So It's Back To First Principles

Zero need for a “total false flag” to get that to happen.

Better to let the Deep State actually proceed with their very real, fully intended to be very deadly, assassination operation … and make a quiet deal on the side with the designated sniper (the pro who had the skills and rifle to shoot precisely) “You miss Trump, you live. You kill Trump, you die.

Such a sting operation seriously exposes the Deep State … which is why they are now telling us almost nothing, not even pretending to. Whatever narrative(s) they had planned, after Trump’s brains were blown out on live TV, no longer apply. They don’t know what to say.


Sometimes a person gets overexcited heh. :smiley: At least the time of this is now confirmed, because I had an issue with the Dayve Stewerd video with the lack confrontation on the WTAE video. There was in my mind a question if the time of the WTAE video may be inaccurate, but that seems not to be the case. It was 15:06, but with only a few seconds to spare.

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Atmospheric conditions include fluctuating crosswinds and one other obvious category; target location fluctuations post trigger pull. You summarized quite nicely.

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it all really depends…

if you want a drop of 6 ft over 20 yards you are to consider mortars and grenades… not rifles and bullets:

a decent shooter would kind of castrate someone at 300 yards while using an AR-15 zeroed at 100 yards :slight_smile:

but, even if you use a machine to fire bullets with a very decent rifle like the sniper rifles of the snipers behind Trump, you would get something like the following:

this is a test facility where they fired an MK13 mod 7 (the exact same rifle as those of the snipers behind Trump) using a machine to cancel out human factors like breathing, heartbeat, hand movement, etc.
as you can see, the bullets do not all end up in the same holes… there are even many outliers for several batches of 5 rounds fired at 200 yards…

so, imagine what a human shooter would do, and these tests were in optimal laboratory conditions…

One or more of the first three shots hit the top back rail of the southern bleacher. I’m guessing you could not nick Trump’s ear and then hit that railing, from a shot taken higher than the patsy (Crooks?) on the roof.

However, if none of those first three shots nicked, or was even intended to wound, Trump, then it seems obvious to me that a shooter from one of those second story windows could have shot a round that hit that railing.

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Au contraire. Having just one shooter, a mind controlled patsy at that, is too risky – too likely he won’t get in a kill shot. Better to have that first shot, before Trump starts to react and move, have the best chance of being a kill shot, from a professional sniper. Then use follow on shots from the patsy to confuse and coverup the crime scene.

Operations such as this MUST NOT FAIL. The coverup is less of a concern … they’ve got proven pros in the FIB and MSM to handle that job.


The devil is in the details!

The only evidence we have that Trump’s ear was wounded before he dropped to the deck, rather than while he was under the Secret Service dog pile, was Trump’s actions … which would have been way too easy for someone with years of professional acting experience and front row wrestling fandom, and who knew that such a shot was coming about then, to act out when he heard the shot.

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If that video had a reliable chain of custody, absolutely it would change my mind.

… on the other hand, that someone thinks it’s a wild idea, without any specific evidence or reasoning that strongly makes such a case, doesn’t change my mind.

How do you explain this photo?

Another angle on this (that I read somewhere a week or three ago):

The Secret Service gets special legal authority to perform more aggressive security measures when doing protection.

If anyone gets hurt or gets a good lawyer who can concoct a story of any sort of emotional or financial damage caused by a private security team, then that security and the protectee that hired them could get sued to oblivion.

Trump would obviously be a prime target for such lawsuits.

That (apparent?) bullet might well be far enough behind Trump’s head that the person shooting it fully intended to miss Trump, and successfully did so.

Don’t feed the cow…

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It’s about why Trump didn’t have his own security observers with him.

They could have remained passive, but could have warned Trump in good time due to the obvious security deficiencies.

A line on a monotone background should be easy to forge.

Doug Mills also photographed Bush in the classroom on September 11. He’s long been a lackey of the elite.

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He acted in the manner of a completely dedicated and rational public servant until he took a look on the roof and radioed the information to somebody.

My take - the person on the radio told him to go around to the south side. Whether that was to throw him off the hunt, or because that person thought the threat was in the south windows is anyone’s guess.

It’s very possible the LEO’s on the ground at the time thought Crooks WAS a plainsclothes LEO.

Of course, this officer said soon afterward that Crooks (or whoever it was) just about took his head off. You would certainly think he wouldn’t be mistaking “Crooks” for a plainsclothes LEO at that point.

He and a couple of others are on my ignore list now.

As best as I can tell, there are at least three possible ways to deduce from audio analysis where shots might have come from, give or take some margin, that can also be calculated:

If one knows the muzzle velocity of a round, if that is supersonic, and if the round passes close enough to a microphone to record both the bullet’s supersonic snick and the subsequent report of the rifle, then one can estimate how far away the rifle is from the microphone by the delay between the snick and the report.

If you know two positions along the path of a bullet, then within the margin of known atmospheric conditions, muzzle velocity, the precision one knows the location of those positions, and such, one can trace back that trajectory to possible shooting location(s).

If multiple shots are fired, recorded with multiple microphones, then you can use the variation in timing of shots sounds, between the different microphones, to determine which shots were fired closer to which microphones. This analysis gets fuzzy pretty quickly if the microphones are moving or if they don’t share a common, precise, timing base. In the best case, if all microphones are in a common plane, locked in position, with precisely synchronized clocks, then you can place the origin of each shot in that plane, and if the microphones are also spread in the third dimension, you can place the shot origins in 3D space.

There are other analyses one can do as well, if one knows more about the obstacles, reflecting surfaces, and such that will modify the frequency spectrum and/or add echo’s to the recording, and how those variations in the recorded audio fit with the known properties and locations of such sound altering surfaces and obstacles in the area.

If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, insult the opposing attorney.


this is a shot from the highest building at the AGR parking, i.e., the building behind crooks has a perfect line of sight that is completely in line with the line of sight of crooks, and this line grazes Trump’s ear, interacts with the right bleachers and ends up in the JCB hydraulic lift.

as I showed yesterday to Chris Martenson, Mike Bell showed in his second video evidence that this is the line of fire that represents that of the 1st bullet…

a close up at the rally area:

and this is how that bullet went OVER crooks:

Is that a straight line of sight, or a parabolic bullet trajectory (granted, perhaps just a couple or so inches difference.)

Is that “interaction” with the right (southern) bleachers with the spot on their far upper corner railing where we have video that this bullet hit, or is it lower on that bleacher?