Sept. Peak Insider Live Q&A Replay

I have a rule: if I can’t travel with a handgun and carry it when I arrive, then I’m not going. So no international travel for me. Beyond that, this does seem like an unusually risky time for international travel. The chances of an international lockdown, war, economic chaos and other issues seem elevated.


Happy Taper!

Good luck with your taper Evie! I know you don’t need me to tell you this, but take it slow! It’s funny, I’m working on a novel where the main character is tapering off some big pharma. I’m publishing the first draft serially to my blog. It’s behind a pay wall but I’m happy to comp you a subscription if you are interested. I have a feeling you might like it.

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Audio Download?

not really on topic, but figured i’d throw it in here.
I listen to all the peak insider material on my phone usually rather than watching it. the audio download option is super helpful for me. if possible, would love to have it on anything that isn’t text-only.
thanks for all your hard work!


No Pass

I refuse to give anyone a pass at this time for their part in the woke idiology being purchased by the elitist out there and cramming it down our throats. If these people are stupid enough to be sold to the highest bidder, then they deserve EVERYTHING they get in the end. I have read and listened to to the nonsense on most all fronts. These people aren’t really this stupid, they have chosen to sell their soul to belong to a group of outliers that can’t learn from history and want to create their very own fairy tale. Their poison apple awaits them because we all know the the people who know all the secrets are the first ones to get their heads on the chopping blocks. AKA the Clinton body counts.


Nah, Russia did not do this. You can count on them to be rational actors thinking far ahead. Chris is more right in his early remarks that Russia would keep it available for negotiations. In fact, word is Russia and Germany were in early stages of conversation. Who doesn’t want that?
Even if not, it remains that Russia benefits much more by holding out potential gas in around February. And in encouraging a split in NATO/EU. Now, Germany can’t think about abandoning Brussels for Russia. They’re neutered. And if you noticed the US military declare today that they’re placing a coordination facility in Germany for running the Ukraine side of this war, it’s pretty clear that without an energy path other than through the US, Germany is now America’s bitch. Do you think Russia wants that? And do you really think Russia needs to destroy the pipes to tell Poland and Norway that she could take out their new pipeline? Nonsense. Everybody knows what Russia can do in their back yard. Blowing their pipes for that purpose would be wastefully superfluous. Didn’t happen.


There is a pattern here … commit a crime… blame it on Russia… remember Russia collusion?.. Russian election interference… there was collusion going on but it wasn’t Russia it was the global parasites, there was election interference going on but it wasn’t Russia, it was the global parasites … there was nordstream bombing but it wasn’t Russia it was the global parasites…
Aside from the stopping of oil and food the Ukraine war is also accelerating the depopulation of breeding age males from Ukraine and Russia… but I’m trying to figure out the whole back Russia into a corner plan… seems like a receive for WW3 and or nukes doesnt align with the save the gas and nitrogen goal of the parasites… unless they are just that stupid

He’s said some stuff that I agree with and also some stuff that I find pretty questionable. Based on his backstory I WANT to like the guy but if he is Wef leaning then no way.

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Why The West Is Selected For Special Destruction

Chris’ comment about US citizens using 400 barrels vs India using 4, might explain why the WEF is focusing on destroying the West’s population. It gives you the biggest bang for the buck (in terms of barrels saved).


BTW @31, you probably already know about this site, but there is a lot of great information and support for people trying to taper here:
It says “antidepressants” in the title, but many people go there to help taper from other kinds of psychotropics as well.

Are People Evil, Or Do They Do Evil?

Ahh….the topic of evil is a fascinating one! Are people evil, or do they do evil? If a person does something that leads to bad outcomes - whether through bad intent, greed, revenge, obliviousness, habit, influence, wanting to conform, etc. - one time or over an extended period of time - does that mean he/she is evil, or rather that his/her behavior is evil? Is there a distinction? My former professor Philip Zimbardo would say that anyone is capable of doing evil things. Milgram’s shock experiment clearly shows this. So does the Stanford prison experiment, in which randomly selected “guards” in a very short period of time became vicious and “evil” toward their “prisoners.” Zimbardo wanted his students to know above all that if anyone asks you: Would you ever be a Nazi, or join a cult, or con someone, or torture someone, or…?, the only true answer you can give is “I don’t know.” There are so many factors and so many ways that people can be influenced, manipulated, controlled, or feel pressured to do very bad things. No human being is completely immune to the power of influence and the ability to do evil things, as much as we would like to think we are. But at least we can become familiar with tactics, techniques and circumstances that can lead to manipulation and sometimes really horrible outcomes by a persecutor on victims, and through that awareness, protect ourselves and make decisions accordingly, as best we can. When we recognize the potential in each of us to do evil, we become better equipped to see the complexities of human behavior, while at the same time not excusing bad behavior. People who do bad things should of course face consequences and punishment. Over time, they may (or may not) come to see their actions in a different light and feel remorse. Whether some people are fundamentally evil or whether they are terribly misguided and do evil deeds is a great topic of conversation over a glass of beer and bowl of chips!


Don’t like beer, love chips and was impressed by your comment.

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Thanks! Wine?

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Too old and beset by multiple health problems. Have to be satisfied with coffee and conversation.

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According to the NYT, leaks have stopped in both pipelines.! That was a quick fix!?:

Can’t read NYT without a subscription. Not happening. So I don’t know what they actually say as the reason, but I do know that the word via Escobar (here) is that Russia had filled Nord 2 with gas as an encouragement and in anticipation of an immanent back-channel agreement with Germany to restore sales.

It was up to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov to offer a good dose of reality: the damage to the pipelines posed a “big problem” for Russia, essentially losing its gas supply routes to Europe. Both NS2 lines had been pumped full of gas and – crucially – were prepared to deliver it to Europe; this is Peskov cryptically admitting negotiations with Germany were ongoing.
Of course Nord 1 would have had residual gas from its previous operations because (I read somewhere a few days ago) as gas is turned off the pipeline pressure drops, stranding some amount in the pipeline. Quite possibly what's happened is the gas in the pipes has been depleted, now, so it's stopped leaking. But that was inevitable.

Leaks from the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines have finally stopped after three separate ruptures were discovered in the natural gas lines last week, the Danish Energy Agency said on Sunday.
Nord Stream AG, the company that manages the pipeline, told the agency that “a stable pressure now appears to have been achieved on the two Nord Stream 1 pipelines,” meaning that gas is no longer flowing out of them, the agency said in a statement on Twitter. Several news outlets reported that the company said that pressure from water entering the ruptured pipelines had stopped the gas from leaking.
The two major lines — which were built to deliver natural gas from Russia to Germany — ruptured in three separate places last week after explosions under the Baltic Sea.
Although the official cause has not been identified, political leaders in Europe and the United States have suggested that the incident was an act of sabotage, as much of the speculation about responsibility has focused on Russia, whose state-controlled energy company, Gazprom, is the main owner of the pipelines.
A spokesman for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Dmitri S. Peskov, dismissed the notion of Russian sabotage as “stupid” and suggested that the United States was behind the attacks.
Neither pipeline was actively transporting gas at the time, but they still contained methane, the main component of natural gas. The leaking gas produced a half-mile wide stream of bubbles near Denmark and Sweden, raising questions about the incident’s environmental impact. Though methane partly dissolves in water and is not toxic, it is a greenhouse gas.
The pipelines have featured in the conflict over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for months.
The German government shelved the Nord Stream 2 project in February, just as Russia began to invade Ukraine. And Nord Stream 1 appears to be part of a larger Russian strategy of leveraging energy against Europe as punishment for opposing the war.
Nord Stream 1 has not moved gas into Europe for weeks, with Russia citing maintenance reasons for closing the line. Europe widely interprets the shut-off as a threat that Mr. Putin could cut Ukraine’s allies off as winter approaches.
— Carly Olson

Your ““market”” Update For Those Interested…

Same as ever, the global stock ““markets”” are now one hive-mind of coordinated activity, giving us plenty of information about how useless they are as price-discovery mechanisms (but no actual useful information about the state of things):
From this morning (10/3):


Not a fair comparison. Most of the people on the Clinton body count weren’t holding secrets, they were accidental witnesses or stumbled upon information. Some, like Seth Rich, were whistleblowers (he leaked the DNC emails, it wasn’t a Russian hack). They were good people who didn’t deserve what they got.