They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

After watching it another 100 or so times…
The frame may be to soon for it to be the bullet from first shot that is over his head. It is very close though and the footage is not great quality so it could have a slight delay in the audio.

This seems to me like something to look into more.

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Oh I’m sure Chris and his cohorts will spend much time breaking this all down for us. I’m so glad he is on this. His insights and expertise is so invaluable as we are all trying to get answers.

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Here is my version with a simple shadow recovery Certainly looks like a optics glint with a person looking down sight behind.
Note the rooftop shooter was taken out by the 10th delayed shot as is clearly evident by crowd reaction in the video with all the screaming. They had the “ew gross” reaction as they witnessed the gore. Why did the 1st sniper miss/stop shooting? Either the roof shooter was trained to make a short engagement and ducked back down causing the shot to miss, or they were aiming at another shooter behind that had targeted the counter-snipers with suppressed rounds, explaining why they ducked and turned to engage another target behind trump. Also I posted in the evidence thread a photo that indicates the shooters gun was swapped out.

Chris has already been in touched with the witness that recorded this gold nugget of information video. He is the guy in red shirt running alongside the fence moments before the shooting.

Likely already posted somewhere on the net but just want to make sure it is documented here on PP.

Flash bang from the window.

Taken at 24 sec from this link.

Not sure if everyone knows the rally venue was changed. I’m new here.

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This 9:27 min video from Dayve Stewert has so much information. The last few minutes are ridiculous! Makes me think that the large ladder behind the tree could have been there the whole frigen time! Look at them all run behind there in a line after a one of the two dudes in shorts gets a phone call. ‘Hey guys there’s a ladder back here, don’t worry about your pallet, just come use this ladder over here.’

I disagree. This is too important. Chris is providing ‘real scouting reports’.

@cmartenson Joel Skousen provides criticism of your sound analysis starting at 14:20

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This guy is on the phone the whole time, he knows exactly where to go to find the ladder.

Far to many posts to put this in the right spot. Team 2 had been facing the opposite direction, as shown on the Dark Horse interview with Grumpy. Keep chipping away at it everyone, I’ll see about some FFT practice at my end.

I can’t wait to see Chris’s analysis, it’s going to be absolutely cracking. @cmartenson I hope you are able to spread the message far and wide with Mike Adams, Alex Jones, Go on Tucker Carlson and discuss, with Bret on the Darkhorse, you name it, I hope you just get to spread the message far and wide. Scary times but not so scary if you have good strong connections with the right people.


I also have another new video I found with close proximity to the shooter audio. I don’t know how to communicate to the team I found this

Just amazing! There are twists and turns at every junction. So many leads to follow it is mind boggling.

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There were three USSS sniper teams behind Trump, two on the barns directly behind Trump, and one further away some hundre yeards to Trum’s left. That third sniper team likely took out Crooks, probably with a WinMag 3000 (unclear). The three USSS sniper teams had been told the AGR bulding was secured by local police (snipers as well as officers). The local police snipers at the AGR building alerted the USSS command post that Crooks was “learning around the AGR building” with a range finder 90 minutes before shots were fired but, their repeated alerts were never communicated to the three USSS sniper teams, nor to Trump’s body guard. Hence, all three USSS sniper teams should have assumed Crooks was a friendly local police sniper, and may therefore have hessitated to fire at Crooks before they observed his muzzle flashs. The local police sniper team decided to withdraw from the roof top into the adjacent higher building overlooking the rooftop from which Crooks fired. That they did so was never communicated to the three USSS sniper teams. In other words, the USSS command posts failure to communicate the changed posture of the local police snipers in the AGR building, as well as alert that Crooks was lurking about the AGR building offered Crooks the perfect opportunity to safely position himself at the roof for close up shots at Trump. In my view the key questions are how the local police snipers guarding the AGR building could miss Crooks with rifle climbing onto the roof they were supposed to guard, and how Crooks could know that roof top had been left unguarded for a brief moment. Did someone order the local snipers to abandon their post, or are they incompetent / rouge? Who told Crooks when to climb onto the roof and fire?

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At 5.22 you can clearly see the top of the Water Tower, and there is nobody there. Slow down the playback if you cannot pause at the right moment.

This is huge, as it was filmed just moments before the shooting - and we can now probably eliminate the water tower theory.


I know he said he saw the shot that killed crooks, but for clarity sake it would be nice to know if he saw the 9th or 10th shot. If it was the 10th, then what was crooks doing during that long 8 seconds between the 9th and 10th. Hopefully they will tell us how many times crooks got hit.

Where do I post this new video? video from Trump shooting appears to show suppressed rifle fire from FIRST floor window

It appears to show multiple muzzle flashes timed simultaneously with multiple muzzle flashes from FIRST FLOOR

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Hi Ray, it is on youtube as well, under Dayve Stewert. Chris says above that he spoke with Dayve and he checks out and Chris is sourcing the video file from him to complete an analysis. I am hanging on the edge of my seat to see it!

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Thank you! I just wanted to make sure Chris got it to confirm or debunk or put in the unknown category.

Dayve Stewert vid at a few points you can see the shooter. its only 720p off of YT a full res non compressed should show better.