So It's Back To First Principles

There is this well known Swiss tale that Wilhelm Tell shot an apple he himself placed on his little son’s head before. Do you also believe Wilhelm would have placed an apple on his own head and gave the crossbow to Tell jr?

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There would have been a solution to this problem.

A small hole in the circled area that was only open for 3 seconds, through which a gun was fired by a machine.

In this way, the roof of Building 6 would have acted as a physical barrier to ensure that Trump would never have been in danger.

In the same way, shots could have been fired from the rear two-story building.

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Not unless Tell Jr was an even better shot than his father.

If a professional sniper intends to miss someone elses head, only shooting near enough that the sound of shot will be heard loud and clear, then it’s almost certain that he’ll miss.

The only non-trivial risk Trump would have been taking would be that the sniper went back on the “Deal” he made with Trump, to miss. Those are the sorts of high stakes deals that Trump has made, many times … they “flow in his blood.” When Trump “bets the house”, he’s almost certainly counted the cards and knows he’ll win. Trump’s quite comfortable, even seems to enjoy, making serious “Deals” with some serious badass people.

The bullet did NOT (in my view) pass dangerously close to Trump.

A core part of my entire hypothetical scenario is that it fits well with the kind of person Trump has long been.

Trump plays high stakes games, in “Bigger than Life” very public roles, with a keen appreciation of WWE style Kayfabe drama, and has run sting operations against such dangerous thugs as have tried to destroy his “home town” (NY City), his nation, his colleague Nixon, and the parents of his colleagues, two of the Kennedy sons.

If someone is shooting an apple off someone else’s head, then that’s a risky shot, except perhaps in ideal circumstances.

I ran across this page with a bunch of Beaver County police departments, and did some searches to find their rosters / directories.

I’m putting it in a code block to prevent the forum from trying to generate lots of previews. Shipley, Priolo Nicol

AR15: What Is the Best AR-15 zero? - by Justin Stapley

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Regarding Doug Mills’ viewpoint: In the upper right corner of his (cropped) NYT photograph some electric wires can be recognized. Now that I’ve seen again another aerial by “Spa Guy”, I understand that the wires are actually running between the pole and the northern barn (Nr. 16). Since such wires basically form a catenary chain and the distances between that pole and the northern barn are known in principle, it should be possible to fit theses wires based on a hyperbolic cosine function and in turn use that information together with the dimensions of the rectangular campain board to narrow down the viewpoint of Mills (which itself could be narrowed down already from the NTD stream I already linked to previously).

Have you seen Mills’ interview with Jason Goodman where he shows lots and lots of his photos from the rally?

I AM TRYING NOT TO EMAIL, but recog that there is no confidentiality. Even from here people work to affect world events. I am extremely disabled and yet meet people. I don’t believe in synchronicity. I believe in Jesus and God’s purpose. But I do seem to get quoted as I email about my passions. There is nothing in what I say that questions the real event of an attempt to… I do not ever think that Pres T would risk and endanger others. i do think that he has capacity to know more than us, and rightly so. I think that he should have 2ndry layers of defence ready to insert themselves, and have NO issue with any precautions he might add by stealth at any time. He should never have to justify that or any communications to protect himself, etc - this is imagination at play.


The look alike to M.C is the more likely shooter in disguise of wig, and differentiated by T Shirt.

I run with (cautious) assumptions, based on numbers of observations about crowd movement in the minutes prior to walking on platform. They r THAT Pres T’s team knew that IF there was danger then they would have done due diligence in risk assessment.

DISCUSSION: A non-prof would take that roof, or a naive person WOULD, ONLY IF told that they could become part of 3 letter org by protecting… The wider context of WORLD & US theatrics for THE LAST 4 yrs indicates a bigger play over-riding the econ collapse of the West and how it is being enacted by both many forms and complex layers of deception. no one dare explore. I don’t only mean Perestroika, but a layered sting of counter moves. The only explanation is spiritual w@rf@re in which the world will eventually (when?) follows its savior. That last is fact - so I will work backwards as well in my analysis.
Perhaps this is why the ‘Blacklist’ TV series was not completed (the S2 Ep 20 or 22 when key character is in a movie theatre exposing to media the network of evil - I have bad memory recall - may be deleted, so likely need old DVDs).

The grey shirt is LIKELY? taller with developed chest, confident, etc; he is meant to stand, was carefully selected to not be mistaken for M>C. He was/is composed, skilled, physically agile, capable, not a fool… While speculation, it is also obvious in that he then has eyes on M>C, then disappears??? or not???

Add the drive by LEO who claimed to tell that need a person on that rff. He positions car to vid the door of bld6, Likely his insurance policy (uncomfortable, with something, thus interestingly immediately goes to observe the area from where a person hits M>Cs stock, placing himself in the line of fire. Had he covered he signalled? He possibly saw something on the roof that surprised/shocked him causing him to drop, had had not had a drawn pistol (it was all so casual, that???) - ie, had anyone taken a shot at M>C on the roof at any time the shot would have ended all attempts to… and it be all over…

So, we are forced to consider a darker element, NOT only a 2 shooter cons…which is likely a deliberate messy, layered distraction, but of possible 2 person involvement: one set up as if doing good, the other the real deal.

Lack of competence in physical prowess seen in M>C’s crab crawl, and the whole tossing of a zeroed wepon onto a roof - old farmers knew that bread and butter meant to respect a wepon

The 1st complexity is the discharge of w noises and reports re 4-8… Strange that the pros have not commented on the above and 8Shts4-5. They went where?
The 2nd complexity is re evidence of shots 9-10 and all other tampered evidence. The buck is made to stop with 3 letters. But, now people will believe what they choose because there is no polic, work. It comes down to what lens we view the world thru.
This causes one to question all forms of reality, which is shaped by beliefs, econ, family, health, time, jobs, interests, passions - ALL COLORS VIEW OF FACT & SPECULATION


That videoGreg saw head-brain splatter??? what exactly? blood? from where, when, how? Was he the runner who was uncomposed and could not hold a camera/mobile? I get so confused by basics.

Though believable, it would be an easy clean up if dummied… BUT surely someone videoed some of the incidents post the roof events

Also, post cremat… might identify DNA, teeth - you have a better insight than I do about this, and you know if it would have been possible, but all is scattered to wind and wave.

Interestingly, Paramount Tactical gave examples of ballistics causing brn-head splat, and said, despite Greg’s report (who took the videos), that the shot went thru the side of M.C’s face pointing left to right, which we believe it was the right to left of M>C’s face by furthest 440yrd sh0t; so they gained early inside knowledge - I ques that would be a k shot hence no head splatter, but = the bleed shown - also, had butt of wep0n been shattered there was no evidence or mention of such when enforcem… went on roof. Not that I heard or saw. I have no comment on the casualness of it all.

Who is saying make yourself small??? WHY??? Run to the shed wall unless you expect explosives to go off.

When lad had got up to be an easy target we do not know clearly what happened (explains all the mysterious time lapses of getting on the roof, and other idiosyncrasies about the day. He either wanted to die or he thought it safe, or was plain stupid (which I do not think) - seems illogical unless he thought he had earned an oversight position, done his job… BUT if sh0t his body position would have been sideways or backwards. The only time I am aware of a clean fall/slump is if a … trajectory passes thru the spine

I could suggest more, but this goes to questioning the said splatt of brain matter, the roof structure and cavity, etc. It becomes fanciful, YET that is the point. All evidence points from start to chaos at work, dismantling/clean up & lack of TV forensics, etc.

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that interview with Mills and its associated information was very interesting to me, even though it left the impression that both did not really wanted to share his uncropped 2424x1374 image publicly.

But the yandex tip was great, enabling me to unearth a link to a less cropped 2048x1346 NYT image here, and that image contains the power pole as well as the wires running to barn #16.

In addition the interview delivers the information, that Mill’s picture was taken at 18:10:29, at least according to the camera clock, which can be seen when Mills marked the entry on his laptop (at 1:04:23). It would be interesting to know if the Sony A1 is able and was configured to sync its clock to a internet time server via WLAN. If that clock is right, the dashcam video of the policecruiser is 63 seconds ahead, since the first shot could be heard at 18:10:32 according to the time bar in that video.

Mills also said that his lens parameters were such that the background appears blurry with Trump in focus. This again implies that that comparably sharp greyish trace (whatever its nature might be) should have been near Trump and depth is not much of an issue (@kwaka).


edit: according to this review, the Sony alpha-1 GPS “Can be synchronized with connected mobile device”. Since this statement is a bit ambigous, I asked a local dealer about it and he said that the firmware can connect via WLL to a Sony App running on a cell phone. The firmware synchronizes the camera clock to the cell phone time and also reads location data if GPS is available (@vt1, @greg_n). Someone should ask Doug Mills about that too.


There was a network lag at thet time, and probably the round trip calculation was wrong.

Well, from the posted location, Greg Nicol wouldn’t have a shot I believe. Keep in mind that the big red harvester could have been blocking ESU sniper’s LOS from the window he was posted on. I haven’t checked elevations, but here you go… That white polygon is where I believe the red harvester was. The harvester is 406 centimeters tall (160 inches). Now THAT’s a barricade!


Speaking of line of sight… here’s that harvester info. 406 centimeters tall, blocking GregNicol from shooting Trump, if I got the location somewhat right (white polygon).

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I often watch the videos from a former chief sniper. He said the flaggs behind the podium should have been arranged to block the visibility from AGR6.

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The latest version of the overall timeline.

Timeline - 2024-08-26.pdf (925.9 KB)

Changes in this document:

  • Incrementally improved information
  • Added AGR Building map at the top as reference. Building no. 2, 3, 6 and 9 is confirmed. No 1 and 4 is abitrarily added to fill the gaps, because I currently do not have the true names of these buildings.
  • Added version number at the top of the document to help people know how out of date the document is, as requested.
  • Filled out the section after shots were fired.
  • Added dates were significant testimony and reports was released, as requested. If more detail is needed here, please help by giving a link and some basic reasoning why they should be added.

Some notes:

  • I moved the magnetometer incident from 15:00 to 17:00. The reasoning is in the document itself.
  • I found out that in the Grassley bodycam footage there is 11 minutes missing. How significant this is, I don’t know, but just noting it here if people are unaware.
  • In the next days I plan to redo the Reference numbering and creating a glossary.
  • And lastly, if I made a mistake in the document please let me know to correct it. The document is getting larger by the day and sometimes old information gets grandfathered in that should be updated.

Thanks again for all your hard work on this. Timelines are critically important when analyzing an event. Whenever I was overseeing an incident response and investigation, I reminded everyone involved to start logging times in the operational logs immediately after the event. I would start and maintain a timeline throughout the process. Kudos to you for doing so here.

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Is there specific timelines you would like me to concentrate on for the next few days? I don’t think we can find out much more prior to the shots fired with available evidence.

I’m focusing on the cat and mouse chase on the AGR grounds before the patsy gets on the roof. After the retaining wall sighting, the timeline gets somewhat telling when I include the radio coms from the Washington Post article. A quick look appears like you’ve captured those. One think I saw you were missing the sent time of the retaining wall photos being sent later by “S” 17:51. To me this is a key timestamp for a broader group of LEOs getting the photos. As you know, this is after the rangefinder sighting. A verbal description of what the patsy looks like only gets you so far. A photo is worth 1,000 words!


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For those complaining about using texts. Sending a picture does not preclude using a radio, too. Put a alert out via radio and back it up with a picture by text. You know, walk/chew gum.

No VP, not you. More so about people in videos complaining about it.

If you’re suggesting I’m complaining about texts, I am not. I’m merely stating and evaluating timeline facts. I’m looking at all evidence of specific sightings, reports, texts, radio comms, and interviews. Each one is important, and knowing which group each is going to is important as well.

“Just an FYI, we had a younger white male, long hair, lurking around the AGR building.,’ a local countersniper said at 5:42 p.m., according to a time-stamped transcript of encrypted radio communications obtained by The Washington Post. ‘He was viewed with a range finder sighting the stage,…We lost sight of him.’” (Source: The Washington Post)

In case you’re interested in how that radio message and the texts sent by “N” and later by “S” falls into the timeline of that sighting, here you go.

I should add that, in hindsight, given all the similarly dressed individuals in the area, and one LEO giving a description incorrectly over the radio, a photo would be all the more important. I’m just saying.



Since the absolute time when the first shot was fired was unclear to me, I just scanned your timeline, and it said “18:11:33 – First Shot Fired”. That would mean that the Police cruiser’s clock was one second late, and Doug Mills camera clock was late by about 63 seconds. Since I didn’t see any explicit reference for this, could you please clarify how you reached that conclusion?

Hi ThePythonicCow,

3 days ago, I already made a deep dive into Gary’s analysis, which to me is a direct attack to this forum. He seems to act like he knows much more than we do. Surprisingly we agree with 90% of his findings. The drone gives the same coordinates as in our joint study. See below. To my opinion he just gets one position completely wrong, which is Trumps height and he is not transparent with his numbers. I think Gary is an honest guy as he claims to be, but I would expect him to come back and correct himself accordingly. Have a look at my detailed answer.

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