Sept. Peak Insider Live Q&A Replay

Working on this :slight_smile:

I, too, was at the gathering. It was a wonderful time, meeting lots of nice people, having great conversations, and learning lots of interesting things. Perhaps one of the most memorable things for me, aside from making new acquaintances, was gazing at the spectacular night sky with trillions of stars and the huge Milky Way spreading across it. Absolutely amazing, and a great reminder that we live on a small, precious planet that needs our care and needs us to know ourselves so we are better able to make decisions that create peace on Earth. “As above, so below, As within, so without, As the Universe, so the Soul.” Hermes Trismegistus

How We Are Building Our Tribe

After listening to September’s Peak Insider Live and hearing the ideas about Honey Badger Farm I’d like to contribute what we’ve been doing locally in the Netherlands.
Our initiative is called ‘Voedsel Veur Mekaar’ which is dialect for ‘food for each other’ and ‘food, arranged’. We are busy building a big no-dig garden for people in the area of Bentelo, NL with which we use to grow food, learn, connect and build our own tribe.
All members pay an entry fee per household and get a ‘share’ of the garden, which is used to buy compost, fencing, a poly greenhouse, irrigation, etc. next to that they pay a monthly fee per ‘mouth’ for seeds, new compost, and to pay our professional gardener. Members are invited to help, but it is not a must. The gardener assures that the right things are done and also provides continuity.
Every saturday morning, the members come to the garden, harvest their greens, have a coffee together and some help with garden work.
We’ve started this february with some entrepreneurial people in the area, most of us didn’t know each other but found common ground because of the lockdowns and vaccine (QR) push. Thanks to the irrigation we’ve been able to turn this warm and dry year into a great success. Currently we have 123 ‘mouths’ that eat from the garden and we are aiming for 200 at the end of next year.
All this has been very inspiring and I feel like a real tribe is forming here. We’ll need it.
Our website (in Dutch, of course) is

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Say, that’s wonderful! I love the idea and the organization structure. Gives me ideas

Thanks for sharing.