Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

  • Local officers registered him an hour before. Due to Mr. Trump’s one hour delay.
  • Nobody checked the higher roof. Why should they do that?

(Let me tell you a story. The central heating was reduced in every january because of examination season. I had to work on my topic, my teacher lent me an electric heater. He strongly asked me to unplug it from the wall socket when I go home. Because in case of fire the investigation would find it, no matter if it caused the fire or not. They find something reasonable and stop going on. - Obviously this is the pattern here, too.)


The first round hit Trump then the rail of the bleachers and disintegrated. Shot two hit Dutch and the lift.


And what was the shift when the correlation max’ed? 500 samples?

I went back to AGR and Farm Show property early this morning for @pk2019 & @roger-knight. I thought things were going to go splendidly, but I hit a snafu. The AGR property is no longer guarded. However, they re-blacktopped all of the parking lots and have them blocked off. Whitestown Road is set to be closed this week.

1 (Small)

6 (Small)

The Farm Show property is still being patrolled, but I arrived before daylight to get the pole-to-barn measurements for @pk2019 which are as follows.

Pole Wires to North Barn = 72’

Pole Wires to Middle Barn = 43’

Pole Wires to South Barn = 32’

And then here’s where I ran into trouble. Once daylight, I got my drone up to measure the height of the wires and they were 40’. As soon as I took this measurement, the drone was jammed and had to land. (1st time I’ve ever experienced this). I fried two batteries trying to get the drone back up… to no avail. Each battery typically lasts 45 minutes. After the initial jam, I couldn’t get the drone up any higher than 6’. It said the restriction was coming from the airport to the south of the Farm Show property, but I couldn’t fly anywhere and this is the same area that I droned from previously. I may go back again and try from North of the AGR building. It’s a personal challenge now. Lol!! I need to recharge my batteries first.


I visually inspected that barn before I was chased off the property. There was no damage to it or fresh repairs.


hi @MacD, I have a model myself using the James Copenhaver footage to adjust the heights of the bleacher to match his eye sight. My conclusion is the first bullet came from Crooks position. The error at David Dutch position is minimal considering it came from Crooks. I even considered the drift and drop due to ballistics.

The critics to this analysis say I can’t use James’s footage because the time of his footage is not the time when his is been filmed by the North bleacher footage, so by luck he could have sat in the bleacher during his footage. The North bleacher footage captures James 131 seconds before and 110 seconds after James footage, in both footages he is standing up as everybody is. For me if he was sitting on the bleacher, he would be seeing the heads of the people in the front row and it’s not the best way to film Trump.

As I explained the error in all the measurements done by 3D models lead to the wrong conclusion, and an error of 1 foot at Trump position lead to an error of 6 foot at Crooks position. Google earth heights are not that accurate.

Here is line of sight of James Copenhaver camera:

line of fire on David, Trump and Crooks:

The line of fire come from 1.2 inches above the rail and 3.9 inches to the West of David Dutch center line.

Here it is my analysis in full: 1 ; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6


Hey Rough Country Gypsy,

that sounds really strange. Jammed by physical interference or some sophisticated Anti-Drone equipment? Be careful, personal challenge or not. And do not announce your time table. I’ve to thank you a thousand times!


1 to 3 is +400 samples,
1 to 2 is about -240 samples, see below. (Here is the entire 8-shot intervall shifted.)

I’ve been working on inividual shot correlations.

The whole intervall:

This is the 1st shot (to be correlated):

Correlations of 1st shot to the whole intervall:

Of course the offset starts at zero for the first shot, because it is the first.
Channel 2 skipped since it is too noisy.

Channel 3 has an offset of +10 ms compared to channel 1, apparently throughout the whole recording. Channel 2 is in between. 500 sampels are about 10 ms. 10 ms equate to about 3.3 m distance between the outer two mics along the car axis, and this is why I smelled a rat rather early – then thinking that channel 1 was recording ambient sound in front of the car. If this is true or not I do not know for sure until today. See my post here and the also the non-discussion with greg_n.

edit: meant for @kincses-zsolt, on the thread level I notice no indication that this was a reply to him immediatly before.
edit: clarified the offset of 10 ms


I hope this is beneficial to clarify some data points that should be considered settled with a high confidence (90% confidence).

Note: drawing updated (v5)

My drawings and source information is different than roger-knight’s thus it can be an independent check from a different source. I believe the data sources I used are crudely approximate and thus I tried to give percentage accuracy and levels of confidence. The plan dimensions I consider the most accurate at +/-3% accuracy. The grade (soil) elevations are the most suspect, which I have given a +/- 1 foot accuracy.


ch2 is too noisy, maybe I’ll deal with it later.

Now the micro-correlations bother me a lot.

1&3 have approx 400 sampletime delay.

Look at the samples of the shot(1).

So it is not a smooth function of time. It is comb-ish. That’s why we can see micro-shift similarities.

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Neglecting the 5-10 ms phase shift for a moment: if all three mics sense sounds within the cabin, wouldn’t their signals be similar? Or what do you mean by micro-shift similarities?

edit: micro-shifts of what numeric value?

I would expect the channels to correlate well with each other with the correlation peaks precisely indicating the delay between the channels, given the microphones’ proximity. I wish we knew where the microphones are placed in the vehicle.

For each channel, I am interested in the sample numbers of all eight peaks when the first shot in that channel is correlated with the other shots in that channel. These correlations should be so accurate that the gaps between the 8 peaks are identical to the sample in each channel. If they aren’t, that is also a red flag because you would at least expect them to get that right if they are simulating all eight shots from a same location. But there are other details they seemed to miss so who knows? Worth a look.


Wow Rough_Country_Gypsy,

Thank you so much for your efforts and really strange, as if they have been waiting for us? I can’t believe it. Does this confirm that we are on the right track?

Once again, don’t get your self into trouble for these photos, we will work it out in a different way!

Together we are strong!


Somewhere in this thread @brian60221 posted a flyer of the (?) manufacturer of such a surveillance system tailor-made to police cars. Therein they praised the functionality of a separate channel intended to listen into the potential whispering between unsuspecting suspects on the back seats (which should be the “2nd row” according to greg_n and I don’t think that this patrol car has three seat rows)

edit: I’m still working, also preparing cross correlation of one channel’s sample with the data sets of the other channels. I’ve solved the resolution problem and underlayed the data points with a grid of ms precision. Soon.


Kudos on how well you combined all 3 elements of the diagram. Very well done!

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There should only be at most 7 feet, or 6 msec of delay, between the dash and the second row seatrests, assuming the microphones are aligned perfectly longitudinally to the sound source.

Although Ford Explorers have a third row, with it up there isn’t much room behind for gear, so I would think patrol cars keep them down to hold more gear.


Interesting, does anyone know if these Butler city police patrol cars have a tight separation between the front and the back rows similar to the old London-style cabs?

again: meant as reply to @offtheback

Hi Phase 5,

Great job!

It looks as if a person standing on the left bleachers at the crossing point of the bullet would not be in the way? Maybe it is possible for you to put one person there on the bleachers to see the clearance?

And sorry one improvement suggestion to avoid any misunderstandings. Could you use 2 different colors for the shots, 1 for Crooks and 1 for the 2nd shooter, because if some people don’t study the drawing exactly, it would give the impression that the 2nd shooter misses the corner of the bleachers, which is not the case, it is Crooks that misses that shot!

I will try to present the same view as you did with my CAD system, and we can compare the values.

Once again, bravo!


Excellent work. I thought I might contribute my information in my CAD system as a check. First I simply straightened the photo. I did the following photo drawing interface. I projected vent and window locations from vanishing points in the photo.

This was the information gleaned from that effort:

Are the vents and windows where you expected?

Note: I updated the drawing a bit.