So It's Back To First Principles

I realize that. I was ruling him (Rich Lockhart) out. One of these guys is Jeffrey Roberts, so that rules him out as well.


I have been looking for blue shirt guy for a while too. I don’t question you. You are doing great.

The reason I thought he was with Beaver Valley Regional PD, is this group photo. Priolo is in it, and so is Shipley I believe.


I also found this, but don’t have a name to go with it. It’s not in the article, and I can’t read his shirt.



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i have no idea.

I open the pdf in illustrator and i see this

anyone know why the fonts got all messed up like an encrypted document?

If i open the redacted one, then its all good. just that the underlying layer is an image which is already redacted.

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I think you are right. That looks like a bit younger version of him.
How long ago was that fb pic taken?

beaver_county_fpotus_after_action_redacted.pdf (3.0 MB)
FPOTUS After Action-unredacted.pdf (2.1 MB)

seems same to me one redacted and one not.

Do you know who Shane is (In unredacted report)?

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No, that’s a new name for me.

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The second one is some kind of forgery done in the past day or two. Edit: well, I shouldn’t say it has to be a forgery. It’s just not an original document. It’s possible that it just got accidentally screwed around with.

@brian60221 Great… Have you come across a Shane?

I believe it was June of 2023 when the BVRPD was formed, but the group photo must be since September 2023 when Rochester Township joined them. The classroom photo was November 2023. The guy 2nd from left in the front row is Shawn Shillingburg with BVRPD, which is how I found the photo. That’s when I saw the blue shirt. He’s at least got to be with a nearby police department as it was training for LEOs.

Hmm…idk now if that is our blue shirt guy. Looks a bit young. I couldn’t find a Shane but Brian had a nifty list with all the names.

I just found Sgt. Harold T. Shane, and I know where he was during the event, if the unredacted AARP is correct.


:thinking: Well, there’s a Dawn Shane with Borough of Rochester PD nearby.

But from this weird document, we’re looking for T. Shane, right?

Vegas PI found him! See above.

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I think this is probably him, but I think it might be Thomas Shane. Did you see the “Harold” on that govsalaries site? I think that might be Shane Harold. Edit: Dawn Shane is married to a Thomas.

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Yes, that’s where I found him as Howard Shane T. Like Roger “Patrick” Young, he likely goes by his middle name.

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Ah, OK, I can buy it. But why isn’t he in our ESU roster? :thinking: Maybe just not conveniently indicated as such in the description field on that govsalaries site.

Does anyone have a subscription to read this article? Maybe some info and names here:

@gfgftt5d0q and @brian60221

Thus is Brian’s list from, which I confirmed to find the police department they worked for.