REPLAY: The Halloween Peak Insider Live Q&A

Yes, absolutely. But you’d want to be careful to not add any more water…cut off the inputs and use all that stored water up before you begin refilling.

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This is our next big project…found a large hoop house being taken down by a farm about an hour away. Now I just have to figure out how to get the pieces here…

He picked up his hammer and saw?

Thinner atmosphere, more white light gets thru? Something going on in atmosphere not reported? Less water high up? Something about Ozone hole being restored? It does seem whiter; there was nothing white about it in the 50’s. Now there is.

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Not to be crancy, but I really liked those podcasts you did in the past: “presenting information you can’t afford to live without”. ?
Not instead of the content that there is now, but next to it.

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Actually, you’re inaccurate. PIL has never been about interviews (at least in the 11 months I’ve been on the team). It’s about letting the Tribe get their personal questions answered directly. Period.
And, yeah, since the Tribe has diverse interests, and are at different levels of “expertise” on the issues, the questions vary greatly. We do try to keep them organized (Covid, Economy, Environment, etc.) but it doesn’t always work out that way. So, if it’s not your thing, feel free to not tune in.
As for your interest in more interviews, we are working on it.


VT: after “nuclear activity” gets under way, what is going to stop it or moderate it? Military experts run war-gaming scenarios, and they always find that there are powerful incentives to use weapons systems as soon as possible, rather than leave them unused to be destroyed by the enemy.
It seems to me that all this talk of surviving nuclear war by stocking up on plastic sheets and duct tape, or buying big greenhouses, is just delusional.
Maybe we should be calling for peace talks in Ukraine, as if our life depends on it.


Thanks Chris, good question! I certainly don’t know the answer. There is so much about the world / solar system / galaxy that we don’t understand! My thoughts are, two possibilities seem to make sense. First, as our solar system travels through space as it orbits the galaxy, the substrate that it is passing through changes, and that changes the behavior and appearance of the sun. Second, the sun is a highly complex system that we don’t understand very well. Even if we did understand it, as I have heard you say recently, complex systems can change very quickly in completely unpredictable ways.


Thanks for the video, great discussion.

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You mentioned a movie called The Internationalist. I can’t find it. Do you have a link? Thanks!

I’ve seen it on YouTube. You can search it there.

Sorry not finding it

Here is the link from YouTube.

Sorry, wrong link. Here is the trailer, looks like you have to buy or rent the movie.


Wonderful discussion on this. Here’s the key banker scene, about two and a half minutes:
Incite the conflict, cause the debt. Control the debt, control the people. If I may be permitted one more very short video:
Yes, it is very convenient.


I keep trying to come up with questions, but it always comes back to “I have a list of things to do, so I need to get to work on them.” And then I just listen in, and the questions and discussion are so great! I keep thinking “why didn’t I think to ask something like that?”
So, sorry for not participating more, but huh, I’m getting a lot of value just as a listener. Just a listener so far; maybe I can come up with something to ask next month.


Having had the great good fortune of being able to attend the Honey Badger gathering last month I will grant that PIL lacks the intimacy and spontaneity of being able to stand around sipping coffee in a cow pasture and chatting with Chris and a remarkable group of intelligent and interesting people while the sun comes up on a chilly autumn morning. That said, (with apologies to A.A. Milne who, I believe, had something to say about run on sentences in one of the “Pooh” books) I find these conversations to be interesting, entertaining and informative. I enjoy hearing the thoughts and questions of other members of the Tribe, even if it’s not in person, and I find it reassuring to know that they are out here.
John G.


I Love Love Love What Evie Said At 21:00

I can soooooo relate to not being able to relate to this culture. I’m not sure how to live off to the side myself without becoming a snob and an unkind person. I can be by myself, but I can’t stop the judging and the anger about the alienation and the assault on my family’s quality of life.


I’m grateful for you mentioning this. I have observed it as well, even a few years ago it didn’t seem as white as it does now.

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Thank You

Thank you for the video, the context for helping us out here to navigate this world, and for the book and movie recommendations.
Save the nuclear plant operators!
I’m on shift tonight helping to make the megawatts.

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