Second Waves Of Coronavirus Infections Are Pretty Much Guaranteed

Before you super excited,
From the online article and link I provided below, "

"Less than three hours later, the governor’s office appealed to the state Supreme Court to keep her emergency orders in effect.

“This will ensure we can continue to safeguard the health of all Oregonians — including frontline health care workers, those living in nursing homes, workers in agriculture and food processing plants, and Oregonians with underlying health conditions –– while the legal process moves forward,“ she said in a statement.

And, ""The governor’s orders are not required for public safety when plaintiffs can continue to utilize social distancing and safety protocols at larger gatherings involving spiritual worship,'' he ruled." "Oregon governor’s coronavirus restrictions on religious gatherings, other emergency orders ‘null and void,’ judge rules" It has been my experience so far that some people are good at wearing masks and practicing social distancing, others not as all... As a bus rider, and waiting to get called back to work after being laid off almost 2 months ago (even though I am getting unemployment, I do look forward to going back to work, and am grateful I have somewhere to go back to work at!), where the customers were horrible regarding those NDI's, I am apprehensive how that will work out. Wait to see what the Oregon Supreme Court rules... Linda
Young people will resume their lives as soon as they will be allowed to, I think. And so will these parts of the economic activities that depend on their consumption.
I hope young people don't think that the rest of us are expendable as they resume their lives.

Not sure but has Chris reported on any studies that suggest HCQ+zinc can actually protect people from getting the virus?

See, AKGranny, I told you we we were kindred spirits! I’d put money on it you’re my shadow , INFJ, to read me so well. I’m warming to the idea you do actually know the brown stuff when you see it alright. You’ve got me nailed there. Baffle ‘em with bull faeces, so you can slip under their radar, and assist them to hoist themselves on their own petard.
In my career my managers thought I talked funny too, and they punished me by making me dress up in an Italian suit and Zegna tie and play with the psychopaths in executive management, who didn’t see me coming either, and treated me like the village idiot, and most gratifyingly, therefore no threat to them. Bad mistake to threaten a psychopath, even if you don’t realise it, because you are toast before you even know what hit you.
That all worked well, till I would deliver my consultants report and an expensive invoice and watch them realise the Board will gladly consider the money well spent, and at the very least they can kiss this years bonus goodbye, if not their job.
”Wicked thoughts! Oh, what a wicked huntsman have I become.” Nietzsche, “Beyond Good and Evil”
So, from many close encounters of the unpleasant kind, on that question if the ultimate corporate warrior, the psychopath, is human, the answer is kind of. Bearing in mind they’re predictable as clockwork in holding power and control paramount, I’ve looked in these predators’ eyes and watched the beads flicking back and forth on their abacus, and seen their gears whirr and slot into place, as the blood lust mounts in anticipation of the kill … until …
And you just know that it’s better than sex for them, and explains why endless amounts of that is never enough, and why they eat narcissists for breakfast (because they are one). One actually admitted to me once they were an “emotional retard”, but had benefited greatly in learning to mimic emotions because it made them a far more efficient hunter.
The trick with this lot is to remember their greatest strength is also their Achilles heel. Their short suit is personal power, and the only real power they have is the power of their position. That is no match for the ubermensch (the overman) whose only power is the power of self overcoming.
Sing along with me here, AKGranny:
”Allons enfants de la patrie. Le jour de gloire est arrive. Contra nous de la tyrannie. L’étendard sanglant est levé …
Marchons, marchons, qu’un sang impure …”
Stirring stuff hey! Liberte, egalite, fraternite.
Go the White Hats.

Lots of “rebels without a clue” in eastern Oregon.
I hope they keep Nevada and Deschutes County locked. Why people think G*d likes ignorant people, because He made so many?

I find Chris’ new daily video in the strangest places! I missed the one above, but if anyone else is having trouble here is the link for today’s briefing (all about the federal reserve):

Psychopaths are not “human.” Smart predators with no conscience. Most animals are better.

Saw Daniel Horowitz’s column today about the myths of Covid 19. Surprised to read the concept of social distancing’s origin. Evidently it was picked up by then Pres. Bush during a flu outbreak. He was widely ridiculed by the scientists- now it’s law.
2 articles appeared nearly simultaneously touting this non-proven concept. NYT /Chicago Tribune intertwined isolation, quarantine, and social distancing. I’m furious at the lies.

Terminology matters. Please do not consult the corrupted urban dictionaries, but epidemiological sources. Isolation is the removal of the sick from the well. Well people do not “self-isolate." Quarantine is the separation of large groups. Within the subset are mixed smaller groups of the ill (prodromal), the soon to be ill (new infection), and the well. Quarantine allows the illness to run its course without having clusters contaminate the population at large.
During the Black Plagues through London, the rich fled to their country homes, dragging disease with them. Country communities who had no cases wisely barred such migration to protect their village. Within the village, life continued as normal, and no one isolated or social distanced. Like air travel, they stopped importing disease.
There is NO SCIENTIFIC evidence that I’ve been able to find to validate the concept of 6ft. social distancing. If someone has a pre-SARSCov2 study, please publish the reference.
Airborne definition per USAMRID: Travels over 2 meters (78.8inches), has a small particulate size <10microns, and stays suspended in the air over 10 minutes. In CDC’s hospital guidelines for SARS, they wrote that employees should wear masks when within 10ft. of the patient’s room. SARSCov 2 has been proven on the Hunan bus cluster to travel over 14ft.“Travels over 2 meters”, therefore, the 6ft. distance is completely inadequate! In HKG, it was passed through sewer pipes in a building. It is transmitted through air vents. It is AIRBORNE.
Per CDC’s own documents and USAMRID policies, anything that is airborne cannot be defended against by distance. Examples of such illnesses are airborne anthrax, smallpox, and measles. There is a form of TB found in Russian prisons and orphanages that infects people if you walk through the “cloud” of TB from someone coughing or sneezing 5 minutes later. Look at the military exercise Dark Winter. It was a simulated exercise of an airborne release of smallpox. It ended in less than a week as they determined there was no way to contain it.
Does the NY subway allow 6ft distances? How about school buses? The trains ? So 6ft apart in the park or restaurant, but up someone’s nose elsewhere. Does anyone believe this logic? If you want to protect people, install UV lights into the air ducts and clean the bathrooms three times per day. Send those with temps home from work or school. It aint that hard.
Why wear masks? It lowers your personal viral load if you contact virus. This allows your immune system time to respond. Just like for any other viral illness.

So saddened to read the person who spoke so eloquently on “the banality of evil” let go that banality, and appear so focussed on evil. As if all our human suffering from this tragedy might miraculously evaporate with the hope that the protagonists might be made accountable and responsible.
I go with both the Bible and the Ancient Greeks on hope, and see it as both a great good and a great evil in never ending flux inside each of us all.
Please remember that the great thundering, aegis bearing cloud gatherer Zeus sent Pandora and her jar as a punishment on humankind. After the four horsemen escaped from the jar like a honey badger and set off to torment us all day and night, Zeus in all his malice bid Pandora close the lid, trapping hope inside. And to this day humankind clings to Pandora’s jar and hold the hope inside as the greatest of all goods, never realising they hold the greatest of all evils, and suffering eternally in hope for something they will never have.
”None can escape the will of Zeus” Hesiod, “Works and Days”

Angi and anyone else interested,
Just posted a few minutes ago:
Oregon Supreme Court puts hold on Baker County judge’s ruling declaring governor’s coronavirus orders ‘null and void’”

“In a late Monday ruling, the Oregon Supreme Court stepped in to put a hold on a dramatic decision by an eastern Oregon judge that declared not only Gov. Kate Brown’s restrictions on church gatherings “null and void” but all her “Stay Home Save Lives’’ coronavirus emergency orders.”
And also found this:
“Gov. Kate Brown: ‘My emergency orders … remain in effect statewide’”
"Gov. Kate Brown released this statement late Monday on the Oregon Supreme Court’s hold on Baker County Circuit Judge Matthew B. Shirtcliff’s ruling earlier in the day that declared her executive orders on the coronavirus pandemic “null and void”:

“Following swift action by the Oregon Supreme Court, my emergency orders to protect the health and safety of Oregonians will remain in effect statewide while the court hears arguments in this lawsuit."

“From the beginning of this crisis, I have worked within my authority, using science and data as my guide, heeding the advice of medical experts. This strategy has saved lives and protected Oregonians from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic."

“There are no shortcuts for us to return to life as it was before this pandemic. Moving too quickly could return Oregon to the early days of this crisis, when we braced ourselves for hospitals to be overfilled and ventilators in short supply."

"The science remains clear: by physically distancing, wearing face coverings, staying home as much as possible and only gradually reopening our communities we can save lives and keep Oregonians safe. “We all look forward to visiting our loved ones in nursing homes, sending our children to school, and going to the grocery store without fear of spreading this disease. But the simple fact remains, COVID-19 is here in Oregon, and lives are at stake.” Linda  

Wow Linda, thanks for posting! Will have to take a look at the judges on the Supreme Court but I don’t think this is good news. Say prayers for Oregon, everyone. May set some kind of precedent or warning to other states. Love, from the powers that would be.

I was reading how a bunch of seamen on one of the US carriers/ships were infected and cleared back to duty after “recovering” and 16 of them either relapsed or got reinfected. Either way this is scary stuff because, not only did they test positive after recovery they were symptomatic with flu like symptoms with fever. So , we have one of two things happening. First you can be reinfected quite quickly again , meaning you dont impart any immunity after being infected and recovering… Or you keep it and never really clear and it can be reactivated again , like herpes. Or you plain old never get rid of it like HIV. Either A or B is really bad news… It basically makes this a global killer. Really.!!

There is perhaps a third alternative. The virus mutated and the sailors picked up a slight variant and had to fight off a different strain.

I have been pondering the US Military restriction on virus survivors, and why they would be singled out. I think there was a policy change from complete restriction to OK if they tested negative. I’m not 100% clear on that - does someone else know? Anyway, my thought was that the virus seems to target people who’s immune systems are compromised for one reason or another over a healthier immune system. So you might say the virus seems to target the unhealthiest among us first. Since the military needs strong and vital people, maybe they are simply eliminating the less healthy contenders from applying. With so few jobs to be had in a decimated economy the military will now be a choice that must be considered by the 20-30 yr. olds who’s futures and possible college plans have suddenly crashed.

This Supreme Court reminds me of Volksgerichtshof fascists

Seriously. You can stay in your bunker from now until the sun goes dark. That’s your choice. You can (and probably should) wear a mask in areas that are more dangerous - cool, dry, recirculated air. Like a subway or bus.
But to force or “guilt” the young people to live in bunkers too, when they are largely NOT at risk, really seems unfair to me. And I am not a young person, so I’m not talking my book the way you are. You seem to be saying, “please stay hidden away, lose your jobs, wreck your future, so I have less of a chance of being hurt.” Just seems like jealousy to me.
Hospitals: not overrun. Curve: hammered flat. Now let’s get on with life, so the young people can have a future.
Regarding HCQ as prophylaxis - there have been a large number of “indications”, the strongest one (for me) from a retrospective study of lupus patients in Italy, who take HCQ regularly. They have a 90% lower incidence of COVID-19, and none of them were hospitalized. Clinical trial ongoing, expect results by end of month. Then Trump can take his (un-deserved) victory lap.
Understand, Trump should not get this opportunity. Science and good public policy should have prevailed. The fact that it took our reality-TV-star president to get our “sickcare” industry (allegedly the smartest medical minds in the room, who only have our best interests at heart) to even consider this drug tells you everything about just how corrupt our society has become, how far we have fallen.
$1000/treatment remdesivir, never used before - a fire-drill-trial, with a very ho-hum result.
$20/treatment HCQ/AZI/Zinc treatment, all substances with good safety records, used for decades, with very positive indications, and a 7-day treatment regime - no trial results for 6 months. Thanks, NIH. You’ve really got my back. Hopefully in 6 months you’ll remove the knife you just stuck there.

Not sure what you thought I wrote, Dave, but I wouldn’t recognise it from your reply.
I’m just asking the youngsters to think about us oldies before they think they’re invincible (they’re not) and can live their lives as they had before the pandemic. I didn’t make any suggestions about what changes they would make. Of course, many young people have parents and grandparents, as well as, occasionally, older friends and colleagues. Hopefully most would take that into consideration.
Regarding HCQ+zinc as a prophylactic, that would be great for those most at risk, if it helped more than doing the other sensible things that Chris has talked about.

Article says Sweden has had no people get sick twice. They think they have herd immunity accomplished. No mention of vit D, C, and zinc.

oclisa, yes, Sweden is an interesting study. I know they’ve had restrictions for a while (gatherings, distancing, masks in some situations) but am not sure how compliant businesses and residents have been. Their infection curve has not been exponential though it has also not slowed, following more or less a straight line. If it stays that way, that might be the best option. The curves in the US states has started to slow but rose more quickly than Sweden’s initially.
However, for full comparisons we’d need to know more than a few bare statistics, including population density, how mobile the population is and how much it mingles as well as compliance with rules and recommendations.

The fake news last night was absolutely disgusting. Had to leave the room. Did they just re-elect Trump? I think Mr. Trump was holding this card in hand waiting for the right time to play it. We know how he works, sort of.
Read what this cardiologist has to say about HCQ: