So It's Back To First Principles

So we’re going with “the Deep State made me post a bunch of bullshit! To manipulate you!”

I’m totally confused by now. Who knows what they can make you believe when they’re able to stage things like 9/…

Forget it


So the problem is me? You’re going to congratulate yourself for not knowing what you’re talking about? Which is same thing the USSS and FBI are doing.

Get out of marketing mode and admit you shouldn’t have said anything about a second shooter when you had no evidence. You may drag this out for weeks, months or years, but whatever you say or do, this event is joining that long list of historical events where the Wikipedia article sounds like bullshit, but we have no access to the basic facts to reconstruct the alleged historical event.

Chris I’m watching today’s video. Could you post a screen shot of the rifle by itself? I think the BUIS are at 45 degrees not 90.

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James Corbett had a good quote about this: (something to the effect of) “I’m not interested in trying to interpret the shadows on the cave wall. I’m interested in determining who is making the shadows & what they’re up to.”

By my estimation, James Corbett, Whitney Webb, David Icke, and Ryan Christian are doing the best job of sussing out what’s really going on.

Those in the thrall of predatory billionaires like Musk & Trump (as Chris M, Tucker C, etc seem to be) are leading you down a false path.

Just my two cents.

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Hey, nice Chris you kinda used my line…

Whoever capri shorts guy was on the phone to told him exactly where the ladder was behind the tree. So who put it there and when?
The undercover in shorts guys knew, but all the other uniforms didn’t?
This is by far the best evidence of an inside jobie!! Furthermore it seems a lot like Crooks used that ladder to get up on the roof and all the cops missed it! I wonder if site security was so lacking that he just drove his van right on in there that morning and set up the ladder and left his gun on the roof at the top of the ladder for convenience.



In the thumbnail to this video, you write “This story doesn’t make any sense”.

That would be true if we were living in reality, and this was just some random loner dude that wanted to get fame and glory by assassinating Donald Trump in full public. Then all the failures by the USSS and ESU and the general security of the site, including the site itself would not make any sense.

The story makes complete sense however in the present day and at that present moment. The deep state really fears Donald Trump. At that moment Trump has no designated successor, he hadn’t name a VP pick yet. Any removal of Donald Trump would have probably given Nicki Haley the opportunity to be the nominee. Haley is obviously preferred by the criminals in DC.

A loner kid, with no friends. A dysfunctional home medically clean with no cutlery, 2 “therapist” parents. Living in the vicinity of the rally. He was the perfect groomed patsy for the government. He liked is guns and actually shot at the gun range where coincidentally Secret Service members often shoot at.

There were clear lapses in security. DEI agents. Sniper team gets locked out of a building at precisely the right time. Sight layout etc. Many people had to know about this and were involved in this attempt.

I think there is sufficient motive and opportunity for the deep state to do this and of course I think also that this was planned and fomented at the highest levels of the present government.

Seems to make sense to me.


I found a recent video by Paramount Tactical on bitchute and found it clear concise and easy to follow.
Here’s a link for those interested

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Also, the windows could look closed but the key window could be acrylic or polycarbonate / lexan with a hole in it for the sniper. I’d guess a 4" to 6" hole would be adequate?

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@sgt-raven FYI - Stewart posted info on his phone being passed to the FBI at the end of one of his videos, and also posted a video with his conversation with local police regarding the FBI wanting him to come in for questionin.

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My law school doctoral thesis was in propaganda and its impact in the creation, and enforcement, of law. The opposition has “narrative deployments” to achieve some objective (in this case, I suspect the objective was “Trumps head explodes on live TV” and an excuse to declare martial law / suspend elections). By the grace of God, that objective was thwarted. So now there inconvenient questions that too many people are asking, so the propagandists (the Deep State in this case) will release “narrative deployments” to cause people to get stuck in a “vortex” of wrong questions while they quietly “debunk” and suck energy out of the investigation.

Each time they hype up a misguided theory (such as “you can hear the glass breaking from the building”) and then debunk it, it sucks ENERGY out of the inquiry. People get exhausted by all the unknowns, lose interest, and when you try to bring up a LEGITIMATE question, will say “Oh, that’s been debunked.”

Meanwhile, the REAL culprit (or agenda) is OUTSIDE of the circle-jerk where they have you chasing your tail chasing bright, shiny distractions.

So while its still a legitimate question as to whether there was a second (or even third) shooter, its time to step out of the circle-jerk, find some high ground with a good view, and make sure you’re not getting played.

As a “doomsday prepper” who got sucked into the “there’s a pandemic in China, and our government is covering it up” in December of 2019, its REAL important that you don’t let the Deep State “play” us all and make us look like fools.

Who is the REAL culprit? That’s the only answer we need. Not pet theories…


I have to admit that I did not ever consider the possibility of Thomas using offset iron sights. You are indeed correct that the rifle ejection pattern is to the right of the receiver. The receiver however can have its left side pointing down. This would eject the cases in a more random fassion.

I am also curious about the muzzle device. I can’t tell if it is a flash suppressor or a muzzle break. The muzzle break would cause a large difference in the sound of the muzzle from different orientations. You can easily experience this at the range.
Shoot a rifle with a muzzle break and pay attention to the sound. If you have someone else shoot it and you position yourself about a foot from them on the side, you can feel the concussive blast in your stomach as the rifle/carbine is being shot. If you get directly behind the shooter, the noise will dramatically change and that thump felt in the stomach will not be present.

The main question that I have now is explaining the measurable differences between the sonic crack of the pullet passing and the muzzle report. Unless different loads were stuffed in that magazine, that time delay should be roughly the same for all shots fired.

Few will forget the first experience of shooting an AR15. The first one that I ever shot was a Rock Island Arms AR-15 NMA2. I was surprised when I sent the first bullet down range. The buffer tube spring made a spring like noise because of the firm check weld. The bones in your face/head act like microphones and channel that sound to your ears. I earned my Winter Seed Rifleman patch with my RRA AR-15 NMA2. Getting into the position of “natural point of aim” with the rifle aligned to the target is easier for me with this NMA2 than my other AR-15 firearms.

NM A2 Rifle ( this is an awesome rifle!


I have yet to see a comprehensive Time Domain Analysis (TDA) which can be used to triangulate the origin of each shot with a high level of accuracy. I have been watching Dr. Chris on X and I find the analysis very insightful. Maybe I have missed it but every analysis I have seen aligns the audio by the report of the first shot. That’s good for comparing sound from differing perspectives but it does not provide a time in space reference.
Assuming that several of the video tracks contain GPS EXIF Metadata, you should be able to align each audio track to a fixed GPS time and location. Once aligned to a fixed time reference you then calculate Time of Detection and Time Difference of Arrival between the microphones.
Without GPS time data, there is another way to define a time reference point. You already have at least 3 fixed microphones; Trump, RSBN News, and the Stewart Film. Knowing the approximate distance between these microphone, you calculate the expected Time Difference of Arrival between these locations. This creates a spatial triangle. Next, using the supersonic report (snick), you can calculate the distance from shot origin to microphone thus pinpointing the origin.
Plot this data on a graph, where each cell equals a specific distance, and you pinpoint the origin of each shot.
I can do this but I would need access to the original video recording as well as measurements of the site.

I edited this to remove in incorrect statement that stated the triangle provides two origins. This is incorrect. It is the supersonic report that provides distance to origin which then fixes the position. I will a write up a better description that explains the process in detail.


This might be a good exercise to triangulate the location of the shooter(s). I suspect however that you will discover that the shooter(s) was a single lone nutter named Thomas Crooks located on the roof of the building. If however you can determine that there was a second or third or fourth shooter with this analysis, it would open up a much larger can of worms.

I think the sound analysis to locate the source of the shots may be useful, but the most likely explanation is a single shooter. It’s too complicated to have multiple shooters and far riskier for the Government.

I believe this was a planned assassination of Donald Trump sponsored by the high levels of the Government to take place in front of the media. They expected to livestream the murder to their great amusement. I like @anna_esq analysis of the media spectacle.

I am sure the present Government and the Media would have been so excited to incite the ensuing civil war. This would be a great distraction from their absolute failures.


My very thought, and has been ever since the one guy was ID’d as ATF.

Plausible hypothesis: Planners involved every possible 3 letter agency, as well as state, county & local LEOs to create maximum confusion. The more the merrier, in that all possible finger pointing, deflection and obfuscation is amplified. I won’t be surprised if someone is ID’d as DEA at this point. The effect ensures an incomprehensible, time consuming goose chase for truth seekers. A game of Clue on steroids.

Did they intentionally plan it to make it look just like keystone cops?


Yes, you’re right.

Can you explain why the shots in Stewart’s video now sound more like glass shattering for some of them? Especially shots 1 and 3. These are new sounds.

If there was a second shooter , don’t expect to find them in open windows . Check out the DC sniper who cut a hole in his trunk of his car and used it to shoot dead 17 people over a couple months .
If there was a second shooter , he wasn’t in an open window .


(Chris) “…one of the most important events of our lifetime…”

Indeed, and something must be mentioned in this context: This was planned to take place on live tv.

If the deep state was involved- and my suspicion is that the patsy was guided by a secret agent or two, ala the Whitmer case- then escalates a plain assassination to a provocatory act of terrorism. I mean ‘terrorism’ in the original sense of putting fear into the ranks of the political enemy.