Second Waves Of Coronavirus Infections Are Pretty Much Guaranteed

Go’s way back to the founding of the nation, if it were not for the selfish me me attitude the attack on France which started the 7 years war would not have taken place, the US would have not had the sons of liberty independence movement AKA the world’s first terrorists and having paid their share of the bill of the war they began, the USA would still be the original 13 colonies without a Canada to the North where the surrounding Natives would not have been genocided to extinction, but mostly all Citizens. They certainly got to be so in the French & Spanish parts of the continent, after Spain stopped enslaving them. A different sort of America - a confederation of nations, and no nasty outcome. We certainly would have had far fewer wars.

The comments are censored by bot and staff, they rarely make it to the comments section after ‘processing’ - unless its a reply, the most important thing is comments get closed - if they are too heated, and unlike with other comments, you will never know if yours are not posted unless you page through 100’s to 1000’s on the page. Sometimes it got posted and there is a reply in your email - which you can only reply to yourself to. So you cant in fact reply.

We know that asymptomatic people and those with mild symptoms can have abnormal lung changes. Those with especially detrimental SNP’s, polymorphisms can have severe disease- How do you know it won’t be you?
What if the SARS vaccine part- INS1378 to pShuttle (patented by the Chinese) with the HIV-1 Kenya 2008 piece/ cause antibody enhancement syndrome. The second infection leading to extreme organ damage.
There are still alot of unanswered questions out there.

Why are stadium/arena sports, video games, shoot em up car chase movies, MMA so wildly popular? Do we have a dark fascination with survival of the fittest? Should we be breeding ultra masculinity out of us? Do we need to colonize beyond Earth to survive as a species? Should AI be making our decisions? ???

Hydroxychloroquine - politics, money & medicine

Sharyl: Camps largely divided along political lines. Many right-leaning media figures sided with hydroxychloroquine while the left-leaning press backed remdesivir. Each accusing the other of ignoring real science. Sharyl: Cardiologist Dr. William O’Neill is a medical director at the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan where they’re studying both remdesivir and hydroxychloroquine. Dr. William O’Neill: I've never seen science politicized in 40 years of practice. Some people in the media are treating hydroxychloroquine as if it's something that's being pitched by charlatans, it's dangerous, and that's been debunked and discredited. What do you make of that? Dr. O’Neill: I think that's very harmful. President Trump touted it early and so then the media set out to disprove and discredit it without any regard for science. I think those of us that are actually involved in the scientific endeavor feel that there is some value to it and it has to be tested. Sharyl: Dr. O’Neill says he’s prescribed hydroxychloroquine to help numerous coronavirus patients and saw improvement in all of them. He’s less impressed, so far, by remdesivir. Dr. O’Neill: There's a lot of hype for the drug [Remdesivir]. I saw the original new England Journal article study and I saw the Lancet study and to me it's just like a big Ho Hum. I just don't see a big benefit to it.

The quarterly report for the Vaccine Court Injury and Death Compensation is now available. (They are archived at an anti-vaxx website, but this is the only place I know where to find the powerpoint quarterly summaries.)

From their spreadsheet we have 74 cases total, 60 of which were for the flu shot.

-Guillan Barre Syndrome, 11 cases -Transverse Myelitis, 5 cases -Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis, 2 cases -Chronic Demyelinating Polyneuropathy, 4 cases -Multiple Sclerosis, 1 case -Miscellaneous injury, 54 cases
Another significant trend is the movement in vaccine injuries from children primarily, to adults in the last decade. This is because the flu shot is now by far the most common vaccination causing about 1,000 cases of injury compensation per year from the DOJ program. Childhood vaccine injuries remain steady just under 200 compensated injuries per year. [Edit: Note that most of the flu shot injuries are devastating neurological injuries, the kinds that send a patient to a nursing home for months to years.]

So far, all 50 patients treated have lived.
“Varon, who has also been consulting with colleagues in China, Italy and Spain, employs a treatment of steroids, blood thinners, Vitamin C and hydroxychloroquine”

“I’ll believe it when I see it”
“I’ll see it when I believe it”
Nice one, Neon. As Niels Bohr observed:
“The opposite of a true statement is a false statement, but the opposite of one profound truth is more often than not another profound truth.”
I do believe, sir, you have expressed two profound truths.
For myself, who believes in everything and holds nothing sacred, and at the same time believes in nothing and holds everything sacred, it’s just common sense really.
Common sense BTW, is something I alone possess, and others do not. I observe Chris appears to believe the same thing. Likewise, I alone act with integrity against other’s ideological rigidity. Just ask Chris after the video, and I’m confident he’ll be able to tell us all about ideological rigidity.

Having avidly followed Chris’s work since 2008, I consider his prescience, intellect, expertise and analysis skills second to none. The guy’s probably smarter than most of us put together. So, I forgive him his little bursts of intellectual arrogance. Who am I, an expert in nothing, to presume to judge hogwash compared to an expert in hogwash?
And yet judge I do, and as we must, being ever mindful that all experts in particular, are “inverse cripples”, as Nietzsche described, wth “too much of some things, and not enough of others.” I too hope Chris will give your proposition some thought, Neon.
“What urges you on, and arouses your ardour, you wisest of men, do you call it ‘will to truth’
Will to the conceivability of all being: that is what I call your will!
You first want to make all being conceivable ……. But it must bend and accommodate itself to you!
This will your will have it. It must become smooth and subject to the mind, as the mind’s mirror and reflection………
You want to create the world before which you can kneel: that is your ultimate hope and intoxication.”

Friedrich Nietzsche, “Of Self Overcoming”, “Also Spoke Zarathustra”
And perhaps if Chris really wants to do his head in, he might ponder further for a moment if the world is not comprised of dichotomies like those he indicates in this slide at all, but that each dichotomy represents pairs, not opposites, which together are one and one truth?

You remind me of Sam Vacknin. I am posting a link to a recent podcast so you can become acquainted. Enjoy
Sam is really very smart and has a sense of humor. He is an interesting guy!

Way to go Dave Fairtex! An MBTI diagnostic tool. But if you really want to cover all bases and protect all the people who don’t get it and are most likely to get it, you’d need to do all the sensors and most feelers as well. Not to forget a lot of thinkers too.

Besides Chris’s posts yours are the ones I look forward to most.
Thank you.

David McKenney wrote: HCQ should be used as a backup, not as a prophylactic, in my opinion. One needs to get sick for an immune response to develop. Am I correct?
David, That depends on whether Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) is an issue with SC2 as it was with the original SARS virus. If ADE is an issue, having antibodies could make subsequent infections worse than the original infection. In that case, never getting the first infection is the best overall strategy. Hence, a prophylactic that prevents the first infection makes sense. The common cold is caused by a coronavirus. There has never been an effective common cold vaccine because the virus mutates so easily. Any mutated virus that can evade the body's immune system can successfully propagate and infect others. If the vaccine only contained the virus and an inert carrier (like saltwater,) that would be one thing. Vaccines have all sorts of adjuvants to improve vaccine study efficacy. Sand_Puppy started this thread about vaccines: I recommend anyone thinking that any SC2 vaccine is a cure-all to read the thread. Frankly, I expect that this virus will be with us from now on. It is already too widespread and infectious along with transmitting asymptomatically to ever be eradicated. Since it likely can't be eradicated, the next best defense is to keep it from finding a home in the body. Face masks, gloves, goggles, and washing hands will help to lessen the viral load, but none of these offers a foolproof barrier. The next defense is keeping the body healthy with good nutrition so its defense mechanism has the vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly. If the body fails to contain the virus, then medical intervention becomes necessary. I've been enjoying my Covid cocktail nearly every afternoon. It's a gin and tonic with a side order of roasted pumpkin seeds (high in zinc.) The tonic water contains quinine - the natural ingredient that chloroquine and HCQ synthetically mimic. I also inhale about 1/2 teaspoon of nebulized 10 PPM ionic/colloidal silver (CS) once a week. CS is an effective in vitro antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. There aren't any studies saying it will work on this particular virus, but why would the medical industrial complex want that studied? There's no money in it for them. That's why they are pooh-poohing HCQ. It's an off-patent drug that doesn't provide them adequate income to keep their machine functioning. They are more concerned with their financial health than they are about the public's health. It is just the way it is. Grover Edit: If you want to learn how to make your own ionic/colloidal silver, here's a place to start ...

Prophylactically, according to zerohedge. I don’t know if this has been reported here yet. Yowsa!

Hydroxychloroquine With Zinc

I kind of figured once his valet came down with the virus, that Trump would need to protect himself. I’m not sure people realize, but if Trump and Pence were both incapacitated with the virus, next in line to lead would be… Nancy.

Chucki, Don’t forget to sip tonic water. There is some quinine in there that will help the zinc get past the disguised cell membranes in the infected cells. Get well!

Despite the negative slant we read in the media regarding Sweden’s COVID public policy, I would like an HONEST discussion. Yes, some of Sweden’s European neighbors have lower deaths per total population from COVID; others do not. But if we look at two states, Massachusetts & Michigan, with similar total population numbers; these two states having strict lockdown protocols, we find that the death rates in those states quite a bit higher than Sweden’s. (In particular, Massachusetts, which has 3 million less residents but over 2 thousand more deaths. There are many other seeming irregularities if we accept that lockdown/masks are beneficial. While we can look to some countries that had strict lockdown and almost universal mask-wearing and see positive results, that is not always the case. There seems to be something else going on. How can this be explained, for example:
Sweden Population ~10M. Some social distancing rules but relaxed compared to most other Western countries. Masks not recommended for most situations. Total deaths from COVID ~3,700.
Massachusetts Population ~7M. Strict lockdown rules, masks required in public (as of May 6). Total deaths from COVID ~5,900.
Michigan Population ~10M. Famously strict lockdown rules, masks required in public (as of April 24). Total deaths from COVID ~5,000

Thank you for this, I’m so glad to see more credentialed scientists speaking out against the big media complex and their propaganda against HCQ. It seems more and more evident that these sites want more deaths, and more destruction of the economy and public health. I realize why drug companies want to discredit a drug they can’t make any money from. They are willing to have death and destruction for their own greed, but the journalists and social media sites who are working to cover up an efficient treatment for this virus are such hypocrites. It’s why I trust very few news sources now. History will not be kind to these people.