A Step-By-Step Analysis Of The Copenhaver Film

(2/6) Here are the 4 images:

The offset of the position of the trump stage was around 3 feet. I considered the geometric medium of the positions as the actual one. This is important because after I will correct that error based on other the data.

After measuring dimensions and height achieved values very close to Roger’s model.

VT, I greatly appreciate your well thought out, truly logical reply.

It is no exaggeration to say that I have been on this journey since the day I was home from school sick, watching TV, when for the first time in history the screen went black, immediately followed First, over a black screen , Walter Cronkite’s voice announces: Here is a bulletin from CBS News. In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired……

I have read every scrap, watched every movie, documentary, interview, book, etc. And just this year, 6o+ years later last month I finally feel confident in the fact that the truth of what happened and the identity of the shooter that pulled the trigger on that fatal shot that irrevocably changed the course of history.

This event is of equal or greater importance for reasons I will not delve into here and is in my well founded opinion that the same “players” at it again perpetrating or attempting to perpetrate probably an even more heinous act this time when taken in the greater context of the current state of the world.


(3/6) One trick part is satellite image angle. It is possible to see the east side of the building so I considered the start on blue line but for dimensions I used the roof (red). The offset measured is 1.5 yards to the east. This is the most correct way to do, because all measured are made in the same elevation (the ground level).

After that I extract the positions of building, Trump stage, and the south bleacher. Exported in the Mercator projection to excel, then after defining the line of fire as horizontal from Crooks to Trump by rotating the coordinates.

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(4/6) Since we don’t heve enough accuracy of height and the position of objects, I proposed to use the James Copenhaver footage and footage of James Copenhaver using his camera.

Some people might consider that to be not accurate but if we consider the margin of error from Goggle Earth of 0.5 feet, these assumptions are more accurate eve if we consider the possible change in height and position of James camera.

After calculating the James Copenhaver camera elevation from thew rail and using the line of sight from the top of Trump’s head and project that in the building 6 and measured the height and horizontal distance from the side of the building. This way we can calibrate the elevation and position of the north bleacher.

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(5/6) Here are the results:

The top view of line of fire and the side cut view A-A (on the line of fire).

The line of fire come from 1.2 inches above the rail and 3.9 inches to the West of David Dutch center line.

(edit) As a disclaimer the side view is not proportional, the elevation is amplified.

(6/6) The top view of line of sight and the side cut view B-B (on the line of sight of James Copenhaver camera). To correct the line of sigth the north bleacher was corrected 2.5 inches down and 25.2 inches to the East. This is within the margin of error of Google Earth.

Cosidering the ballistics study I did, the drop estimated of 1 inch and drift of 1.5 inches to the east, the correct position would be 0.2 inches above the rail and 2.4 inches to the West of David Dutch center line.

For the conclusion, I don’t have evidence of a second shooter, and there is a high possibility that the first bullet came from Crooks position hit Trumps ears and David Dutch.

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Did he announce three shots were fired at the time? My understanding is that eyewitnesses were all over the place in estimating the number of shots fired.

I absolutely believe after watching all the evidence and analysis that the Let It Happen appears to be most probable but it cannot explain different echo and noise patterns between shots 1-3 and 4-8. The crime here mostly is how these LEO left their posts for various reasons conicidentally with the kid climbing the roof. Also, who programmed this child to believe this was a good idea and how his dad just happened to have an AR-15 in his home…like we all do…whatever. Who programmed this child and let him on the roof of near building at a Presidential speech.

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I can’t say that I see much wrong with that mockup - if your measurement from the podium to the back of the bleachers is right, and if you assume the video hasn’t been altered.

There are a few problems in general with assuming Crooks took the first three shots.

  1. Why would he pause after the first three shots, then fire five shots in quick order, then stop? He had good aim the first three shots, why didn’t the secret service detail have a lot of holes in them?
  2. Apart from Cory Comperatore, where DID bullets 4-8 go?
  3. Why do the two groups sound so different and have different time snap-bang time lags (0.220 vs 0.213 seconds)? Why do the first three shots sound muffled, without an echo and shots 4-8 have an echo?
  4. If you assume a distance of 469 feet (that’s what I get measuring with google Earth) from Crooks to the podium, in order to get a .220 second snap-bang time lag, the muzzle velocity has to be about 2660 fps, assuming the average bullet velocity is 94% of the muzzle velocity and the speed of sound is 1150 fps. That’s slow. For the second set of 5 shots, that muzzle velocity has to be about 2564 fps.

For most of these answers, we’re probably going to have to wait until congress gets back in session and pray Mr. Trump is still alive.

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I don’t know the answers to your questions, I’m only modeling the first bullet trajectory.

I’m not affirming that Crooks took the shoot, I’m saying that the trajectory of the first bullet probably hit Trump and David Dutch and came from Crooks position.

There is a possibility that the 2nd bullet also hit David Dutch, due to the closeness of the photo of the 2nd bullet by NYT. James Copenhaver was hit 2 times, there is the bullet that hit the lift in the back and there is Cory Comperatore. That is 6 out off 8.

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Guy on right took the 9th shot.
My brother knows the guy in the middle.


Some of us here think the guy who took the 9th shot also took the 10th shot. It’d also be great to know where he took the 9th shot from. Can you find out?

The big guy took the shot from exactly where they are standing in the picture. One shot from the fat guy. Missed.


do you happen to know what rifle and caliber these people were using?

the blood trail on the roof is consistent with a first shot that injured the man on the roof, but that shot did not kill him (no blood is pumped out when dead).

so, it is very likely that the 9th shot injured him and the 10th shot finished the man off.

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Stabilized bodycam video of Crooks climbing on the roof.


Oh, there was the 3rd police car. We should get that video too.

well who knows if we ever will. they said almost two dozen bodycameras were released, and the most I’ve seen were 12 uploaded to a DropBox account. so for all we know there could be information out there, we just can’t get access to it.

Thank you so much for posting this. I believe it confirms my belief on who that shooter was based on one of Dave Stewart’s video capturing him 8 minutes earlier than the Jon Malis video. It looks like the same guy to me.

*** Note - DO NOT READ THIS COMMENT IF YOU ARE UNDER 21 Years Old or scared of Violence and discussions about shooting and consequences ***

Thank you for sharing this photo.

With the benefit of hindsight, this is probably correct.

Because of the state of the body.

After watching a clip elsewhere - showing the impact from a Sniper Rifle, its absolutely impossible for Crooks to have been hit in the head by one of these Sniper Rifles.

This is because his head would have exploded on impact and would
not have been found in the condition it was found in.