Robert Kiyosaki: Entrepreneurship Is Your Shield Against the Coming Wealth Transfer

I believe there's an entrepreneur in everybody.
~ Robert Kiyosaki
Last weekend, Chris and I traveled to Phoenix, AZ, where we spent several days with Robert Kiyosaki, author of the popular personal finance book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, which has sold over 26 million copies to-date.

Robert had read The Crash Course, and it resonated so strongly with him that he purchased copies for his staff and made it the theme of his company’s leadership conference this spring. Together with his wife, Kim, and his council of Rich Dad advisors, we spent many hours discussing the future implications of the Three E’s with business leaders from across Robert’s global organization.

Kiyosaki’s great passion is financial education; specifically, teaching people how to take control of their destiny by becoming financially independent through business ownership and investment income:

The more money you print, the poorer we get. It has happened throughout history. Yet, people get up every morning and go to work. They work for money. If they get fired, they just get another job to work for more money. After a while, you have to wake up and ask why you are doing this. If they are printing money, why are you working for money?

That’s what happened for me back in 1983. I just woke up and said I could not know what I know and allow this to go on. If you read my book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, people don’t really get the message in the first chapter. The title of the first chapter is “The Rich Don’t Work for Money”. That’s why they are rich. Yet, you go to school to get a job to work for money. The more you are working for money, the poorer you are getting because of inflation and taxes.

The rich print our own money. We have assets.

There are different kinds of assets in the world. That was Rich Dad, Poor Dad. My poor dad worked for a paycheck. My rich dad worked to create assets. He was an entrepreneur. He built hotels. He built restaurants. He did not sell them; he just ran them as an entrepreneur. He built assets. If you read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, the definition of an asset is something that puts money in your pocket whether you work or not. A liability takes money from your pocket.

My Rich Dad used to teach me that playing Monopoly: four green houses for one red hotel. With one green house, you get $10.00. That is an asset. There are financial assets, real property assets like real estate and IP assets, intellectual property assets. Every time I write a book, it is an asset, and more and more money comes in.

The point here is that I am always converting cash into an asset. That is the difference. That was what Rich Dad, Poor Dad was about.

What caught Robert’s attention most in The Crash Course is the magnitude of the coming wealth transfer; where tertiary wealth (paper-based claims) will be forgone in favor of second and primary forms of wealth (productive assets and raw materials). More than ever, he believes entrepreneurial skills will be the most important determinant for ensuring you are on the right side of that wealth transfer.

What you saw in the workshop is my team, my advisors, the team of nine. We are tight. We have my accountants, my attorneys, my guys who raise capital for me and my sales guys, all that stuff. We are a team. That is what makes you rich. I talked about this. You have to be a master of pieces. I put accountants, attorneys and bankers all together. That is how I get rich. In school, rather than being a master of the pieces you become one of the pieces. You come out of school as an accountant or attorney. The entrepreneur comes in and puts you together with the rest of their team. You are either the master of pieces as an entrepreneur or one of the pieces from the school system. What you guys are doing right now is becoming the master of the pieces, putting your own team together, or your community, or your tribe. That is what is going to cause us to survive.

Especially when it comes to the world of money, as you and I will probably agree, that’s probably the most corrupt of all. The moment they could print money, it became more corrupt. For people to go to school and work to make a high salary, you are probably going down the wrong trail. The more money they print, the harder you have to work. Nietzsche says the more we print money, the poorer we get and the more impoverished people get.

You had better start thinking differently. How do you convert your money into an asset?

Click the play button below to listen to Chris’ interview with Robert Kiyosaki (32m:09s):

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Ultimately money credit is bad because it is an unnatural expansion of "buying power" that in every case is not sustainable.  It leads to too many humans on a finite planet.  Production credit is bad to; we saw that in the house building bubble.   Credit always leads to credit bubbles.   What can replace it?  Equity-based lending.   Politicians would fight that though since they like printing money with no restrictions.

How I wish my children would listen to me. Anything I say is hogwash, or it is a product of some psychosis.
They have been brainwashed by their education into believing the opposite of what I know. Believe me-civilizations do crash.

I am the fool on the hill.

I'm torn. I would like to find a job that pays some of those fat checks that are found in the "professional" world, but I'm concerned about the return on investment.
For example, I would like to try to work in big data analysis/analytics as I'm an INTJ personality and I think I would enjoy work that takes advantage of the way I think. It would also help pull me into a financially stronger position than the position I am now. I have a degree in natural resource management and a lot of computer skills that go to waste working in a kitchen doing food preparation. It's a waste of my skills and it makes me unhappy. People who work in analytics have high recruitment potential with GREAT pay (at least today) so that is attractive.

I worked in conservation for a bit, until I decided a master's degree (required for the majority of environmental scientists) was a bad idea going forward. I also didn't find conservation work at all meaningful. Often times I found it actually pretty wasteful on tax payer resources. Pursuing analytics I don't believe would be too much more capital investment from where I am at currently with credentials (a couple classes maybe?)

I guess the point of this post is to tell you all that I'm pretty lost about what I should be doing with my life.

Should I be 100% focused on agriculture right now and only make minimum wage(ish), but also learn the skills I need to know to probably survive in 5-20 years?. This what I feel I should do, but I can't afford my own land and I have bills to pay so this also seems like a terrible short-term investment.

Or should I pursue a job with great pay that will provide me with more tools (land, wealth, etc.) to survive in the future? Seems like a better short-term investment, but a dumb long-term investment.

Anybody have any input or want to point me towards some meaningful work or life strategies?

I really am lost.



Interesting interview, thanks. Just one point about deciding to make your money work for you rather than going to work for someone else. A steady job is a steady paycheck. There is a bit of a danger in learning about how things work financially, because you can attain a certain degree of understanding and then put yourself in somewhat precarious financial positions because you think you know how the system works. And you do understand it better than the guy who just works for someone else and aspires to no more. But the financial elites, they truly know how the system works, and they are skilled at stealing money from those people who think they know how it works and bet against the system. Then you can end up in worse shape than the guy working at Subway. For example, we here understand gold's value and what the end game will be. We understand how the system works on a fundamental level. But are fundamentals being at all reflected in the markets? If you had bought gold 2 years ago at $1700 you would have taken a big hit. You would have been much better off putting your money in stocks for 2 years and selling 5 months ago and buying gold at $1200. Was it wrong to buy gold? No, it is a long term investment. But there are people at the top who want to screw everyone who thinks they know how the system works and allocates their assets accordingly. In this case, a steady job working for someone else, saving your money in the bank wasn't such a bad thing...
I think the biggest factor not really discussed here is the US trade deficit and currency manipulation. It's not entirely fair to criticize Americans for having the entitlement mentality, because this was forced on them. China has manipulated its currency low, and America manipulated its high, for decades now, which was obviously done to suck manufacturing over to China. There is no way China could have grown that much and been that "prosperous" (not really though, if you factor in lung cancer and environmental degradation) if it had not stolen manufacturing from the rest of the world. The Chinese are not that industrious. This left Americans with nothing to do for a job except consume manufactured items from China at too low prices, and also oil which was enabled by the US dollar's international hegemony. The media played this up, as that was the only thing boosting GDP growth. That ponzi scheme has grown until we are where we are today.
I like the entrepreneurial spirit discussed in the interview, but I have to say that what Mr. Kiyosaki is suggesting isn't possible for a whole society to achieve, i.e. everyone accepting the capitalist spirit and forming their own little proprietorships and going out and producing. Don't forget that in Monopoly, every round of the board brings in more money (un-exercised claims on wealth). But along with this there is an ever growing source of little green houses available that just magically sit beside the board ready to be allocated along with the new money being printed. If an economy is no longer capable of growing due to resource shortages, then I have to suggest that the only way Mr. Kiyosaki could become wealthier from his entrepreneurial activities like using credit to build hotels, is if someone else is impoverished by the same amount. As mentioned, the tax code punishes workers disproportionately over entrepreneurs, which is unfortunate, and this only amplifies the problem.
It just isn't possible for everyone to be an entrepreneur making profit and building wealth if the economy isn't growing. Instead, what would happen is that when people extend themselves out financially to build "productive" assets like new hotels or what have you, they would find that on average the hotels fail as often as they succeed -- it would be like the 1930's deflation. Why would anyone open a hotel during that period? It would be the 1930's but permanent (and without the falling prices). Then those people would go bankrupt, become unemployed, or have to go work for someone else as an employee. But there aren't enough jobs for everyone because the consumption can't be maintained. So then they'd go onto the welfare state, because they have no alternative. Isn't that where we are today? So how do we fix it? Kick everyone off so they can experience the motivation to become little productive powerhouses in Ayn Rand's virtuous society? Using what resources?

on which Dad was more satisfied? Are we sure the poor dad is less happy? Cat Stevens had a line about fotherhood, being poor yet happy.
Happy on a farm, robie

So, here's my take away from my time with Kiyosaki and his organization.

  1. Whether you make the most of your gifts in this life is largely dependent on your frame of mind
  2. Our culture constantly asks us to perform 'good enough'...and extols the "virtues" of getting some good schooling and an okay job.   But for what, exactly?
  3. Risk and reward are coupled ideas.
  4. Each of us has unique gifts that, if we worked them hard enough, someone would pay us (in whatever currency matters at the time) to perform them
  5. Chance favors the bold
The summary is not that we should each become Bill Gates.  Or all tavern owners with franchise licensees on every corner.  But that each of us should cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit which means that whatever the current circumstance offers, we can both spot where the value lies and how we (personally) can add to it.

For some, this will mean starting the next multinational behemoth.  For others it will be local and relatively modest.  For both it will be rewarding, far more resilient, and in accordance with what brings them personal fulfillment and happiness.   

This is going to be a big theme of our next seminar…as whether we can find our entrepreneurial spirit or not is - simply put- a matter of belief.

Don't believe me?   There's one way to find out.

But this has been true in my life, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be true in a lot of lives going forward.

" I would like to try to work in big data analysis/analytics as I'm an INTJ personality and I think I would enjoy work that takes advantage of the way I think. It would also help pull me into a financially stronger position than the position I am now"Well you don't really need a CompSci degree to get a good paying programming job, but you need knowledge and experience. If you like solving problems and working with data, I think you can start getting involved with programming. For next to nothing you can build yourself a LAMP server (Linux Apache, MySQL, PHP) since all of the software and tools you need to get started are free. You would also gain knowledge and experience with Linux which is in demand too. This would avoid the need to spend years going back to school and getting deep in debt. There are probably a ton of online classes that you can take on Youtube or for profit online training classes. The paid classes would still be a less costly option than attending a university. 
If you want to get focused on big data than learn Cassandra, Mongo and other open-source distributed data tools. demand for skills with these tools are in high demand.
"Should I be 100% focused on agriculture right now and only make minimum wage(ish), but also learn the skills I need to know to probably survive in 5-20 years?"
Unless you have the capital, you will likely end up as a share-cropper which isn't fun. In my opinion your best option is to find a good paying job that you're interested so you can build up capital that to purchase land, Practice agriculture and other skills you will need as hobby.
FWIW: By day I, i work as a professional techie, during nights and weekends, I spend all my free time learning to be self-reliant. This is a mixure of technical and non-techinical information. For instance, I spend a lot of time learning metal machining so I can repair and create replacement parts. In the growing season, I plant my garden to learn about different crops and coming up with strategies to avoid pests, seed recycling, etc. 
My best advice, is to get rid of the TV, the computer games, and get busy spending all your hours working on your career and learning be be self-reliant. 

"Each of us has unique gifts that, if we worked them hard enough, someone would pay us (in whatever currency matters at the time) to perform them Chance favors the bold"
If you choose the entrepreneur route, I have a few suggestions:

  1. Before you commit time and money to an idea, do some detailed marketing research first. You may have a great idea, but if there is no market for it, its very unlikely your business will be successful. You also must determine what the marketable value of your service or product and the costs needed to provide it to customers. If it costs you $10 to make a product or provide a service and the marketable value is only $11, its going to extremely diffficult to make any money.
  2. Do not invest your lifesavings or go into debt to start your business. Never Bet the farm! Its better to dip your feet instead of plunging in. Many business fail because people under estimate risks and costs that come back to bit them. 
  3. Your in Business to make a profit. Do start a business based upon a hobby interest hoping that you can turn into something profitable. I've know people in the past that started a retail business because it was their "dream" job, which ended up as a nightmare. Rule number one, is that your in business to make money!
  4. Survival of the Fittest. The business that fail are the business that can't adapt to change or can't change fast enough. Do not stick to a rigid business model, hoping that the economy or demand for your goods and services will swing back. When you see your sales decline you need to take action, first determine the cause of the sales decline, Is it because there is a better product or service available? Is because your customers can no longer afford it or its no longer in style. Be prepared to change your business model as frequently as you change your underwear!
  5. You are a one man band! Not only do you need to provide a service or product to your customers but you also must be a salesman, a marketing person and a back-office person. You must be able to pitch your services or product to your potential customers. You must provide information available about your services and products so your customers know what your offering. This can be flyers, web site, or whatever it takes to get your potential customers informed. You also need to run the back-office, which makes taking care of the supplies and equipment you need to run your business, pay your bills, deal with business liabilities (taxes, rent, phones, etc). 
  6. Becareful when partnering with others. I seen many business fail because one or more of the partners failed to contribute to the business. Hashing up a business partnership at a bar or social event without fully understanding the other persons skills and motivation is a killer!  Do not expect that some person you meet next week is going have the same motivation and devotion as you do. Unless you know they for years and familiar with their working habits, do not partner with them. Do offer a partnership to a friend because you like them. Only do it if they have skills and resources that will make a significant contribution to your business!
  7. You will get as much out of the business as you put into it. If you expect to become the next millionare tycoon by getting up at 10 AM and finishing work at 3PM, don't bother, your business is gaurenteed to fail! In virtually any startup be prepared to work long hours and many weekends, at least until you have the a profitable business running. Do not expect that in two weeks that your business will be rolling in the big money. Usually it takes several years before you obtain enough customers and revenue before you can cut back on your work week. 
  8. Avoid starting Resturants! Resturants have the highest failover rates and require the most number of hours to operate. This is one business that you will need to work 7 days a week and most holidays to stay in business. Rule number 1 in "business club" is you do not start a resturant business! Rule number two in "business club" is you don't start any retail food business (deli, Pastry shop, etc)
  9. The business that will be the easiest to be successful (in my opinion) are non-retail businesses that sell only to other businesses. Retail customers are a pain. The complain a lot, make difficult demands, delay payment (sometimes non-payment). Its difficult to sell high margin goods and services to retail customers because most are tapped out and in debt. Your business may only need a handful of business customers to be successful, but for a successful retail business you will need hundreds to thousands of customers. I'd rather sell a thousand widgets to one business customer, than sell one widget to a thousand customers. 

Yes, move heaven and earth, use your personal family/friends/professional network and resources to get into an office job - for a business or for a non-profit or for an university. Even if it is sales assist or accounts payables clerk. Then bust your ass and arrive early and stay late to get assigned to projects - even if it means helping the IT staff roll out new desktops on their next cycle after first developing a reputation as the "Excel" guy, or volunteering to help the contractor/consultant implement something because it is a small office, or volunteering for training, or offering to do analytical assistance for the sales staff of two guys or the controller. You are still young, you can do it. The point is to be in a position to step into roles that open up for you, or allow you to propose analytical ideas to managers, directors, etc.Being in the kitchen, chopping onions and slicing carrots, puts you nowhere near the kinds of opportunities you are looking to get yourself into. "Contributed to the efficiency of kitchen operations by preparing food in accordance with safe handling practices" pales in comparison to "Analyzed the contact/no-contact and close ratios of sales calls to time of day and week to optimally schedule customer contacts" when you are trying to get your foot into the next door towards analytical.
Do something free for a nonprofit if you must. But the kitchen is not where you should be earning your minimum wage. If anything, if you stay where you are,  someone else with a degree (and onerous student loans) from some culinary academy is probably going to get promoted over you into an assistant or line cook position that pays slightly better. Even if you did get the promotion to something else in the kitchen, the longer you are in that line if work, the more typecast you will be.
I really don't think society will collapse in one fell swoop as you seem to think. Even in Argentina, it is more like people scrounging, hustling, getting by as each year is worse than before. But life goes on and you apparently get used to it. Kids still laugh and play.
According to John Michael Greer, we are transitioning towards a world of scarcity industrialism. This will last at least a few decades. The aging demographics and debt challenges will be tough on the United States, but it will not be a massive collapse. But yes, poverty will hit more of us. (I include myself.) The Boomer seniors will vote themselves some kind of rescue package offered by politicians who couch it in terms of retirement with dignity as if they have earned it all. Yet you won't be forced to take up farming or moving to a rural area to survive, just as the almost 3 million residents of Buenos Aires still live in the city.
Learn entrepreneurial skills. Learn to barter and bargain, deal and dumpster-dive, hustle and handyman, repair and re-use, sew and sow. But don't think that will butter most of your bread yet. The scavenger societies come after scarcity industrialism, and will last at least a century, if not longer. That is when having the latter skills will really come in handy. By then you will no longer be in your 20s or 30s. You could be in your 50s.
Scarcity Industrialism: "…The world is in the midst of a transformation between the kind of society and economy familiar to us over the last century or so, which I've called 'abundance industrialism,' and a new kind that may as well be called 'scarcity industrialism.' Where abundance industrialism was defined by the ready availability of cheap abundant natural resources, especially but not only fossil fuels, scarcity industrialism will be defined by the scarcity of such resources. One of the implications of this shift is that those nations and regions that control significant amounts of important resources will find those resources becoming a potent source of political leverage. The same sort of clout OPEC gained from its oil reserves in the Seventies, and may reclaim in the not too distant future, will become accessible to countries or cartels of countries with large amounts of any economically vital resource."
"When transportation accounts for most of the cost of many commercial products, that fact will write R.I.P. on the headstone of the global economy, because goods made overseas will be priced out of markets dominated by local production and regional trading networks. We’ve already begun to see the cutting edge of the new resource nationalism, as energy reserves and strategic raw materials become the mainsprings of political and military power, and governments start treating them accordingly. Expect this to expand dramatically in the decades to come, as dependence on foreign resources becomes a noose around a nation’s neck and economic independence – even at a sharply lowered standard of living – the key to survival.
"More generally, the pendulum of power could well swing away from the multinational corporations that have exercised so much influence in recent years, toward those national governments willing to use military force to maintain territorial integrity and control over resources. When most resource transfers across borders are negotiated between governments according to a calculus of political advantage, rather than being purchased on the open market by the highest bidder, those whose power comes solely from money will find themselves with a great deal less clout than they have today. Those governments that master the new calculus of power soonest, in turn, will dominate the age of scarcity industrialism.
"However it unfolds, the age of scarcity industrialism will no more be a permanent state of affairs than the age of abundance industrialism that precedes it. While it lasts, access to fossil fuels and other nonrenewable resources will be the key to international power and national survival, but by that very token fossil fuels and other nonrenewable resources will continue to slide down the curves of depletion. As resource production in one nation after another drops below levels that will support any kind of industrial system, industrial economies will unravel and give way to other forms of economy – in the terms I’ve used in several recent posts, other seral stages in the process of succession that leads to the ecotechnic societies of the future.
"What remains unknown is which of the current industrial societies will manage the transition to scarcity industrialism, and which will falter and crack under the strain. The United States could go either way."
Salvage Societies: "…The age of scarcity industrialism will be self-limiting, because the exploitation of nonrenewable resources that gives it its power also puts a time limit on its survival. Once those resources are gone, or depleted far enough that it stops being economical to run a society by exploiting them, another round of new social and economic forms will replace the structures of scarcity industrialism.
"At this point we may just find ourselves in something like familiar territory. Archeologists around the world have learned to recognize the distinctive traces of a collapsed society, and one of these is the recycling of old structures for new uses."
"The logic behind it, though, has not often been recognized: when a civilization breaks down, the most efficient economies are most often those that use its remains as raw material."
A "village blacksmith could smelt his own raw material from bog iron – that's the technical name for the iron sulfide deposits laid down in most temperate zone wetlands by chemosynthetic bacteria. There’s a lot of bog iron to be had, since it hasn’t been used commercially in centuries and most North American deposits away from the Atlantic coast have never been worked at all. It's easy to smelt bog iron into workable form – people in Dark Age Europe and early colonial America did it with simple charcoal fires – and it’s also quite easy to do the same thing with rust, which is iron oxide, the standard commercially worked iron ore in the days before huge fossil fuel subsidies made it possible to use low-grade ores like taconite.
"Still, the steel stocked up for the future by today’s civilization make a far more economical source. A small proportion of that consists of high-temperature alloys that require modern technology to work with, but the huge majority – girders, pipes, auto frames, sheet steel, and much more – can be forged at temperatures much lower than the ones you need for smelting ore, and yield better metal into the bargain. They will be the obvious metal source in the age of salvage that will follow the time of scarcity industrialism. Furthermore, there are billions of tons of the stuff all over what is now the industrial world, enough to keep the deindustrial cultures of the future supplied for a very long time.
"Mind you, steel is only one of hundreds of raw materials that will be accessible in the ruins of today’s cities and towns."
P.S. I met Robert and Kim Kiyosaki once at a seminar, have a picture of him and me (blurry, as he hates flash). I have one of his books, signed by both him and his sister, a Buddhist nun. I have several of his books. Entertaining to read and helps you think. However, do take what Kiyosaki says with a grain of salt. He is trying to sell his books after all.

ALOHA!! I would beware of most online "communities"! Typically the so called community tends to only benefit the owner of the blog. Typically the owner of the blog ends up being most enriched at the cost of the "community". Just because you have "like-minded" individuals writing comments and agreeing with a "like-minded" blog guru does not mean you have a true community. In many instances you get the blog owner having a group of people who either get paid minimal amounts or paid nothing for contributing time and money to a blog. Is that a real "community" or is it just a scam?
I guess you need to start out with the exact definition of "community". If you search online the definition of "community" you get is this …

noun: community; plural noun: communities
  1. 1.
    a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
    "Rhode Island's Japanese community"
    synonyms: groupbodysetcirclecliquefactionMore
    • a group of people living together in one place, esp. one practicing common ownership.
      "a community of nuns"
      synonyms: brotherhoodsisterhoodfraternitysororitysodalityMore
    • a particular area or place considered together with its inhabitants.
      "a rural community"
      synonyms: districtregionzonearealocalitylocaleneighborhoodMore
    • a body of nations or states unified by common interests.
      "the European Community"
    • the people of a district or country considered collectively, esp. in the context of social values and responsibilities; society.
      noun: the community
      "preparing prisoners for life back in the community"
      synonyms: public, general public, populacepeople, citizenry, population,collectiveMore
    • denoting a worker or resource designed to serve the people of a particular area.
      modifier noun: community
      "community health services"
  2. 2.
    a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
    "the sense of community that organized religion can provide"
    • a similarity or identity.
      "writers who shared a community of interests"
    • joint ownership or liability.
      "a commitment to the community of goods"
  3. 3.
    a group of interdependent organisms of different species growing or living together in a specified habitat.
    "communities of insectivorous birds"
late Middle English: from Old French comunete, reinforced by its source, Latincommunitas, from communis (see common).
Looking at the above chart you see the word "community" is in high demand now since we are all looking for a way to be a community in order to survive the wrath of the government owned by the 1%. Government and debt has destroyed community. In this case we live under the worst form of capitalism according to Karl Marx, which is a capitalist system dominated by banking(indebtedness).
First off "community" has to benefit or offer benefit to all, not just the one. Otherwise, please, lets not call it a community. Some communities offer just an exchange of ideas and nothing more. Some of these online communities are really nothing more than an "exchange" for ideas. Some blog exchanges offer ways to trade markets for profit. One such blog is the Bill Cara blog. Other blogs are purely political and cater to like-minded bloggers of specific political parties. Huffington Post seems to gravitate towards Democrats. Some blogs are economical based whereby each blogger in that exchange can work towards a similar "like-minded" economic theory. One such blog is with Barry Riholtz. Other blogs cross train in that they offer a bit of everything from politics to money to economics to agriculture and diet. A sort of "potpourri for survival". I think Peak Prosperity is a good example of such an exchange. 
Now the one thing that is missing from all these online exchanges, not true communities, is what makes a real community. For me that would be a true "market". For instance ... we have come together here at Peak Prosperity and built on ideas. Like this podcast with Robert Kiyosaki offers insight into financial survival and efficient means to survive, but really nothing more. There is no Kiyosaki Market and for Robert I am sure he does not really want a "market" other than a one way market whereby we exchange our hard earned dollars for his books and dvds. As a owner of an orchid nursery in Hawaii I have the privilege of buying Robert's books and dvds, but there is no way for me to sell my product to Robert. 
I venture to guess there are people within this Peak Prosperity "exchange" that are practicing lawyers and practicing computer programmers and practicing farmers and practicing bankers and practicing soap makers and on and on and on. For instance TechGuy and Wild Life Tracker seem to have skills and talents within the computer industry. Now if I wanted to buy a computer for my nursery business I can go online to Dell etc and buy a computer, but I would be more likely to buy one from TechGuy than Dell because I would know TechGuy has my same values rather than Michael Dell who sits somewhere at his mansion in Dallas or wherever thinking up new ways to screw Chinese workers and pollute the hell out of Beijing. Same goes for Apple over in China!
It has been my goal for a long time to belong to a "real community" and I have not seen such a community online yet. Let me give you an example. Ebay has a format for buying and selling online and even paying through PayPal which is also an Ebay company. We know it can be done.
What if Peak Prosperity built a market for its exchange? Just a online market place where if you are registered with Peak Prosperity you could enter the "Peak Market" to buy and sell goods and/or services. Now, I am a relatively new Peak Prosperity participant, but I am not new to online business, economic or trading blogs. I have been writing articles online for eight years. Sometimes I get paid and sometimes I do not. In fact most times I do not. Right now I write a monthly report for the Bill Cara blog called KAIMU SOUND MONEY, about the relationship of the US Treasury and US Fed and how these two institutions effect our lives with regards to debt money and politics.
My main way to support myself is as a farmer. I own KAIMU NURSERY on the Big Island of Hawaii and I sell orchids online and locally, either wholesale or retail. I compete against 1800FLOWERS types in the USA and Canada. In fact Chris Martenson and his family just recently visited here.
I also am a partner in an IPTV Studio based in Hollywood, CA. We own the Stream.TV and emPOWERme.TV channels. We currently have clients like AMC, Disney, TBS and Marvel and we have CBS and FOX knocking on our door as well in negotitation stages. I have been in the IPTV sector for three years now. I first was introduced to this space in 1998 when I was a partner with Cisco Systems in San Francisco building out the first closed loop internet video application via VoIP. On that project we had all the major Wall Street analsysts onsite, like Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley. The Cisco Systems development team told me this application would be the future for movies and TV. Once I saw the system work I was convinced. Just recently Disney went into buyout negotiations for "Maker Studios" for $500MIL. That was a studio similar to our own that started two years before us with $5MIL start-up investment. We started with $400K, three years ago. Since then we have been nominated or won various awards in internet TV, like Streamy Awards or IAWTV. In fact our studio head is the former VP of Marketing for Paramount Studios/Viacom and our studio is just at the back lot of Paramount on Santa Monica Blvd.There's the potential ...
I approached Chris and Mebane Faber as I did Bill Cara to form a community based TV show whereby we could all form our own CNBC style media system. It would be a media outlet that offered an alternative market and in-depth analysis to the Wall Street corporate dominated CNBC brainwash. For instance in 2001 when I re-entered the gold/PM market there was nothing on CNBC about gold related investing. Only the ABX symbol scrolled by once in awhile. It wasn't until four years later that CNBC was touting the Wall Street approved GLD and ABX in full blown "expert mode". Yet on alternative blogs that advice was prevalent, even on blogs that were not gold/PM centric way back before the tech crash. CNBC is nothing more than a propaganda machine for Wall Street. They only sell Wall Street approved ideas by Wall Street approved shills. Where is the alternative? 
My point is this. We all live interesting lives and we all have diversified skills and we all have diversified networks. In a true online community we could network within our community to buy and sell those skills and even invest and trade. With the advent of Ebay and KickStarter(crowd funding) there are now viable platforms to take these online exchanges into full blown communities. We can even fund them using crowd funding platforms.
So far I have never seen one of these "exchanges" advance past the "exchange stage" into a full blown real  community. If we formed communities we could effect major changes. We would in essence have a union that monitizes the community not major corporate conglomerates beholding to Wall Street or government. Enough of these communities could shift the entire Consumer Nation called America away from foreign based manufacturers like China. Enough of these communities and we could shift the political power base as well. I believe that and it is not as hard as you might think.

Get yourself a decent trade tracker. You can either work for other people or yourself and you can work anywhere. Industrial Electrician is the best one in my opinion. Its rewarding work.
You would be very surprised how much money some electricians can make and they are needed everywhere these days. Then theres always solar panels and wind turbines for later on.    


I don't know where to begin. I have read through the posts, (mind you I skimmed the long ones - sorry guys) and there is some good advice in them all.

I read "Rich Dad - Poor Dad" back in the day, when it was first published. I could not wrap my head around what Robert was saying. But I had also read, "The Millionaire Next Door" and others in that genre. I am embarrassed to say that it took years for me to finally, "get it." However, getting it and doing something about it are two different things.

Remember, you always work for yourself. Always. I don't care who signs the paycheck.

Again I say, you can do whatever you want, you can study whatever you want and you can do any type of work that you want. You MUST be prepared to live the lifestyle that goes with those decisions.

It was once said that if humans were musical instruments, they would go to their graves with 80% of their music still inside them.

I found it interesting that Robert mentioned Ayn Rand during the interview. I was trying to explain "going John Galt" to my wife and the only thing she could come up with was that it sounded like "cheating."
Our oldest who is a senior in high school is at the point where she is needing to make decisions about where to go to college. She has been accepted to all the schools where she applied. Of course, being smack in the middle of the middle class, there is no financial aid available. At all. Yes, she has received some small scholarships and while she is a very smart young woman, there is no "full boat" scholarship in her future. Before you all jump on me about letting her go to college and not training her to "milk goats" I really think that whether we like it or not, a 4 year college degree is the new high school diploma.

So, I was trying to explain to my wife that if we went "John Galt" there would be financial aid that we would receive. Also, in all of the aid applications, there were questions about if we owned a business, a farm, or were self employed. Again, being smack dab in the middle we both draw paychecks. 

I have gotten very tired of supporting the opposite ends of the bell curve with nothing to show for it in return.

My question is this, "Can I go John Galt and be an entrepreneur at the same time?"

1)  Kiyosaki is selling Joe Six-pack on the idea of gaming the system as it is currently structured.  If the structure changes, so does the game. (Tax law, corporate law, social unrest…if any of this changes, your grand plan may not quite work out).
2)  You have to have "seed money" to start gaming the system.  So…Wildlife Tracker…you gotta have money to make money…as the system is currently structured.

I won't attempt to find out the source of this apocryphal tale.
The average flea can jump 10". Place some in a jar with a lid only 4" high. Tap on the side of the jar repeatedly to get the fleas to jump. After sufficient training you can remove the lid. The fleas have been trained that they can only jump 4", and so are incapable of jumping 10" anymore.

With your indoctrination schooling, are you surprised that you have the mind of a flea?

You may need chemical aids. Take Ayahuasca, the scourge of the mind controllers.

You all talk like you live in a vacuum where the key issue is how to become rich or richer devoid of the wider context of climate change and environmental degradation. Yes it gets mentioned but in passing and as something not directly affecting our existence now but down the road and with an eye on how to profit even from that. As though we're in control of how that plays out.
To me there is cognitive dissonance: on the one hand, we read on PP that the global economy is teetering on the edge of collapse. On the other hand, are interviews like this that advocate actions not really so different from Business As Usual. The focus is on being your own boss and using other people's skills to make money. Aside from some criticisms made in the above posts ( i.e. not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur), if the US currency is going to fail (and it will), what is the point? The whole system is going and you seem to be focused on how to profit from it as it collapses. How is that any different from those we have been criticizing on PP?

Tracker is advised not to work in food preparation or farm as a tenant. Why not? If one makes money  the sole criteria, then it makes sense to seek out something else. But we can all see that currencies are failing. Maybe it makes more sense to have a skill, like cooking or farming, that will really be needed when money becomes worthless. Office worker? - not so much.

The pursuit of fiat money is the siren that lures us onto the rocks of ego inflation. I imagine Mr. Kiyosaki is a perfectly nice person but he is still focused on the old paradigm - just tweaked a little to take back some power from the "haves" by saying all we need to do is become an entrepreneur so we're not dependent on someone else for a paycheck. In other words, how to be a "have" instead of a "have-not". It's nice that he wants to spread the word about the "Crash Course" but has he really understood the implications?

Resource depletion is happening now. Climate change is happening now. And it's all happening even faster than anticipated. Fracking is causing earthquakes and poisoning the water supply. Oil pipes burst and pollute rivers and streams. The oceans are our dumping grounds. Arctic ice is melting and methane is escaping in ever larger amounts. Temperatures are rising along with extreme weather events and they are already affecting our food supply. Plants, animals and insects are dying. It isn't something happening in a few decades or a century. It's happening right now.

Do we really need another multinational company raping and pillaging the planet? Do we really need more hotels or office complexes? What is the definition of value that best serves the whole? It seems to me we see all around us the consequences of valuing financial wealth over all else. Why would anyone at PP who is aware of the serious issues we face, want to do more of the same? Personal profit at the expense of people and the planet has helped create this mess.

I'm very disappointed in what seems to me to be an increasing emphasis on PP on making money. It seems so at odds with the message of the "Crash Course". I imagine it's hard basing a web site business model on informing people of the coming collapse of industrial society when it appears to keep on going and going. My perception is that the PP "community" is narrowing to reflect those interested in money and finance over other issues. I notice some people who used to post here are doing so less or not at all. Where have they gone and why? I post less frequently and when I do I know what I have to say isn't really that welcome because I talk about the dangers from Fukushima and especially Climate Change, including the possibility of Near Term Extinction. I think there's a lot of denial on the part of many PPers on how much they are already affecting the planet and how quickly changes are happening. So I find it hard to get too worked up about how to make more money or in fantasies of the future that don't match the reality I see around me.

I know I may be blasted for what I've said. I really don't care at this point. This is what I see after many months of a growing discomfort with the direction of PP. It's my opinion alone and I'm not asking anyone to share it with me. Others here will see things differently. I've benefited from the "Crash Course" and some of the information here and that's why I've taken this time to share what I think. But it's not a good match for me anymore as it isn't reflecting reality as I see it. If I stay and keep commenting, it will only be to repeat myself so what's the point? I bear no bad feelings.

Thanks to all here here who have made me think outside my own box and for all the useful information.


I feel and share in your frustrations, Joyce.
We are currently in the midst of "the greatest epidemic sickness known to man" Many of us don't even realize this, as our collective insanity is so pervasive that it has become normalized. Our collective madness has become transparent to us, as we see and interpret the world through it, rendering our madness invisible, thereby unwittingly colluding with the collective psychosis that is wreaking incredible death and destruction on our planet.


If we aspire to be entrepreneurs, based on the assumption that working as an employee is a one way ticket to chump-hood, is it fair to ask somebody to work under us, under the same dynamic?  

Mycelia form a matt that extend over vast areas. The purpose of that matt is to gather nutrients. When enough nutrients are available, the matt gathers together to form the fruiting body that we call a mushroom.
We have spread across the planet gathering resources. When we have enough resources, all our Capital pools. To what purpose?

I put it to you that it is to leave and take the spores with us. Any mushroom could understand this.

And you thought you understood what was going on? Just who designed the Ape/Pig hybrid do you think-and to what purpose?

I think McKenna has insight into our real design and purpose.