So It's Back To First Principles


that interview with Mills and its associated information was very interesting to me, even though it left the impression that both did not really wanted to share his uncropped 2424x1374 image publicly.

But the yandex tip was great, enabling me to unearth a link to a less cropped 2048x1346 NYT image here, and that image contains the power pole as well as the wires running to barn #16.

In addition the interview delivers the information, that Mill’s picture was taken at 18:10:29, at least according to the camera clock, which can be seen when Mills marked the entry on his laptop (at 1:04:23). It would be interesting to know if the Sony A1 is able and was configured to sync its clock to a internet time server via WLAN. If that clock is right, the dashcam video of the policecruiser is 63 seconds ahead, since the first shot could be heard at 18:10:32 according to the time bar in that video.

Mills also said that his lens parameters were such that the background appears blurry with Trump in focus. This again implies that that comparably sharp greyish trace (whatever its nature might be) should have been near Trump and depth is not much of an issue (@kwaka).


edit: according to this review, the Sony alpha-1 GPS “Can be synchronized with connected mobile device”. Since this statement is a bit ambigous, I asked a local dealer about it and he said that the firmware can connect via WLL to a Sony App running on a cell phone. The firmware synchronizes the camera clock to the cell phone time and also reads location data if GPS is available (@vt1, @greg_n). Someone should ask Doug Mills about that too.


There was a network lag at thet time, and probably the round trip calculation was wrong.

Well, from the posted location, Greg Nicol wouldn’t have a shot I believe. Keep in mind that the big red harvester could have been blocking ESU sniper’s LOS from the window he was posted on. I haven’t checked elevations, but here you go… That white polygon is where I believe the red harvester was. The harvester is 406 centimeters tall (160 inches). Now THAT’s a barricade!


Speaking of line of sight… here’s that harvester info. 406 centimeters tall, blocking GregNicol from shooting Trump, if I got the location somewhat right (white polygon).

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I often watch the videos from a former chief sniper. He said the flaggs behind the podium should have been arranged to block the visibility from AGR6.

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The latest version of the overall timeline.

Timeline - 2024-08-26.pdf (925.9 KB)

Changes in this document:

  • Incrementally improved information
  • Added AGR Building map at the top as reference. Building no. 2, 3, 6 and 9 is confirmed. No 1 and 4 is abitrarily added to fill the gaps, because I currently do not have the true names of these buildings.
  • Added version number at the top of the document to help people know how out of date the document is, as requested.
  • Filled out the section after shots were fired.
  • Added dates were significant testimony and reports was released, as requested. If more detail is needed here, please help by giving a link and some basic reasoning why they should be added.

Some notes:

  • I moved the magnetometer incident from 15:00 to 17:00. The reasoning is in the document itself.
  • I found out that in the Grassley bodycam footage there is 11 minutes missing. How significant this is, I don’t know, but just noting it here if people are unaware.
  • In the next days I plan to redo the Reference numbering and creating a glossary.
  • And lastly, if I made a mistake in the document please let me know to correct it. The document is getting larger by the day and sometimes old information gets grandfathered in that should be updated.

Thanks again for all your hard work on this. Timelines are critically important when analyzing an event. Whenever I was overseeing an incident response and investigation, I reminded everyone involved to start logging times in the operational logs immediately after the event. I would start and maintain a timeline throughout the process. Kudos to you for doing so here.

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Is there specific timelines you would like me to concentrate on for the next few days? I don’t think we can find out much more prior to the shots fired with available evidence.

I’m focusing on the cat and mouse chase on the AGR grounds before the patsy gets on the roof. After the retaining wall sighting, the timeline gets somewhat telling when I include the radio coms from the Washington Post article. A quick look appears like you’ve captured those. One think I saw you were missing the sent time of the retaining wall photos being sent later by “S” 17:51. To me this is a key timestamp for a broader group of LEOs getting the photos. As you know, this is after the rangefinder sighting. A verbal description of what the patsy looks like only gets you so far. A photo is worth 1,000 words!


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For those complaining about using texts. Sending a picture does not preclude using a radio, too. Put a alert out via radio and back it up with a picture by text. You know, walk/chew gum.

No VP, not you. More so about people in videos complaining about it.

If you’re suggesting I’m complaining about texts, I am not. I’m merely stating and evaluating timeline facts. I’m looking at all evidence of specific sightings, reports, texts, radio comms, and interviews. Each one is important, and knowing which group each is going to is important as well.

“Just an FYI, we had a younger white male, long hair, lurking around the AGR building.,’ a local countersniper said at 5:42 p.m., according to a time-stamped transcript of encrypted radio communications obtained by The Washington Post. ‘He was viewed with a range finder sighting the stage,…We lost sight of him.’” (Source: The Washington Post)

In case you’re interested in how that radio message and the texts sent by “N” and later by “S” falls into the timeline of that sighting, here you go.

I should add that, in hindsight, given all the similarly dressed individuals in the area, and one LEO giving a description incorrectly over the radio, a photo would be all the more important. I’m just saying.



Since the absolute time when the first shot was fired was unclear to me, I just scanned your timeline, and it said “18:11:33 – First Shot Fired”. That would mean that the Police cruiser’s clock was one second late, and Doug Mills camera clock was late by about 63 seconds. Since I didn’t see any explicit reference for this, could you please clarify how you reached that conclusion?

Hi ThePythonicCow,

3 days ago, I already made a deep dive into Gary’s analysis, which to me is a direct attack to this forum. He seems to act like he knows much more than we do. Surprisingly we agree with 90% of his findings. The drone gives the same coordinates as in our joint study. See below. To my opinion he just gets one position completely wrong, which is Trumps height and he is not transparent with his numbers. I think Gary is an honest guy as he claims to be, but I would expect him to come back and correct himself accordingly. Have a look at my detailed answer.

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Here is two drone photos with the Harvester.

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I thought of this last night. It would be easy to screen the stage/bleachers from AGR complex area. A few 45’ long 13.6’ high big rig dry vans parked nose to tail in that general area. Easy in and back out after the rally. Could even hang banners on the sides of them.


Thx for the update of the timeline and the work you put in.

One point that has to be corrected concerning 17:06:57 – Third video of Thomas Crooks. This video wasn’t taken by James Copenhaver (he took the video you can see Crooks walking the roof, filmed from his position in the southern bleachers) but by some anonymous man, watch 0:39-0:43
Exclusive video appears to show would-be Trump assassin at rally hour before shooting (


The media and most reports stated that the first shot was 18:11:33. I did not take it as a fact, but rather as a guideline to synchronize all other footage to the same time as a point of reference.

At 18:08:22 I did note that the dashcam is a second behind as an example.

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Right you are. Corrected the mistake.

I just finished my timeline analysis for my map 2, on the ground at AGR before Crooks got on the roof. I’ll probably post it within an hour or so after a proofread and combining my slides. I’ll copy you in the post as I’ve done before, if you’re still up and want a good read.

The unique thing I did, other than make some more of my crazy timeline graphics, is I took the relevant statements in the WP radio traffic article, and combined them with the ABC and CNN articles, in chronological order. That makes for an interesting read.


I ran across this story earlier. Why do I care about Crooks’ family getting a lawyer? Because lawyers seem to have some power to compel people to come in and give information.

This whole case is still up in the air for one reason alone: the government is blocking genuine adversarial interviews of the key witnesses. That’s it. This case should have been over weeks ago, but the government is obstructing it.

But if the FBI won’t interview the key witnesses and local homicide detectives can’t do so due to political pressure, the lawyers still can. So I think we should offer our understanding of the case to them for free. I have contacted the firm that is apparently going to be representing Crooks and offered to help. If we ever learn who the Comperatores’ lawyer is, we should do the same.

Basically, if we can’t crack this thing the way it should be done, we can probably still do it another way, through the lawyers.


Probably the best way to figure out, is to synchronise with the RSBN livestream of that day. The thing with Mills timestamp of the pic is indeed curious.

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