So It's Back To First Principles

Hi howdoiknowthisinfo,

In the meantime, were you able to determine the height of the bleachers corner which is the second impact point after Trumps ear?

Sorry to insist, but the main and most important two things in this analysis are the height of Trumps Ear and height of the impact position of the bleachers corner. Only these two points matters.

We are still waiting for that information from you, before we are able evaluate your data further.


hello Roger,

I am adding this point to my model and will let you know shortly.

AGR building numbers can be seen on the photos.
The mistake/confusion was made by secret service different numbering.

What is this officer doing, just moments after the shooting? At best he is contaminating evidence by touching casings with bear hands, and at worst he is planting them. The audio clearly shows a dropping sound as two casings hit the roof top. Could the three casings found on that side of Crooks have come from his AR? After all, it certainly looks like they have his finger prints on them now.

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I was able to back trace the first shot assuming that it hit Trumps ear and then the right corner of the speedy bleachers. Haven taken all your comments into consideration and putting the numbers in favor of Crooks, the offset between the retraced bullet and the position of Crooks has even increased, namely 6 feet in the vertical level and 9 feet in the horizontal level (same as last simulation, because we did not change any numbers here). The fact that there was a wrong assumption that the speedy bleachers were resting on the corner, but in reality, they are placed in the middle of the bleachers on the wheels, made the floor level change from 1335 to 1336. See above explanations. Below is the latest simulation.

If something is unclear, please let me know. As you can see, if somebody comes up with a realistic assumption, I am always willing to change the Excel data sheet.

At this moment, the back traced bullet can’t be calculated back to Crooks position (offset 6 feet vertical, 9 feet horizontal) and therefore keeps the hypothesis that the first three shots were fired from building 6 and shots 4-8 probably from Crooks.

new shooter position according to simulatoin


Roger, I made a model myself of the first bullet using James camera footage. Here it is: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6

I’m not questioning your model, but I think the Google Earth input height are not accurate enough.

I will try to explain this without using any calculation. If your height of the shooter from the vent (6 feet below the top of the roof) is correct, then it almost at the same line of sight of Trumps ears in the photo on the left, therefore the bullet (disregarding the ballistics) would come at the same height of James camera eyepiece and that is way above the rail.

Therefore, the height of Google earth is not accurate enough. One feet of error in Trumps elevation will result in 6 foot deviation on the South side of the building position, one foot is within the margin of error.


Hi VT,

I appreciate your feedback.

Referring back to my Post 203 I addressed this topic:

Following the instructions in that post, we imported Topo graphical KML files. The source is coming from Land ID (former MapRight). This is the most accurate method I have found up to now, maybe there are more accurate Topo graphical maps out there. I would be glad to receive some feedback on this subject.

My opinion is as follows: Not knowing exactly where the camera is standing in space, the fact that camaras use wide angles, it is not possible to make accurate analyses from videos and photos, unless you are perfectly vertical or horizontal.

I agree, however we have a document for each number. For example we can’t put Trumps height from 6’ 2” to 7’ 2”. Looking at the vertical positions there are very few data points that we can play with. If somebody would come with another Topographical Map that contradicts our data or if we find out the accuracy of Land ID is +/- 2 feet, then I would be willing to doubt our calculation. If somebody can provide any information on this topic, they are welcome.

However, we have all been concentrating on the vertical position of which the error offset is smaller and some unknown factors. The biggest offset is in the horizontal position namely 9 feet with very few parameters to play with.

I would like to keep the animation as is until somebody comes with a document that disproves the numbers. Once it is disproved, I will change my model, and we can simulate it again. This is how we have been proceeding for weeks and we have became more and more accurate. Last thing I would like to mention, the updated Excel data sheet, we put the benefit of the doubt and took all favorable numbers to get as high as possible. This should also be taken into consideration….

Together we are strong…


idk how you expect to be taken seriously when you wont even acknowledge who Crooks is.

that is very simple: I do not know who died on that roof and you do not know it either…

have a look at, e.g.,

where Gary explains various possibilities…

So Crooks’ parents have been what? Hired actors? People who stole someone’s identity? This random family from bumfuck nowhere Pennsylvania are such massive criminal masterminds?


I don’t know.
As I said before, I focus only on what I do know and leave speculation and belief to the gullible.

So I’m gullible for thinking that Crooks is the dead guy? Why?

because of misdirection.
only the orchestrators of the attack on Trump know who died on that roof.
everybody makes you focus on crooks and his family such that you do not ask the right questions.

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cool, thanks for providing ZERO evidence to suggest as such while calling others gullible.

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I forwarded you to the video of Gary from Paramount Tactical (Trump Assassination Attempt - Is Maxwell Yearick The Real or 2nd Shooter? is the uncensored version)…

if someone tells you that there is certainty that that man on the roof is crooks, they are lying to you, and I am not a liar.

the only thing I am saying is that one has to be very careful before assuming that crooks is the man on that roof, that that man on the roof has shot any shots, etc, etc.

as I mentioned in the past days many times, there is a much better shooting position than that where the man on the roof was killed.

if you do not want to consider an alternative to your belief you are biased and you have been propagandized and manipulated.

if you do not realize this, I feel sorry for you, but I am nog going to confirm anything that cannot be corroborated by the evidence, and there is no evidence that it was crooks who died on that roof.

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I hope you understand there is more proof that Crooks died on the roof than there is of a second shooter even existing. You linking me to some guy making a commentary video isn’t evidence or proof, especially when he’s just making assumptions throughout the whole thing.

Now please continue your condescending way of talking down to me, I’m loving the passive aggressiveness just because I won’t agree with you.


I just stick to the facts…

I have shown you many things that are wrong with the assumption that the man on the roof is the real shooter…

is a very good example of why it is extremely implausible that the man who had been running on the roof tops minutes before the first shots were fired really fired these shots.

I do not know whether you have any shooting experience, but I do, and if you want to shoot accurately, you should have a steady breathing and heart beat.

8 shots were fired in about 5-6 seconds, of which:

  • the first bullet grazed Trump’s ear, touched or penetrated the railing of the bleachers on the right and ended up in the hydraulics of the JCB lift. let’s assume David Dutch was not injured by this 1st bullet or a ricochet thereof (I am not certain about this, which is why I keep this option open)
  • the next bullets hurt David Dutch (if he was not hurt by the first bullet), David Copenhaver was hit twice (it may also have been an entry and exit wound of 1 bullet, there is uncertainty about this) and Corey Comperatore died with one of the other bullets, and there may have been other victims, but I do not know about their identities).

all in all, that is a reasonably small grouping of bullets when firing at a distance around 150-200 yards.

it is simply impossible for a frail twenty-year old who has just been running, who has been shouted at by the public who was pointing the police and other services to him, and who was interrupted by a peeping police man over the edge of the roof, to fire 3+5 shots in quick succession and so accurately in about 5-6 seconds.

so, if someone believes that that is possible, they should go to the range and try to repeat the experiment.

a sniper trainer has shown that it is possible to shoot with an AR-15 5 rounds in under a second (like the burst of the last 5 shots), but that is a highly trained and muscular sniper trainer…
a simple human cannot do that, and certainly not in the circumstances I elaborated on above.

I am just pointing out that it is simply not realistic to believe that a person like crooks could have done it…


I just stick to the facts…

I have shown you many things that are wrong with the assumption that the man on the roof is the real shooter…

Damn sorry, guess I haven’t been paying attention.

Stabilized bodycam video of Crooks climbing on the roof.

is a very good example of why it is extremely implausible that the man who had been running on the roof tops minutes before the first shots were fired really fired these shots.

That actually proves it is Crooks given it matches his path to his shooting position and where he was last seen by the snipers. Otherwise please explain how the “dead guy” who you think isn’t Crooks even ended up in the position he did on the roof? Did they magically carry a dead body up there?

I do not know whether you have any shooting experience, but I do, and if you want to shoot accurately, you should have a steady breathing and heart beat.

Cool, but we still don’t have an autopsy. Are you sure Crooks didn’t take any medication that day? He works in an old people home, if he can participate in an assassination attempt, he can steal meds from old people, or is that too far fetched?

it is simply impossible for a frail twenty-year old who has just been running, who has been shouted at by the public who was pointing the police and other services to him, and who was interrupted by a peeping police man over the edge of the roof, to fire 3+5 shots in quick succession and so accurately in about 5-6 seconds.

You said you worked based off of facts. What’s factual about this? You saying it’s impossible?

so, if someone believes that that is possible, they should go to the range and try to repeat the experiment.

I don’t have any roofs at my range, sorry.

a sniper trainer has shown that it is possible to shoot with an AR-15 5 rounds in under a second (like the burst of the last 5 shots), but that is a highly trained and muscular sniper trainer…
a simple human cannot do that, and certainly not in the circumstances I elaborated on above.

I am just pointing out that it is simply not realistic to believe that it a person like crooks could have done it…

lol. sorry I have nothing else but lol…

I meant to repeat the experience of shooting 3+5 rounds accurately at a reasonable distance in about 5-6 seconds, he :wink:

at my range there is a ground floor and a basement. the ground floor is equipped with a railing system to put the target to whatever distance up to 50m.

the basement is for 100m, but both floor share the same targets.

cool just ignore my other points. anyways I don’t have a range like that near me and I’m not going to repeat anything for you. this guy went to a shooting club frequently, maybe he figured it out.