So It's Back To First Principles

I have that poster ignored for some reason, but the quote you’re looking for is “The big guy took the shot from exactly where they are standing in the picture.”

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He did refer to him like that. Which makes me think it’s probably not him, but possibly another ground SWAT guy or a sniper placed elsewhere at Butler Farm that day.

Back left interview guy looks muscular and built, not fat.

“The big guy took the shot from exactly where they are standing in the picture.”

If it’s big, then he is still in the running.

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Do you have his user name?


I am going to look at his posts. Thank you.
Edit: His brother is friends with the other SWAT. He doesn’t seem to know anymore than anyone else. If he knows a name of the SWAT shooter it’s not likely he will spill it.
“One shot from the fat guy. Missed.”
I knew he said fat. I do not call that fat!

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That SWAT ground guy doesn’t seem fat. He seems big. He has some sort of kit on his chest/abdomen.

Back left interview guy definitely isn’t fat and looks bigger than the other two ground guys pictured.

Maybe he was someone assigned to coms? He seems like he’s an “in the action” type of guy though. He has that door kicking vibe.

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He seems older and experienced than the other two also.(SWAT GROUND GUY).
Blue shirt guy doesn’t seem like a comms guy.

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Thx for the link but I can’t access though. Either it’s a private profile or deleted.

Sorry, wrong state, wrong profession, wrong Michael Biskup.



New to this website but fan of Martenson. I have a directory of almost every LE person working J13 at Trump’s rally, including some USSS. I don’t know how/where to pass this to him/you?


Welcome to the forum.
Such a directory would be great and could be very useful. Maybe best you set up a dropbox or something like that and share the download link.

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The average of two constant velocities was middle school example.
But the changing velocity needs some calculus. Numerical approximation:



Not easy to calculate the limit. I guess 2528.


Sorry, if this question seems out of place but don’t know where else to ask. It still is part of my investigation of j13.
I tried today check metadata of photos with several online apps, even installed one for windows 11. The problem is however many photos from different sites i checked, their metadata always gives current date and time. i’ve tried with links and by downloading photos to my pc. If i try my own photos i ge right date and time. Why is that?

If there is a better thread to drop this in?
Tucker Carlson Network has a news/film crew embedded in the Trump campaign. They have video of the J13 that has not been shown so far.

" This multi-episode series will give you an inside look at Trump’s road to take back the White House this election year."

This is the trailer for the series.



Digital forensics is not easy, and you have to be careful to use tools that are reliably extracting data. Many image file formats don’t even have metadata, and those that do, it’s possible to put anything there. If some awful program in Windows is showing you the current time, it probably just means it tried to extract something and failed, and decided to show you something anyway.


Wow. I did not see that coming. Brilliant. Thanks for sharing.

what tool would you suggest?

Sorry, it’s not easy to say. The best tools depend on your environment. In macOS and Linux I have tools to download and install other tools. But basically, you want tools that understand how to extract EXIF, or in general, tools that really understand the file format you’re looking at.