REPLAY: The Halloween Peak Insider Live Q&A

The tonight’s topics were a nightmare indeed…WEF/EU leaders killing the energy supply, disappearing crabs, failing Covid narratives, nuclear war, oil’s scary future and so much more. But Chris and Evie also brought their usual humor and terrific advice on how to consider your own homestead as insurance against the fall and even how to survive that previously mentioned nuclear war.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nuclear Winter

How realistic is all this talk of using plastic sheets to save your garden after a nuclear war? Have you seriously considered the debate about nuclear winter?
I would appreciate your views about this article by Steven Starr. He’s arguing that all the facts & evidence suggest that nuclear winter is a highly likely outcome if a lot of cities get burned to the ground.
However, this conclusion was beaten back by a richly financed propaganda campaign coming from nuclear weapons manufacturers and other beneficiaries of the nuclear arms race.
Big tobacco, big pharma, big nukes. It all sounds so familiar.

I can’t speak for others so I tell you what my considerations are.
The outcome of a nuclear conflict is to uncertain for me to take special precautions for. The only thing I did do is to make sure that the chance of survival of the first stages are as maximal as possible. So I arranged suits for every family member. Gasmasks, ducttape, plastic foil and a geigercounter and radio. Of course in a cage of Faraday.
After that we will have to see what is left. Did my waterpomp survive? How many people in my village survived? If they are dead, do they have food in the house? I try to imagine but I really have no clue of what the world will look like after such event.
In order to do some preparations you need to imagine against what event you prep.
Since I can’t, I don’t. I make sure that we survive the first events, with as many people as possible. After that we must have faith in our own abilities to adjust.
My strategy in life is that when things go rough, I take one step at a time. I try to avoid to look to far into the future in those cases.
When things go really that bad, I wish you all the good luck.



Hey Chris and Evie,
The best gift you guys have provided me is sanity.
To know I’m not alone, that others see these things and feel this way.
The practical advice you guys give is very important.
taking action alleviates the fear.
As dark as that lasts topic was, we need to begin. There has to be an honourable, and integrity driven way.
I’d love to hear how everyone is preparing and what measured your all taking.
Again thanks for all you do. ?


Water Storage

We have 3000 gallon rain water tanks….Black plastic….under a metal roof. Would the water have a chance of surviving fallout? I guess well water pumped after the event would be much safer….Just trying to think ahead.



Chris and Evie,
You all have come a long way since that first podcast way back when. You’ve found that communication sweet spot where you both flow and complement each other perfectly. I think this was your best podcast to date. cheers


imo, nuclear winter is a matter of how much nuclear “activity” takes place. The question of what happens if we reach that point is already answered. The more addressable question - the more interesting question - is what we do if circumstances are short of the unlivable threshold, whatever that turns out to be in reality.
I’m always interested in tipping the odds where I can. First comes land and infrastructure to survive by working by hand only. That only presumes severe economic-social collapse. Then up from there, and out from there as time and resources permit. It’s one reason to start early, and to start now if not already started: earlier rather than later; urgently, as if one’s life depends upon it.
Tipping the scales toward surviving is not a guarantee of surviving. It’s just tipping the scales. Emergent circumstances will have something to say about actual survival, even day-to-day indefinitely.
What I am clear about is that I am not giving up. I will go fighting the whole way. Not because I fear death - I’m resigned to the fact of it since we all die - but because there is a huge difference between my choosing to give my life for a purpose and some asshole with a loose grip on reality deciding to try to end my life on their terms. And also because it’s a moral duty to live, exactly so that we can help rebuild along better trajectories.


You know…VT…that great question you asked last night would make for a GREAT article/thought experiment…just saying :slight_smile:

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Being covered (under roof, in plastic) is what protects it…

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A Discordant Note

i am quite sure this will be met with opposition. this is just one person’s opinion. i find these programs not worth my time. i have tried to watch but i end up not finishing. i have not watched this one, and probably won’t.
i have found some interesting items but i feel i have to slog through a lot of “stuff” to get there.
there at one time was a lot of interviews with very interesting people. the interviews were very focused and had a lot of “meat on the bone”. these programs are all over the place.
as a paying member i would be more interested in interviews with “experts”

I think the awnser is to VTs question is a very simple one. Should fallout land in your area you must leave; you cannot stop eventual contamination, outside growing in a clean room. Should you choose not to leave you must accept a shortened life.

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so much depends on the weather system on the day of any nuclear ‘activity’. As the mount St Helen event showed, the ash cloud bypassed Vancouver/Seattle as the winds of the day sent the cloud east; other days it would have blanketed the same area. After the Chernobyl event radiation showed up in Vancouver bc grass clippings within 48 hours.

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Thank you. From both of us.

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Big cheap plastic greenhouses already erected would help.

Yellow Sun

Drop anyone who is not blind from the 1950’s into 2022 one thing you will hear is, “Why is the sun white? The sun is supposed to be yellow.” I remember the sun was yellow when I was a kid. Amazing to me hardly anybody talks about this.


Well I think there’s a sincere attempt at making a “tribe.” Gathering around a fire. But you have a point.

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Well, Joe, in our defense you are a cranky man, with a lot of negative comments about this site and perhaps community is not your thing.
The point of these Insider Live shows is to provide as much of a connection as we can with the tribe.
I will say, that your tendency to voice your extreme displeasure, even contempt, for our content rather than simply ignoring it, or - better yet! - making your own, is not lost on me.


hmmmm…any theories?

You’re welcome and thanks.

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Here’s a trip down memory lane, and reminder of the effects of one type of nuclear event. Check out the link for a few interesting photos and brief commentary. Getting back to “business as usual” is defined as “it depends”.
“Fukushima Prefecture, once known for its fertility, is now littered with large black sacks containing radioactive soil, organic matter, and stone. It was scraped from farmland in an effort to make the area habitable again for the families that have lived here for centuries.”

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