Shocking NIH Cover-Up!

Best of luck to you and your family…Its gotta be hard going…But thanks for sticking up for your self

To win the bet requires a bit of biology…ready?
DNA comes in two strands. One is known as the “antisense strand” and the other is the “sense strand.”

Antisense is a term that's used to describe one of the two strands of DNA, or actually in some cases also RNA. If you imagine that there's a directional way that you read information from what's called the five prime, or the front end, to the three prime, or the back end, that's unidirectional. You can't read DNA or RNA in both directions, and so there's a sense strand for DNA, and then there's a second strand of DNA which is called the antisense strand. The sense strand has the information that would be readable on the RNA, and that's called the coding side. The antisense is the non-coding strand, but ironically, when you're making RNA, the proteins that are involved in making RNA read the antisense strand in order to create a sense strand for the mRNA.
The patents are all written in "sense strand" orientation because that's typically the strand that's 'read' by the cell. Unless it's making mRNA....then it reads the antisense side. Which means you are looking in the patent for the antisense - or backwards - code. This is the code in sense (forwards) conformation: CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG When a patent is filed, assoicated gene sequencesw are loaded up into the ncbi system. They aren't all included in the physical patent filing. I was going to reload a couple of the patent findings that show up in the ncbi BLAST system, but it seems that as we close in our the final hours countdown to the website relaunch that the server isn't taking new images right now. At any rate, you can now find clips of TV anchors asking Moderna's CEO about the sequence in question showing up in their patents so perhaps it's already in the rear-view mirror?    

Most certainly, their T&Cs are bullet proof, and allow for these shenenigans.

‘You can’t use the same people to investigate a problem who are on the culprit list’ Chris the way you said this, I am still laughing. Hilarious.
It’s really hard living in an insane asylum where the inmates are running the institution.
Have been spending a lot more time in the garden lately and am soooooooo fortunate that our neighbors and garden buddies are all on the same page. A sane little space in an insane world.
Post Script: “the greatest hits”, Chris tryting to mimic how humans can get so excited about creating death and destruction…