Second Waves Of Coronavirus Infections Are Pretty Much Guaranteed

What is your point and what do you want?

  • Attention
  • An apology - for what
  • An audience
  • Are you contributing something positive to the site
  • Have your feelings/ego been hurt
  • Are you trying to change the site
Tirades and rantings are not providing positive or educational content. You are very smart and passionate and I think your interesting. However, what I hear in your postings are pain and frustration and your style of interaction is confrontational. I suspect your pain has nothing to do with anyone here. Please consider what your point is and how are you providing value to the community? And if you don’t want to be a positive and productive member, then why are you here? AKGrannyWGrit

Hi AKGrannyWGrit,
Thanks for sharing all about yourself.
Firstly, lots of rhetorical questions here, which are actually statements about your feelings about Wildtravel, and the best response I can give to that is to acknowledge I have heard you, as below:
“What do you want?
Q1. “Attention”. A. So you feel like I am seeking attention, do you?
Q2. “An apology”. A. So you feel like I am seeking an apology, do you?
Q3. “An audience”. A. “So you feel like I am seeking an audience, do you?
Q4. “Are you contributing something positive to the site” A. Do you feel as if I am contributing nothing to the site, do you?
Q5. “Have your feelings/ego been hurt”. A. So you believe my feelings/ego have been hurt, do you?
Q6… “Are you trying to change the site”. A. As you full well know, I made specific “Recommendations” to that effect to Dr Martenson, at #5 in “Forum Guidelines and Rules”, in response to Chris’s invitation.
Q7. “Tirades and rantings are not providing positive or educational content”. A. So you feel that “Tirades and rantings” do not provide “ positive or educational content, do you?
Q8. “I hear in your postings are pain and frustration and your style of interaction is confrontational.” A. So you hear pain and frustration in my postings, do you? And you feel confronted by that style of interaction, do you?
Q9. “I suspect your pain has nothing to do with anyone here.” A. So, you have suspicions, do you?
Q10. “Please consider what your point is and how are you providing value to the community? A. OK. Consideration duly given.
Q11. “if you don’t want to be a positive and productive member”. A. So, you feel like I’m not being a positive and productive member, do you?
Eleven rhetorical questions and eleven rhetorical answers. And “the point” of those rhetorical answers is that I am not you, or your feelings about me, and until you can see beyond you, you can never see me, can you?

Thanks for your detailed response. That is a very reasonable approach. The only item is anyone getting close enough to cough in your face is a minimum of 6 feet and that is minimum.
As I have stated numerous times here this community is with a few exceptions well above average in terms of IQ and awareness. ( the IQ is mho). This site has been dedicated to raising awareness and preparing for the large scale changes expected and now upon us.
It would seem my query raised some issues with people and the point was entirely missed. So I guess I will clarify for you since you took the time and respectfully gave your 2 cents. Angi was calling on the average Amerikaans to behave as adults to behave as you so eloquently described your behavior.
Projection is a very common and comforting way to view the world. People tend to think other people view the world the same as you. I do not share the warm and fuzzy feelings that some might have for John Q public. I have stated as such numerous times and given my observations for that point of view.
My experience in this particular virus warp has done nothing to disabuse me of that stance. I do not expect a large % of Amerikaans to behave rationally ie. social distance, wear a mask etc. I also have observed and have posted video evidence of Amerikaans behaving completely opposite of your description of your behavior which happens to be exactly like mine.
Everyone is entitled to their own projections. The projection that chronological adults in this country are capable of behaving as emotional adults is not something I share. I do not find this patriotic flag waving constitution wrapping assertion of individual liberty particularly helpfu of compassionate. This is not directed at anyone here personally as I hold , as stated, most here in high regard.
I hope that clarifies my position.

A study was just released which shows that 7.4% of Stockholmers have antibodies. The government has not yet released the figures for the rest of the country, which are undoubtedly much lower. Sweden has had four thousand deaths, most of which would have been avoided if they had taken measures. The highest per capita rate in Europe, and the highest deaths per million. While all their locked-down Scandinavian neighbors have had a small portion of Sweden’s mortality.
So Sweden carelessly sacrificed four thousand lives to get a small percentage of Stockholmers with antibodies. We don’t yet know if that protects them from future Covid infections or how long any immunity might last. It might last only from between eight months to two years. I can’t imagine anyone thinking that it was worth it.

I get the whole thing that makes the stats look insignificant or a reasonable risk… like 1%chance of death of under 50. First, i wouldnt bank my life on this statistic at all. AND try telling that to the people under 50"healthy" that lives are ruined from long-term issues… mind those that have died , and left children, husband, wives , etc behind.
As what is an acceptable risk? well my mom over 70, lost husband a couple years ago. has several raised children - several raised grand kids… She is fearless and what will be will be… what the big deal even with her having a much much much higher risk?? however, If you have a family, like me, young child , like me, who is dependent on me teaching and providing for her, death from coronavirus is not an option at any risk level… and when you get to a mere 2% ( and I am sure its higher than this ) it means one out of 50 die… THAT is dead. what about disabled and permanently injured? what about 4%? 1: 25 people you know die? and more sick and injured. You cannot compare this to a death by car… you may get 1:100 people you know in a year or two in a serious car accident causing injury… but probably death will be once a decade for this many people. ( this is not the low risk you portray .) and its not the same risk for everyone. If i was like my mother, raised kids and grand kids… , buried a husband, and lived life in the golden era and made it to nearly 80, there is no loss and no risk.