So It's Back To First Principles

Hi Ken,

Yes, but again he is reading off the same screen, he would not make more effort to turn his head back more towards the screen. And he is not able to do that, because he would be too far away from the microphone.

I would claim that the head position in my photo and in yours are the same. Think about it, you read off the screen, you look at the audience and you look at the screen again, your head and body are not going to turn an additional 40° which would be necessary to be 90° to the screen, of which you are claiming the angle is.

Upon request, I have updated this important document including the conclusion, making it possible for everybody to understand our study.

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here are some 3D screen shots of the above-mentioned document which are self explanatory

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Do I have a “document” that states bullets can deflect? Are you joking?

OK, I will ask the question differently. Everybody take your finger and flick your ear. Thats the resistance that the bullet had. Knowing that resistance how much can the bullet deflect? I would have the tendency to guess that it is near to zero?

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hello Roger,

this body cam still was shot 6.5 minutes after the first shots were fired and shows the position of the sun:

here, the reflections in the windows are simply reflections of the bright sky…

in the following picture, the white reflection in the rightmost window is simply the white roof of one of the barns:

if you zoom out you can simply see the red barn with the white roof:

so, if someone sees some whiteish reflection in these building windows, it is very likely that they simply see the white roofs of the barns across the green or behind Trump…

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Is that your question of the day for me today?

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it is very worrisome that, even when I support your observation regarding the reflections, you feel offended…

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let me get my defibrillator…

after all these days that we have established that your 3D CAD model does NOT take into account

  1. the correct heights of Trump, Trump’s podium, the ground level where that podium was built, and
  2. the correct heights of the right bleacher’s impact, the ground level where that bleacher’s impact was
  3. horizontal deflections, e.g., caused by the strong wind
  4. vertical deflections, e.g., bullet drop

you still use your erroneous model that does not take into account any of these concerns to authoritatively claim you can back trace the bullet’s origin to the building where that man was shot dead…

this is really insane!

over a distance of 100 yards, the smallest horizontal or vertical deviation of any of the reference points you swear by (Trump’s ear and the corner of the right bleachers) results in a deviation of several meters up/down/right/left and easily opens the very plausible hypothesis that the shots came from the high roof behind that man…

it is really unbelievable that you still swear by your model and dismiss all these concerns!

yes, this is a correct guess.

have a look at

Brandon Herrera and his team analyse in this video what would have happened to Trump’s ear when it was grazed or pierced by a bullet and what would have happened to someone’s head should it take a similar bullet…

grazing the ear:

grazing the ear does NOT make the bullet tumble!

piercing the ear:

note that piercing the ear MAKES the bullet tumble

a ballistic head taking a head shot is slightly more graphic…

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shooting from the hip pointing out things that have NOT been considered in this image:

  • in order to be able to validate your scheme, you should also include the distances between the alleged shooter position and Trump and the bleachers corner
  • you mention round figures for the floor levels of building 6, the floor level of Trump and the bleachers, but this allows for a discrepancy of just below 1 ft height difference: 1336.501 would be rounded up to 1337 and 1337.499 would be rounded down to 1337, which makes a huge difference in the angles you calculate thereafter! the same observation applies to the other heights in rounded ft apply! e.g., if the floor level of the bleachers is rounded up and the floor level of Trump is rounded down, you will get a more horizontal angle, and if the floor level of the bleachers is rounded down and the floor level of Trump is rounded up, the bullet may as well have been shot from an overflying airliner…
  • if your model takes into account gravaty (sic) and wind, you should NOT use straight lines but arcs…

Hi howdoiknowthisinfo,

Just wanted to mention that I am not at all offended.

Haven sacrificed a lot of time for you in the past answering some very doubtful questions, I have set a limit to my capacity for you by answering one question per day. I think it is a fair solution from my side. With this, I am not cutting you off and on the other side I don’t lose too much time.

Since you are asking legit questions here, I will consider this to be your question of the day:

As you can see, on each point in the drawing you have a reference numbers. So here are your questions:

  • the correct heights of Trump, Trump’s podium, the ground level where that podium was built, and
  • the correct heights of the right bleacher’s impact, the ground level where that bleacher’s impact was
  • horizontal deflections, e.g., caused by the strong wind
  • vertical deflections, e.g., bullet drop

So, question No 1 you would be asking for ref. 690 for the podium? The ground level is indicated on the drawing. Please look carefully, namely 1337 feet

Question 2, you would be asking for ref. 274 and ref. 870? The ground level is indicated on the drawing. Please look carefully, namely 1336 feet

Question 3 and 4 are brand new and don’t have a ref. number, But here they are now:

Vertical deflection, gravity drop is ref 559

Horizontal deflection, wind is ref 290

As you can see in the screenshot below both references have been taken into consideration. And you can be proud, because your source will be mentioned in ref. 559 haven given the 4 Inches.

So, to understand your questions correctly, you will be needing ref 690, ref 247, ref 870, ref 559 and ref 290?

Please let me know and I will provide you with the receipts.

I am glad you confirm that I ask legitimate questions.

the distances between the different points of interest are not yet mentioned in your scheme.
it would be great if you could add these too in a sufficient precision, so no rounded feet or rounded yards, but units with enough precision like cm or inches.


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Please find the requested updated drawing. Every time I update the drawing, I change the drawing number, so that we can keep up with all the changes. Now we are at version 4.

You have not answered my question yet:
Will you be needing ref 690, ref 247, ref 870, ref 559 and ref 290?

Excellent pictures and explanation. As I sit here, looking at my suburbia neighbors homes, with the sun BEHIND those houses, I can see various reflections in my neighobors windows of my house, my yard, white glares, passing cars, etc.

I don’t understand why an easily observed phenom is so hard for some folks to grasp. The glares and lights and “red” in these windows is just reflections with different patterns due to glass imperfections, waves, air bubbles, etc.

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Here’s the data you requested. A high speed camera test showing the slow motion of a 556 bullet thru the ear causes the 556 to tumble or deflect just as I explained.

Thank you.

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I’ve looked at the live stream many times. While I may be ‘splitting hairs’ the photos you and I posted are not quite the same. There is some variation in Trump’s head waggle, and no detailed work yet available. The work done with ballistic evidence may be more important anyway. Yet there is a ‘green zone’ of possible muzzle positions extending out from the screen. Still photos aren’t as precise as the live video and I don’t think they can yet confirm any path except the podium and screen. The still shot shows only one hand on the podium, and again a subtle head waggle. Have other firing positions in the woods been explored?

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Hi BigTim,

Yes, this video is exactly the type of document I was asking for (credit to howiknowthisinfo) and we can work with it. We are so lucky in this video that they made two shots, one just stripes the ear and the another gets caught in the “Superior Crus of Antihelix”, don’t worry I am not a doctor, I had to look up this term on the internet :blush:

The one that just stripes the ear we can say that the trajectory is not so much influenced compared to the one going through the crus. So, which one is comparable to Trumps case?

I went on X and searched for “Trumps Ear” and found the below video and picture. Therefore, it seems that it striped Trumps ear very similar to the first shot in the video.

I respect you for your knowledge and you know much more about this topic than me, therefore you have earned yourself a ref. number 511 of which I will integrate a deviation of 3 inches accordingly. This will be taken into consideration with the next updated drawing, version 5.

Screenshot 2024-08-15 184403

Screenshot 2024-08-15 184529

****** I have edited this post because the video in subject turned out to be fake ******


this is the very first video sequence I’ve hitherto seen which is showing the right side of Donald Trump right after the critical moment when he just said “did you see something this sad? Take a look at what happened…” How did you find that URL and where can I find the source of this clip?

Hi Pk2019,

It seems to be all over the Internet, but here is one link:

******* I have edited this post, because the video in subject turned out to be a fake ********

We should maybe fact check it to make sure. Is that blonde girl in the audience really in the correct position to be in the back of this video? Let’s investigate together….