Second Waves Of Coronavirus Infections Are Pretty Much Guaranteed

I also ordered from River Pharmacy but have not gotten that notice. I just emailed them.
So the 64 million USD question what is plan B anyone have a source?

A friend found some at this location:
I’ve talked with them and they understand that there is indeed supporting evidence for HCQ in COVID for this off label use. They had absolutely no problem mailing Rx to the USA for COVID treatment and prevention.

fyi…here in “Pure Michigan”, Commissar Whitmer won’t allow you get a haircut, but you can certainly get an abortion…just think about that for a minute…

So finding a physician with whom you have no doctor/patient relationship willing to Rx the “Dangerous Orange Man Drug” is very unlikely. My order was cancelled as well. It’s back to ivermectin now. I have researched the correct dose but am unclear if it is an ionophore and works with Zinc.

Yes you can get it from them and other Canadian Pharmacies WITH A PRESCRIPTION.
River Pharmacy did not require a script. I have to check with my doc about getting a script and if it can get refilled.
Are you using it as a preventative?

Five months ago anyone could have walked into any doctors office in the US and said " I am going to India and an area with malaria can I have some anti malarial drugs. You would have walked out of there in 2 minutes with a scrip, no questions asked.
Now in this wonderful country it is more dangerous than heroin. (which I can buy on any street corner in Amerika along with oxycontin)
TPTB are treading where there just should not tread. There will be blowback.
I suggest a tax strike to start with. Kinda like a Boston Tea party Stamp Act protest.
Part of the problem is the people making the decisions are unelected deep state bureaucrats who do not answer to what passes for we the people.
As Dubya is reputed to have said " Don’t throw the constitution in my face. It’s just a god damned piece of paper" Truer words may never have been spoken.

I finally had a chance to finish the YT video
you posted yesterday “Harry Vox Spills NWO Scenarios Rockefeller Foundation (2014)”. At 1:54 he asks the audience, if they have a copy, go to page 18 & reads “Lockstep” from the document “Rockefeller Foundation Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”, which I’ve downloaded and searched for more info. It’s very spooky as he reads from it, even though it’s 10 years old, it sounds like it was written in the last few weeks, “mandatory restrictions, body temperature checks, face masks, national governments stretch their flexed muscles and authority, rising poverty…”
At 10:11 mins, the other 2 documents he had “National Security Memorandum of December 10th 1970 physicist Henry Kissinger’s brain child, the National Security of Memorandum number 208, he says that there’s too many people we got to get rid of the population, he says he used the word depopulation which is different or depopulation means killing people had already exist and it’s to get the minerals because we need the minerals. Here’s another one the CDC has a patent on Ebola it patented it yeah so basically if you want to get a cure for your Ebola. Human Ebola Virus Species and compositions and methods thereof and it’s a patent. It’s a patent it, the mainstream plus something like 17 other strains of it so they own it now and I don’t know how exactly you can own that.” The rest is good too…
Continuing down the rabbit hole, I found this:
“Vaccines, Blockchain and Bio-capitalism”:
"Vaccine Markets
Pay for success finance deals will be well served by the global vaccine market that is being advanced through Gates’s outfit GAVI. Vaccine doses are readily quantifiable, and the economic costs of many illnesses are straightforward to calculate. With a few strategic grants awarded to prestigious universities and think tanks, I anticipate suitable equations framing out a healthy ROI (return on investment) will be devised to meet global market demands shortly.
Over the past month, the gaze of investigative researchers has been fixed on GAVI, Bill Gates, Gates’s associates like Fauci, and the over-size influence they are having on public health policy around Covid-19. Use the link for the map to dig further into the relationships. The members of the 2012 Development Impact Bond (DIB) Working Group Report are of particular interest, since DIBs are being considered as a way to finance vaccination campaigns.”
"Supply Chain Tracking
Gates also funded the development of quantum dot vaccine tattoos by MIT, which act as health data bar codes viewable under certain lighting conditions. This nanotechnology is used for such diverse purposes as solar power and device displays. One of the companies developing electronic health records that are compatible with quantum dot data tattoo systems is Quantum Materials out of San Marcos, Texas. Their system runs on Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing system.
Now imagine Gates-affiliated entities profiting first from vaccine bonds, then from vaccine development, from the cloud computing software tracking the data and documenting the impact, and finally from returns on the pay for success deals.
Meanwhile, the public, those who are actually supposed to be served by health policy, are instead used to generate impact data. This results in healthcare services being platformed, automated, and dehumanized. People will start to lose their humanity, seen only as data, veering into trans-humanist territory after repeated system upgrades.”
Interactive Map for “Fauci and Gates”:
"Fracking Humanity
Creating an immutable record of doses linked to specific individuals, means investors can assess the “impact” of inoculation(s) they fund and take their profit. On Blockchain this will be made possible using MIT’s Enigma software, which protects “privacy” even as it mines cellular structure for “impact” and turns people into GMOs. Something I’ve had growing concerns about in recent weeks is knowing the Gates-backed initiatives involve the use of mRNA platforms. Moderna is one of them, and they tout their vaccine system as the “software of life.””
“Supply Chain Tracking
Gates also funded the development of quantum dot vaccine tattoos by MIT, which act as health data bar codes viewable under certain lighting conditions. This nanotechnology is used for such diverse purposes as solar power and device displays. One of the companies developing electronic health records that are compatible with quantum dot data tattoo systems is Quantum Materials out of San Marcos, Texas. Their system runs on Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing system.”
“Now imagine Gates-affiliated entities profiting first from vaccine bonds, then from vaccine development, from the cloud computing software tracking the data and documenting the impact, and finally from returns on the pay for success deals.”
Interactive map for “QDX Health ID - Covid-19 Passport”
"Dress Rehearsal For The Big Event
Many have already looked into Event 201, the corona virus table-top game Gates funded in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security last October. Another funder was Open Philanthropy, started by Facebook Employee #3 Dustin Markovitz. I highly recommend checking out the videos, especially the highlight reel and the communication and finance sessions.”
Interactive Map for “Event 201- Corona Virus October 2019”:
“Next up will be a deep dive into Michael Bloomberg and his ties to Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization. He is the one who is setting up the “smart” city infrastructure steeped in human capital finance and high-tech policing. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, which is based in the Bloomberg School of Public Health was the host of Event 201. See the arrow on the map below.”
Interactive Map for “Bloomberg / Johns Hopkins / WHO / Public Health”

Dear O - You asked for dialogue on this issue. Good that you can change your mind given new information. Speaking for myself, I am a big picture person. So when I don’t agree with something or don’t understand the rationale, etc. I have to gather as much information as I possibly can within reason in order to form an opinion. I am well versed in some areas of study (Master’s Degree- social sciences) but in other areas I am totally lost and have to seek out 3-4 people I feel I can trust and believe out of twice that many I might originally consider. Our world is way too complicated with information so I constantly try and simplify once I have found good sources. Then I look for overlaps where those vetted sources might agree or disagree and why? I also look for parallels in history and love the adage: Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And Mark Twain’s observation: History doesn’t repeat but it rhymes. Brilliant!! Anyway, Chris early on tried to explain the Balance principle regarding the pandemic. (I would say plandemic, but I digress.) The risk to the population is one factor, the risk to the economy is another factor, etc. etc. And his famous quote: It didn’t have to be this way! No, it didn’t so why is it this way? History has a few things to say to factor into your thinking. 1) Governments have never cared about their people. 2) Governments have always sought to control their populations and have succeeded in various degrees but always they consistently rule by fear. (Ask yourself honestly why you pay income tax?) 3) Governments consistently lie to their populations and never are accountable. The bigger the government gets the worse it is for the people. 4) There is no free lunch.
I do believe the health scare has a component that is real, that we are calling a virus for lack of better understanding. But now we see it is not nearly as threatening to the society at large as we were originally led to believe. By all reasonable measures, the lock-downs, as they were dictated are not really in the best interest of the people. Life is risky, we are adults, we can determine for ourselves the level of the risk we are willing to take. Our rights and our liberties are being destroyed and trampled and our economy decimated. When called to account all the politicians will blame the collapse on C-19 and the people are being indebted forever and a day with endless money printing. These are crimes against humanity, because so few of us have learned the lessons of history. We have to expose the people who continue to perpetuate their NWO agenda and stand up once and for all. When the government fears the people it is liberty, when the people fear the government it is tyranny. Just my opinion for someone I suspect is much younger than me. It’s your future I will fight and stand up for as well as my principles.

Well, my take is that strict lockdowns must work as they deny the virus the paths it needs to spread. If they are having little effect then maybe they are not that strict. I’m not saying that’s the best approach (though it may be if the virus is completely out of control) but I can’t see how they cannot work.

we can determine or ourselves the level of the risk we are willing to take
We could, but we need to take into account the risk to others when assessing the total risk. That's the problem with living in a society; you have to consider others in that society.

Your statement “If the govt. lock-downs aren’t working they must not be that strict”. I would say maybe they have worked, or maybe they have not, we won’t know for sometime, but the socially mandated “cure” is rapidly becoming worse than the disease. And also, you cannot expect to find solutions with the same people who created the problem. if you read through Linda T’s exhaustive post nearby. Additionally we have each and all, made enough of a sacrifice personally and collectively in the best interest of others in the society. This is clearly a socialist meme which is being broadly circulated to further brainwash and social engineer people into guilt traps and personal paralysis, that is simply irrational.

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes.
So a biased media finally finds facts to support their “leader”.
I can’t find the clip, but Fox hit the HCQ/Zinc with/w/o antibiotics as working if given early on.

I get SC2 I walk up to you and cough right in your face which is my right to do.
Does that work for you?

I must admit, reading through all of these posts, I feel informed and misinformed at the same time. Lockstep is one of the 4 narratives described in the paper from 2010 by Rockefeller Foundation. Its like calling a conspiracy against a movie director who framed a terrorist attack after a terrorist attack occurs; “the director must have known all along”
There are so many great nuggets here, and its extremely tiring to weed through and filter all of the information out there, but if we aren’t careful, we can easily become the same misinterpreting misguided community that we criticize in the media.
There are those that criticize the current administration and discredit or purposefully misinterpret facts simply for their having been supported by the administration. Let us now not become those that do the same to those that criticize; other wise we will soon find that the last remaining sources of good information we do have have fallen to the same ills.
This is negative social mood at its finest…we really need to hold our wandering minds accountable, at least to some standard.
No offense meant

We still can have distancing without a lockdown - grow up be an adult - respect others. This isn’t kindergarten but your reply seems like it. If you show respect to others they will likely respond in kind unless you’re living in a ghetto, then all bets are off anyway. Pick your neighbors and your neighborhood.

It’s back to ivermectin now. I have researched the correct dose but am unclear if it is an ionophore and works with Zinc.
Nope, not an ionophore. Ivermectin works by blocking cytoplasmic proteins from being imported into the nucleus via the alpha and beta 'importin' protein complex. In this case, the theory goes, Covid has some proteins that get themselves imported into the nucleus where they muck up the cell's natural anti-viral defenses. While zinc doesn't have any particular role in that machinery, as far as I know, it never hurts to have adequate serum levels of zinc to bolster other pathways.  


I get SC2 I walk up to you and cough right in your face which is my right to do. Does that work for you?
I'm missing some important details in your proposed scenario. Are you saying that you know you have SC2, or that you have symptoms that match SC2 and you suspect you may be infected, and armed with this knowledge, you deliberately come up to me and cough in my face? I just want to be clear about what you are presenting before I respond.  

LOL now that is wildly optimistic. Be adults? Surely you jest? There are still so called adults running around saying this is the flu.There are still so called adults absolutely refusing to wear masks and going so far as to threaten and assault shopkeepers who require customers to do so.
But go ahead and project if it makes you feel better.
BTW the title of the video is " Second waves of infections are pretty much guaranteed"
Just why do you think that is?

Here is important info about HCQ & Zinc:
Conclusion: This study provides the first in vivo evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine may play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19.

First of all i was responding to someone else with a very specific question.
Second choose whatever scenario works for you. But do keep in mind I have a CCP