Secret Service Leadership Is Deplorable

You doing good. Number 2 is the best, but it looks like the sound tent is in the way of getting a straight head on shot.

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And a miracle Mr. too!

The DS strategy post the failed plot to assassinate Trump (PTAT) – was first to delay disclosure of known facts by Government agencies and float an initial amorphous Crooks lone-shooter narrative as a placeholder – until the propaganda machine can be tasked with creating disinformation (doctored or fake video, audio or other information) that can be injected into the public domain to misdirect and slow a citizen’s investigation.

The obvious coordinated Government and MSM cover-up is prima facie evidence that the PTAT potentially (likely perhaps) was a carefully planned seditious conspiracy and treasonous plot.

The PTAT was part of a larger plan to maintain the status quo system of hierarchical dominance – that now is resorting to open overt violence and has the objective of creating civil unrest and chaos – presumably as the predicate to deploying a more deliberate open violent police state.

Back to the PTAT cover-up mechanics - the ultimate objective is to pollute the public domain with contradictory information to factionalize the citizen’s investigation – and prevent public closure around the PTAT – and prevent the emergence of a unified theory and public unification around the same that could result in common action against the DS.

The David Stewart cellphone video/audio that has recently been released by Mr. Stewart is very interesting – but it must be acknowledged that on July 13th Mr. Stewart was taken into custody and that presumably all materials saved on his cellphone were carefully reviewed by DS puppet-elements in the CIA and FBI – prior to being returned to his custody – knowing that it would then probably be released to the public. If changes were made to the Stewart video/audio evidence as part of the DS cover-up - it is logical that Stewart would NOT be read-in on the same.

The supposed disclosure of the shooter position (ESU police officer) for Shot 9 – similarly was delayed by the powers-at-be for weeks – until it was then indirectly released via an un-official WAPO report – in the stead of a timely official Government law enforcement agency report or press release. The mechanism of disclosure is itself telling of the situation.

Again, the go-to DS strategy when a plan goes side-always is typically an automatic two-step: (a) bureaucratic delay of disclosure and then (b) shape and deploy synthetic disinformation and fake narratives – ultimately so that the public becomes divided, does not get any sense of real closure and is prevented from unifying against a common enemy.

I believe there is ample video audio evidence that can be analyzed using essentially 2-dimensional audio forensics to reach a preliminary unified hypothesis regarding the number of shots, a plurality of shooters and shot positions – that explains the failed PTAT on July 13, 2024.

The longer the time delay in considering one or more unified preliminary hypotheses – the better the chances the DS will succeed in covering-up and derailing a citizen’s investigation into the PTAT (I think). I acknowledge Chris’ concern with going early publicly with theories that can backfire, waste resources and create blowback on credibility – and which is an intended part of the DS sponsored strategy to subvert the citizen’s investigation.

Best of luck all.



Watched and listened to Gary on paramount tatical describe the parabolic flight of the bullet, etc. Explains that Crooks or Shooter was aiming at Center of mass and was hitting “max coordinates” or Trump’s Ear/Head. Makes sense. My point is windage was surprising to be 4 inches to me at that close of a distance. When Gary visit’s AGR bring some eye witnesses to recreate what they saw. Record that interview with Gary visiting so we can all add to the hive thinking. Kurt appears to be the closest and level headed practical thinker. Time is important. Maybe bring one of the congressman that was a former sniper forgot his name but keep the court of the public opinion and get the law makers to take action this time. This is crazy this contempt by the government of We the People. Look forward more questions answered.

My theory of shooter path from the video of Jeff:
His opinion is different in the video.

In the first appearance he is walking in the last building on the right. That is 5.2meters in 2.5 seconds and his second appearance is after 14 meters in 6 seconds.

The white pole is circled in blue in both photos, and the shooter head is below the white pole. The pole is shorter than Crooks height in my estimations, therefore if he was standing up he is probably behind the white pole. Also, he disappears at second 34 in the video, probably because he got on the lower and flat part of the connection of the buildings.


The 2nd shooter doesn’t have to be in a window, there could be another opening in the steel side walls of the building that they are using. That hole could be opened for shooting and then closed. For a scope and barrel, what is the minimum circular hole? More than 3.5" but less than 6" circular hole? A rectangular hole could be the smallest in total area - maybe 2" x 4" (but I am not a gun person).
To be the most “stealthy”, conspirators would put that 2" wide x 4" tall hole next to some other black opening (i.e vent, pipe etc.) in the steel side walls of the building so that it would be impossible to distinguish from the pipe, vent etc. In other words don’t just look for black openings that appear and disappear in the side wall during the shooting, you would have to look closely at vents and pipe feed throughs in building wall. Seems it would be very difficult to see given the videos we have now.

Here is the model i created on Google Earth. With top view and perspective view. The 3 lines in red are the positions from the video where shooter appears on the video. The lines project from the spot of James Copenhaver where the camera was.

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I deleted this because I posted in the wrong thread.

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I doubt 10 mph. Wind speed measurements are usually at 10 meters above ground level. I’ll bet that bullet averaged 4 meters above ground level and there were at least a few minor obstacles to block the wind. I would go with 6-7 mph.

Jeff Prather says the reason they are adding there was a foreign Iran threat is so they can classify everything to ensure no one ever gets access to anything. No freedom of information requests can be granted.


I haven’t caught up with the last 30 posts yet so forgive me if this has come out already. There are claims by John Cullen of video showing Crooks being shot while Trump was still speaking. Not sure how this fits with the sound record or whether it’s a red herring, but here’s the link. It’s dubious to me.

I still can’t forget the bodycam footage of the guy asking if person in white van survived! So, in the clip i saw of the man who lived right where van was found, he said he thought nothing of seeing it there at first. After cops surrounded it and he watched them open it and collectively they all jumped back at what they saw…was it a body or explosives or both? So frustrating! Where does this fit in?!
Can we get body cam from these officers?

Whistleblower accuses acting Secret Service director of reducing counter surveillance before Trump shooting

My summary:

  • reduction of 20% in manpower division of Counter Surveillance Division (CSD)

  • no threat assessment/evaluation done at Butler, PA Trump rally prior to the event

  • no evaluation done = no mitigation taken

  • relying on local law enforcement at events to compensate the reduction of SS manpower

  • work culture of retaliation by Rowe to those who raise security concerns esp at Trump events eg no vetting conducted in admitting people

The whistleblower alleged that the Secret Service did not perform a threat assessment at the venue prior to the rally

Aug 1, 2024 Article
A whistleblower told [Republican

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley](POLITICS | Fox News) that Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Jr. personally directed cuts to the Counter Surveillance Division (CSD), which led to the threat assessment team failing to perform its typical duties prior to the Butler, Pennsylvania rally.

The senator’s report comes after lawmakers grilled agency leaders on the mounting security failures at the Pennsylvania rally where former President Trump narrowly escaped assassination.

The whistleblower alleged that the Secret Service CSD, the division that performs threat assessment of event sites before the event occurs, did not perform its evaluation prior to the fateful rally in Western Pennsylvania on July 13.

This is significant because CSD’s duties include evaluating potential security threats outside the security perimeter and mitigating those threats during the event," Hawley wrote in a letter to Rowe on Thursday

The whistleblower further alleged that if the CSD performed their normal duties, 20-
year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks “would have been handcuffed in the parking lot.”

The whistleblower claims that if personnel from CSD had been present at the rally, the gunman would have been handcuffed in the parking lot after being spotted with a rangefinder," Hawley wrote to Rowe. “You acknowledged in your Senate testimony that the American Glass Research complex should have been included in the security perimeter for the Butler event.”

“The whistleblower alleges that because CSD was not present in Butler, this manifest shortcoming was never properly flagged or mitigated,” he said.

Hawley’s office also revealed Rowe’s alleged personalinvolvement in cutting staffing to CSD.

“The whistleblower further alleges that you personally directed significant cuts to CSD, up to and including reducing the division’s manpower by twenty percent,” Hawley said. “You did not mention this in your Senate testimony when asked directly to explain manpower reductions.”

Rowe also contributed to a cultural problem at the organization, the whistleblower claimed, saying that retaliation was threatened to those who raised security concerns.

“The whistleblower also alleges retaliation against those within the Secret Service who expressed concern about the security at President Trump’s events,” Hawley said. “The whistleblower claims that following an event with the former President at a golf tournament in August of last year, Secret Service personnel present expressed serious concern that the Secret Service’s use of local law enforcement was not adequate for security needs: local law enforcement were not properly trained for the event or otherwise prepared to execute the tasks given them.”

“Further, Secret Service personnel expressed alarm that individuals were admitted to the event without vetting,” he said. “The whistleblower alleges that those who raised such concerns were retaliated against.”


Three things I noticed from the Secret Service briefing: he claims counter snipers were there for the advanced plan. Other sources said they were not and were not allowed to choose their positions. Other sources said the snipers were provided last minute.

He side stepped the question and said there were 100 service calls. He has not revealed how many suspicious person calls there were.

He has not held anyone accountable in any way. There would be zero legal restrictions on announcing that individuals had been removed from usual duties, placed on unpaid leave, or terminated. He is absolutely capable of doing that and has not.

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I know were you’ve been John. It can’t be fixed with a quick word, from my experience.

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Remember, Cheatle DEFENDED his use of the rangefinder!

I worked at NASA for 21 years, from 1988 until 2009, and saw that same exact government crap, incompetence and coverups. They even used that illusive term “mission assurance.” I worked in safety and saw all the dirt involved with both space shuttle accidents. As they say, sh*t rolls downhill so the people at the bottom get blamed when the fault really lies with the corruption at the top. Both shuttle accidents were caused by management overriding the better judgment of the engineers in the trenches. No one ever took full responsibility, the finger was always pointed somewhere else. There’s a saying that I think originated with a Dilbert cartoon, i.e., “If enough people are responsible, no one will be at fault.” That’s how government operates.

The majority of civil servants were worthless, their primary task to make the contractors like myself miserable with idiotic petty demands for “metrics.” Some were DEI hires, others were just lazy or downright stupid people on power trips.

Working for NASA was always my dream but it turned into a nightmare. Many people were good and doing their best, but the system was a dumpster fire that caused me to retire early. I could go on and on and some day will in my memoirs.


That’s the same as my experience in the Philadelphia Police Department. To help accelerate their on-the-job training, I used to tell recently graduated Police Academy rookies assigned to my squad, “It will seem like the Department’s job is to tie one or more of your hands behind your back to keep you from doing your job. Part of learning how to be an effective cop is learning how to overcome their interference to still get the job done.” They’d all laugh thinking I was joking. I would know they were starting to become effective when months later they’d come to me privately and say they thought I was joking but now they see what I meant. I retired early too, and it’s only gotten worse. One of the best and most timely decisions of my life.


Senator Josh Hawley writes on August 1, in a letter to SS Acting Director Roald Rowe, that a SS whistleblower reported that

  • Secret Service Counter Surveillance Division (CSD), the division that performs threat assessment of event sites before the event occurs, did not perform its typical evaluation of the Butler site and was not present on the day
  • Rowe personally directed significant cuts to CSD, up to and including reducing the division’s manpower by twenty percent.
  • SS retaliated against those within the Secret Service who expressed concern about the security at President Trump’s events

Video/audio from Source located behind Trump Rally stage up in the middle bleacher (“nice shot - - yeah, yeah”) – think this has already been posted somewhere at PP.

Question: About the ESU shooter position for Shot 9. There is a video/audio by a spectator standing towards the upper and back north side of the middle bleacher behind the stage Trump was speaking on (Source #? “nice shot - - yeah, yeah”) – that has an audio track wherein you can clearly hear Shots 1-8 and 10 – BUT you can hardly hear the 9th Shot. But according to the WAPO report the Shot 9 was taken by an ESU officer located behind the north bleacher.

You would think that the very close proximity of Shot 9/ESU shooter would have provided a much clear audio for the 9 Shot – a possible explanation (perhaps) is that the ESU officer was shooting a suppressed rifle that would muffle the report significantly if you are standing behind the shooting position and there were a lot of body mass in between (maybe) – but that still is not going to muffle the crack from a super-sonic round that was very close.

Also if you view a different ESU head-cam video of officers humping it from the south side of the Rally over to the AGR building complex after the shooting – on the way they go right by the (reported) location of the Shot 9 shooter position – and if you freeze the video you can see that the (reported) shot position had a really bad line-of-sight trajectory – AND would have to shoot approximately right over the position of video/audio Source 2 (“he’s got a gun”) and many other spectators.

The close proximity of Source 2 supposedly immediately down range of the Shot 9 position and under the supposed bullet trajectory – one would expect to hear it in the audio and hear a more pronounce reaction from folks around Source 2. But none of this is evident from the videos/audios (I think).

If the Shot/9/shooter position is verified – it then has serious implications for definitely suspecting the fidelity of the audio track from the David Stewart video/audio – regarding it potentially being doctored while in the custody of the authorities after David Stewart was arrested on July 13th. Again, this could be an expected DS sponsored tactic to frustrate the Citizens Investigation.

I think the behind the stage – middle bleacher video audio track – is important to view and analyze in combination with the other video/audio Sources – not just to confirm the Shot 9 shooter position – but more importantly confirm other location information regarding the Plot to Assassinate Trump (PTAT) and expose potential synthetic inconsistencies arising from other audio evidence.

A trick to potentially throw off the Citizens Investigation might be to misrepresent the Shot 9/Shooter position – to make it impossible to reconcile it into or make sense of the audio forensic analysis – and frustrate people so as to induce giving up the analysis.

The challenge for the Citizens Investigation has two elements now: (a) attempting to unpack the PTAT and (b) identify/neutralize the impact of the cranked-up DS sponsored disinformation.

Best of luck all,


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