Site Reconstruction of the Assassination Attempt

now we are back tracing shot one, assuming that the first bullet hit Trumps ear and then the bleachers corner. This gives us two points in space. With two points in space, you can backtrace from where the shot came from. Now it definitely seems that under above mentioned conditions that the 1st shot is comming from the direction of building 6.

OK, first, thank you so much for all your good feedback. Together we are strong! We are getting more and more close the actual situation. Below is the latest simulation. Please keep coming with your comments and try to debunk! In the meantime, we could start drafting up our preliminary conclusions:

  1. Under the condition that the first shot hits Trumps ear and then hits the bleachers right upper corner, defining 2 points in space, we can exclude Crooks for taking that shot, since his position is not in line with the ear and the corner of the blisters.
  2. Back tracing the bullet (blue line) leads to building 6, but not to the position of Crooks
  3. If Crooks indeed hits the corner of the bleachers (red line), Trump would have to be standing where the mic stand is, to have his right ear hit, which is impossible.

I am open for comments and please start debunking!

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Hi Arthur,
I could change the position of Trump as per your request as below picture. Please also see my newest post 157 for more details.

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I’d guess more like this using Arthur’s comments from the earlier post.

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Here are same photos that will help determining the height of roof.

1 - Video Frame of James Copenhaver phone.
2 - James Copenhaver camera eyepiece heigth.
3 - Position of injure on David Dutch.
4 - David Dutch and James Copenhaver relative position.

The 3D model must agree with the line of sigth from James Copenhaver phone Video Frame.

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With CAD, I have studied and attempted to draw the trajectory of the first bullet fired at President Trump. The first shot is the only one I’ve seen that left reasonably adequate evidence with two points of contact that allows me to attempt to create a reverse trajectory. Those two points were, as we all know, Trump’s ear and the railing on the back of the bleacher. I found the Speedy Bleacher drawing online and posted that piece of information several days ago. That drawing only showed the end view of the bleacher, not a view of the front or back, so I don’t know the configuration of the railing that was hit. Is it possible for someone in the Butler area to find and inspect that bleacher? Anybody know if it is something that the Butler Farm Show owns or perhaps it was a rental? I’m over 2,000 miles away, so too far for me.

Using the information I’ve gathered from Google Earth and other contributors here, the first shot came from a position well below Crooks’ position on the roof of Building 6. It appears to me to have been fired from about 9’ 5" above the ground level of Building 6. During Chris’s live broadcast with Gary of Paramount Tactical Solutions, Gary revealed that the weapon & ammo that Crooks used, if sighted in at 25 yds (same at 300 yds) would likely hit 7"-12" high at 150 yds. If that were true, the shot would have originated from an even lower position, but not as low as a window. At this point, we don’t actually know that the first shot came from Crooks’ gun or perhaps some other rifle & caliber that shoots a flatter trajectory.

I’ll try to load images of my drawings, but last I knew, I could only attach one at a time. Unfortunately, the quality of the images deteriorates when moving them from a CAD file to .jpg. I’m open to suggestions on improving the quality of the images.


Roger, here are a few more thoughts. I think it will be better to represent some degrees of uncertainty, perhaps by thickening the line that represents the bullet trajectory. For example, we know where Crooks was, but we don’t know exactly where the muzzle of his rifle was. I would guess there is at least 12 inches of uncertainty there along the ridge of the roof.

Also, there may be some uncertainty about the bullet that hit the railing. How many inches to the left or right could it be? The picture that vt1 shared could be helpful, showing Dutch and the guy to his left. The bullet looks like it probably passed right between them?

Taking into account those uncertainties would replace the line with a conic section showing all possible paths within a range of uncertainty. What do you think?

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The inclination of the “straight line reverse trajectory” in your first drawing is exactly horizontal (0.00°), and that feels a bit strange, at least from the perspective of a coincidence theorist.

Hi Sluggo,

As I explained in post 135, the center of the cylinder represents the position of Trumps ear, it is not representing his head. In my last screenshot in post 158 you can see that I added his head symbolized by an orange oval, which would be exactly the position you are suggesting…

I like what our being said here and encourage and ask all involved to keep digging and refining. The famous phrase “the truth will out”.

I’ve tried to make my case a little clearer for you and any others that believe there isn’t sufficient “crawl” space above the ceiling in Building 6. If you can’t stand up and instead have to crawl, whether it’s under a floor or above a ceiling, I call it crawl space, but whatever. BTW, where did you come up with only 8" of space above the ceiling? See my Post 161 that shows more than 3’ (at minimum) of space between the ceiling and the roof. I didn’t mean to imply that I thought the shots came from the “patch” as there are several vents that pose a possibility. The shot or shots may not have come from there, but there is plenty of room, especially for a professional determined to get the job done.

Great job! Astonishingly, we come up with almost the same result, completely independently. This confirms that we are on the right track. Your height is 9.4 feet and according to my calculations it is 11,35 feet. I have noticed you are using different floor levels. Please have a look at my post 143, the way I used “Google Earth Pro”. The slope ruler is from my view a very powerful tool.

I get the following elevations:

Trump 1337, Bleacher 1335 and the AGR building 1335.

I also took into consideration the wooden riser blocks, see my post 127

This is probably where are differences are coming from…

Isn’t your building ground height 3.5 ft high? Did you not compensate for the terrain being 1334 at and near the building?

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I came up with .5 degree using different data source, methods and numbers completely independent of his work. I think I have the ear and the bleacher lower than he does.

Hi Roger-Knight

You must be referring to the point on Building 6 where I’m suggesting the shot was fired from. 9.4’ vs 11.35’ is a huge difference. It’s pretty amazing how much difference there is in the trajectory when one of the reference points is moved even slightly. I just now shot a line from your 11.35’ on the south wall of Building 6 back through Trump’s ear to the bleacher and it’s exactly 4" below the point where I located the shot hitting the bleacher. That leads me to believe that our difference is you adding the 4" blocks to the mix. I didn’t because those blocks are just there for stabilizing the bleachers, not lifting them. I guess we’ll never know the exact height of the bullet strike since they were sure to take them down asap. I saw your picture and the blocks probably get pushed into the ground during the leveling process and then with loading maybe even more. I couldn’t see in your bleacher picture, were the wheels off the ground?

We seem to agree on most elevations, but along the southern edge of Building 6, Google Earth shows the elevation to be 1337. You’re seeing 1335? Sluggo is telling me that the elevation at that point is 1334, and that my elevation is 3.5’ off. All I have to go on is what Google Earth is telling me and all the other numbers agree or are very close, so why the difference at the south side of Building 6? I too am using Google Earth Pro and have been working with aerial photography professionally since 1970. The date I’m seeing on GE for the AGR site is 5/17/23. Yours?

Hey, when you have time for a little entertainment, zip on over to Candlestick Park, SF on Google Earth and see the changes since 1938.

Hi Chris, thank you for your investigating work on YouTube. I appreciate your dedication in trying to find the truth and your methodology. I wanted to ask you what is your take on the 2 videos below showing 2 audible shots a 2 different locations in a synchronized manner?

How can 1 shooter reach 2 different locations at the same time? Check the impacts of these 2 synchronized bullets… when Trump says “take a look at what happened…”!

Thank you!! :pray:


video 1:

video 2:

You can replicate video number 2 with your own PC setup and by using the following high resolution video from Right Side Broadcasting Network. It is not easy to see but you should see it with your own eyes… Voila!!! :slight_smile:


I pulled up GE and see what you are seeing. I think there’s some orthographic artifact thing going on there.

Compare the parking lot and sidewalk elevations on the east side of the building. Then check a few spots within the red polygon.

I can’t do any more replies today but I’ll post a screenshot straight from LiDAR data showing 1334.0699 being the lowest point I can find right against building.

I think the 8” was suppose to be 18” but honestly it came from me talking out of my ass and guessing at the space above the window and thinking about the drop ceiling inside for the main area. However, after seeing your drawing in post 161 above, I think that makes more sense and I will agree with that being closer to 3 - 4 feet above the window - not 8 or even 18 inches. So great job on the drawing.

I can now go along with your explanation for elevation, but can you give me another drawing for location for a horizontal position? In other words, I think we are in agreement for the vertical, but where are you thinking for a horizontal location or position of shooter?

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When was the Rally location switched from the airport to Butler Farm? When was the stage location finalized? If we’re going with these wild ideas, how was it planned out?

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I enjoyed seeing your work, but how do you resolve the drop ceiling, as shown in bodycam footage of ESU Responders, and the weight of an assassin? The only way is if a cieling tile (s) is removed and the assassin is standing on a table. That removes the stealth factor.

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