Secret Service Leadership Is Deplorable

Senator Josh Hawley writes on August 1, in a letter to SS Acting Director Roald Rowe, that a SS whistleblower reported that

  • Secret Service Counter Surveillance Division (CSD), the division that performs threat assessment of event sites before the event occurs, did not perform its typical evaluation of the Butler site and was not present on the day
  • Rowe personally directed significant cuts to CSD, up to and including reducing the division’s manpower by twenty percent.
  • SS retaliated against those within the Secret Service who expressed concern about the security at President Trump’s events

Video/audio from Source located behind Trump Rally stage up in the middle bleacher (“nice shot - - yeah, yeah”) – think this has already been posted somewhere at PP.

Question: About the ESU shooter position for Shot 9. There is a video/audio by a spectator standing towards the upper and back north side of the middle bleacher behind the stage Trump was speaking on (Source #? “nice shot - - yeah, yeah”) – that has an audio track wherein you can clearly hear Shots 1-8 and 10 – BUT you can hardly hear the 9th Shot. But according to the WAPO report the Shot 9 was taken by an ESU officer located behind the north bleacher.

You would think that the very close proximity of Shot 9/ESU shooter would have provided a much clear audio for the 9 Shot – a possible explanation (perhaps) is that the ESU officer was shooting a suppressed rifle that would muffle the report significantly if you are standing behind the shooting position and there were a lot of body mass in between (maybe) – but that still is not going to muffle the crack from a super-sonic round that was very close.

Also if you view a different ESU head-cam video of officers humping it from the south side of the Rally over to the AGR building complex after the shooting – on the way they go right by the (reported) location of the Shot 9 shooter position – and if you freeze the video you can see that the (reported) shot position had a really bad line-of-sight trajectory – AND would have to shoot approximately right over the position of video/audio Source 2 (“he’s got a gun”) and many other spectators.

The close proximity of Source 2 supposedly immediately down range of the Shot 9 position and under the supposed bullet trajectory – one would expect to hear it in the audio and hear a more pronounce reaction from folks around Source 2. But none of this is evident from the videos/audios (I think).

If the Shot/9/shooter position is verified – it then has serious implications for definitely suspecting the fidelity of the audio track from the David Stewart video/audio – regarding it potentially being doctored while in the custody of the authorities after David Stewart was arrested on July 13th. Again, this could be an expected DS sponsored tactic to frustrate the Citizens Investigation.

I think the behind the stage – middle bleacher video audio track – is important to view and analyze in combination with the other video/audio Sources – not just to confirm the Shot 9 shooter position – but more importantly confirm other location information regarding the Plot to Assassinate Trump (PTAT) and expose potential synthetic inconsistencies arising from other audio evidence.

A trick to potentially throw off the Citizens Investigation might be to misrepresent the Shot 9/Shooter position – to make it impossible to reconcile it into or make sense of the audio forensic analysis – and frustrate people so as to induce giving up the analysis.

The challenge for the Citizens Investigation has two elements now: (a) attempting to unpack the PTAT and (b) identify/neutralize the impact of the cranked-up DS sponsored disinformation.

Best of luck all,


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It’s really sad how mediocrity has become the norm to say nothing of integrity.

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Answer to question 1? Many frames from the ESU bodycam video show this circular impression just below the roof line immediately in front of the shooter. By good fortune, at 6.31pm, the sun is in the perfect position to highlight the sides and throw shadow into its crater. No marks like this appear anywhere else along that ridge. Is this the ricochet mark from the odd sounding double-tap shot 9 that inflicted a head wound?

I am so sick and tired of the lying that takes place daily from the SS and FBI. Ronald cannot look at the Senator that is questioning him when he is lying.
The point that infuriates me the most is they cant give one tiny bit of credit to the police officer who fired the 9th round and hit Crooks!! Can you imagine how many more citizens would have been hurt if he had not been there??!!
The Senators dont realize who actually fired the 9th round…think i will email a couple and let them know.
Thanks to ALL on here who want the truth, and nothing but the truth!!

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We have not seen any evidence that the 9th shot actually hit Crooks. It may have whizzed by him causing him to stop shooting and move back down the roof. Then the 10th shot took him out.

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Hi Sgt Raven, no the SS is too arrogant to give another police officer credit. I wonder…i assumed he hit Crooks but maybe he didnt. Oh yes it was Sen. Josh Hawley (sp) who gave SS an earful.

Sarah, IIRC Chris has said that shot #9 (ESU) may have been a close miss that caused Crooks to stop shooting.

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Thank you for letting me know…

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Phase, I found another, this photo is the furthest away from the stage but still square to the stage that I found. Not sure it is far enough for your need, but here it goes:

I dealt with this in the corporate world too. For some reason I thrived and got the job done.

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Which shot put the post mortem hole in his leg?

You are good at finding photos. Where do you find these?

Phase, thanks for checking out the photo. I tried Google and Bing followed by “images” link, with various search terms, it takes scrolling for a while to find them. I tried “Trump stage Butler PA” or something like that.

Here is a shot of all three bleachers and barns, from a FOX helicopter:

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u see the same in this video as well? there shud be one more of this from benny somewhere


July 29, 2024
FBI press call update of Trump’s assassination attemp at Butler, PA

There is also a few questions taken from reporters at the end.

Some highlights & excerpts taken from the update:

  • seven local law enforcement officers injured either as a result of the shooting or from their actions during the initial response.

  • identified the model of the rifle the subject used; a DPMS AR-15 style firearm designed to shoot 5.56-millimeter ammunition.

  • the weapon was purchased legally in 2013 by the subject’s father & investigation has shown it was legally transferred to Crooks last year from his father.

  • recovered two explosive devices from the trunk of the subject’s vehicle near the site of the rally, and one explosive device in the subject’s room at his residence. These devices consist of ammunition boxes filled with explosive material with wires, receivers, and ignition devices connected to them.

  • ladder was left at a location near his home, approximately 50 miles away from the site of the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. And to clarify again, this ladder was not used during the course of the attack on July 13th.

  • Through analysis by our Evidence Response Team, we believe the subject accessed the roof by scaling some HVAC equipment along with a pipe located outside of the business and the AGR compound.

  • Numerous media outlets have also reported a bicycle and a backpack attributed to the subject. However, our investigation has determined that neither of these items belong to the shooter. In fact, we have positively identified and interviewed the owner of both of those items.

  • confirmed significant sightings of the subject in and around the rally site that day, established through an exhaustive review of police dash camera video and from cameras of six local area businesses.

Just after approximately 4:00 pm, the subject left the scene in his vehicle and appeared to drive throughout the area in the vicinity of the shooting for a period of time. Shortly after approximately 5:00 pm, we assessed the shooter was identified by law enforcement as a suspicious person in the area of the AGR building and grounds.

A local officer took a photo of the subject and sent it to other SWAT Coordinators on scene as well as local command personnel. Approximately 30 minutes later, shortly after 5:30 pm, SWAT Coordinators observed the subject using a range finder and browsing news websites on his phone.

The next confirmed observation is at approximately 5:56 pm when the subject was seen walking in the vicinity of the AGR buildings carrying a backpack.

At approximately 6:08 pm, police dashcam video observed the subject traversing across the roof of the business in the direction where he ultimately fired his shots. Our assessment is that the subject climbed using HVAC equipment and piping outside of the AGR facility, made it onto the roof, and then traversed across multiple rooftops to get to his ultimate shooting position.

At approximately 6:11 pm, a local police officer was boosted onto the roof by another officer where he encountered the subject. The subject pointed the rifle at him, and the officer immediately dropped to the ground.

After approximately 25 to 30 seconds after this encounter, the subject fired eight rounds before being successfully neutralized by a United States Secret Service counter-sniper.


July 29, 2024
Audio press call of FBI on update of Trump
assassination attempt. About 37 mins long.

To listen, Click on the top first video which has Crooks pics taken at the rally by SS sniper.

July 29, 2024
Transcript of the same FBI update.

They why does the TMZ footage show him getting up on opposite end of building and shooting from there?
Did we have 2 different ppl up there at one time?

More body cam footage: Analysis of the New Trump Assassination Bodycam Footage

It’s due to “Perspective Compression.” He only appears to be closer. This local pastor went to the site to see for himself and does a good job explaining how the terrain impacts it.

Hey, sorry for the late reply. I’ve been working overtime all week. I’m going to try to get the videos transferred from my phone onto my PC tomorrow. I’m also going to upload to YouTube because I think it’s important that this is documented for history’s sake if nothing else.