So It's Back To First Principles

Ah, this is sad. It may be true that we can’t DM.

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Just a list of notifications. When I go to the bottom of that popup and click on the expand arrow I get this.

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I’ll get in touch tomorrow. I’ve got your email so you can delete your last post if you don’t want to leave it posted. Thanks.

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Thanks, and sorry about the technical headaches.

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Great work, now that I think about it, I feel we have far too many different Law Enforcement Units. No wonder there are communication issues all along the way.

for your door plan: maybe it’s already done but if not, you mixed up doors 15/16/19

Let you know if I have new findings I can share with you.

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Yes, that should work. When you start a coment, just press that button to choose your upload material from your computer (some formats are not possible though, just try).

Edit: just saw you have already found out :+1:

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Even if you have more than one unknowns, you can use partial derivatives.


Does it strike anyone else as at least odd that as of Aug 8, 2019, Justin Welton was ranked as a detective with Butler Township:

Welcome-Packet-8-8-2019.pdf (

And in 2024, he is listed as Patrolman:

Police Department Staff Directory - Butler Township (

Seems to me the opposite of what one would expect for a career trajectory, but idk…

Good catch. Definitely a valid question. Have you confirmed whether or not there is a Senior and Junior situation, where Senior has retired or took a position with a different police department? Just a thought.

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No, I haven’t gotten that far yet, though even in the phone directory listed in 2019, Welton, the detective, has a voice mailbox number of 122, whilst his detective sergeant has a mailbox number of 123, which I imagine means Welton actually has seniority vs his sergeant, though I cannot confirm. And detective sergeant Dave Fish is still in that detective sergeant position in 2024. I dunno, just seems fishy to me, thought it might be worth noting.

This is how I found Kevin Mikulan, a 2024 article. It was interesting to see that he was promoted to Lt. just 5 days before the event. The consideration being this was perhaps his first time performing the Tac Ops role was given, whatever that tole entails.



Yeah, that definitely does seem like an odd coincidence. I have seen that, and it struck me off as well. A lot of what I seem to turn up of different members in the vicinity of this strike me as weird at least, and typically somewhat suspicious in varying ways. I can’t help but notice the potential for volatility across the Butler area police scene. Though I can’t tell if I’m hypersensitivity focusing on these as a result of this wild assassination situation with no trustful official report, or if they are an actual notable circumstance…


I think they mixed up Tyler Collins and Justin Welton in the Butler Township staff directory (maybe some database entry issue). So I think Justin Welton is the Dective and Tyler Collins is the Patrolman. This would also make sense since we kind of facial recognised Collins as Mr BWC2-122110 but also asked ourselfs why a Detective would run around like that on J13. Now it makes sense.

Did a quick wayback search. Since March 15 2023 (first entry) it was always Tyler Collins Detective and Justin Welton Patrolman.

Since that’s all fairly suspicious, probably best to do it the old fashioned way and just call the direct phone# of these 2 and listen who picks.

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I went to update my bodycam Dropbox graphic and am now trying to reconcile what we had for BWC2-122110 and what you had as verification for Tom Vensel.

Is the latter a typo by chance? I’m watching the video now.

Typo of course, it’s 109 not 110.
And I thought your eyesight isn’t that good anymore :wink:

:rofl: I cleaned my glasses since then.

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That creates another conflict, unless I put Vensel under video 4 by mistake…when my glasses were dirty.

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Was confused now myself but I guess you just cut a number out when doing the screenshot. This is the complete part.

He’s Sergeant Thomas (Tom) Vensel and he’s wearing bodycam BWC2-122109 (it’s #3 on your slide)

#4 on your slide is BWC2-122097 (don’t know who is wearing but this video has no relevance at all, just 3 Cops standing around the tree AGR entrance west starting at 19:18:10)

I don’t like to say it, but you maybe have to give your glasses another cleansing :see_no_evil:

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Are you sure about 1+2 being Lt. M. Pearson, how did you pin him down?

