Sept. Peak Insider Live Q&A Replay

No, the Milgram experiment proved the opposite. 30% of his subjects refused to go along. The scary thing was that 70% did. There were people in Nazi Germany who refused to go along. They were sent to the concentration camps. They could have avoided that fate but chose their morals over their lives. Evil is not in everyone.
I have no doubt some people are inherently evil. We call them sociopaths.


I suppose you’d have to lump me into the sociopath category. Back in college to earn a few bucks, I participated in a similar Milgram-type experiment (before I knew anything about Milgram’s study), and couldn’t believe later that I had simply and dutifully followed what the facilitator told me to do, which was to “electrocute” people. My guess is that less than 1% of the population are psychopaths. I also humbly guess that anyone who thinks they are excluded from any possibility of being manipulated into doing some kind of “evil” would be a tough person to live with.


I didn’t see anything in the WSJ or on Yahoo Finance about the Fed meeting today, but the markets seem to be anticipating good news and have broken into a round of singing, “Happy Days Are Here Again.”

they probably had only another 5 or so years left anyway.

I suppose you’d have to lump me into the sociopath category”
I did not read Rich’s comment to suggest that those following the orders were sociopaths. This is a false equivalence.
Neither are the vast majority of our brothers and sisters who are trapped in the Covid-19 “vaccine” cargo cult narrative evil in any way
 they are just following what the authorities, in white lab coats, tell them to believe and what to do. No, the sociopathic evil exists at the helm of the narrative formation machine. We all know the names


Trying to balance those Milgram results with the Werner Herzog quote/meme posted earlier: 1/3 of Americans will kill 1/3 of Americans, while 1/3 watch. How do we get 2/3 of people to turn around and see the “man with the torch”? Is it possible/probable that the MSM may, going forward, “see the light” and be a force for good/reality? Aloha, Steve


I am more and more inclined to believe that we each have an intrinsic quality that we test and refine as the years go by. Many nice people are busy polishing their particular quality. Smart good people are often viewed by some as “silly”. Many nice people are using their calculated demeanor to prepare a snare for the naive to profit themselves.

When I said that inherently evil people exist I didn’t mean to imply that the 70% were sociopaths. The articles I’ve read on the subject put 5% of the population in the sociopath category. They are people who don’t care what happens to others. The high functioning ones, like Bill Clinton, have learned to hide that because they understand how others perceive their lack of empathy.


Succinct. I stand with you.

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the sociopathic evil exists at the helm of the narrative formation machine.
Yes. @danceswithdaffodils, you're being far too blithe about all of this; a nice academic exercise full of frothy opinion. That's great while you're a sequestered grad student, or living in a First World safety bubble. But you're not. I wonder if you've caught up to the fact that real evil is marching for you right now? Your "anyone who thinks they are excluded from any possibility of being manipulated into doing some kind of “evil” would be a tough person to live with" implies that because all humans have the capacity to do evil and some of us spend our lives actively choosing to not do evil (having come too close to it at least once), even striving to be our most noble selves - including equipping and preparing ourselves to suffer and die rather than cause hurt to an innocent by command of someone evil - that we are then humorless martinets, whereas in your mind the person who would gaily admit she knows she could be manipulated into doing truly evil things to others would be a great and fun companion. At worst, that does sound sociopathic. At least, on the spectrum. In the middle there, somewhere, your friendship pool are weak and silly people. At best, you're putting forward a rather cartoonish version of good and evil. Even though you acknowledge you have chosen evil. Does it not bother you in hindsight? That would be disturbing. I suspect you haven't yet looked soberly at the choice you made, haven't yet held yourself to account for that bit of evil you did when you submitted to the authority' demand you do harm to an innocent. Was that because you found a subtle thrill in it, or because you were too craven to face whatever disapproval or penalty might come from refusing? You need to know, and to deal with it to become truly human. How else but by looking at the evil you, personally, can do, and have dipped your toe into doing, can you determine to not do so again? And thereby build a personality while the sun is shining that, when the dark night comes, will allow you stand, this time, when the evil is much harsher? And stand for good at all cost; not fold? We've just come out of the Covid lockdown and vile jab mandate, both enabled by craven politicians, bureaucrats, medical practitioners, media personalities, and suburban neighbors who were far too willing to do evil to their neighbors, their patients, their employees and customers, even to their own children rather than stand up to evil authority. Those, I gather, are the fun people you'd like to drink beer and eat chips with while gaily discussing the naturally weak soul of human beings. Thanks, I'll pass. I prefer the crowd who gathered at Honey Badger Farm last weekend - men and women I trust right now, as the shit's getting real.

Not this msm. They’re hollow shells. For now, you need reliable alt-media. One day, of course, the msm will be repopulated with substantial people. But we’ll be through the darkest of night by then.


What’s the implication if a name is on the list? Does it mean each one is a committed co-conspirator? Or is more evidence needed for that?

depends on what you think they are doing
 for example if you think the WEF and the Great Reset making changes in health, energy or money on a global scale somehow involves human tragedy that comes to the level of crimes against humanity
 a similar question could be so if they are a member of the NAZI SS are they a co conspirator or is more evidence needed?..

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This is the best list of WEF members that I’ve found and it’s compiled by the good Dr. Malone.

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Psychopaths are born that way. Sociopaths aren’t, but their brain structure changed over time to that of a psychopath. Either through a brain trauma, or through too much power for too long. I consider this to be common knowledge, one can find studies and brain photos all over internet.
Typically, 3% are either psychopath or sociopath, however, currently that number is supposed to have increased to ~ 10%. Again, no reference needed imo.
Psychopaths an sociopaths are NOT inherenly evil, much like a crocodile not being evil. They see other living beings as “things”. When they can use us for their own benefit, they will.
The changes are, most of us have encountered at least one in our lives. Psychopaths and sociopaths with criminal tendencies, or with too much power, now that’s a totally different story. People like Gates, Fraudci, Santa Klaus, and many many more, they will do harm, get boners while doing it, enjiy the suffering of others, and still think they do it for “humankind”.



It seems a departure from the Peak Prosperity core message to be advocating for Earth worship – an All nurturing devine mother.

I Can Relate To What Evie Is Witnessing At 43 Ish Minutes In

There definitely seems to be a “thing” where if you behave with integrity, it is like a dog whistle for people to get their hackles up.


Our Tyrants

Yes, it sure looks like a global secret government. I wish there was some way to go out and protest, but obviously any such planned protest would get infiltrated and subverted. (Pauses to shed a tear.) I don’t see a way out.  

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BTW, in today’s article at titled: “You’re Aggressive, but I’m Not”, Thomas Harrington says: “As every great religious tradition reminds us, the proclivity to do ill to others is vividly present in everyone during the entire course of our lives on earth, and that the first and most effective step towards ensuring that this inner monster does not take control of our destinies is acknowledging its enduring presence within us. It is then, and only then, that we can shape effective and enduring strategies to keep it at bay.” Food for thought!:slight_smile:


Hi Chris,
I am a long-time fan of your work.
I would love you to interview Neil McCoy-Ward, I know months ago on one of your live chats, you mentioned that you made contact with Neil but he was unwell at the time.
I think this would be an excellent discussion, you are both on the same page! I also enjoyed your chat with Lynette Zang (ITM Trading) she is awesome.
One day I would love to make the trip from Australia to the USA for one of the Honey Badger Gatherings.
All the best to you and Evie. Thank you for all that you do ?? you are a shining light in a crazy, upside down world.