Royce White's First Podcast Guest Was ... Me.

Last week I had the honor of being Royce White’s very first guest on his new podcast, ‘Please Call Me Crazy’.

Royce and I often have Long, rambling, deeply fascinating conversations on the phone. At the end of these, we usually say “Wow. We should have recorded that!” This time, we did.

We spent a solid two hours going into my origin story, as well as that of the Federal Reserve, and carrying through to today’s predicaments.

It was truly a great conversation that I think you’ll enjoy, and it’d be awesome to support Royce as he builds his voice and channel. One way to do that would be to visit his Youtube channel and subscribe to it.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Neil Mccoy-ward

Can’t wait for Neil’s interview with you Chris.


Why Did We Help China Grow?

It’s simple. Nixon, Kissinger, Rockefeller and the rest understood that the room for growth in the West was running out. They understood the need for a debt based system to continue to grow. A country with 1 Billion people was the best opportunity for continued growth.
It was the biggest “kick the can down the road” in history.


Open Borders

If you know you are already way over the carrying capacity, what do you do? You have to get rid of a large fraction of them. Make them fight one another as in the Civil War.
What if your population gets along relatively well with each other? Bring in more that don’t blend in. Set them against the existing population. Start the war. It will spread. Soon everyone is fighting everyone else.


The Rope To Hang Us

Khrushchev famously said that the West would sell the communists the rope they used to hang us. He was right about the West, he had the wrong communists.



Whilst folks act like little children, folks will be treated like chilldren. Being distracted by balloons just speak to that.
The UK is one big play pen - I moved back to this play pen from the Middle East. To my shame, not thinking for one moment my fellow citizens would be fighting hard to stay in the play pen. Im so pissed - however im not despondent, ive not given up fighting to turn this around. Building the tribe, growing a garden helps me stay positive & together we are able to not play the games in the play pen


Indeed. If you are prepared to break rules to get to a destination, then you’ll continue to break the rules once you’ve reached your destination.


I can’t wait either. I’m not behind Neil’s paywall - I had to pick one & here I am ?. However, watch Neil regularly & I loved his Depression Dairies that is a brilliant podcast to watch.


I’ve Said It Dozens Of Times…

if you don’t have honest money, you can’t have honest government. I think that could be a campaign slogan.


Comment On Climate Change

Does anyone think that the “story” about climate change is an honest story? It appears the studies and models on climate change completely omit the Sun’s impact on the Earth’s climate, and everybody worth their salt in astro-physics knows the Sun has a huge impact on Earth’s climate.
It’s exactly the same scenario as NIST developing a model for how Tower 7 came down, and not include the use of explosives! The NIST model is sooooo bad, NIST won’t release the data that purports to support their model.
We’re in for climate change that is inconceivable and the public is completely unprepared for, but it’s not because of CO2, it’s because of the Sun and the Earth’s magnetic field. If the Earth has a strong magnetic field, the Earth is more protected from solar and space weather. If the Earth has a weak magnetic field, the Earth will be more impacted by solar and space weather. It’s a simple equation.
Not surprisingly, climate science is subject to the same banal and evil practices as pharmaceutical science: the journals are owned, the funding is directed, there are ulterior motives. FFS, TPTB measure the strength of our magnetic field and report on it every five years; the last report included an observation the field was weakening by 5% every 10 years (up from every 100 years), and the every 5 year report mysteriously went silent, and then (just like the DOD and DMED) TPTB come out after being MIA and claim they re-configured their math and said: mea culpa, ‘we were wrong, our magnetic field is as robust as ever!’
Meanwhile, we can measure the magnetic field by other means. For instance, red/pink (I think that’s the color) auroras are very rare, but red auroras are happening more and more. Auroras occurring at lower and lower latitudes and that is happening. More animal behavior anomolies, where the animal relies on gps, those happen regularly.
At the very least, climate change will include harsher and harsher storms, massive increases in lightening including new forms of lightening, longer storm seasons, as well as un-seasonal storm anomolies, more wobbly jet streams, etc. Earthquakes and volcanos will be activated too. I’m sure there’s an exponential function in relation to the weakening magnetic field.
Oh, and the combined energies of solar/space weather and a weak magnetic field has a tremendous impact on human health. Increased solar weather can trigger seizures, heart attacks, auto-immune flair ups, mental health episodes, and can effect menstruation.
The bottom line: Plan for a long term grid down.


Thank you, me too. We had a prep call the other day, accidentally interviewed each other and had to terminate the active dialog after 1.5 hours to get on with our days. Very synched brains we have.


This does worry me a bit…if the measurements of the magnetic strength can be tortured as badly as a goobermint CPI ““measurement”” then, just like tax receipts, the location of the poles cannot be so easily hidden.
The fact that the magnetic poles are on a rapid walk-a-bout is just a tad concerning, at least to me:


I’m concerned. I wish you planted yourself closer to the East side of the Rockies.


Radical Sense Gratification Vs. Radical Materialism

I would say the US is expert at radical sense gratification more than radical materialism. Just look at the smorgashborg of sense gratification titilation available to the American public! We have refined sense gratification to the point of an absurd living art form, i.e. director of nuclear waste luggage thief. Yet only a fraction of Americans have any form of real Capital.
As a public we’re unhappy, unproductive and in all too many cases, perverse.
The only remedy to unbridled sense gratification is restraint. Do we pursue sense gratification at all cost and in all its forms, or do we practice restraint? When was the last time anybody got a lesson in or an example of restraint? Education must include ethics, philosophy, morality, and restraint, otherwise education is worse than useless, it’s dangerous. It’s the type of education that produces people like the WEF science advisor, Y. Harari.


Great Conversation

I loved this conversation. I don’t think I’ve run into Mr. Royce White before. Love the name of his podcast and his calm, thoughtful demeanor.


the whole thing is hidden in plain sight, you are right the aurora’s are the key, had them here inland western Australia the other day after the big CME. It’s game on, that’s why they are in a really big hurry.


This Is Going Somewhere

I wasn’t familiar with Royce before now but it was a very entertaining two hours.
(It would be easier to list the important issues you guys didn’t cover)
I loved the collaboration and fleshing out of past people/events that are shaping our world now.
Context matters, and discussions like this one build a solid framework of understanding to view what’s really going on in the world and how a person can place themselves in it.
In the last few minutes the topic of personal agency was covered in a way that really made sense.
So call me crazy.
I’ll catch the next episode too.


Yes, big planetary changes are afoot, but what about the effect of all the electromagnetic “pollution” caused by bathing the globe (not to mention people’s homes / brains/bodies) in 5 G. —Apple is already teasing the release of 6G ready devices. And there is talk of 7 G on the horizon.


Chris interviewed him a while back.
Well worth listening to.


Ben at Suspicious Observers!