Second Waves Of Coronavirus Infections Are Pretty Much Guaranteed

JWhite wrote: Grover – I love your ‘Covid Cocktail’ idea, and pairing it with pumpkin seeds. I’ve also been focusing on natural sources of antivirals, especially since the HCQ isn’t readily available so far, for those who may wish to use it / prescribe it. But are you finding that a single ‘Covid Cocktail’ per day is sufficient?
JWhite, I really don't know the answer. Sorry. The US legal limit for quinine in tonic water is 83 PPM. It depends how much tonic water you add to your gin. My theory is that it takes less work for the body to try to remove a small number of viruses than it does when zillions are involved. As long as the body has the tools and the ability to use the tools, it will do the best it can. For me - so far, so good. Others have written about quercetin and artemesin being as good or better zinc ionophores. Quercetin is produced by many different plants and artemesin is from the Artemesia annua plant (a close relative of French tarragon.) I asked my favorite greenhouse if they had any Artemesia annua? The answer was "huh"??? As far as if one Covid cocktail per day is enough ... Just one more beer – Bits and Pieces Grover

Our schools have been targeted and hollowed out. If you don’t think we are smart enough then look to government policies and corporate interests. And watch the attached and see how black schools are intentionally run to provide inadequate education. America does not educate the poor like it educates the wealthy and it certainly does NOT educated them together
Your lack of awareness is showing.

Great treatment plan Grover! I also do the CS and Zinc along with the typical antioxidants. I’ve got some tonic water at home but also just found that one can get quinine tincture (made direct from cinchona bark) from Amazon- a company out of FL is selling it. 670mg per serving. I’m just using a couple drops a day at the moment but will ramp up if needed. Thanks for sharing!

Mohammed, you threaten to cough SC2 into someone’s face then, if retaliated against, pull a firearm?
That speaks volumes about you character.

Thanks for your cogent response. Unfortunately you have missed my central point. Please reread Angi’s comment. It is expecting Amerikaans (in general) to behave like adults. Really? Is that your expectation? Do I really expect that when i have to go to the grocery store or lumberyard that some mouth breathing, knuckle dragging constitution loving asshole is going to maintain social distance? No i don’t. Do i appreciate shopkeepers who require masks and social distancing and limiting the number of people in the store. Damn right.
As for the constitution most of these uh citizens have not read anything other than the 2nd amendment (if they can read at all) until a few weeks ago when somebody told them they didn’t have to wear a mask and gather in large groups. As Chris pointed out in a number of videos most of the protesters were not wearing masks… Well that damn constitution also has a little section called “the general welfare clause” . This clause gives congress the right to spend money for the general welfare. The general welfare clause actually gives states the right to determine what that general welfare is. In other words the federal government cannot make national speed limits but it can and did tell states that if they did not adopt the 55 mph limit they would not get federal funds. States can enact laws to protect the general welfare of their citizens. Of course in the case of SC2 the Supreme court might just be the final arbiter. Of course martial law could be declared making the entire exercise moot.
So now that we have gone well off the reservation and get back to my original question. Do I have a constitutional right to cough in someone’s face? Also can we expect average Amerikaans to behave like adults? The guys who wrote the constitution didn’t think so which is why they designed a representative form of government rather than a direct democracy. They knew from experience that the masses could not govern themselves.
So my panties are not in a wad. I asked a simple question. I have yet to get an answer from the person I asked it of. However you and dave have joined in. That’s fine. But neither you nor dave answered the question. I think I have provided more than enough information on my position to satisfy the curious. But lest you think i still have my panties in a wad and lack a sense of humor i will leave you with one of my political mentors.

I suggest you reread my comment with comprehension. I did not threaten anyone. i asked a simple question to illustrate a point. Your comment about my character illustrates my point about the IQ of the average Amarikaan. Thanks for your interest in my character

Thank you Grover! We tend to use glasses that look something like the ones in your photo, so we’re probably covered :slight_smile:

The president of the Canadian Medical Association issues an alert to the Canadian Senate, including:

..."We cannot consider ourselves civilized if we continue this way," Buchman said. Buchman said physicians are experiencing a tremendous amount of "anxiety" because, three months into the pandemic, they still don't have a consistent, reliable, adequate supply of protective equipment for those working on the front lines of this crisis. "We'd never permit a firefighter to go into a burning building without adequate protection. We can't expect our front line health care workers to put themselves in harm's way," he said. He said some doctors and nurses are constantly on edge and warns that, without immediate intervention, we can expect "big problems" among health care providers during subsequent waves of the pandemic, such as widespread depression and substance abuse. "This is causing significant moral distress," he said. Buchman's concerns were echoed by Dr. Claire Betker, the president of Canadian Nurses Association, and Dr. Cornelia Wieman, the president of Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada. Betker told the Senate committee that testing levels are especially worrying and Canada is falling behind other nations in the number of tests pumped through labs on any given day. "We're concerned that the virus is still very much alive, still spreading and not well understood," she said. "Given the lessons of history, we urge an evidence-informed and cautious re-opening."
There are definitely a lot of mixed emotions in people I talk to as businesses tentatively move forward with phased re-openings. It is going to be interesting to see how this unfolds, and how people will react psychologically to new norms. Jan

Gosh, Hamish, I hope that overseas tourism doesn’t start up again too early. A quarantine of 2 weeks isn’t enough to ensure the person doesn’t have Covid-19. However, if they have two negative tests at the end of that period, that would probably be a good indication.
I’m getting increasingly confident that there are no undetected cases out there. Another week of zero unimported cases would seal it for me.

”I didn’t threaten anyone”
Do tell, Mohammed Mast?
I’ve alleged to Dr Martenson you threatened me, at # 5
Since you failed to pick up the first opportunity I provided to you to refute my allegation, please consider this a second invitation to rebut my evidence, which submittedly proves beyond reasonable doubt that this second claim you “didn’t threaten anyone is as untrue as the first.
Here’s your big chance to produce your Sheriff’s badge and warrant card from the PP community to give “friendly advice” on their behalf?
Here’s your big chance to make your case why your conclusion that you don’t threaten people and are only giving friendly advice is not a false conclusion which was arrived at by a logical fallacy which renders that conclusion just plain wrong by definition.
Here’s your big chance to perhaps “man up”, own up, ‘fess up, and remorse up in acceptance that according to house rules your behaviour here is submittedly well out of order? Or not?

Sofistek, may I suggest it might be a bit early to conclude NZ has corralled the little varmint?
Look at Australia’s numbers after we flattened the curve here. Three weeks later, with no doubt first class track and trace, and we’re still throwing up a handful of cases every day. In particular, please be aware of a recent case here of possible re-activation of Covid 19. (
Given that it appears we are most likely dealing with a genetically engineered monster designed and constructed to evade the body’s immune system gone rogue, IMO, I’m sticking with the Precautionary Principle of Ecologically Sustainable Development:
”The precautionary principle is a broad epistemological, philosophical and legal approach to innovations with potential for causing harm when extensive scientific knowledge on the matter is lacking. It emphasizes caution, pausing and review before leaping into new innovations that may prove disastrous.” Wikipedia

Mohammed Mast wrote: Thanks for your cogent response. Unfortunately you have missed my central point. Please reread Angi's comment. It is expecting Amerikaans (in general) to behave like adults. Really? Is that your expectation? Do I really expect that when i have to go to the grocery store or lumberyard that some mouth breathing, knuckle dragging constitution loving asshole is going to maintain social distance? No i don't. Do i appreciate shopkeepers who require masks and social distancing and limiting the number of people in the store. Damn right. <snip>
Mohammed, You are correct that I didn't answer your question. I danced around it. If we assume everyone to be infected and do our own due diligence, then it really doesn't matter how many individual knuckles get drug or how many teef remain in the mouth they are breathing through. If you appreciate shopkeepers who require patrons to wear masks, practice social distancing, and limit the number of people in the store, then make sure you tell them so. Also, avoid the stores that don't meet your standards as much as possible. Shopkeepers love to make paying customers happy. I'm not so sure that they are as keen on government mandates that essentially aim toward the same goal. The central point of your question (as far as I can infer) is whether or not the government has the right to force us to be polite amongst each other and bully shopkeepers into doing it their "right" way. That's a question for litigators and/or elections. I prefer to have minimal involvement by the government. The less they do, the less disappointed I generally am. You keep harping about the low IQ Amerikaans. Have you looked at history to find out when IQs started dropping in earnest? It used to be that Americans were the innovators and inventors of the world. Something happened to change Americans into Amerikaans. Is it any coincidence that government changed more into a nanny along the way? Before social security, people were responsible for their own old age issues. Before Medicare, people were responsible for their own old age health. Those are only 2 issues that had to be dealt with. What a relief it is to know that the problems will be automatically resolved. Not having to make tough decisions with limited funds may be more comfortable, but it doesn't make us smarter. I'd argue that it makes us dumber. Meanwhile, in the old days, immigrants had to prove they wouldn't be a burden on society. Now, illegal aliens waltz in and are eligible to collect all sorts benefits. Who pays for it? Don't worry - we'll just let the government borrow the money. And government officials are always happy to oblige the sheeple's wants. In the process, they get more power and more prestige to influence more problems. When does it end? That's why I say that we're on our own. The government has extended itself so far and accumulated so much debt that it can never fully recover. Eventually, the lights will get turned out and it will fail. I wish it weren't this way. I keep voting for less intrusive and smaller government, but I'm overwhelmed by those who can't connect the dots. It is really discouraging! Grover

Yes, wildtravel, I also think it’s too early. That’s why I wrote that 14 days of zero cases would probably convince me that it’s not roaming around the community by then. We’ve had 3 days of zero so far (and 9 days of zero or 1 case, ignoring old reclassified cases) so another 10 or 11 days of zero cases would give me enough evidence to convince me, until more evidence came to light. I’m hoping that further relaxation of our Alert Level 2 rules will not put that run at risk but it’s a tricky virus, so who knows? However, testing numbers are not as high as they were, so that may be a pointer to people becoming a bit more relaxed about the situation, which isn’t a good thing. There probably isn’t enough random testing going on but fingers are crossed.

Well this is certainly a discussion that could go on for a long time and not change one damn thing.
When did Amerikaans get dumb? I think there has always been a large % of dumb Amerikaans. That is why as I said we don’t have a direct democracy and never did. Of course you have to start with the constitution. It created a gigantic central authority which many of the revolutionaries found repulsive including Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry. Under the Articles of Confederation it was a loose confederation of sovereign states. Any government is by definition oppressive. Any government no matter its lofty ideals will devolve over time. It is baked into the cake.
Thanks to Hamilton the Bank of England actually won the war. As everyone here knows the entire history of Amerika can be written as the battle against the banksters. They eventually won in 1913. From that time on the sovereign nation formerly known as USA ended. Interestingly enough around that time a guy named Edward Bernays came along and perfected Propaganda. Wilson got elected on the platform of keeping us out of the War ends up getting us in a war that has nothing whatsoever to do with Amerika. From then on Amerika started the rise to empire. People like Rockefeller the banksters and other captains of industry formed political coalitions. Money and power consolidated at the top.
Public education became nothing more than indoctrination. Critical thinking was not rewarded but submission was. By 1945 Amerika was a full blown empire. See Smedley Butler. Roosevelt created the Amerikaan nanny state. If he hadn’t there would have been a revolution. The fruits of empire are extremely seductive. They enabled otherwise decent people to ignore the real cost to our colonial subjects. Governments were overthrown leaders assassinated and entire countries brought to heel.
The juggernaut of empire has been running unabated. The real history has never been taught in schools. See Howard Zinn’s “Peoples History.” So here we are today with a dumbed down flouridated populace whose economy has systematically hollowed out for decades as Amerikaan companies have moved jobs offshore in one of the greatest migrations ever seen. “Spend less live better” how’s that working out now?
There are three stages of empire ; the rise, the golden age, and the fall. where do you think we are now. As Jim Rogers said in the 1800’s the smart money went to England. (it was already there) In the 1900’s the smart money went to New York. In the 2000’s the smart money went to ta da Asia (China) . He sold his NYC apartment moved to Singapore and got his daughter Mandarin tutor. Just where do you think all those trillions the fed is typing up is going? Amerikaans have been fed a steady diet of bullshit and they have lapped it up. Now the Black Swan has landed on the pond and it is a shock to the system. I asked you before “what just exactly did you think the end of empire would look like?” If you can’t tell who the sucker is at the table then it is you. 95% of media is owned by 6 corporations.
The time to wake up is now. The problem is people think by waking up you are going to change the system. Waking up means realizing you are on your own.Pure and simple. No one in power gives a shit about you me or anyone else but themselves. Your vote is a stupid waste of energy. If voting changed anything it would be illegal. So now we have a bunch of neanderthals running around wrapping themselves in a stupid piece of paper so that they can be as selfish as their owners. The power of myth.
I have spent 52 years preparing for this. I knew it was coming. I knew the government was anything but my friend. Look around and see how many people are so thankful to get $1200 while hedge funds are getting billions. That’s the secret Grover. You give the proles just enough to prevent a revolution.
So Angi says something about being adults and being responsible …cough cough cough.
Have a blessed day and find a good deck chair this shit is going down. Oh and learn Mandarin

“I’ll play”
I get SC2 I walk up to you and cough right in your face which is my right to do. Does that work for you?”
Major Premise: I get SC2 I walk up to you and cough right in your face
Minor Premise: which is my right to do,
Conclusion: Does that work for you?
You bet you are a player Mr Mast, as your favourite game, the false dilemma logical fallacy , once again proves. So, as we Australians say, “Come in spinner”.
Firstly, framing the conclusion you wished to draw as a rhetorical question directed towards Angi, proves your real agenda, to threaten her. A syllogism draws a conclusion, not another very leading rhetorical question, in which the logical fallacy itself is the point. IMO, Mr Mast is not the least bit interested in knowing if Angi agrees or disagrees with his false conclusion, only in scaring her. I’m pleased she did not rise to your bait, and dignify this none too subtle stunt by responding. I’d love to hear she’s OK after this particularly low act.
Your major premise submits that you have hypothetically become a sociopath, and knowingly and with malice of forethought coughed in her face. That’s scary. Not so much because you chose such a major premise that being faced with such a dilemma (however unlikely that scenario might be) would scare the crap out of anybody, but because you identify so strongly with this hypothetical sociopath you actually expect people to accept the proposition that you (n.b. not somebody else, YOU) are such a sociopath, as the founding evidence from which you wish to argue (a priori) to draw your (false) conclusion. You have a point there, and I’m certainly becoming increasingly scared of you.
Your Minor Premise is even scarier, that Angi might actually believe that you might have a “right” to do this, when such behaviour would at best be criminally negligent, and at worst attempted murder. I’m surprised nobody swore a complaint against you to the police, using your own words to put you in jail. Maybe somebody will.
So, to answer your rhetorical question now, Mr Mohammed Mast, it certainly “works” for me, and pleases me greatly that you have inadvertently loaded the gun again with a second shell, which you may yet fire off to blow your own foot clean off.

I take your point, Sofistek, that you have made a personal call to draw a line in the sand at 2 weeks. I hope you’re right. All power to you.
It seems to me that every person in the PP community holds one thing in common:
“We’re all on our own here”

I liked your “CliffsNotes” version of American History. I really can’t argue with the snippets you pulled out. If I were to add a few more snippets, it would only reinforce the meme you were painting. Basically, sheepherders don’t want smart and independent sheep. Dumb and compliant sheep are much easier (and profitable) to herd.
I also agree that this is a deep rabbit hole that won’t lead to any changes. So, I’ll drop it. I am still curious about what it is that you’d like to see being done in this country about Covid-19? Should strict laws be enacted? What would be covered? What penalties should be imposed? Other than complete eradication of SC2, what conditions would cause these measures to be lifted? Finally, once the overlords have tasted this additional power, do you think they’ll relinquish it willingly?

In my private life, I wear PPE in environments I consider dangerous. I do not wear PPE in environments that I do not consider to be dangerous. I do my best to take personal responsibility. So if you coughed in my face, and it was a dangerous environment (say, a subway), I’d have one of my 5 N95 mask on from my emergency kit, and I’d suffer no ill effects from your cough. In a medium-risk environment, I’d have my surgical mask on. Most likely, I’d suffer no ill effects.
If it was not a dangerous environment, such as outdoors in the heat & humidity, then I would also - most likely - suffer no ill effects, due to the fact that the droplets don’t pass in those conditions.
Regardless, if you got close enough to deliberately cough in my face once - that would only happen once. I’m pretty good at keeping people at a distance once they show they are intent on assaulting me.
Ultimately though, life has risk. There is only so much I can do to protect myself. All I can do is my best.
Assuming I survived your coughing assault without you pulling out a gun and trying to shoot me, and I realized you were infected (perhaps you shouted this right before your coughing assault), I’d go off and get a prescription for HCQ PEP (or one of the other ionophores) and a big bottle of zinc and - probably - be none the worse for the experience.
If I did get symptoms, I’d self-quarantine, meditate a lot, get a test, and do my level best to remain in a positive mental state. I’d put my recovery in my own hands; I’d spend as little time blaming you as possible, since it absolutely wouldn’t help me recover at all - it would only deplete my immune system.
I do my best to exercise my own personal responsibility for my own health and welfare. I don’t rely on someone else to do it for me, since I assume the rest of the world isn’t intensely focused on preserving my well being. That’s why I train, I exercise, I maintain a reasonable BMI, I read up on treatments, and I use PPE in the various environments to mitigate my own risk.
I can’t control the rest of the world. All I can control is myself.

MM. You said…“There are three stages of empire ; the rise, the golden age, and the fall. where do you think we are now. As Jim Rogers said in the 1800’s the smart money went to England. (it was already there) In the 1900’s the smart money went to New York. In the 2000’s the smart money went to ta da Asia (China) . He sold his NYC apartment moved to Singapore and got his daughter Mandarin tutor.”
Wrong…The smart money bought into the Rural lifestyle. The smart money bought land and is getting back to nature. London…New York…and China are finished…Grow a garden and learn about real wealth.

Reply to Mohammed Mast #153 and FYI Grover #127, #139 and #156, DaveFairtex #116, #124, #157, Oliveoilguy #158, TWalker5 #143 and particularly Angi #110 and #114
“It is better to be talked about, than not talked about”
So said Oscar Wilde, who it appears revelled in the same notoriety and opprobrium Mohammed Mast courts (and gets) in this thread. Quite a rise he got.
They’re nihilists, Donny, nihilists.”
The Big Lebowski
Fifty two years, we are informed, it took for Mr Mast to cultivate his particular brand of very sophisticated and erudite nihilism, and IMO, all the associated impotent rage and self pity that goes hand in hand with such a world view:
“… find a good deck chair this (censored brown word) is going down.”
Mohammed Mast #143
Now, I find nothing offensive in Mr Mast expressing such sad views (I’m genuinely sorry for his loss), but do take exception when he allegedly, and demonstrably (see my posts #149 and #154) spews his venom and vitriol on entirely innocent others, and targets, attempts to intimidate and threaten other members who inadvertently press his button about growing up and acting self responsibly, and then laughs AT them personally, as below:
“So Angi says something about being adults and being responsible …cough cough cough.”
Mohammed Mast #143
Haha, very funny Mr Mohammed Mast, because the joke by you is actually on you, and in what I happily award you Strike 3 and out for, you are about to discover what becomes of the broken hearted in grown up land, where:
“Alas, every prisoner becomes a fool! The imprisoned will, too, releases itself in a foolish way. It is sullenly wrathful that time does not run back …. And so, out of wrath and Ill temper, the will rolls stones about and takes revenge upon him who does not, like it, feel wrath and ill temper. Thus the will, the liberator, becomes a malefactor: and upon all that can suffer it takes revenge ….”
Friedrich Nietzsche, “Of Redemption”, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”
Now, hopefully, I’ve offered Dr Chris Martenson a business proposition too good to refuse about how I recommend dealing with alleged liars and thugs like Mr Mohammed Mast, at #5 and #10 , for his own, Peak Prosperity’s and all the vast majority of other PP members own integrity, good will and good faith, which Mr Mohammed Mast has allegedly abused: