party has gain’d its general point, each member becomes intent upon his particular interest; which, thwarting others, breaks that party into divisions, and occasions more confusion
“That few in public affairs act from a meer view of the good of their country, whatever they may pretend; and, tho’ their actings bring real good to their country, yet men primarily considered that their own and their country’s interest was united, and did not act from a principle of benevolence.
“That fewer still, in public affairs, act with a view to the good of mankind.
“There seems to me at present to be great occasion for raising a United Party for Virtue, by forming the virtuous and good men of all nations into a regular body, to be govern’d by suitable good and wise rules, which good and wise men may probably more unanimous in their obedience to, than common people are to common laws. “I at present think that whoever attempts this aright, and is well qualified, can not fail of pleasing God, and of meeting with success. B. F.”

So, generally being a man of good will, and wanting a positive outcome for all in the current circumstance, I have felt the need to do something, however minor. So, taking a cue from Adam’s posting on recognizing propaganda, I quickly created the following to distribute to certain customers, and even random folks I come in contact with. Only given out a few so far, but, when preceeded by a brief “introduction” of the topic, everyone has thanked me for the info. I can get about 12 of these on a sheet of paper, and, out they go…
"Please visit these sites because your
family’s health is paramount. Medical
experts provide proven guidance:
Aloha, Steve.
A must read for the doubters of nefarious intent. Ms. Webb once again shows us what investigative journalism actually looks like.

Roxana Bruno (Biochemistry PhD in Immunology) recently wrote an article outlining the science behind rising concern that a crucial side effect of these Covid-19 vaccines could be the suppression of human reproduction. She wrote:

COVID-19 vaccines carry the spike protein (S or “Spike”) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus as an alleged antigen to trigger the immune response, which shares high genetic and protein similarity with two human proteins, Sincitin-1 and Sincitin-2. Human syncytins are the product of the expression of the genes of the envelope (Env) of human endogenous retroviruses (HERV): they are proteins that mediate fusion between cells and have immunosuppressive properties. Syncytins are physiologically expressed during pregnancy: they intervene in the development of the placenta, trophoblast differentiation, the implantation of the embryo in the mother’s uterus and the immunosuppression of the mother’s immune system to prevent allogeneic rejection of the embryo. Because of the similarity between syncytins and the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 vaccine-induced antibody responses could trigger a cross-reaction against syncytins, causing allergic, cytotoxic and/or autoimmune side effects affecting human health and reproduction. … With vaccination against COVID-19, IgE-type antibody responses and delayed-type hypersensitivity by T cells could also be induced, as was observed in mice, which after exposure to a SARS vaccine, caused them to have an allergic response. Therefore, we already know that due to the similarity of the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus with the two human proteins, Sincitin 1 and Sincitin 2, it is unlikely that a safe COVID-19 vaccine will be obtained, without observing allergic, cytotoxic and/or autoimmune side effects and without these effects affecting sooner or later the delicate mechanism of human reproduction. Secondly, experimental vaccines against COVID-19 could affect human fertility because the levels of expression of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) from syncytins increase progressively from the beginning of conception, during the first trimester and until the end of the pregnancy. Both fusion and differentiation of trophoblast cells are associated with a concomitant increase in mRNA expression of the syncytin gene (HERV-W env) and the protein Sincitin. In simple terms, if the amount of protein or mRNA of the Syncytin gene decreases, defects in placental formation, poor trophoblast differentiation and vascular dysfunction in the placenta are observed. (Link)

The Galton institute grew out of a eugenics movement that was generalized across the scientific, genetics and social realm of its time in the U.S.
It would only be remarkable if an institute originating during that era wasn’t oriented towards eugenics. It is a shameful part of our Western heritage, not confined to Nazi Germany.

Thanks Steve, note the Ivmeta link Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19: meta analysis of 28 studies ( was updated today, 12/28. 100% of the studies show improvement in pre, post, early, and late treatment. The scumbags suppressing/censoring this information and treatment should be criminally charged. Meanwhile people die, big pharma, physicians, hospitals, and labs make their billions. And we’re supposed to think they care about us? The hippocratic oath has become the hypocritic oath. Sick
More cogent, unbiased, unfiltered reporting on the historical aspects leading up to our current mess. If one were to read almost all of the links that both Webb and Ehret put in their extensively researched articles, as I have done, it becomes exceedingly hard to maintain an attitude of denial re the nefarious agendas that have been playing out right under our noses for generations. Anyone who is still asking for ‘proof of intent’ is a blooming idiot. That they have gotten away with this agenda and all of their backroom grooming and manipulating for so long simply boggles my mind. But at the same time, is reflective of just how dedicated they are to promoting their cause, and how they succeeded, via their control of the media, into brainwashing and manipulating the sheeple into focusing on and buying into all that is irrelevant in this modern world. They have seized the moment with Covid, and are salivating evermore as they see the potential in front of them oh so close now they can taste it. They will be doubling down I have no doubt, for never have they been so close to their desired unipolar dominance.

A young student of Harvard’s William Yandell Elliot (himself a Rhodes Scholar who operated the Oxford Branch of Harvard) was none other than Sir Henry Kissinger who stated gushingly at a May 10, 1981 Chatham House event: “The British were so matter-of-factly helpful that they became a participant in internal American deliberations, to a degree probably never practiced between sovereign nations… In my White House incarnation then, I kept the British Foreign Office better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American State Department… It was symptomatic”. [bold my emphasis]
The first step must be mass resistance to the vaccines, contact tracing and immunity passports. There are signs of resistance... I am hoping it spreads like covid! [edit] adding this paragraph from the first linked article, which seems so very appropriate for this moment in time:
Today’s battle between the opposing paradigms of the multipolar alliance led by Russia and China on the one hand vs the unipolarist/post-nation state worldview on the other has everything to do with these longer forces of history. The only way to comprehend the color revolution playing out within the USA, or the anomalous emergence of Rhodes Scholars shaping the possible Biden presidency, is by recognizing this higher reality. This exercise may cause you to think about thinking differently, and at first may be uncomfortable, but just as the figure released from the cave who slowly accustoms his/her eyes to the light of the sun and reality, the satisfaction of enjoying a higher order of truthfulness is incomparably more pleasant to a life believing in the shadows cast by an elite class of puppeteers.

It’s all about the “science” … of nudging.

ounded in 2010, the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF) provides a platform for exclusive analysis, research, and policy comment on Eurasian and global affairs.
SCF completely lacks transparency by not listing owners or editors. Further, the domain is registered in Russia, which the owners do not openly disclose and there is not a contact page provided.
Strategic Culture Foundation is not a reliable source. Those who cannot detect this from the way the articles are written, can fact check it online.
Important to note that all anyone should be concerned with, when it comes to fact checking, is the transparency of information. Who is funding it, where is it funded from, etc…
Those who are concerned with purity of purpose regarding eugenics programs should probably quit eating Kellogg’s products because the product line originated in some seriously whacko ideology too.
Also, if the idea that a small club of white men have disproportionate control of the world is repellent, the right way to approach that would be to support Black Lives Matter. Oh, whoops. They’re “anti-fa, communist, socialist, etc” Correct?