So It's Back To First Principles

I downloaded it. Thank you.

I have found photo conformation for just about the whole BVRPD, except the guy who looks similar to the ABC blue shirt guy. Everyone in the Beaver County ESU list who works for BVRPD has been accounted for, but maybe blue shirt look-alike didn’t show up in that list for some reason or another, such as joining the Beaver County in 2024. (govsalaries does not have 2024 data.) Hence my search for him. I don’t know why I feel like a dog in search of his bone, but I will find him! :rofl:

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I don’t believe any Sheriff’s departments are part of the various ESU teams, just police.


Maybe you can search this 2018 gem:

that is a picture released by the fast buriers of information as part of what they call the butler investigation photos…

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these document details are not reliable whatsoever, but do not automatically invalidate the content of the document…

when you open the document and “save” it, the “modified” date changes, when you “save as”, the “created” date changes and the “author” field may change simultaneously, depending on the settings of your office installation and the policy enforced by the organization that manages that computer/operating system…

the same goes with saving a document as a pdf, which will also change/set the author, created and modified fields…

I will give that a look after I exhaust my current method, which is identifying some of the members that are not blue shirt. This is the closest I’ve come so far. His Monica photo would likely be older as Nicol’s Monica photo looks older.



Thank you for the source! Earlier in this thread you posted a photo showing a bunch of fast burying geodesists at work at a brick-walled building. Was this photo taken near the similar looking building situated several 100 m to the south-west of AGR Bldg. 6?

edit: south-east → south-west

I did not try to open it, but possibly some special Adobe fonts had not been embedded with the document. Look at the document properties. If I’m right there should be an indication concerning one ore more missing fonts

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it looks to me that they are indexing the area near the air conditioner unit where crooks got on the roof…

do you know
simply paste an image on that site and you will get publicly available sites showing whatever picture you pasted…

the longer dark haired female walks back from the building with a door labelled building 2, door 7…


That is the building 2 buildings north of AGR 6, east side. This post has my building and door map.

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that Reuters link is a treasure trove of high resolution images and thus an exquisite source of relative positions, angles, heights (also regarding podium and bleachers). There are certainly much more details that nobody even thought to ask about until now. I just saved it as pdf, but can’t upload it here due to its size. Using wget to download the individual photo links obtained by clicking the “share” buttons was derailed by Reuters demanding a login when coming that way. I’d probably need to fake wget’s browser id.

yes, on the site, there is even a 5000x3334 vertical overview of the rally layout, including the JCB hydraulic lift that sprayed its hydraulic fluid on the right and the red machine on the left:

I will be using this image as a ground overlay in my kml files

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Fantastic! Yet ? The Philadelphia Inquirer? Do you also remember the article or image URL?


no, I mainly look for images looking as vertically down as possible.
I do not trust any interview, report, article, etc…
only images and videos that get corroborated by several sources

when you paste an image in, you will get an overview of sites that show (or showed) that image, so if you are looking for context around a certain picture, you can find it that way…

But then how do you proceed in court when being asked about the exact sources of the “images and videos that get corroborated by several sources” your expert’s report is based on? No offence intended!

I have been an expert witness in several forensic cases since early 2000’s…

the chain of custody needs to be preserved and protected at all cost for everything that is presented as evidence.

what we are doing here is far from something that will ever be presented in court.

the best we can do is use the least altered information available, and in this case, that means the highest image resolution (and for video footage the highest frame rate) available/possible…

as a general rule, I do not trust anyone who

  • brags about, e.g., having created animated gifs or who isolated stills with allegedly smoking howitzer content out of context…
  • keeps ignoring valid comments
  • keeps using blatantly erroneous data
  • who clearly seem to have a hidden agenda and keep pushing people towards a certain direction which is not supported by independently verifiable evidence or even common sense
  • does not work in full transparency and who gaslights people with different views

you keep hammering on the nail to provide sources, and I do that for almost everything I share here, but I think you should not exaggerate while hammering that nail

  • for images and videos that are so widely available
  • that are immediately retrievable from sites like and
  • about information that someone who has been looking into this investigation a little should be familiar with by now…

the vast majority of the stuff I have shared here is immediately retrievable from and almost everything else has been referenced properly…

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i replaced the fonts that were missing but it didnt help. i think some encrypted stuff that prevents editing. not very used to all these so may be someone can shed some light.