Second Waves Of Coronavirus Infections Are Pretty Much Guaranteed

Very interesting article on Zero Hedge about the citizens of the state of Pennsylvania. If you are interested you can find the full article there posted this evening (Tues.)
Here’s a clip: The situation in Pennsylvania is continuing to evolve, but it seems clear that Governor Wolf’s authority is collapsing by the day. The whole affair serves as an important reminder of the lesson at the heart of Etienne de la Boetie’s short book The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude: all political authority in rulers is, in the end, derived from the ruled. When such power is withdrawn, political authority is revealed to be impotent.

How cool is that. My mind went to the opposite of helminth therapy. Remove the focus of the immune system and let it attack something else.

This is such a great quote IMO -
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.
– C.S. Lewis

Kenneth J. Gergen describes civil discourse as the “language of dispassionate objectivity”, and suggests that it requires respect of the other participants, such as the reader. It neither diminishes the other’s moral worth, nor questions their good judgment; it avoids hostility, direct antagonism, or excessive persuasion; it requires modesty and an appreciation for the other participant’s experiences.


First of all i was responding to someone else with a very specific question. Second choose whatever scenario works for you. But do keep in mind I have a CCP
1) You know this IS a public forum, right? 2) It was your scenario, not mine. It isn't up to me to choose which case it is. After all, it's not ME coughing in your face. It is you coughing in mine. This is entirely your invention. I'm just exploring what you knew at the time you hypothetically coughed in my face. While having SC2. The question is, really, did you know you were infected while coughing. And now we add to that scenario, you potentially carrying a firearm. Once you provide me the details of what you knew when you coughed, while potentially armed, I'll tell you if it works for me. I'll also understand if you prefer not to continue down this path any further because anyone with an above-room-temp IQ and 5 minutes playing with "google" will know where it leads.

COVID-19 Deniers Will Increase Pandemic Danger for Everyone


When using HCQ along with zinc for inhibition of the COVID-19 virus be sure to include magnesium and only incorporate Azithromycin or other antibiotics if a lung infection is an issue. Heart problems cited in many HCQ studies are generally consistent with a magnesium deficiency made worse by HCQ


Mayo Clinic expert in QTC prolongation Michael Ackerman MD, discusses his March 25, 2020 study

and concludes HCQ completely safe for vast majority (90%) of the population with risk mitigable by potassium and magnesium for the rest).


Magnesium as an anti-arrhythmic therapy principle in supraventricular and ventricular cardiac arrhythmias].

[Article in German]

Zehender M1.

Author information


Azithromycin contributes to the heart failures along with a magnesium deficiency

Mohammed Mast Wrote: I get SC2 I walk up to you and cough right in your face which is my right to do. Does that work for you?
Mohammed, You were responding to Angi who was responding to sofistek who was responding to ... I'm wondering what your intent was. It's almost as if you say there are only 2 options - either lock everyone down ... or they'll purposefully cough in your face. I'm sorry if I've mischaracterized your position. I don't want to construct a strawman argument here. DaveF asked for a little clarification and received none. It's hard to go forward without making some assumptions. Is there anything this complicated in life that can be reduced to a binary switch? I don't recall ever seeing such a situation. The Covid-19 situation certainly doesn't fit a simple binary solution either. As Chris keeps pointing out, it is a balancing act between 1) keeping people uninfected, 2) keeping the economy functioning, and 3) keeping the hospitals from getting overwhelmed. Lockdowns keep people from interacting. Without physical interactions, the virus can't find new victims. Without new infections, hospitals won't get overwhelmed. That strategy keeps 2 of the 3 legs of the triangle strong. The problem is that the economy fails miserably without people working to get goods and services out there. Without a proper balance between the 3 legs of this triangle, the system essentially falls over. That is abject failure! For me, the balance can be kept with reasonable personal safeguards along with good medical practices that will keep me (and society) safe and well. Unfortunately, the medical industrial complex (MIC) has done all it can to keep cheap and effective solutions away from the public. For instance, the treatment of (HCQ + Azithromycin + zinc) has been undermined by all the forces connected with MIC. They are purposefully limiting your (and your doctor's) choices. Why don't you rail against these forces? Grover

Thanks Grover. That’s…uh…what I meant to say. :slight_smile:
But you said it so much better!

Looking pretty good here at the moment
New cases per day once we hit single digits
and from memory it seemed that about half the cases were returning citizens in govt controlled quarantine, set up in hotels that are vacant due to lack of tourists…
The last case was the child of a healthcare worker.
The one before that was a child that part of the big clusters that had symptoms 3 weeks ago and tested a weak positive in a mass testing of people around the cluster ago
35 active cases.
Bars still not open, the South Korea nigh club incident keeping people cautious.
Now we just have to wait a few years…
Mind you a different class of tourism could start. fly in to 2 weeks in a hotel with full room service, then free to roam with no worries of Wuhan flu !!!
Kiwis rock at lock-down!
Regards Hamish

Here’s my sign:
The “coctail” could have ended this farce months ago. Not hard to figure that something else “BIG” is going on.

Is the PCR test any good at all? From the one who invented it.

Regarding the man in the pink sweater. What’s it all about?

David - Thank You so much for posting that article. It quite a read but certainly gives some context for where we are with “virus testing” and confirms my suspicions that I would not be tested or let anyone I know or care about be tested. It also supports what Andrew Kaufman, the psychiatrist who also studied at MIT has been saying. Truth is hard to come by, but this article definitely has the ring of truth. The inserted video was also excellent. I lived through the AIDS epidemic on the front lines of counseling, and had many friends and others I knew of who died. It was tragically sad for friends and families alike. That was 30 years ago. This article is so well done, it helped make a few strong connections to then and now. History rhyming, as they say! All of our lives are littered with lies. The truth will set us free! There is hope. Best regards, Angi

If you don’t mind me asking, is there a reason why your daily videos are not uploaded to your website at the same time as YouTube? In the video list I’m looking at, the video ‘More Evidence of Long Term Lung Damage’ from 14 May, as well as the most recent 2 videos ‘The Evils of Money Printing’ and ‘Politicized Medicine’ are not on your website. Not a big problem of course, but I’m not happy with YouTube at the moment so would prefer to have the option to watch the videos on your site…
Edit: I see '‘The Evils of Money Printing’ was subsequently posted on the website under a different name, but the other 2 videos are not in the list I can see as of when I posted the question. Thanks!

That was certainly a loaded post. Where to begin?
Let’s start here, this is Angi’s comment “We still can have distancing without a lockdown - grow up be an adult - respect others. " I am not sure if that is advice or a projection.
Now watch the following video then anyone here is free to compare it and Angi’s statement.
Or this?
The average IQ of an Amerikaan is 98. Now you and others can argue all day long about the accuracy or biases of IQ tests but as a general guide it is clear that the average Amerikaan is not too bright. Amerikaan high schools in any given year GRADUATE 25% of its students who are functionally illiterate. I have no idea but I will assume that the level of education and IQ here on PP is far above average. An indication of that is the level of discourse and the subjects discussed. I think a lot of assumptions are made out of projection.
I have clearly a not too high regard for the Amerikaan public. The above video and article are the tip of the iceberg of evidence to support my stance. I think as I stated that expecting the public in general to behave as adults and respect the rights of others is wildly optimistic.
Now as for your lecture on the balance as stated by Chris I am fully aware. I have been aware of SC2 since I was in Thailand Jan 13th when the first case hit there. I was in the airport in Bangkok where about 70% of the people were wearing masks. Feb 15th I was in the Bombay airport where my wife and I were the only ones wearing masks. I think I have a pretty good grasp of the situation.
as for my response to Dave, I offered him the opportunity to choose whatever scenario he wished. He could then tailor his response to suit his own particular ideology and personality. I really don’t care which scenario he chooses it has nothing to do with the ability of the public to behave as adults and respect the rights of others.
as for you somewhat impertinent question about why I don’t rail against the treatment HCQ is receiving I suggest you are not paying attention to any of my posts. So why don’t you go back and look at some of them. Then get back with me.
I happen to be in a high risk category as is my wife. As Chris said " you are on your own.” I have known that simple fact for well over 50 years. That is my normalcy bias. We have not worked in 2 months. Are we suffering? Yes. Does that give us the right to piss on other people? No. This country is full of knuckle dragging neanderthals who have some kind of emotional attachment to some mythic idea of a free country with a constitution that protects them and gives them the right to do whatever the fuck they want. I have posted this just a couple of days ago but i guess you missed it. Dubya is reputed to have said " Don’t throw the god damned constitution in my face it’s just a damn piece of paper." This is the end of empire. What did you think it would look like?
Now you can all jump on let’s rodeo

This video was recorded within a week of the FDA’s emergency approval of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for in hospital treatment of COVID-19, which was promulgated on or around April 27th. The Mayo Clinic published an evaluation of their analysis of the cardiac risk from the administration of HCQ and a proposal for identifying patients who could be at risk for adverse cardiac events:
In the video at 9:45 Dr. Ackerman, one of the coauthors, cites the FDA’s Adverse Events Reporting System (AERS). He says the AERS has reports “several hundred drug induced sudden cardiac deaths attributed to both HCQ and Azithromycin.” However, the Mayo Clinic report qualifies the AERS reporting they accessed with the following statement, 'Adverse event reporting from post marketing surveillance does not account for prescription volume and is often subjected to substantial bias from confounding variables, quality of reported data, duplication, and underreporting of events." The AERS system reported numbers may be hard to find on the FDA website.
The Mayo Clinic report also identifies patients who have"unmodifiable" risk factors, including type 1 and 2 diabetes and those above age 65.
So does this mean if you have diabetes or are above 65 years in age (the groups that need HCQ the most) you should not receive it unless you are under continuing medical observation with the ability to treat cardiac arrest?
Dr. Ackerman also does not address the 70 plus years of history of the safe use of HCQ and chloroquines in the treatment or protection from malaria of millions of people around the world without reported adverse cardiac consequences.

Grover – I love your ‘Covid Cocktail’ idea, and pairing it with pumpkin seeds. I’ve also been focusing on natural sources of antivirals, especially since the HCQ isn’t readily available so far, for those who may wish to use it / prescribe it. But are you finding that a single ‘Covid Cocktail’ per day is sufficient?

Why should you, or anyone, get to decide the risk/benefit ratio for everyone else. Why should hair stylists have to starve? No-one forces you to go get your hair cut. If when you do, the stylist and you both wear masks how is that a big risk? It’s worth noting that all the government and news media we see on TV seem to be getting their hair done on a regular basis.

Don’t get your panties all tied up in a wad. It works better when we can look at things calmly and logically. We know that we now have this “honey badger” virus that keeps figuring out ways to get around our defenses. With viruses like HIV, the virus can only spread via direct contact with body fluids. Keeping away from infected body fluids is all that is needed to keep the spread in check. Yet, HIV is still running rampant. Apparently, it’s too much fun to come in direct contact with body fluids for that strategy to work.
Near the other end of extreme transmissivity is SC2. It can be transmitted by direct contact with body fluids, sneeze droplets, and aerosols. It may also pass through the feces and become airborne when sewage movement is turbulent enough. It may even be able to hitch a ride on methane bubbles which result from decomposing sewage in the sewer.
Masks, gloves, goggles, and full PPE suits can work to keep the virus out of the body, but none of these measures are completely foolproof. Even social distancing of the arbitrary 6 foot distance only works to avoid large droplets. Lockdowns appear to work, but how long can we remain in lockdown? Unless we can somehow eradicate this virus, that strategy’s side effect - doomed economy - is worse than the disease itself. (By “worse,” I mean that more people will die from a failed economy than from this disease.) Frankly, I doubt we’ll ever be rid of this virus. It is simply too good at getting around our defenses. Unless you are willing to live in full PPE forever, you’ll likely come in contact with the virus.
Okay, let’s go on the offensive. That’s where giving our bodies a good chance to fight the infection comes into play. There have been parts of observational studies that show higher levels of some vitamins and minerals decrease the severity of the disease. That’s a start! Wouldn’t it be great if we could design a study to determine what combinations and levels of vitamins/minerals are effective against this virus? I’d also like to see my government use my tax money to fund a study using colloidal/ionic silver to defeat the virus. If the virus can’t replicate and cause disease, we can go on about enjoying our lives.
Unfortunately, big Pharma will do everything in its power to keep this information from seeing the light of day. Why is Remdesivir even being considered as a treatment? Because it earns Gilead big bucks every time it is used. Why are they using all kinds of tricks to make HCQ look bad? Because it is off patent and unprofitable.
Big Pharma has their tentacles reaching everywhere there is money/power. If you watch main stream news programs, you’ll notice how many new drugs they are advertising. Do you think the news people will ever say anything bad about big Pharma? Why would they shoot the goose that lays golden eggs? What about congressoids? How much campaign money do they receive from big Pharma lobbyists? That money comes with long stinky strings attached. Do you think that will ever change?
I don’t know if the average Amerikaan has an IQ of 98. Whatever it is, half of the people are below average. Even smart people can’t help but to question their beliefs when confronted with the same repeated message. That’s how propaganda and advertising works. Those less able to detect the lies are more prone to swallow it and act on their newfound “truth.”
The bottom line is that you are on your own. If you think it is important to self isolate, then do so. Why do I have to do so? Let’s learn from each other what strategies will work best to individually keep ourselves healthy.
Finally, there are several dozen posters on this site who I greedily read every word they write. I include you in that group. I was the first one to give you a thumbs up on post#105 mostly because of your Dubya comment. Your post#112 (I’ll play) really seemed out of character. It disturbed me. That’s why I commented as I did.