Secret Service Leadership Is Deplorable

Looks like a rifle with the barrel removed. Scope on top, not a spotting scope, why would you need two optics. Nope and why is it camouflaged? He’s inside a building, you want it operational. This smells on first impression. Counter Sniper weapon not a scope. Snipers use the scope for spotting with binoculars too. Ask your Gary at Paramount Tactical what this is, how it is used, where it was supposedly located, are there more then one. Whoops, as the data comes out things keep getting clearer. Too many witnesses is their problem here. We need Leave it to Beaver EUS (“Ward, you’re really hard on the Beaver last night”) to blow their whistles if they want a United States to survive all this. come on, obvious rifle with the barrel removed.


Shooter killed himself hypothesis

Put yourself in the rooftop shooter’s situation. The roof pitch is shallow. If you place yourself just behind the ridge and have your rifle muzzle over the ridge then there is no depth to duck below the roof line. So place yourself further back and hold the rifle up to clear the ridge while firing but quickly duck below the roof line before (and after) shooting. Having the rifle muzzle behind the ridge is your fatal mistake. Your rifle muzzle has only to dip an inch or two and you have killed yourself with the bullet ricochet from the ridge. The ridge is very strong, it holds the compression load of two large roof spans, so is a good bullet deflector.

Hypothesis explains:

  1. Double-tap sound of shot 9.
  2. Perfectly aligned head shot with reduced force/splatter.
  3. Absence of further shots.
  4. Position of rooftop remains.
  5. Absence of nearby bullet holes.


  1. Is there a ricochet mark on the ridge immediately in front of the rooftop shooter?
  2. “Big poop of hair” witness - was it shot 9 or 10?

NONSENSE: LEOs would leave the upper floor of the AGR building (their assigned site) AFTER & WHILE citizens on the ground near OPEN windows were shouting “A man with a rifle is ON the roof”. Citizens also pointed at the man. The warnings started minutes before shots rang out. LEOs almost certainly heard & saw the citizens.

COMMON sense: LEOs in the 2 story building would have quickly repositioned themselves to look for the man on the roof. LEOs almost certainly knew which roof, and which 2nd story windows overlooked that roof.


Yes, I too listen to Russell Brand, now and then. I recommend listen to Mahyar Tousi too, he covers the riots.

Yes and factor in the card trick magicians using the fact that the Brain is very very good at estimating things so a “suggestion” makes you focus on what the magician wants you too while he palms the deck or lifts your watch. Again when the certainty is in your face “you will believe me now!” my red flags go off and I default to the list of biases used in critical thinking. me me me is a big one. :slight_smile: Ted Cruz and Josh Holley hammering Ruh Rowe was priceless too bad nobody is watching except logical thinkers, not many of us in the population, it’s why Chris has a great business model. We got to have a court of opinion with something to lose. We all lose our freedom and right to choose our lives. Turn up the heat, Chris needs to testify to the Senate with support of other experts. Good stuff repeating.


Dear Chris, thanks (again), maybe someone else discussed this already. But if the first 8 shots were indeed fired by Crookes, it still seems a bit strange to me that he could have fired 5-8 at such a speed (like you demonstrated earlier), regards, Dan


rips eyes out of socket

  1. What? OK?
  2. OK
  3. Right
  4. I’m not understanding what Trump’s ear healing time has to do with anything.
    This dynamic revolving around Trump’s ear is a fascinating yet mind-boggling phenomenon.
    I feel like cutting the top portion of my ear where it connects to my head, and live streaming it, after the best docs on earth have their crack at it.

He didn’t get his ear blown off.
For all the things we DON’T have pictures of, I thank Dionysus we have ample pics of Trump’s ear, so we can collectively & intensely study the likely point of impact.

I’m going to draw a crude example.

I hope my rendition of Renoit goes as viral as Trump’s ear searches.
The round so far as we know, “threaded the needle”, coming a mm from skinning his head, nicking his ear, where it connects to the skin which is close to the temple.

I encourage everyone in light of what’s happened, to grab an AR-15, and spend the entire day & 500 rounds, aiming at odds & ends, shooting, and recording what happens.
Then to put bandaids & neosporin on them for a week.


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I will find Mahyar Tousi and listen to what he has to say and maybe add to my list of trusted reporters. The trouble with Russell Brand I find is he does go on a bit. I like the news he covers which usually only represents about a third of his entire program. I try not to watch too much random stuff because there is a lot of it out there. I’ve listened to Chris Martin since Covid and I have found what he reports to be true and has been proven to be true so he is one of my trusted information scout.


I seriously think that any Whistleblower from a govt agency needs to look for asylum in a non-Western country before speaking out. We’ve seen what happened even to the Boeing whistleblowers.


I’ve had an even crazier thought.
He had an earpiece to communicate a marked location, & the ‘remote’ he had was something else.
His earpice blew up!
The reason why SS command rejected more radio coms is because of possible interference with patsy ear-bomb.

These conversations get tedious without throwing out some James bond gadgetry.



:100: totally agree

Thanks, Phase. I found some images, none with all the criteria you need. I post them here in case they may be useful.

  • Image 1: front view of stage, close up
  • Image 2: Trump stage right of center, barns behind
  • Image 3: Trump stage and bleachers off center
  • Image 4: Bleachers from above, shows all rungs

Thanks for checking them out. If I find more, I will post them in a separate reply.

Food for thought:


My proof of concept timing analysis estimates the 9th shot source at least 30 meters from the source of the first shot. That 30 meters the closest point to the source of the first shot of a line running roughly 45 degrees to the building with Crooks on its roof. The shooter of the 9th shot could be anywhere on that line.

I was using only one pair of recordings (taken from Chris’ 21 July podcast). Someone with access to the several other recordings could use the relative time difference method to pinpoint the source of shot 9 with respect to shot 1 etc.

In this respect, the microphones on either side of Crook’s roof, together with Tump’s microphones (and others in that line) could pinpoint the sources of all the shots in relation to one another. Timing data are very robust and essentially self-calibrating. Then, knowing the location of one of the shooters (say shot 9) would allow one to locate the others by use of the relative timings.

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Good point, calibrate the sonic data with the known shot, the sniper last shot that flushed his hair.
Ep82 - Live Interview of Second Eyewitness - He Was Less Than 30 Feet From Shooter! (

It sure would be nice for the FIB to release their autopsy report. Think how many mysteries would be solved and how much calmer everybody would be. But noooo!

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@gsliva Agree that you and @cmartenson are right that it could be the handguard with no barrel.


5 different uses for a rangefinder. Golf, Archery, Target shooting, Hunting, Photography. According to Ruh Rowe doesn’t rise to the level of a “weapon”

5 Different Uses for a Rangefinder (with Pictures) - Optics Mag

Chris: ask Gary about range finders please


The toxicology report is the one I want to know about. Meth, ADHD speed med’s, etc. Takes months to get it back.


I did the ballistics with a cross wind of 10 mph wind, 100 yard sight in distance, 64 grain 5.56, 1.5 inch sight height target range 150 yds, 1000 feet ground elevation 90 degF, I get 4 inch deflection and .18 seconds impact time. Ask Gary about windage. Turn of the head and the Windage accounts for the miss on the first shot. Still a miracle miss.