Second Waves Of Coronavirus Infections Are Pretty Much Guaranteed

Yeah when I ran across this one my jaw dropped and I said “of course!” to myself. I like constructing models (although not of this sort) and this was a refinement that totally made sense. We can’t know at this moment what the number actually might be - that’s the unknown - but it is definitely less than 60%. And the concept provides some explanatory power as to why regional infections appear to be peaking out at (roughly) the same percentage of infected people in many different locations.
Another 2-3 months and we’ll have a much clearer idea.
It does suggest an interesting strategy however. Locate all the ESFJ’s in the population, explain to them that they are the ones most likely to get infected, and offer them a free vaccination - either that, or give them HCQ as prophylaxis.

Hamsters placed in adjoining cages with infected subjects were infected at a 66.7 per cent rate; the introduction of a barrier saw the percentage drop to 16.7

That is huge and reprehensible. No one wants their grants pulled. If they have active grants with Gilead that is concerning. Can you provide sources?

Hi Steve,
Yes, you might be right.
My reason to research this is twofold. Once I was hospitalized in Germany due a climbing accident. What I noticed is that they are way more open to “alternative” approaches. That combined with the very low CFR makes me wonder what special approach they have, can’t be the bratwurst and sauerkraut alone.
I read some German papers and visited some websites, they report about the FDA stance, but I did not find that many negative “news” reports. I did find an article about a plan to test the efficacy in Tuebingen, but I could not find anything about the results. So I hope that there might be some Germans who could enlighten us.
(edited: added some links to german news, all in german, sorry)

  • April 3rd- Bayer delivered 600.000 chloroquine tablets (source)
  • Chloroquine efficacy test (source)
Take care.

Qing Xie; ROLES Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing
AFFILIATION Infectious Diseases, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai, China
Added (as of April 2020): Qing Xie: Speaker/advisor: AbbVie, BMS, Gilead, Janssen, MSD, Novartis [21 references to Gilead]

  • April 10, 2020
    Just Google - they’re everywhere - I quickly found 3 studies with Gilead all over them.

Daily M is trying to present things and they, out of many MSM , do give some space to “conspiracy theory”. Their readers are definately more awake than other MSM followers for sure. I like DM for this reason, plus it is fun to read. They do not censor the comments very much either.

Nevada Governor Found Hoarding Hydroxychloroquine After Banning Drug
Bronson Stocking. Posted: Apr 04, 2020 5:15 PM

Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak, Democrat, had a kneejerk reaction to President Trump's optimism about a malaria drug that might be an effective treatment for the Wuhan coronavirus. Trump was hopeful about the drug, so anti-Trump Democrats like Sisolak were against it. Gov. Sisolak banned (hydroxy)chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, ostensibly over concern of hoarders stockpiling the medicine and causing shortages for patients who use the drug for other ailments like Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. But while the governor restricted the public from receiving the potentially life-saving drug, Nevada's Department of Corrections began stockpiling the drug for prisoners. According to sources at the drug maker, Concordia Pharmaceuticals Inc, Nevada prisons ordered a large number of their anti-malaria Hydroxychloroquine drug under the name, Plaquenli. Nevada prisons has literally ZERO cases of prisoners infected with the COVID 19 virus to date. The Nevada Board of Pharmacies and the Governor claimed the rule barring doctors from prescribing the drug outside of hospitals was to "stop hoarding." After Sisolak’s ban went into effect, the State Prison hoarded the drug in a mass just in case they had break out. Gov. Sisolak refused to reverse his order even after the FDA issued an emergency order earlier this week approving the drug for use against COVID 19. . Eh tu Michigan? Unbelievable. And Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is no better. When reports that (hydroxy)chloroquine showed promising signs as a safe treatment for the coronavirus, and after President Trump expressed his optimism over the drug's efficacy, Whitmer moved immediately to block Michiganders from gaining access to the potentially life-saving treatment. Both governors cited concerns over shortages, but alternative medicines are available to treat lupus. And if they haven't noticed, we're kind of in the middle of a pandemic. Drugmakers have already ramped up production of (hydroxy)chloroquine in response to increased demand, and people still need a prescription from a doctor to obtain the medicine. The FDA has now issued emergency-use authorization of (hydroxy)chloroquine for COVID-19, so the focus at this point should be making more of this promising drug, not restricting its use amid a global pandemic for which we currently have no vaccine.

FYI, Henry Ford Health System has a clinical trial underway investigating HCQ as a preventive therapy for COVID 19.

Henry Ford Health System is also participating in two Gilead Phase 3 clinical studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of remdesivir in adults diagnosed with COVID-19. These are randomized, open-label, multicenter studies.
I also find it strange that the: “Estimated Study Completion Date : April 30, 2021” for the HCQ study (way too late to be useful). But the Phase 3 remdesivir study will be ready “May 2020”

If anyone is interested in the biologic basis for the protean and multitudinous manifestations of “COVID-19” check out the following. It does take a while to get going, but it is mind-blowing in its implications…

In Belgium no one died between 0 and 24 years and only 31 died between 25 and 44. On a total of more than 9.000 deaths that were liberally registred (presumed cases).
Young people will resume their lives as soon as they will be allowed to, I think. And so will these parts of the economic activities that depend on their consumption.
Cruises are not for them, so yes, cruises maybe dead for a number of years.

Check out the researcher and herbalist Stephen Harrod Buhner for his latest research and herbal protocol for COVID-19. Stephen is an excellent researcher and herbalist. I trust the depth and breadth of his understanding of plants, people and the disease process.
Check out link under “Articles” tab, then Herbal Protocol 5/17/2020

Researchers at NYU's Grossman School of Medicine found patients given the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine along with zinc sulphate and the antibiotic azithromycin were 44 percent less likely to die from the coronavirus.

HCQ should be used as a backup, not as a prophylactic, in my opinion. One needs to get sick for an immune response to develop. Am I correct?

Plans were made years ago for this.

I heard the Dow will go way up the next day or two. Already above +700 at 8:30.
Done posting for the day. Am retired but still go to work. I split tractors.

I live in Arkansas and my hat is off to our governor for his handling of the virus and re-openings of the local economy. Having said that I am so tired of the divide in this country. Many people have demonized our governor because, “oh my god we had an uptick in cases”.
What the media fails to explain to people is the more you test the more you will find have the virus. I think they need to be looking at other numbers not those positive from the test. Our hospitalizations and those on ventilators have not changed.
Have you seen the medias coverage of people not social distancing in certain places? many photos are taken at an angle to make you think they are not doing social distancing.
My son’s both had Kawasaki syndrome while I was stationed in Germany back in the 80’s and trust me they have nothing to do with any form of covid. More fearmongering for the masses.
In closing so many media outlets want to scare the crap out of you, because they have an agenda. WHAT ARE THOSE OF YOU GOING TO DO IF THEY NEVER DEVELOPE A VACCINE? One insight after examining the southern hemisphere is this is not going away in my opinion.
We cannot stay locked up forever!!!

I believe the media is using this as a “grade” for your leadership. Down is an absolute good, regardless of the price you pay to make that little line drop. Regardless if its just 4 cases down to 3.
“We will pay any price, bear any burden, even if we have to destroy the overall economy and put everyone out of work, just so we can make that little line drop down from 4 to 3. Only then will your leadership get a passing grade.”
Notice we went from “flattening the curve” and “preserving the hospital system” to “making lines drop on charts.”
And your particular state? It doesn’t have a problem.
Here’s “the uptick” in context. One caveat: I used an MA7 to smooth out the silly stuff on the weekends, so the data will lag a bit in both directions. But it makes the trend more obvious - and we are doing “strategy” here so we want to see the trend most of all.

“It [the study] continues, noting that a “possibility which still cannot be excluded is that SARSCoV-2 was created by a recombination event that occurred inadvertently or consciously in a laboratory handling coronaviruses, with the new virus then accidentally released into the local human population.”
Dr Petrovsky added in a statement that, rather than being rapidly genetically spliced and mutated, the virus shows signs of being ‘cultured’ to evolve over time.”