So It's Back To First Principles

Not true and if you don’t believe it ask Brian. But if it were true, what your are doing here? Wasting lifetime?

brian is one of these people who has blocked/muted me…

if you think he is a genuine person, be my guest, but it does not look like he is into finding out what really happened.

and that is what I am trying to find out: I keep an open mind and am figuring out what is consistent with common sense scenarios.

things always take somehow longer than initially anticipated, but I am working on the ballistic trajectories from each of the vents, roofs, windows, doors and alike, for muzzle velocities from 2000-4000, wind speeds from 5 to 8 mph, bullet weights from 55 to 190 gr, zero’s from 25-200 yards and bullet shapes G1/2/5/6/7/8 at distances up to 500 yards

the representation of this data in an easy to comprehend way is what I am focusing on now…

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I agree it’s Shipley. From Facebook pic has Tattoos on right arm so likely on the left. This would cinch it him by his right arm in this ABC pic if a picture found of right tattooed arm. I cropped and slightly lightened it.

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The right ear on Biscoff is different that blue shirt guy.

When the total distance is L and we divide it into N equally length segments, then the average velocity is:
(The not equally distributed case is complicated.)

So the velocity should be calculated at every foot for example and multiplicative inverse (1/v) added up.

Those aren’t the same guy.

The guy you have pictured is bald and his beard is different than back left unidentified interview guy.

What if he’s the local SWAT guy from the ground that shot Crooks or one of the locals on the ground by the tents?

It would explain his…disgust.

could you post the facebook pic and his profile link?

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Not Biscoffs, I love those cookies. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Itotally agree that Biskup’s ear is different. It almost looks like an attached lobe, whereas blue shirt’s is clearly detached. (That remind’s me of the time I tried to figure out when Biden’s right earlobe miraculously attached, by looking at months upon months of photos. It was October 2017, but that’s a whole other story.).

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Me too with the cookies and bidumb lobe! Ha

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I agree. He looks very…disgusted.

Right? And there could be lots of reasons for that, just general disgust at the abandonment of posts or failure to act.

But why is he there unless he’s important?

Which makes me wonder if he is epic ground SWAT guy… He doesn’t look as heavy as that guy with the camera angle, but he is very broad shouldered and maybe with gear on he looks even bulkier.

It would certainly compound his disgust if he was able to shoot Crooks when they didn’t. But it’s just a guess. He could be disgusted by all of it or if he’s aware that they are lying for CYA.

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I say Yes. Michael Biskup From images Freespoke search engine.


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I was just thinking about that too. You know Mills, Crane, Grassley, Johnson etc…probably have all of these names and details. Why keep them and only release one or two names? Why go through all of the trouble to keep the names private? Ongoing investigation…yadayada…why give us Greg then? Deflection from other sniper. Why? Why would Greg (with all of this evidence against him) sing but his buddy is silent? Does not seem right.
Edit: Greg is a better storyteller…liar…narrative keeper.

Too old…imo. Not much there.

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Because if the Butler sniper was in that room and didn’t take a shot: they have bigger problems.

For instance, if their claim is that he couldn’t hear the coms so he didn’t know about the shooter on the roof, a legal case would want to determine is there any type of fault. Was it a failure that they are responsible for?

If a coms failure was the case, well why didn’t he hear the crowd yelling outside? If he couldn’t hear them, well how was he protecting himself in his own position if he couldn’t hear ambient noise around him?

Most of the windows were open.

It is extremely strange that they have not been forthcoming with the names for the ground SWAT guy or the counter sniper that hit Crooks. Beyond strange.

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Who was the poster on here who was friends with the guy next to ground SWAT guy and confirmed ground SWAT guy took the shot? He called him fat. I don’t know how to search that on here. Why can’t we ask him about it?

I have that poster ignored for some reason, but the quote you’re looking for is “The big guy took the shot from exactly where they are standing in the picture.”

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He did refer to him like that. Which makes me think it’s probably not him, but possibly another ground SWAT guy or a sniper placed elsewhere at Butler Farm that day.

Back left interview guy looks muscular and built, not fat.

“The big guy took the shot from exactly where they are standing in the picture.”

If it’s big, then he is still in the running.

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Do you have his user name?