Revolution coming with next meltdown

Hello all from the Great Pacific NW. 
I see the fall starting when the average consumer moseys to the store and see’s a $100 loaf of bread.  The very second our diluted dollar really hits the floor, the pigs will be running in all directions.  All of them.

The notion of popular revolt against "banksters" in America is absolutely absurd, irregardless.  Revolutions need leaders - yet America has no patriots in power, not even in its own military.  Revolutions require resources, and again, Americans have no provisions other than their DVD collections and collectible NASCAR plates.  Revolutions require focus and determination - America is too distracted and pacified by TeeVee and online porn.  Revolutions require planning which is impossible when every electronic device with an IP address is feeding information into global intelligence databases.   Resistance is truely futile.
Banksters MAKE THE LAWS, their kangeroo courts enforce them, and the armed police will detain, capture, and neutralize all suspects working against the best interests of the banks.  The banksters will remove anyone, from heads of state down to street bums, they feel interfere with their plans.  JFK probably learned this the hard way.

You will have a choice, either quietly agree to vent your anger in front of TeeVee; or take to the streets and be shot or imprisoned.   No other choices avail the Lazy CheezDoodle Dandy Americans. 

Sad. But True.

The most effective weapon Americans possess is not a rifle, nor can of gasoline - but the power to conduct LOCAL COMMERCE.  This means growing locally, manufacturing, servicing and repairing locally, and especially using locally printed and issued currency, as opposed to US Federal Reserve Notes.  But again, Americans prefer shoddy slave-labor manufactured Chinese products purchased at the Walmart on credit cards or worthless fiat currency whose crash is inevitable.

What happens after the crash?  An SDR-backed New World Currency to replace the Dollar of course.  Then Americans can be pacified back into their suburbian self-love nests as the New World Order advances one more step. 

For those interested in the plans of the New World Order, visit this website while it is  still up:


"We need a revolution in this country!" Harry the tailor announced this to me just a few minutes ago. I had gone to his one man shop to drop off a suit for alteration so I can wear it at my daughter’s wedding in  3 weeks. I have never done business with Harry before and all I had discussed with him today was when I needed my suit and how much I owed him.
But he was wound up! He didn’t need anyone to get him started.

"I don’t mean going out and shooting each other," Harry explained. "I mean ALL of us need to get out in the streets and make sure people are doing things right and we ALL need to do something to make things better!."

No one has ever said anything like that to me before.

Harry is about 65 and an immigrant. He also mangaged to quote Goldwater to me.

Because I had been reading this thread right before I went to Harry’s shop, it stopped me in my tracks.

Talk of revolution is definitely not confined to the blogoshere these days!

It’s even on Main St.

cmartenson: If anyone here has a better way of working towards a peaceable outcome, I am quite interested in what that might be.  So far all attempts to change the official actions by discussing the actions themselves have proven utterly fruitless.  Discussing the possible consequences is a different tactic.
Hello Chris,

I truly believe your message and your information scouting is invaluable.  Let me tell you a little bit about me:

I live in Canada.  5 years ago, I paid taxes reluctantly, apathetically voted Conservative without conviction, and pretty much bopped along to whatever was being fed out of the Spin Machine.   The only sort of "conspiracy theory" I knew of in depth was the JFK assasination.

Then I printed out a document written in 1971 entitled "I want the Earth plus 5%".   I have no idea why I printed it out.  I left it around the house for, ahem, "bathroom reading".  It still was a few weeks before I got to it, but once I did…click.  Light bulb on.  I went numb when I learned to see.

Since that point, I have read everything I could on our monetary system and its mechanics.  My friends started bringing me textbooks like "Money, Banking, and the Canadian Banking System" from garage sales.  I talk about our monetary system the way other folks talk about sports, Brangelina, or American Idol.   You can imagine the interest level…or not.  I learned that the definition of a gentleman is someone who can play the accordian…but won’t.

Since then, I have relished Mises, Rothbard, Hazlitt, Lefevre, Woods, Paul and many others AND a wide range of blogs and non-mainstream gibberish.  In short, as a number of posters here can relate to, I broke the Matrix.  However, I relapse from time to time, as recently as being enthusiastic about Ron Paul’s 2008 Republican Campaign run as he was the only candidate I could relate to.  I followed it closely and watched in disbelief the Establishment/Status quo shut him down, despite acheiving some remarkable things.  But that is another story.

I have read, and read, and read.  Like you - and all of us, I hope - I want a non-violent successful outcome.   We cannot vote or protest our way out.  We cannot change the system, although I help wherever I can to educate and if a candidate came along with the right message (I doubt it…they would become targets or ignored) I would help in this area.  It is "utterly fruitless".  You are correct., and I believe that as well.  Collapse of the State is more likely than reform.  Yet the State has firmly planted an outpost in our minds from cradle to grave and it is almost impossible to break free of it.  The parasitic class has convinced/abused the productive class that we need them.  They’re only as powerful as we give credence to them.

Crash Course does an excellent job explaining the nature of the looting and has a positive message of building community.  The only non-violent solution that stands a non-zero chance of success is "Agorism". Click the link in my signature.  I promise you it doesn’t leave your site nor will I Rick-roll you.  Let me know what you think.

If you showed me what I typed above 5 years ago and told me I wrote it, I would have laughed at you.  Today, I feel ripped off that I didn’t understand the above 5 years ago.  Damn public education.  Oh wait.  That’s run by the State too.

Cheers, and apologies for the long winded post.



I support the localisation theme mentioned by several contributors here and advocated by the Transition movement among others.
Without even realising exactly what I was doing or why, since my epiphany in late 2008 I see that I have been gradually adapting my lifestyle over many years in preparation for this time. Low income, low expenditure, community-oriented activities whereby I can work alongside other like-minded people for mutual benefit and without worshipping the money-god. And it feels good.

I’ve become vegetarian and quickly adapted my garden to provide lots of wonderful organic food (both measures will reduce my carbon footprint plus other obvious benefits.) Now within my grasp is the power to undertake a variety of low-paid or even voluntary activities in the "grey-economy" without having to support the political/economic system that we all seem to find so repugnant.

Persuading the wider population of countries like the US and UK that an alternative, sustainable way of life can be achieved is no small undertaking - the influence of the advertising media and consumerist culture is deeply entrenched. But there is a growing body of people across the planet aware of Korten’s "Great Turning" and leading by example within their communities. Life is certain to be difficult in "wealthy" countries as resource-limits and the need to reduce energy consumption become pressing. Is it possible that this melting pot of anger and disillusion can find solace in a simpler, more compassionate way of living? Do we have time to build the infrastructure to support this transition? Can there be a quiet revolution?

I’m not sure either, not in a world of anomie.

Normlessness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Emile Durkheim described anomie which is a state of relative normlessness or a state in which norms have been eroded. A norm is an expectation of how people will behave, and it takes the form of a rule that is socially rather than formally enforced. Thus, in structural functionalist theory, the effect of normlessness whether at a personal or societal level, is to introduce alienationisolation, and desocialisation, i.e. as norms become less binding for individuals. Individuals thus lose the sense of what is right and wrong.


The next revolution is not a traditional revolution, is the revolution of the consciousness.
The video "zeitgeist addendum" is a confirmation and complementary to crash course

End to the central goverment, wellcome communal goverment.

End to the consumption, wellcome the consumption of the real needs, real food, human relationship, family.

Ento to the slavery by the elite, end to the egoism.

Hello Fujisan:
Fujisan writes:

Emile Durkheim described anomie which is a state of relative normlessness or a state in which norms have been eroded. A norm is an expectation of how people will behave, and it takes the form of a rule that is socially rather than formally enforced. Thus, in structural functionalist theory, the effect of normlessness whether at a personal or societal level, is to introduce alienationisolation, and desocialisation, i.e. as norms become less binding for individuals. Individuals thus lose the sense of what is right and wrong.
That nails what is going on right here, right now!

I just wanted to say that I read all of your posts, and articles and I am amazed at what you find. Makes what I dig up look like Dennis Kneale on CNBC. Just wanted to say thank you for all your posts! I really, really enjoy them.

Take car.

Gerald is saying the same thing about a revolution…3rd party, sounds like Ron Paul

 More Celente on the 2nd Revolution: Audio Interview

 I also cashed a check written on a US Bank account at a US Bank . With disgust  I paid the fee, complained passionately . I bet their tellers get tired of of having to charge it. I would not consider opening an account or taking a loan at a bank that exploits the beneficiaries of its customers so. BD

Maybe I am all upside down or right side up…I am not sure? In my simple mind I feel I never took the bait the banks threw at me. I always lived below my means, only bought what I could pay cash for or pay off quickly & put the thousands of credit cards & gimmicks that arrived in my mailbox daily in the fire place where they actually did some good releasing a small amount of heat. This way the Banksters couldn’t rake me over the coals.
So I am not mad at the Banksters accept that they used peoples own weaknesses against themselves. This is what one would think a Govt protection agency should have stopped long ago.

I ponder what life must have been like back in 1873 as I hold one of my Original 1873 Winchesters in my hands. What was the average hard working Joe able to have in his life back then? A horse, saddle may 2 or 3 guns in his life & a few clothes? Maybe he finally was able to get some land & build a simple house. How much cheap credit was thrown his way?

Compare myself to this & it would blow this poor Joe’s mind that I could even think about complaining about loosing half my 401 K. All the fast, loose & easy credit…or money created…or what ever it was created that we all enjoy now seems like a heck of a deal to me since I used it to stay debt free. Those that didn’t do this & maxed out their credit seem like they have hell to pay now as they lose the basics they really need but who’s fault is that?

My main worry is how the Consttution is being shredded. We can recover a life style easier than we can recover a country that has been stolen from us.

Edit: double posting (due to bug in post button which does not jumps to the correct page within the thread)

Revolution does not equal violence!
Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution

Carl Honoré: Recession? The perfect time to slow down | Environment | The Guardian

I feel more optimistic now than when I first wrote In Praise of Slow. The Slow Revolution will take time, but it is coming. Even Jeremy Clarkson knows it.

Velvet Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Velvet Revolution or Gentle Revolution was a non-violent revolution in Czechoslovakia that saw the overthrow of the Communist government.

Carnation Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although the regime's political police, PIDE, killed four people before surrendering, the revolution was unusual in that the revolutionaries did not use direct violence to achieve their goals. Holding red carnations (cravos in Portuguese), many populars joined revolutionary soldiers through the streets of Lisbon, in apparent joy and audible euphoria.

Legal does not equal Legitimate; Illegal does not equal Illegitimate.

Henry David Thoreau, Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. have shown us that it is indeed our duty to disobey unjust laws and orders. 

Civil Disobedience (Thoreau) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It argues that people should not permit governments to overrule or atrophy their consciences, and that people have a duty to avoid allowing such acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice.

 «Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal» - Martin Luther King, Jr

Thanks Chris for this site, and I for one am glad you posted this article.  I just registerred because I wanted to comment on what you said regarding why you posted it and your rule about not advocating breaking the law. 
I just wanted to say that the problem we have in this country is that most people don’t have the proper perspective with regard to government, and frankly those who wish to rule our government prefer it that way.  It really goes back to the founding of our country.  The debate was whether the masses could be trusted to rule the government.  We ended up with the system we did because educated men of the time felt it best that people such as them be entrusted with running things.  Enough of them existed that this philosophy survived and became the basis of our "democratic" republic. 

I believe firmly that the only authority government has comes from the people.  There is no "divine right of kings!"

If a group of people wish to band together to form government, then they have that right, but no government, so formed, then has the right to force its founders to do anything it wishes even if it’s "for the good of the country."  If this government begins to do things that the people in turn do not want, then the people have the right to change it.  Changing it, regardless of how they go about it, cannot be seen as breaking the laws of that government.

Revolution simply means rapid change.  If we all band together tomorrow to dissolve the current federal government and start fresh, it cannot in any way be considered as breaking the law of the federal government.  The moment we make the decision, the law has no effect, as it was established under the government that we are now dissolving.

So where is the tipping point? If the collective will of the people is that the current government stay in place, then one person in opposition to that might break the law established by the rest of us.  At what number of people does it cease to be breaking the law and simply imply that we decided to change the law and the government together?  I might argue that any person who wishes to reform government (whether slowly or quickly) is not breaking any law by doing so.  Killing or hurting people to accomplish that task would violate basic human principles that most of us recognize.  That is what would make it wrong, but it would be morally wrong, regardless of whether or not it was legally wrong.

I’m an advocate for a quick change to our government structure, but not through violence.  The question is, how do we achieve that, especially given the mindset in some government circles that everything I said above is wrong and they have the right to squash such thinking by making laws against it.  In fact we now have such laws, formed in the name of fighting "terrorism." 

Excellent post Fujisan,
While I have no doubt that many here, in this community, are capable of non-violent revolution, I also have no doubt that many in this country are looking for any excuse to expel their pent-up rage and anger with bloodshed. It is for this reason that I oppose any notion of revolution, peaceful or otherwise, because it would ultimately be used as an excuse for the worst among us to act upon their hatred. I think it to be somewhat naive, or at least idealistic, to believe otherwise.

That being said, I do appreciate the hope and good intentions inherent in your post… Thank you for that.


Welcome to our community and I must say that was a great first post. You make a good point about the power of the people acting as one to take control of our country. But as I stated above, I can’t help but think that this seems a little idealistic. Please forgive my jadedness, and I truly hope I’m wrong on this.

Thanks for the post and I hope you stick around.

Love the video.  I’ve never heard of James Blunt, but he beautifully expresses the pointlessness of even thinking about violent overthrow.

The problem, as I see it, is that our population has been captured by isms and TV images of what we as a culture are, and has been deprived of the education necessary to see their folly.  To me education is the only answer, but I don’t see how that can happen on a societal scale without any such endeavor becoming coopted by an ism to spread its own brand of disinformation.

I would caution against any effort to "overthrow the system."  Any attempt to change our Constitution or replace it, other than by the recognized Constitutional processes, will inevitably result in the loss of the greatest guarantor of individual freedom ever created.  And we won’t get it back.

Forums like CM certainly provide educational opportunities for those who wish to learn, but I’m afraid our civilization is not ready to take on the responsibility of learning without preconceived political or religious biases.  I guess the trick is to somehow entice the population into studying and becoming conversant in a wide variety of ideas and philosophies, and creating a healthy vibrant conversation about our mutual future.  I am not optimistic.

The single shining virtue of Democracy, as I see it, is that when conditions become so awful that everyone recognizes it, the electorate can throw the bums out.  The hope is that the next group of bums will somehow do something right to ameliorate the suffering.  Such hopes are seldom guided by intelligent forethought, and succeed, if they do, more by chance than planning.

I know this is a rather bleak view, and I sincerely hope I’m wrong, but there it is.

Sorry, double post!