Setting Realistic Homesteading Goals

Not sure how discussion of entropy connects to networks.

I was thinking along the lines of comparing efficiency losses (transmission, production, conversion, storage, etc.), network downtime (Bayesian, statistics, MTBF, etc.) on average, behavior under high load conditions, behavior under unexpected production loss simulation (e.g., a few generation plants going down due to some extraneous condition like a severe winter storm) and so on.

I imaging the folks who design and manage power grids model along these lines. I would imagine this sort of analysis has been done; I just haven’t looked into it.

I’ll check that out. Thanks for the response.

I love working on irrigation-and drainage solutions.  However, my budget is limited.  In the Netherlands, a brand new 4 stroke pump, Chinese made of course, can be had for ca E 150.-, even cheaper for lesser power. An electric pump for under E 100.-, and a second hand one for 10.-to 40.-  One or 2 1000 L tanks (2nd hand E 35) can function as storage buffer.  In our country I seldom need a pump due to the frequent rain, but this solution has served me for over  10 years.  I cultivate ca 400 m2.

I ended up buying a bison pump. Our well is 290’ deep, static water level at 65’. The bison is designed for depths over 100’ and has a handle extension for easier pumping.

We have a simple pump in a 170 ft deep well. It is installed next to an electrical submersible, set at the same depth. I did the entire installation of both pumps. I use the simple hand pump yearly to make sure everything is fine (and of course I use it in any power outage).

IMO the hand-pump well is the most critical part of being resilient. Next is a wood stove and canner. Finally, to eat food grown/harvested/killed yourself. Since one can can can food using a wood stove and bowsaw, they can be secure in all the necessities (food, water, shelter) fairly easily. But the well and a hand pump (the simple is the best choice in my long experience) is the key piece so many are lack. I’ll never understand why people don’t make it their #1 priority when thinking about being resilient.

Do you have to drain your prime to prevent a freeze?

The bison pump is self-bleeding, so no. I imagine the simple pump is, too.

I think you asking about draining above the frostline?

If so, we just use a weep hole 10’ downhole in the 1" rolled plastic tubing (that hangs the 1" pump). This can all be done by one person, by hand, in a 200’ well (if you are fairly strong, otherwise get help). Of course, the submersible goes to a pitless adapter that hangs in the well casing, while the Simple Pump hangs from the top of the 6" casing.

Keep in mind you want the weephole as high as you dare, since you have to pump enough strokes to get water up past the weephole in every use. I live in a very cold clime so I went 10’ but if I could redo it I would go 5’, since I’ve actually used the hand pump a lot and that extra 5’ pumping is a lot of extra work over time, and it’s easy to insulate the ground if freezing becomes a problem but it’s not easy to plug a weephole.

In case anyone is interested…

Urban Farmer Workshop

Join us for a FREE virtual 3-hour workshop on urban farming March 15th at 5PM (Pacific Time) where you could learn about the basic skills needed to run a successful urban farm!

During this time, we will discuss:

  • Farm design
  • Farm management
  • Farm operations
  • Farm Economics
  • Revenue streams & selling product
Some of the necessary skills to create your own urban farm include:
  • A strong work ethic and being able to take initiative
  • Enjoying physical work outdoors
  • Organization & time management
  • Customer service
  • Attention to detail
  • A passion for sustainability & food production
This workshop is hosted by the Food Eco District (FED), in collaboration with TOPSOIL. Additional presentations from the Young Agrarians’ Vancouver Island Land Matcher on land access and the City of Victoria on urban agriculture policy.

You are doing a great job and keep this good work. I’m inspired and will try to follow the footsteps.
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