So It's Back To First Principles

As @redranamber pointed out, that’s the basis for Lt. Pearson’s BWC’s. Here also is the basis for my image of him.


Always go for the obvious, somehow I missed this. Thanks for pointig it out.


You don’t happen to wear glasses, do you? :grin:

not at all but maybe I have to start concidering it :rofl:

I was just unsure bc of this picture, showing him in the moment they carry Corey into the tent behind the bleachers. It just didn’t look like Pearson to me. But I now carefully double checked and I was able to catch a moment in his bodycam video when his glasses were to see. I compared to some recent pictures in the Butler Eagle and there he was wearing the exact same ones. Probably I just got distracted bc he had a body armour on and looked much wider than in the promo/event pictures I’ve seen of him.

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I missed this sighting of him. What “promo/event pictures” are you referring to?

I just call them promo/event pictures. You can find a few here
lt. matthew pearson butler township police

Damn, how did I miss those in my searches? I’m skipping around too much trying to find photos of everyone, I suppose.

My drive for doing this is I’m getting all of the evidence ready to start my deep dive analysis of the 6:02 pm (last sighting of Crooks) to 6:05 pm (climbs on roof) timeline. Some bodycam footage comes into play during that period. After that I’ll be doing my analysis to the time he climbs on the roof up to the kill shot, where even more bodycam and eyewitness videos come into play.

We almost go same pace it seems. Just now I’m putting together an in depth second by second analysis from 18:08:49 (about when he cross the ridge of AGR3) to 18:11:50 (after shot#10).
Will be interesting to see if we get to the same conclusions.

By the way, I uploaded a time aligned split screen video to brian60221’s online storage. Just in case you’re interested and need a break from all your analysis.

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That would help. I saved links to a few of those for future reference.

I put it in the folder time aligned bodycam footage
Let me know if you have issues accessing or watching it.

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As an example, the elevations are a mix of paramount tactical, google and forum info. 75grains round with a 100y zero. If elevations are correct, Crooks is the shooter. However, from this scenario, if all other elevation/height data remains as is, and you add 1 ft to the bleachers, the Vent becomes the best fit. Alternatively, subtract 1 ft from the bleachers and HighRoof becomes the best fit. (assuming of course the formula to rotate the trajectories is ok).

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My first thought. Another spelling issue- or typing.

BTW I am having trouble keeping up. I thought you said you had everyone. If there is anything or anyone you need me to keep looking for- pictures, etc, let me know.

I’m sure you’re right on it being a typo or sound recognition misinterpretation of Trump’s SS code name, Mogul. That never crossed my mind.

I do have 4 photos I could not find in my completed slides, if you want to give it a go. They are all updated in this post. Thanks.


Nose and eyes, too. Way too big.

Working on Schaffner

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Jesse Watters posted on X yesterday evening : "The Secret Service leader in charge of Presidential protective units, Michael Plati, announced his retirement yesterday.


Hi KHunter,

I am soon finished with my updated version of version 6. I have seemed to found 1 fundamental error in you data above:

Your picture you found is perfect to determine the height of the stage, It is also correct that the relationship between length and height is 1:4, but what you got wrong is the length of the stage, which is 15 feet and not 16.

I am sure, because I can easily measure this dimension from my CAD drawing:

So, the correct height once and for all is 3.75 feet.

Please confirm by return.

hello roger,

it looks to me that 16 inches is much more likely than 15 inches for the width of Trump’s podium…

compare the width of the podium to the width of the middle bleachers, and the width of these bleachers to the width of the middle barn…

the middle barn is 50 ft and if you match the width ratios, you will see that 16 ft is much more likely than 15 ft…

Sorry for that one, but no, my top view CAD image is perfectly accurate. There is no debate here the stage is 15’ x 15’

@brian60221 @daniloraf @gfgftt5d0q @kincses-zsolt @prayingpatriot @RedRanAmber @soyer

I’ve added a Command & Control slide and 3 Butler County slides to the people recognition deck. There are a number of people I could not find photos for and would like to know if you’ve found any I couldn’t find in the posts. Can you please look at the slides and let me know? Thanks!