Royce White's First Podcast Guest Was ... Me.

thanks for the link.

not the one I was looking for, but not so biased yet

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A properly fitted N95 mask should reduce viral load getting into your respiratory system somewhat and it always seemed pretty clear to me that a lower initial infective load was going to be easier for your body to deal with. If I were having to travel in public transport (where you are trapped in an enclosed space with many other random people) during the early days, I’d certainly wear a mask to try to minimise the amount of antigen that I was exposed to. Same would go for a scenario where I had to work in an indoor public space.
However, it’s unlikely that the N95 mask is going to stop you getting infected. Most of the pro-mask crowd seemed to think that any sort of mask was going to give a high degree of protection against infection, they almost treated them like holy relics that would ward off the evil infection… So they were walking around getting exposed to the virus in the air thinking they were somehow protected.
The smart move to minimise your chances of infection would be to avoid indoor public spaces as much as possible, avoid public transport where possible and keep your distance (1.5-2m) from other members of the public when possible. If you had to be indoors with random members of the public, use an N95 mask to reduce the amount of viral particles you were breathing in, giving yourself a better chance to mount an effective immune response.
(I think that the reason why early on a lot of young healthy medical workers were seriously ill and dying was because they were coming into contact with massive amounts of viral particles during the course of their work, often without decent PPI equipment. Their immune systems were overloaded before they had a chance to mount an effective response.)


Peter Kory of FLCCC commented in a similar way in this article from 2021 on masks. His point focused on the 4 main factors are Density, Duration, Dimensions, and Draft.


Harvard Covid Shot Requirements

I know Chris has talked about how Harvard still requires the shots for students but not for faculty. Can anyone provide me with a link that shows this? I need this for my blog but can’t find anything.

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I found it…
It seems they are requiring it for new employees though.


Pike’s Peak batholith is nine hours away from me. Hladini, will anyone have enough time to seek shelter from the storm once it’s begun?
I have visited Suspicious Observers a few times over the years as well as having read the Adam and Eve Story and follow-up (Chan Thomas). I’m familiar with the material, but this is the pressing question. I’ve also seen that he recently consulted a build for an EMP-proof bugout vehicle. That’s what’s next on my list, actually. Early 80’s Ford Bronco.

Not sure what storm you’re talking about, Steve. My understanding is the grid will go down, hopefully some years before the worst happens.


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I don’t see how scientists could possibly omit the sun’s impact. After all, it’s the source of heat energy coming into earth from space. Global warming is when total IN minus total OUT is greater than zero. Solar heat is part of the fundamental basis behind global warming.
Of course, not all areas of earth receive the same amount of heat energy from the sun. Also, a given area will receive different amounts based on cloud cover, etc. If you’re talking about the sun’s influence at that level, I’m pretty sure obvious factors like cloud cover has been given some representation, but I’m not sure at what granularity. The climate is a complex dynamic system. They are well known for being: 1) almost impossible to model accurately, and 2) super sensitive to changes in certain factors to the point of possibly going “nonlinear”. Scroll down on the Home page and click on the icon for Which Institutions Mandate? and you can see all colleges in the U.S. It’s very well organized and up to date.


Yes…AND all current employees would still have had to have at least the primary jabs anyway unless they managed to get an exemption, so…nothing has really changed. All this says is that current employees no longer have to upload their vax status…but what does that matter if they are already jabbed and HR knows it? Maybe I’m missing something, but I think this is it.

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Thanks for the replies. Most people seem to get it like it’s a mild flu. But there comes a point in the load you get, along with a number of other factors, that the original strain becomes something else. Time would fail me to describe all the effects. Every little weakness in your body gets amplified to an unbearable degree. The one’s you know about, and a surprising number of ones you don’t. When I finally went to the emergency room my heart rate was in the upper 290’s. Glad I got it when they were still pretending it didn’t get here yet, and avoided any freaky treatments. The timing was good too, I held out long enough that I had delt with the virus and was getting into the cytokine storm, so I got steroids at the right point in the infection.
My point about the eyes was never voiced. Could the virus make the short trip to the sinuses through the eyes? I don’t see why not. This guy was seemingly treating people through eye drops.
Appreciate the responses, always good to talk to people here.

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“U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen swept into Kyiv on Monday on a surprise visit to reaffirm U.S. support for Ukraine in its struggle against Russia’s invasion and promote U.S. economic aid that is bolstering Ukraine’s war effort.
Yellen met with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and other key government officials just days into the war’s second year, repeating U.S. assurances delivered by President Joe Biden a week ago in Kyiv.
“America will stand with Ukraine as long as it takes,” Yellen, flanked by sandbags at the cabinet ministers’ office, told Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.
Shmyhal, speaking through an interpreter, said the two discussed further U.S. sanctions on Russia aimed at weakening its economy and military and “confiscating frozen Russian assets and putting them to the benefit of the recovery of Ukraine.”
But Yellen told reporters in a phone briefing that there were still significant legal obstacles to fully seizing the $300 billion in Russian central bank assets frozen by sanctions.
Yellen also announced the transfer of the first $1.25 billion from the latest, $9.9 billion tranche of economic and budget assistance from Washington.”

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Spam spam spam spam spammity spam!


Thanks, love your name. I would like to be a warrior in retreat. Facing the unknown with Sodom and Gomorrah behind you and not making the mistake that Lot’s wife made. But that is just me.
So here is what the Harvard site says:
“Harvard highly recommends that every employee remains up-to-date on their COVID vaccinations, per the CDC definition, and receives the flu vaccine. New employees to the University will be required to confirm primary series compliance to their local HR at time of hire. Current Harvard-paid employees, as of December 22, 2022, are no longer required to submit COVID-19 vaccine documentation to Harvard University Health Services.”
Seems to me faculty as of Dec 22 do not have to be jabbed.
Thanks for the link!

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I wish I knew that the auroras could be seen in the south west. I would’ve got up and watched them!

Shut Up And Eat Your Crickets

Modern Farmer magazine is normalizing cricket consumption. Their recent article includes colorful pictures of insects in Thailand, but you know that western ag/food industries will just use insect protein as an ingredient in the processed crap they are feeding the populace. Soylent Green. I have a completely different vision for my/our future.

Correct. As of Dec. 2022 faculty and staff at Harvard no longer need to be jabbed…but every one of those same people have already been jabbed or else has an exemption in place. That’s my point.
So what their new policy actually means is that they are no longer requiring boosters (i.e., really the bivalent one, or the flu shot) over and above what all of the faculty and staff already have.
Everyone else - including students and any new hires - all still need at least the primary jabs. They can’t now say that students and new hires don’t have to be jabbed at all since everyone who is already there has to have had at least the primary jabs. That just wouldn’t be very fair, now would it ?
Basically, this is all politics and utterly ridiculous. No one escapes The Machine here. This is my “real” point!
Some colleges (and you can see by the list on the No College Mandates website list) have decided to no longer require the bivalent booster and/or the flu shot for at least faculty and staff. My husband works for a major university in the general vicinity of Harvard. This is what happened at the beginning of this year to his place of employment - the same exact new policy.
(Btw, we don’t live in the Boston area. Hubbie has worked 100% remotely for the past 3 years. He was not ready to be fired and fought hard and long to get a religious exemption a couple of years ago. Yes, he was required to have one even though he would never have to step foot on campus again. Like ever. More of The Machine here.)
In the meantime, many at this university continue to suffer the consequences of having been jabbed in the first place (getting Covid over and over), or vax injury. My husband knows at least 20 people (all vaxxed, with some having been boosted as well because that was part of the university’s policy at the time this all started) who have had Covid multiple times.
He also knows one person - someone who is a very good friend of his there - who got jabbed and suffered a vax injury (stroke from which he “recovered”) who decided to just quit when the university asked him - after all he had been through - to get the bivalent booster or else be fired. Seriously? Fortunately for him and his family, he was close enough to retiring anyway so he was OK enough, financially. Btw, this guy’s doctor refused to believe his stroke was at all related to the jab, even though he was jabbed within 48 hours of having the stroke.
We have both had it up to our ears with university policy! Neither of us is quite ready for my husband to leave his job at this point…but we’re really working hard to figure out a way for that to happen.
As a sidebar, I can tell you that some employees are now starting to get it. Some are at least starting to question the policy about the students coming in now and the new hires needing to be jabbed at all. But it’s falling on deaf ears as you can well imagine. The majority of people who are looking for a job in a university have been vaxxed anyway, so they don’t tend to care all that much. Sad.

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I get it, but on the flip side of that argument, as a farmer who raises pastured chickens on corn free/soy free feed, I’d rather have cricket meal as the source of protein in my feed than soy. Soy is one of the great enemies of health and the regenerative farmer. It destroys enormous amounts of soil due to industrial farming methods and destroys the health of humans, farm animals, pets, environment, insects, etc. I don’t yet know the nutritional profile of crickets, but if its not laced with herbicides, has good protein and omega 3’s, doesn’t involve industrial agriculture, and the cost is right, then I’m in. In fact, bugs (not soy) are one of the main things that makes my chickens on pasture so tasty and healthy with a high omega 3 profile. I’d like to see this kind of industry get to scale.
As far as human consumption goes, I won’t be eating a burger made of up of mashed up bugs and worms. However, if I’m looking for a low carb tortilla shell and one is made with some white powder called soy and the other is made with a white powder called cricket meal I’ll never buy the soy, but I’d try the cricket meal at least once and see how it goes. I think I’m down for that. I can handle a daily spoonful of cod liver oil, so I think can handle it…maybe. Heck, I eat other things that many consider gross, like all the fat on my grass fed ribeye. Crap, now I’m hungry and 4 hours of intermittent fasting to go ?